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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. Hey what do you guys recommend for someone to start heavy metal detoxification? What's the first step to it?
  2. I dont know about you guys and girls, but be careful about buying asus laptops. I had one come in the mail today for me and it had multiple issues, for one, the wifi card in the thing refused to connect to wifi and the gpu refused to work on the laptop display, so it was running cpu graphics no matter what sort of cmd forcing I tried. Its ironic because my acer laptop stays connected just fine in the same location. So I'm getting the asus laptop taken back in the morning. So stay weary of asus in the laptop department. Acer computers have really good speakers.
  3. Your personal preferences ain't gods problem.
  4. @Preety_India its a business, dont take it personally, life goes on. But on a serious note, what if I complained to you about you. That's how deep the problem goes. People wont admit when they're wrong and same with the police, they are humans who think they are the best and the most righteous, just like all the other people. Like me, like my mother and mother before her mother. It's an endless cycle people out on the streets not coming up with a plan, but just perpetuating the same sht.
  5. Well this is something different. An online open journal. Loving your story so far man. And when you were talking about a listing goal, what exactly was that? Shopify?
  6. how do you sell on facebook? @Average Investor
  7. @Space ok, sounds like the market is too oversaturated and competitive to really get into without a lot of time money on my hands. Thanks guys for sharing your experience with fba. @7thLetter @LfcCharlie4 @fridjonk . It really doesnt sound like its inventive or takes a lot of talent other than pure will and effort to make it work along with a lot of money. I would imagine that around 5 years ago it was a way to make cash, but now everyone has the same idea of doing it and if one spends 3000 to get it off the ground and it fails which mostly likely it will then it is a waste. I will look elsewhere then. Thank you guys for sharing your experience, for second I thought that this was my ticket to financial freedom, but the search and skill building continues. I will go and try to start an internet marketing business to put me through university because rn I am in community college. I know leo gura did internet marketing and a lot of people say that internet marketing is a super practical way of gaining wealth.
  8. @Leo Gura leo are you ever going to get back into video game creation?
  9. Lol Leo's there in the dream and he says Leo: hello anyone in there? Your in a dream. Wake up You: *wakes up*.
  10. Yea financing is boring as hell. Engineering things is more fun. Because you get to design stuff.
  11. Lots of people who sell drugs put fentanyl in the drugs because it's a cheap filler and this is very common. Fentanyl is instant death. That's probably what happened. Is a mixture of different shit. I know that an opioid and alcohol is deadly too. All kinds of combos are lethal. It was probably a drug combo that killed the lovely human being.
  12. Damn now everyones making of each other again. Yall gotta get your shit together and get to work. Make shit happen. Stop worrying about petty shit and make shit happen. Start that business, go up to that girl and tell to sleep with you. Make the money live the good life. Stop worrying and live big.
  13. Looks like you just got to go back the ol drawing board and do some thinking. I certainly don't think things through enough in life. I usually just kinda feel my way through things. What do you all do to navigate life?
  14. I get acne from post puberty. It's not just that probably from somewhere where I'm not eating healthy enough. This thoughts on dairy is huge as most people think milk is so super healthy when it shows wrong.
  15. Believe it or not every time you go to sleep you are debunking the existence of the universe.
  16. I am too mentally exhausted to do this math. So what is the bit that you are trying to say?
  17. @Preety_India your very hippie though. Guessing that was a sarcastic statement.
  18. Haha lol. I'll do the dmt psychedelic test, but I ain't takin some vaccine that ain't been proven yet. Would you? Prolly ironic as could be how my mind is setup compared all your guys and girls minds. I'm like backwards. And everyone else is on the other side in the mirror universe. Its nuts.
  19. She might be really upset if you leave her its prolly better to stay till the relationship decays naturally. It's never good to be that fuckboy who's ditches his girl to fuck other girls.
  20. I'll take being a relationship over being single for sure. Hanging around friends nonstop gets dull but being with someone just melts you into the waters of love.
  21. There is a giant fire brewing over here in oregon. The fire is about 20 miles away from my house. I was wondering if any of yall on here know of any ways to prevent a house from burning because of a forest fire. We hosed the roof to prevent any embers from lighting it ablaze. 2 of my friends that live near the cascades have had to evacuate because their home burned down and are staying at the local community college. So I have packed all bags just incase my home burns to ground and will head to my friends house. This is a picture of my backyard and as you can see the sky is really dark orange which means FIRE FIRE FIRE! I know this is a sign from the universe that we all need to wake up from this nightmare and not be super attached to materialism and material possessions. But the fire is burning this way and I am asking if any of you guys or girls know how to fireproof a house?
  22. This is nuts! This thread has gone into "(chimp-mode)". Chimpmode instantiated.
  23. @Preety_India As soon as those dudes hit you or treat you harm fully in any way you gotta haul ass outta there and break it up with them. That way it will save you from horsecrap and they will learn their lessons. Oh hey maybe the reason she left was because I treated her like crap. Most young guys like teens and 20ers are some ignorant rough people. It's just the nature.