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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. So it is a war. Everyone does have to prove they're better than everyone else. But I ask you why? Why do you have to prove than your more special than everyone else? Why? Just why is everyone like that? What's the point? I could just say. I'm better than you and you and you cause I have a better energy. But what would anyone gain? This world needs more LOVE!!!
  2. I have experience and totally agree with this statement. Hot girls would rather turn down a kindhearted super sweet Christian white boy and get deep throated to the esophagus by a rich gangster rapper who treats her like a little dog. Everyone wants to be a rapper in gen z nowadays its nuts. Life is nuts. As a matter fact I made a rap album and put it out there and all of a sudden all of the girls who hated me started coming up and talking to me. Its completely nuts. Coming from being a meak self-conscious socially inept 17 nerdy kid that I was. And just making a few rap songs got me in the ballpark to talking to hot girls. And then I got with my first girlfriend and I would die for her, shes the best. So guys that are sort of awkward and cant really talk it up. Just learn some sort of musical skill, like singing, or rapping, or piano or whatever and girls will go nuts for you. Especially sociopathic crazy musicians like those rappers out there. I'm not really a sociopath ok though. It's just for fun. Like literally brothers Leo only says the truth. I tested it out for myself and it worked. Also with holotropic breathing it works. I may seem really cringy but dont judge me. I dont have good social skills. But rapping it works, it works, it gets women. I mean only if they like that music, most people of younger age do, due to it being the most popular party music and its sociopathic. This is just a suggestion to add to your skillset of attracting women. Then again people tell me all the time. "What the fuck do you know brian, your a 19 year old." Us teenagers really get a bad rap. you know I passed high school without failing a class, and got the shit beaten out of me as a kid and have lingering PTSD from my dad throwing beer bottles at my face and punching me. I've had a lot of hate in my life. So honestly if the girl doesnt like me. That's her problem. That's the mentality you gotta have. If she doesnt respect or like you. Dont be her little slave just cause shes hot. These young girls nowadays want a guy like those rich black dudes who got a big dick and aren't afraid to use it. Those guys who got a lot of status. Dont burn all your hard earned money on someone you dont know. That's my worst pet peeve is people asking for money and wanting to spend on them who dont even care about me. I work my ass off. You guys do too. And so do other loving people loving people like my girlfriend. Shes the best by the way. I buy her gifts every month. Life is insane and you just gotta watch actualized.org every weekend life gets better.
  3. Good idea man. The roads are slippery when wet.
  4. Do they still have it downloaded if you go incognito? Or is that just a farce? I've always had a feeling that incognito is a lie.
  5. Lol. I'm not a genius, but recommend try to a find a career path that interests you and got on that trail. That's what's key at a young age. I'm 19 and that's what I'm doing and it hasn't failed me yet. I've already made some money fixing peoples computers. As long as your survival is well rooted everything else is whatever you want. There may be lots of failure. I've fucked up a lot so far. But shit. The world is your oyster. And I feel old as hell. I'm not even 20 yet, but I feel old as hell.But Don't take my advice though because I'm still trying to figure shit out and feel like a young old man.
  6. Same, on the west coast weed is legal almost everywhere. Like where I live in oregon stoners are everywhere. I used to get smoke weed a lot. But I stopped because it killed my motivation. So I was like fuck this and have been progressing my life.
  7. I think kids should ponder around to find what gravitates and interests them and develop their skills while we guide them on their picked path. Sort take a step back and have them figure it out on their own while we help them and help them with it. Like being there but not forcing ideals into them. Teach kids to grow into into adults. From holding their hands less and less. Till they just soar like a bird.
  8. Please don't take for granted the amount of money you make. Money is scarce in these parts as there are people who dont make much money. Money is a precious resource.
  9. You see, everyone is thinks that there gender is better. I can already tell that yer woman just by the way you say they is. And guys get competitive there and woman get hyper creative. I love both genders the same because I am a man and sometimes I do wish I was a woman. And them I imagine what it be like to be a woman and that makes me want to be a man. Which I already am which infiltrates the love into my soul.
  10. When I do nofap I get irritable out of mind. Just holding something in for so long causes a mental flame. Nofap doesn't really exist because you'll just have a wet dream and your body will get that release in your sleep. It will definitely be a pleasant dream, but not one to be avoided.
  11. Some of this stuff is mind inverting.
  12. Hell yea. That would be fucking awesome. We get Joe Biden in power so we can stop people getting shot up in the streets of portland by the trump troopers
  13. Well goddamn covid doesnt mess around.
  14. @DreamScape I would rather take the infinite orgasm. That sounds like the greatest thing that could possibly exist. I wish you the best thing that could exist in the universe too. Hopefully infinite comedy is thrown into that mix too and all of the other Joy that is existant on this world.
  15. Have you had a traumatic life? Perhaps things are coming. Love yourself and keep through it and things will turn out better on the other side. Meditation is an emotionally challenging process. I know that when I started meditation the same things happened. But eventually your intuition will give you solutions for your problems.
  16. @John Doe you never know. They might be already gay.
  17. Thought this one was really green. Hitting the joint while playing some guitar. Beautiful just beautiful.
  18. Here's one from India.
  19. This ones beautiful. I ❤love your post.
  20. Theres so much disappoint in that book called the bible. Thats what the pages scream at me. It ruined my brothers mind.
  21. These debates are Intense as fuck. I'm just wishing Leo runs for president one day. It might be the turning point this place needs.
  22. This is hilarious ???