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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. @SQAAD 100% if you make a routine and habit out of it. And why not just start a photography business right now? Like, why not just bypass wage slavery and programming with a photography business? And don't worry about the chances, just focus your skills and on getting clients! Here's a list of ideas: https://www.oberlo.com/blog/start-a-photography-business
  2. @SQAAD You can't afford to be that idealistic. When you're working 12 hours a day for 10 years vs running a passive online business for 5 years. Making all that money is the greatest thing you ever did. In the short run it will seem like it's hurting you, but.. that's wrong counter-intuitively. You'll never really have to work again for years and years. And in those years you can do mastery then. So, the core concept is: Put 100% effort now into breaking out of slavery, then you learn mastery. Do you understand how that works?
  3. @SQAAD Earn cash first, then photography. You'll thank me later. You'll have more time to do photography later if you just get cash flowing in today. So go start that business, right now, you'll thank me later. Get the business going first okay, then once you're out of the wagie life, then start the photography career. Procrastinating on getting out of wage slavery will hurt you big time, so don't put it off. So don't procrastinate on this.
  4. @SQAAD It really is hell, reality will beat you to death and forget about you in a moment's notice. Reality is greatest demon of all. Like, reality is a beast that you need to tame. Tame reality, and make it your faithful servant through your inner voice. It will guide you.
  5. @blessedlion1993 You just have to get in touch how other people feel, that's the bottom line. If you are in touch with how they feel, then all that headiness and thinkin' you do will fly out the window.
  6. We all should move to Europe! Guys, it will bring our lives new meaning! Free from the corporate hand!
  7. @BlackMaze What are some of the laws that you want to remove from the society?
  8. Fuck Joseph, don't be his emotional slave, he'll act all sad to try to draw you in, but don't be his emotional slave, let him cry. He's fake crying to sucker you back in. The narcissist in his head while fake crying is saying "I got her now".
  9. @Johnny Galt As you grow wiser and continue to see the love of the universe with this work, it will turn you into a liberal.
  10. I was thinking about it today, and I couldn't help but wonder: Why does gravity exist? Does anybody know?
  11. @Rilles That was funny as hell man. But it's really good, because it opens people to accept how they really feel about they're lives, which is where life starts.
  12. @Kalki Avatar That's pretty spot on right there. Work like hell on the business 6 days a week, and go out on the friday night, to just have fun. Sex is about having fun.
  13. @Nahm When you say everything will fit together if you will. What do you do if things don't wanna fit together?
  14. @Bob Seeker You could start a business where you analyze data for companies. Instead of pouring 'crete in the summer.
  15. @Leo Gura Ok, so gravity exists because reality is absolutely infinite. That's so cute Leo, and I love how all your ideas are straightforward with no fluff. Like I instantly get what you're saying. But to be honest with you, that has me wondering like: Why does everything exist and why is it INFINITE? Like what is the driving force that made everything INFINITE?
  16. @Bob Seeker I spend all my time on my business. It sounds like you're kinda spread out with the spirituality, you gotta get a career goin' man. Can't just lolligag. Leo built his 6 fig business at 24 years young.
  17. @PepperBlossoms Now you're givin' us some words to feed on, some theory to sift through. So in order to figure out why gravity works it boils down to why do we feel more attracted to being alive, rather than dead. Why do you think that is?
  18. @Leo Gura And for you the sun rises everyday except the day the universe has a meaning to it.
  19. @PepperBlossoms That's deep, and I get you. You're saying gravity is an act of infinite love.
  20. Leo is on facebook, what are you saying my friend? And he still hasn't accepted my friend request.
  21. @Fearless_Bum But, have done any thinking about it, why it's a thing. Do think if we change how we feel, gravity will cease to exist? Like if we all change the way we feel about the universe, will gravity end?
  22. @Gesundheit2 No one tells Leo what to do. There's where you first fucked up, if you tell Leo what to do, your logic and reason might not see the light of day again.
  23. On your cellphone, there's a memo app you can use by default. And all you gotta do is: open it up and write stuff in there. I'm usually busy planning out the next day while I"m eating my lunch on my cellphone. I like to have stuff to do for the next day, so then when I wake up, I can just go hard and get after it. I usually take notes to plan out my business, hanging out with friends, and the exercise regime.