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Everything posted by traveler

  1. I remember a sense that the bottom of the cup had fallen out and there was nothing real and solid to stand on anymore. There is a point of no return, the ground won't solidify and reappear if the bottom has fallen out, the one who tries to find that ground is fighting a losing battle. It can be overwhelming and scary for the me, but the full circle is that there never was any solid and real ground and there was no one to stand on it.
  2. I went through the same thing when I started "my spiritual journey." I also had all of these concepts and fears about my ego and what was going to happen. It is truly a full circle though. You wake up from a world you thought you knew into states of high consciousness and mysticality. You will find out in time that states are "not it" either. Insights from higher states can point much more directly than any spiritual teachers ever could, but there is a high possibility that "the ego" will take hold of that experience and go on a search for the next one. Liberation or enlightenment is not about states, it is the end of seeking. "Full God mode," as some likes to put it, is already what is, it isn't something that needs to be acquired. It isn't what the ego imagines it to be; an all powerfull state where the ego can bend and manipulate reality to it's liking. When the seeking stops it's like going full circle. This is exactly what was always longed for, and it is TOTALLY unknown, extraordinary ordinariness with no boundaries. There is a loss of that controlling energy that wants to figure out why fear, sleepiness, demotivation and confusion is happening to me. A loss of the story about what is as a real reality. The end of trying to grasp something real and valuing things in terms of their help or hindrance to my fulfillment down the line. This is all about taking L's?
  3. This is a perfect description of what is referred to as "the dream." I recommend dropping every notion of God, that word carries so much bagage. Just drop it, plain and simple and see how that feels. Have you ever heard the quote from Alan Watts which goes something like: "If you think all of the time, you have nothing else to think about but thoughts"? ‐ This is it and there is no self already! Notice how meaningless and unimportant that phrase is to you, you probably skipped right over it because you've heard it a million times before. You probably also have an assumption/belief that you know what it means. Though that is the exact opposite to why the phrase meant nothing to you, the phrase meant nothing to you because it is pointing to nothing... and you want something! It is exactly that BANG when you stop trying to find nothing that the joke reveals itself. It is really quite humorous, but no-one laughs. The search for God is another thing, that shit is endless and that is why you need more and more complicated teachings like Leo's to make you feel like you're getting closer to it, just obsessed with trying to grasp EVERYTHING, good luck. Why has no one arrived yet? I wonder why... What you're really searching for is the end of the loop. The end of yourself. PS. This is not personal.
  4. There is no real distance or position to know what or why reality is. The real distance to reality exists only as a facet or happening in reality. Science and even spirituality are only facets of reality exploring other facets. When there is an illusion of being seperate and a part of reality a need to know what this is arises. That need to know is never really satisfied because it is based on a false claim which says that there is such a thing called reality outside of me. The mystery and awe of what is is lost in that, because this is experienced to be real and knowable. Really, there is no context to what is happening, you can't step outside of this and know it from a somehow more real position. This is the absolute appearing as whatever is happening. This is terrifying for the illusory seperate self though, because from a perspective it is total death and annihilation, the end of real existence. It isn't that dramatic when there is no one left, because there is no one left. There is no one left to hold onto this as something real and particular.
  5. Good on you for taking action and incorporating some good habits into your life. ? Here are some recommendations you might want to consider. Cold showers: Feels like shit but feels great afterwards, especially after a run. It's also a great way to challenge your comfort zone. Skin care routine (after a cold shower!?): This one is pretty meh, the benefits aren't life changing , but it makes you feel and look more fresh in the both senses of the word. Get some sun everyday if possible: The sun just lifts your spirit.
  6. This is not personal, there is no intention to wake anybody up because there is no one to wake up, it is merely a description or an illumination of the dream of separation. What is so free about this is that these words don't come from anywhere, they don't come from knowing, they just happen with no one doing it. So there isn't anything to be understood or gotten, these words aren't pointing to somewhere else, they just are, words. And it doesn't get more direct and absolutely meaningless than that, haha. By @traveler I'm guessing you mean "the owner of these words." Either there is a dream of someone here owning these words or there isn't, another way of putting it is, either there is an illusion of free will or there isn't. If there is an illusion of freewill, there isn't ACTUALLY free will, the illusion just makes it seem like there is. So basically, no one is in an unsatisfactory state of duality, but there can be the illusion of that. Either way, it doesn't ACTUALLY matter, because it isn't ACTUALLY happening. It matters to the illusory individual though, so it goes on a search to look for Liberation, which is never here in it's dream, it reaaaally hopes that it'll happen tomorrow though.. haha. Duality basically just means "two," non-duality mean "not-two." "in my country you are a fucking weird delusional weird idiot man if you communicate this way." LMAO. There is no duality to begin with, there is not even a beginning. Believing you can't function in this world without duality is just the individual having no idea what this actually points too. The individual is certain that it is real and that it is running the show, it thinks it makes everything happen and nothing will happen without it doing it. It doesn't do anything already, it is illusory, it just takes ownership of everything and says "yeah I did that." 8-) It is so unreal already, that when it falls away, it never were.
  7. How can you ever fit the whole of everything into a word? Liberation is being liberated from the dream that "Liberation" has any meaning whatsoever; that "Liberation" is pointing to something else than this. The "me" is looking for the end of seperation, using dualistic tools. You1 looking for Liberation2 is the unsatisfactory duality you are trying to overcome. You're looking for the end of looking ? it's a loopy poopy
  8. What is longed for is more simple than you can imagine. It is exactly the claim that "you" have to be more aware or focus more on eating, showering or taking a shit that creates separation and dissatisfaction. The "me" tries to take as much in as possible of "the now," it is the exact same energy as looking for enlightenment "out there." Nothing is required for this to be what it is, no knowing of it is required, no focus is required, no awareness is required. It is not even required to recognize that nothing is required. This leaves no position left for you to stand, what is left is what already were, nothing changes because the illusion of something needing to change was the dream. You don't end up somewhere in a mystical cloud, that is the belief the individual has in it's dream. This is already TOTALLY unknown, and no one knows that.
  9. There is no you to be seperate. The claim of me in reality is seperation, but it is illusory, meaning it is not happening already.
  10. You don't have a vibration. I've noticed that the notion of an energetical or vibrational bubble that is mine has become a mainstream belief in society, especially among the youth. This claim has no reality, it is a part of the dream of being a seperate me. When you watch a horror movie there might be the vibration of fear and if there is, the directors did something right. The point of a scary movie is to scare you, the point of a comedy is to make you laugh, none of the above has more value than the other. The value is put upon it by the seperate me that takes responsibility and ownership of everything that is happening, micromanaging every single thought and emotion, making sure it fits the ideas it has of what will get it to that sweet spot called fulfillment, which is always in the future. It has to know if a scary movie will hinder or help it on it's endless journey to be good enough, it will do neither. It will be just what it is and it so perfectly is.
  11. I can not suggest anything, but notice that it doesn't actually exist, only as a memory. If I where to give you advice I'd have to try to remember what that experience was like, If I don't try to remember it, it doesn't exist. This is that void that you remember, but it is not an idea. The "void" is not somewhere else, it doesn't have a particular feeling or attribute, it isn't a "thing," it is simply whatever is arising and it has no need for acceptance. It can look ordinary like drinking a cup of coffee or it can look like whatever a mystical experience looks like, one is not more "the void" than the other. What is often shown in such an experience is that nothing can be held onto, so learn from that and let it go.
  12. Yes, but it is also quite possible that it points to something beyond the illusory "I." Nothing can really be said about non-duality, so on forums like this ideas like these are what keeps us hanging around. Just like your posts, my posts, and everyone else's posts nothing of it actually matters, we are already steeped in what we try to express.
  13. Seeking is what is longed for appearing as seeking, so seeking to get rid of seeking is what keeps the wheel of seeking turning. It is a loop of seeking. The seeking energy has this intrinsic feeling that something is missing, so it seeks for something to make that feeling go away, unaware that the seeking itself is the cause of this discontent. This is perfectly what is longed for when there is no one left to say that it isn't.
  14. Interesting observation! Non-words such as helpless, pointless, meaningless etc. are paradoxical/ungettable in nature, like "non-duality" these non-words point to the lack of something. The individual in it's dream of opposites puts meaning onto everything, including "meaningless." Because meaning points to something it is categorised as positive, and because meaningless points to nothing it is categorised as negative. "Negative" is also a "non word" as it points to the absence of something. Another definition of "negative" is: something not desirable or optimistic. It is interesting how in the dream of the individual words that don't point to something but rather to nothing have bad connotations. This in the end comes down to the fear of death/unknowing I guess.
  15. Jims message (which doesn't belong to Jim) is beyond God. God doesn't even know what it is. Liberation is the end of God's search for itself, it is the death of God, AKA "me" "you" "we" "us" etc. What is left is what is, just without the looking/separation. In other words, God doesn't need to realize itself, it can't, that is it's dream. It is perfectly whole not realizing itself, the suffering comes from the separation that is created when there is a need to.
  16. Immense loneliness is an experience/feeling, it comes and goes. Therefore, it isn't absolute. I have experienced infinite loneliness a few times, it is terrifying, but it’s not real/fixed. It is a reaction. Grasping for something in nothing creates an experience of fullness, but without the freedom/lightness of emptiness.
  17. Maybe, but there is a fundamental difference between the group of people that I mentioned. Tony Parsons and people alike are often referred to as Neo Advaita by the aforementioned teachers. The label means little, the difference is most important.
  18. There is no right or wrong with this, take a look into both and see what you resonate with. Advaita is a teaching of becoming, Neo Advaita points out that there is no one to become. If you are here to better yourself then Advaita, If you are here for Advaita then Neo Advaita. I had to edit my post and point out what I mean when I say Advaita and Neo Advaita. When you search on Google for Neo Advaita teachers, Rupert Spira and Gangaji show up, they may be Neo Advaita I'm not sure, but they were not who I meant by it. With Advaita I mean teachers such as Mooji, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, you know the famous bunch. With Neo Advaita I mean speakers such as Tony Parsons, Jim Newman, Andreas Muller.
  19. Thank you, I enjoyed reading that, but this is of course just gobbledygook aswell. And I'm not taking this seriously, you know, all of this talk about who is awake and who is not. I like challenging perceived authority, especially when it is "spiritual" and many people are open and vulnerable; suggestible to whatever Leo says. Leo holds a lot of power, with this power comes great responsibility. ?.
  20. It is amazing and frustrating that it is so simple, but at the same time impossible to describe. We look in every corner of reality not realising what is right in front of us, we are looking for realisations but it isn't a realisation, it just is. Totally ordinary.
  21. It is the same thing, merely concepts pointing to what can not be conceptualised. Infinite Love is unconditional Love and is revealed to be all there is when nothing is left. But it isn't the words, the words are pointers, "infinite Love" is not infinite Love, but it is.
  22. Awww I don't know if you're joking or if you just don't get it. Thanks, but don't give me all the credit! If it is infinite, what is it that is very far from it? What is separate from infinity??????? What are you imagining is writing this right now???? Probably a separate conscious living entity. Maybe... Who cares? It just is what is apparently happening and nobody is here.
  23. I'm not, but the only one that matters to is the human I am dressed up as. Your mistake is to think that I'm supposed to look a certain way. You're a knowledge addict, you need those hits of understanding, that is why you prefer me in a mystical form rather than this form. This form is exactly where Love is. See? I can talk God language too! Personal pronouns or impersonal ones, it doesn't actually matter, you can't get closer or further away from what is, there is no need for anyone to GET that. Words are sneaky, what is pointed to isn't found in anything it is everything, so it isn't found in the words, it is the words. The pointing is the pointed to.