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Everything posted by diamondpenguin

  1. That's why we stay inside all day. If you go out into the streets of a big city, you never know it might be your turn to go.
  2. Thank you brotherhood, you have saved us normies the same emotional trauma as that social media causes us.
  3. @Husseinisdoingfine Cute. This is the Facebook for self-help junkie people.
  4. @SamC Could you explain exactly in scientific detail, how your pills would increase the length of my penis?
  5. @WaveInTheOcean Hey, why you talking shit about them? You think you are so smart putting people down, but your disrespect will not be tolerated by the world. If you go into a corporate boardroom, political capital, or chamber of commerce. You'll be laughed out of the place for your putdowns.
  6. Honestly you might have to get high enough on some shrooms, or DMT where it doesn't bug you too much. If you get high enough on acid it might not be as mentally disturbing. Got to feel for that guy though, that's a terrible way to go. Everything we do, we will do it for that man who fault valiantly for our freedom against the cartels. Everyday I work my ass off not for me, but for you and the people who have died to keep America free of sovereignty. People like the Mexican drug lords, Vladimir Putin, Jim Jung Un, have no place in the home of the brave, land of the free. I just wish they would've pumped him full of morphine so he didn't feel the pain. The reason this bullshit happens is the exact reason that the United States exists, for the justice and love of all people. "E Pluribus Unum"
  7. Ha, everyone in here is acting like they know what integrity is after watching Leo's two hour video on it, but I doubt you really know. We all might need a little pop quiz to check information retention rate.
  8. @Swarnim You got this all backwards. You don't need to kill yourself, you need to love yourself. The more you want to hate and kill yourself, the harder everything will be. I know this from experience. The more you hate yourself: the harder everything will be. But if you love yourself, everything will come with ease. As far as having substances, I wouldn't worry about what you don't have. Just make yourself the best version of yourself that you can be. Because you can live an amazing life.
  9. @Rilles That's not blue, that's stage red. Please sir, do not make a mockery of blue.
  10. Spanking Children is STAGE RED. Discipline through violence is 100 percent stage red. If you say spanking kids is stage blue. You wouldn't believe how wrong you are. How dare you soil my STAGE BLUE VALUES with your criminality. Stage blue is discipline through restraint, red is discipline through violence. A lot of america is not just stage blue, but heavy stage red. We haven't come so far after all . The only thing your teaching your kid by spanking them is to be a criminal. You think your so tough by hitting children, but really all these teachers with their lazy, orderless, druggie, criminal asses deserve to be one place, and that's: In JAIL. And if I see a mom in public spanking her kids. I'm calling the police. If you are a parent or school teacher and you've hit a child. You are "SCUM" and if I ever see you in person doing that, I will give you an earful. Be warned.
  11. Maybe McDonald's needs to die, for the love of the unborn and current incarnated.
  12. @Husseinisdoingfine Are you talking about yourself?
  13. Reality is love, that is the most beautiful thing I've heard anyone say "Ever". Like what's better than love. Not like the love that is about pleasure and sex, but yes including that. The love that really touches your heart and gives you chills. There's no better feeling than loving someone or something. I would trade-in myself and my egoic shit for Love any day of the week. Love is the reason for life. Without love, there is really no reason to live. Love is the only thing that matters when were all on our deathbeds. Did you have a life filled with Love?
  14. Only If i get to keep all the castrated testes in my cryogenic freezer.??
  15. Honestly if anything its really just so so annoying. The whole anti-feminist, racist, homophobic, anti-education, mentality is really annoying. I just block it out. I just focus on what I'm working on and block it out. @Hardkill Dont let it infiltrate your mind brother. Once the right wing virus gets in your mind, it will cause self-hatred. Especially if your a women, black, gay/lesbian, or a school teacher it will cause serious psychological damage. Because those are the people they shit on: The blacks, the gays, the feminists, and the school teachers.
  16. @flowboy you don't get it. It's not about being a millionaire or billionaire. It's about how you get there. These people on wall street manipulated the stock market to get their riches. The real way to become rich is the way elon musk and Bill Gates did it. Create things that make the world better for everyone. It's not about how much money you have, it's about what you do for the world. You need to understand the meaning of being rich, it's for those who have made a giant positive impact. Not stock market dancing.
  17. @Preety_India Also I love you and have a nice day❤✌.
  18. @Preety_India You think your such hot shit talking down to me like. But Brian ain't gonna take your disrespect. I suggest you cut your attitude right now. Because it makes me sick you going here all the time just trying to prove that your better me. Have some respect. Seriously Preety have some "RESPECT".
  19. @Preety_India I don't see what the problem is. Those are just normal people. It's just spine. That's a requirement to live.
  20. Nofap will never work. The only way to transcend sex is through getting laid till your sick of it. Its counter-intuitive to your tactic.@SQAAD Suppressing sexual energy is the equivalent of suppressing hunger.
  21. Honestly. Dont listen to popular american culture. It's pretty much: "HORSE SHIT!". We all must stop "Conforming" and seek a life that fits the world and our individual personalities. That's the only way.
  22. @QandC Dude that is so good! What software do you use to make those videos?
  23. Ok, from what you are saying elimination dieting and cooking ones own food is to be the method to solve what is the acne problem. I will go do that right now, and thanks for taking time out of your life to help me out. It really means the world. Good luck on your book. ✌?
  24. @Leo Gura Hey there good sir Leo. Do you think that dairy is a big cause of acne in people? I have a lot more acne than other people my age and I ingest a lot of dairy. I also heard in your video on buying healthy food that you had a lot acne too when you ate/drank dairy. So, is dairy a big cause of acne?
  25. The less conscious you are, the more of an asleep robot you are. Discipline yourself and you will take control of your pesky ego and the world.