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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. Yes! You are back in visual form! Time to celebrate.
  2. Hey everybody I was wondering how this whole awakening thing works. It seems pretty new to me and it just doesn't seem real. So you can tell already that I'm not a woke person or enlightened but ever since I saw Leo's videos on it, it seemed really interesting. I'm still trynna figure out my career and all that for now, so awakening is kinda on the back burner but I'm doing daily meditation. So I was wondering, where do you awaken to, are you still here or do you go to some magical dimension, do you get some special powers? Does everything look the same or different? Can you morph the world? I've heard that it's that you realize you are the world, but is that it?
  3. My routine is: The alarm clock on my phone goes off around 8:30 am. I half dead struggle to move my body to wake up. My whole body is screaming, go back to sleep! But get up anyway, Then i go take a piss, come back into my bedroom to clean the god forsaken condensation off the fucking window. Then I go eat some breakfast. Usually eggs and some broccoli. Maybe a cream cheese bagel, take my calcium and daily vitamins. Then I go fire up the laptop to go see what's new on this forum. Then i check my college emails. Then go do whatever work I gotta do for the day.
  4. @Preety_India Because the person who made it is yellow/ turquoise.
  5. Suicide is always a dumb decision. But so many people nowadays are suicidal is nuts. Never be suicidal.
  6. Yep, everyone is starting to scream at each other in this thread. It is heading into a trainwreck just like this vid. I am just waiting for the fireworks. It will end like this at this rate. You people must love debating and arguing in order to do this every day, huh?
  7. There is only one race and that's the human race.
  8. I don't believe that crap. I don't see races all I see is people. Races are a figment of our imagination. That's bullshit.
  9. Here's the real question. Is porn filming for profit prostitution?
  10. I got a question all your pov's. Are you all pro-LGBTQ or anti-LGBTQ?
  11. How many years you got left? 50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Make the most of it. You won't regret it.
  12. That's really interesting.
  13. Alright alright. I better leave you alone. As long as you don't play those mind games on me we got a truce.
  14. You can't change anyone or control anyone. @Hello from Russia So don't even try. And some of us like being in stage green.
  15. @aarongarrison wtf. That's some special English comin out of your mouth there.
  16. This is Survival. Those Lions are murder machines. (12) Lion kill man | lion attack man | tiger attack man | animal attack video | Science Vs Nature - YouTube
  17. Judging on the arguing already happening, its gonna end something like this: A trainwreck.
  18. I love this idea, something we all should strive for, but less than one percent achieve.
  19. Hey guys and girls of the internet. I have been plotting to start an ecommerce business on amazon fba online. I now know the business model and everything, but there is one slight problem with it though. It costs roughly 1500 dollars to get started selling. I am really pumped up about getting started but that's not the kind of capital I want to spend rn because I in college currently and need it for tuition. I do want to start because of the possibilities but have heard that private labeling is dead. I hope it's not and if any of you have done it, does it work for creating a living and what are the odds for success? Or If you know something about it that I dont, what is your best advice for someone looking to enter ecommerce?
  20. That's really interesting, I don't really know a whole bunch about like you do but I heard in one of Leo's videos that the pit of nihilism is nirvana. And so according to what your saying if someone makes an unpleasant situation pleasant then their life will be better, and if someone makes a pleasant situation unpleasant they will have a pleasant life. I make that theory cause everything is dualities according to leo, is that true?
  21. @Preety_India Looks like you're right. The all powerful Google has made its claim.?
  22. Isn't nihilism making listless of an enjoyable life?
  23. I am too brother, I'm into that kinky stuff too. It really is a pleasurable experience all those nipple clamps and ropes. I didn't choose for it to turn me on but it does for some reason.
  24. Why are you so defensive, are you a masochist?