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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. @Leo GuraThat's really amazing. I didn't really believe it at the beginning. So I decided I want to see how reality is imagination too. I been mediating for two years. Trying to everyday. Probably missed 20 days or so though. One night when I had been meditating for an hour so my mind seemed very calm, then I started doing your self-inquiry technique. After I opened my eyes there was this shadow on the wall. Something seemed off about. So I started just staring at it. And the shadow was morphing. It wasn't that much, but it was. I thought I was hallucinating or something. So i kept looking at it and it was. That was the moment and I remember thinking to myself "leo is right. This all is just a dream." Ever since then I've been interested what reality really is. It's so mysterious.
  2. So let me get this straight. Everything I have ever seen in life is a product of my imagination? And since there is no self it's the imagination of god? That video about reality was the most amazing thing I had ever heard in these 18 years on the earth. Brought me to tears.
  3. It came from people illegally slaughtering bats in china
  4. As kids growing up the school system brainwashed us into the materialist paradigm.
  5. Been well. Trying to get creative
  6. It would be amazing if one day psyloscibin mushrooms or some other psychedelics became legal one day and everyone on this forum got together for an awakening retreat. But awakening is a solo endeavor so I guess it wouldn't work.
  7. Yea guys. Alcohol destroys your liver. Leo is conscious that psychedelics dont cause bodily harm, but alcohol does. I wish the whole world was conscious like leo. This place would be paradise.
  8. That's that's nicest thing anybody has ever said to me my whole life. Thanks man.
  9. Salvia sounds absolutely insane. Like a one way ticket to hell.
  10. I've been looking around here on the forum. And it seems that a lot of people are mentally strict here on the forum. Like they want me to think in certain ways on here. In reality when I meditate at night no egos can touch me there. My mind is like a sanctuary. Its like it's almost immortal
  11. @Raptorsin7 Most people in the NA. Just work, watch tv and play video games. Seems like a zombie like state
  12. @Leo Gura Your like a best friend to me Leo. Your one of the best things to happen to this universe. Hope the retreat is bringing you peace.
  13. I ate the mushrooms 4 times. It was pretty overwhelming. Especially the 4 gram dose. I was relaxing the In the living room trying to understand more about the world. For a good solid amount of time. It seemed like I had been in that living room for eternity. Then I walked around and it was like everything was made out of a dream. It was one of those mindfucks Leo always talks about. Good learning experience though.
  14. @Leo Gura I know this may be off topic. Sorry about that. But Leo I just want to thank you for everything you have done and the person you are because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be pursuing my passion and getting my degree or growing myself. When I was meditating last night 2 hours before I went to sleep after watching your video on "contemplating your own death". About 20 minutes in it hit me for about 2 seconds that all there is here is god and that I was really alone as one being. That I'm not in the slightest who I think i am. It gave me some sort of chills of joy. I then began to seem a lot more in tune with everything that is going on around me. Then I woke up today feeling inspired with the world seeming to give off this magical aura that I can't seem to grasp. I dont know if you know more of what is going on but I just like to share my experiences.
  15. All I know about this is that I am growing my consciousness to find out.
  16. Hey everybody I been starting up a music career in my mom's basement. Any ideas on how to get it all going?
  17. Everyone thank you so much for the advice. I will put it to good use. It looks like it's gonna take a lot of effort and passion. I have made 9 songs already and am looking to copyright my songs so that I can get a check in the mail from them getting streamed and also so i can put them on itunes, spotify, and pandora. Gonna keep getting better and better.
  18. @Leo Gura Woah! what did the dinosaurs look like? Did they look like what scientists say they looked like? Or were they Neon? That sounds pretty awesome!
  19. I am not sure lucifer. All I can really see is that they could be a creative outlet. For games such as Minecraft and whatnot. I know of German architects who used Minecraft to design buildings. As far as shooters. maybe tactics for the military, other wise mostly those games I feel are a waste of time. It really depends on the game I guess. Games are mostly just more red herrings as Leo would describe them.