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Everything posted by passerby

  1. only read a few pages of this thread so far. but... what is your opinion on astrology/jyotish (not the mainstreamy shit, but the legit stuff that takes years to comprehend)? do you think it can be used to determine how one should pursue their sadhana? Thanks!
  2. @Leo Gura yeah you are right. they are just swapping one reality for a more flashy one (which as you said, will create even more attachments)
  3. No its not intended as fiction, the author (who is a neuroscientist or whatever, can't remember his name) is teaming up with Rick Strassman (the guy who wrote Dmt the spirit molecule) to start doing these extended dmt trips (obviously not the ones that last weeks lol, but hours yes). I haven't read the book yet, but people are actually saying it is very thought out and makes sense (not some delusional ramblings). Obviously that is only one of the last pages, so it seems crazy. there is apparently lots of neuro science and computer programing talk or someshit (i'm not versed in either of that.) you should check It out on amazon and read the reviews etc. sounds like you had the idea first about iv 5meo lol. you should contact the guys lol
  4. I know this thread is about the new psychedelic, but since people are talking about other crazy experiences on other psychedelics. I think you will like this. Its from a new book called "Alien information theory: psychedelic drug technologies and the cosmic game" written by some neuroscientist who is also teaming up with rick Strassman to explore IV drip dmt for multiple hour long sessions of strait dmt. I didn't take the picture, its from reddit, but I've been meaning to buy the book myself
  5. yeah man i'm the same too. also a big reason was I wanted to know whats gonna happen to me and my family when we die, and obviously you wanna think your gonna have this big realization that its "all gonna be alright bro" lol which will just make the rest of your life easier in immeasurable ways y'know
  6. how did you discover it? did someone introduce you to it or do you just try a bunch of unknown substances and see what happens lol. is it natural, derived, or synthetic (for example you have mushrooms, extracted psilocybin, and synthetic psilocybin)
  7. yeah I think any westerner who say they are bretharians are subtle bragging that "not only does my shit not stink, I don't shit at all" lmao. especially girls since they are embarrassed by that stuff.
  8. hi, I can't say I have done it myself, but I have skim read articles about surya namaskar from 2 blogs that I regularly read (the ajit one i'm still not sure if this guy is legit or a crackpot. the trueayurveda one I am 100% convinced this guy is absolutely legit and knows sooo much about the real ancient ayurvedic and jyotish (astrology) information and about the authentic yoga as intended by the OG rishis lol). Unfortunately both blogs are kinda jarring to read in that I think they know too much info and can't concisely put it all down in an easy to read format. let me know what you think about these sites
  9. definately worried about 5g, and what about 6g? fuck me. it just gets worse and worse. For myself, I am already making plans on how to get away from it all, basically perma camping well away from where the 5g can reach (apparently only 300 meters or so). but my concern is that 6g will probably reach 10km or something. soon they'll have just 1 big emitter that covers the whole earth, and then you are truly fucked.
  10. let us know how it goes. So will sadhguru actually be there or is that another program? sorry i'm not upto date on his different programs
  11. @Chi_ does the Shambhavi course require visualizations? Coz I have aphantasia so I literally cannot visualize lol. just wondering. thanks!
  12. I agree man, I think theres a big difference between having the holier than thou "it just is" attitude when you stub your toe or your knees are getting achey in meditation, and having having your ass lowered on a cone that gets bigger and bigger until you just die lol. (I've never seen gore, but I read about lots of medieval shit which is really fucked up) I mean, even jesus just had a few nails smashed thru his hands, obviously that's painful and all, but that's nothing compared to so much other shit that has gone down in human history. (and what about the baby deer that is watching its own guts get eaten by some predators makes me feel fortunate to have the utterly boring and sexless life that I have right now lmao
  13. yeah the thought of being everyone who was ever tortured in medieval times isn't so appealing lol or the guy who survived a nuclear reaction and was kept alive for a few months while his skin was falling off. Those sorta things kinda outweigh being born a trust fund baby for a couple lives haha. anyone read the fictional short story "the egg" by Andy Weir?
  14. I would think a vipassana course would be like 'boot camp'. intense but effective. I have never done one tho so I can't say any more. I belive there are a few vipassana style guided meditations on youtube which would be good to do for a few months before attending the course. sorta like doing some pushup practice before going to a bootcamp will get you more prepared for the real work to come.
  15. Its says about this in om swamis memoir. I can't remember exactly, but basically he had a companion who chose to 'serve' him. he would go and get him chapati bread and I think also milk. He says that all he ate was like 3 chapati breads a day and (possibly) the milk while he was meditating like 22 hours a day. The other guy was also meditating most of the time a few hundred feet from om swami, but he was the one who would go out and get the things they needed. (oh and you know how om swami became a millionare then gave it all up, well he was smart enough to kept just enough of his wealth so that he had given himself a certain monthly allowance for whatever he might have needed when he took up the monk life. it wasn't that much, I think it might have even only been like $50 a month, but the point is, he DID have some money AND a helper) Basically if your truly meditating for this amount of time, the amount of food your body requires is very minimal, and yes there is claims that some learned to live soley on a more subtle form of prana (breath) and not the grosser form of prana (food). But i'm sure those people don't have much contact with the outer world for verification (or even to be acknowledged as existing lol) But in that culture, a true meditator who is doing this sort of work, the people will regard them very highly, and they are very eager to 'contribute' to their efforts in hopes that they will share in some of the spiritual fortune from helping them (and rightly so, I am sure). so basically, most of the cave monks will have people bringing them food to survive. That's how most of the 'real' ashrams were built... people just started following the yogi and started building these ashrams for them as offerings or because they wanted to help the yogi (even if it was only in the physical world).
  16. In our house, my dad has had numerous paranormal experiences, and my sister has also reported experiences, and my mom too. All various types of things from being chocked by the devil and wrestling with him all over the room (my dad), to seeing baby skeletons hung up in our loundroom (my sister), hearing very loud footsteps on our floorboards marching up and down our hallway (my mom), seeing a beam of pure white light shoot from one room to the other, which was no way the sun shinning through curtains or something (my dad and his friend), to being possessed to dig in the backyard and finding a grave that then disappeared (my dad and a different friend). My dad has seen ghosts of all our dogs that have passed. Yet, I have never not once had or witnessed any paranormal activity in this house. I think they have all watched too much tv or put too much belief in certain things their mind manifested due to external influences. I don't try and knock their beliefs tho, I think some people even tho they might be terrified of ghosts still find comfort that their is some sort of existence after death. you know, you create your own reality and stuff like that. Maybe I'm just not sensitive to those things (but I don't see why I would be any different from them, i'm not any higher conscious than them, unfortunately. and i'm not on some 'super positive frequency' or anything like that...) My dad (and other people I know) say they have seen the ghosts of their pets within shortish periods of their deaths, when my budgie of 12 years died I was kinda waiting to at least catch a glimps of him flying or maybe hear his chirp just once or something, but nothing at all. maybe I didn't believe hard enough in other peoples stories, and so my brain didn't even bother trying to trick me into it (or trick itself into it lol)
  17. I think you should really stick to the technique as they tell you. Things like these vision quests have been perfected long ago and not much else has changed in them, and for good reason. Just like almost all meditation retreats, they always tell you to stop any other form of meditation you are doing for the time being so you can focus on the one being taught. Plus it might be dangerous to do a psychedelic without having had food or (especially) water for a day or 2. if you want to incorporate psychedelics into a retreat, you should look into a shamanic retreat with a highly skilled shaman and support team that employ the use of such aids.
  18. Since lots of people are asking if there are any gurus in xyz states I thought i'd also ask. Ok I know Australias a small place, but its also a beautiful and relatively ancient place so surely there are some enlightened masters / gurus / or atleast any legit teachers who chose to take roots here. anyone know of any? I wanna meet one in real life to see id there really is any benefit in in-person teachings.
  19. just posting as I'm sure you all appreciate the works of om swami. he has a new book and its supposed to be about performing the Gayatri Mantra Sadhana. its meant to be sort of an add on to his ancient science of mantras book (or a smaller standalone book/manual if you haven't read the other one), he said lots of people asked for a simplified sadhana (as most people found the ones in the first book to be very complex). I haven't read it yet, i'm placing an order now. I didn't actually know anything about Gayatri Mantra until I read the title then did some looking. wow. it seems like the Gayatri Mantra is actually all that is needed to reach 'moksha', liberation, clearing samskara etc (or at the very least, take you very very far along the path) My only concern is that it seems to be some mixed opinions on whether the seeker needs to be initiated into the mantra or if anyone can start doing it (I hope this is clarified in the book, but i'm sure Om Swami wouldn't lead us astray). I see there are a few different versions of this mantra, apparently some don't need initiation. but as I said, i'm sure the book will discuss this issue. Its called "the hidden power of Gayatri Mantra" If you get the book, please let us know how it is (I probably won't get it for a few weeks..)
  20. Have you heard of Heartfulness Meditation? which is supposed to be a distilled version of Raj Yoga for the modern person (eg. busy with life). Theres a guy on Quora, Brian Jones, who does it and highly recommends it. He has very good answers to common meditation/enlightenment/consciousness questions, and he is the #1 top contributor in the spirituality section (I know that don't mean shit about him or the method, but just saying so you know that he is reaching a LOT of people through that site) It seems to be a fast growing community of heartfulness practitioners as well (no doubt due to this guys reach via his Quora answers) Please check it out and post what you think (just google 'brian jones quora' and read some of his answers on his profile)
  21. well man I cannot help too much, but I did read a while ago some Taoist stuff (that might offer some help) that the Taoists believed saliva had some sort of spiritual significants and that when the Taoists were meditating and they had to swallow, that they would do it very forcefully and deeply and with strong intent. Don't ask me anything about it tho, that's all I can remember, but you may be able to research into that and find more info that could help you
  22. Theres also a book on amazon (which has like 300 5 star reviews on the indian site and like 70 5 star reviews on us site and like 300 5 star ratings on goodreads) called 'The Heartfulness Way' which is written by the current lineage holder and a guy who practices the method. check it out. I bought it ages ago but never even read it lmao (i'm a procrastinating bipolar lol) and all these sessions with the trainers and stuff is completely free, and apparently the past lineage holder (who apparently did most of the work to make it more accessible to lay people. hes dead now tho) vehemently said 'spirituality can't be sold'. (I wonder where the proceeds of the book go to tho )
  23. It also utilizes something unique (and I don't know if this shit is legit or just a gimmick mind games, as I have not tried it, however it DOES seem to be legit in that a lot of people are raving about it) called Yogic Transmission. supposedly (and I may be butchering the true/original explanation, I haven't read it for a while) The first guy of this 'lineage' discovered the Sauce (as they all do, yada yada yada), and discovered that it could be transmitted via the most subtle energy and literally bring complete beginners to the highest spiritual states that the sages of the past achieved, and that it is now never been easier to achieve such high states in such little time (yeah I know it sounds gimmicky as fuck, but like I said im bastardizing it pretty badly here haha). You do like 3 'sits' with a heartfulness trainer where you get this transmission, after that you continue on your own. eventually you will be able to transmit it to others as well.