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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. @Preety_India search for what makes you happy. Idk if it'll work for you though, it worked for me though.
  2. I actually did not know that. All the kids who are making dances and want to be Tik tok stars are posting videos onto a chinese spyware server. Holy shit! Thats insane how the chinese people have cloaked a whole social media platform to gather Intel on the usa. I would've never noticed if you or the government never said anything. That's nuts. It's like the shark in the water while everyone is having fun in the shallows.
  3. For real it's like we have a clown for president. Now he wants to ban tik tok and he made it legal to kill bears from planes and hes always talking shit about people on the internet. I sent donald a message asking why he always is making fun of people on the internet. I dont understand why our president acts like a 15 yo. Who's idea was this to get him ad our president. I will continue to believe in tommorrow.
  4. Holy shit. Whoever made that video has some serious talent.
  5. I honestly get more joy from doing spiritual techniques than watching spiritual videos. The meditation, psychedelics, and holo breathing is the fun part. The research and reading is the mundane part. When I meditated today the universe dissolved. Then it came back when I opened my eyes with everything more clear.
  6. Therapist: Officer he's on acid. Officer: Kids on acid matter. You:???? Actualized forum:???? You remind me of one of my friends. We both took mushrooms. I was inside meditating and then next thing I hear a loud noise outside. He was in the garden chucking apples at windows of the house. He said it was just for fun and I said bro chill the fuck out. Were both tripping out and judgement went out the window. Mine didnt because I dont like getting high. But I was in a slump in life and was trying to figure what was wrong in my mind. Yea my friend, try to gain more self control.
  7. I've been thinking about it a lot. And I cannot confirm if Mars actually exists. I have seen Jupiter and Saturn through a telescope so I know they are 100 percent existent. So that begs the question are the pictures on the screens real? So tomorrow when the sun goes down I'm gonna pull out the binoculars and look for that mythic red planet in the sky. Just like last week I saw the craters on the moon. There are hundred if not thousands of them. Has anyone else here seen the craters of the moon with your own eyes?
  8. Nobody in america holds total power. So if there is a problem with the government all of us in the country are to blame for who we elect and what we do about things. The US is a group effort.
  9. This is actually kind of hilarious.
  10. Everyone's beautiful! ugliness doesn't exist.
  11. @Mike Book true. Its mentally chaotic of a challenge. Starting out my mind was all over the place.
  12. What's up guys and girls. I have been doing a lot of spiritual practices as of late. And meditation and self inquiry seem almost the same to me. Close your eyes and focus your mind. So I was wonder what is the difference between them? Thank You so much.
  13. @electroBeam but what's the difference in the two techniques?
  14. It seems that planets are giant balls of rock floating in an empty void.
  15. That's inspiring as could be. I been working hard to get my degree but it's been difficult. I really love programming with java. If I could use a business degree and be good at programming it might work out. Glad you all like life.
  16. I know like for real. It's totally fucking nuts.
  17. College is always good idea as long as you get a worthwhile degree.
  18. A lot of people die from doctors selling them drugs and cutting up baby boys' genitals. Intactivism needs more awareness.
  19. been up all night waiting for Leo's new video. It's the highlight of my weekend. I usually I meditate for 30 minutes then grab my snacks and go watch it. Long Live Leo Gura Long live the king.
  20. @deso well I guess its better than being exposed
  21. @Michael569 nah nah. Holdup dear friend. Circumcision is a reversible procesure. Quarter million men around the world have restored their foreskins. Using tugging on the remaining skin from the shaft which grows from your body and covers up the glans.
  22. @deso buy a foreskin restoration device and connect it to your penile. And have it there for 6 hours a day and it will grow back and be more loose than it was before.
  23. One thing I have noticed about the ego is that it thinks it's better than everyone and everything else.