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Everything posted by traveler

  1. I love it, so true! This is it, as in what you are looking for is this!
  2. I remember seeing that video a year ago or something, thought it was a great pointing. Also loved the wordplay in the title. Oh thought it was the "nothing can make you happy" vid, mb.. I'll check out the one you sent.
  3. @VeganAwake If sparkling water is your guilty pleasure you must be a very boring person. ? I'm currently eating Maltesers ?
  4. There is no question about it, this just is, it is undeniable. You somehow think that survival is opposed or should be excluded from this. Surviving happens, doesn't it? What does resisting survival actually achieve? There is actually no one here surviving, there is just what is, appearing as whatever is happening.
  5. Relatively, no. Absolutely, yes.
  6. Wouldn't call it irrelevant, meaningless yes.
  7. Problem is you think a thought is more than just a thought, or a word is more than just a word. This includes the words, but they are mere appearances, totally meaningless, empty. Ever noticed you can become immersed in many non dual conversations and concept wars on the forum, you read and write about "pure consciousness" "infinite" "one" "God," but as soon as you close the forum and stop typing or reading about it, it isn't actually there? It is just concepts, words totally empty. What you are always left with in the end is this, whatever is happening is already complete and full, because there is nothing else. You cant call it anything, because it is everything. Many on here are people trying to teach other people about something, by using concepts that are utterly empty of meaning. But they sound profound to a seeker.
  8. Thanks! That's all. And you are not doing it.
  9. WHO ARE YOU TALKING TOO? Lmao. How are you going to become what already is? This is before becoming, becoming can appear in this. You're talking to a seperate person. You are attached to a truth that you think that "you" own. This is it.
  10. No, it can not, so why even try? We are talking about this, undistorted by any concept of what it is, this.
  11. You are expressing insights. Your stories about what this is will not help anyone, it will only confuse them and yourself. By believing you have got it, you have already lost it. Now all you do will only inflate your ego and the new "higher" dimensions it lives on even more. You can not accept the message that this is it.
  12. decent, until he started talking about something other than this.
  13. You're looking at the finger pointing and saying that you have seen it many times before.
  14. "THIS reality as we ALL see" is the dream. This "right here" is all there is. Actually there isn't a "right here" because that suggest a position, that something else ACTUALLY exists. Try and get away from this! Can you? Is there actually a solid reality that you can know? A real objective, permanent and solid reality? Is this actually a moment in time? Can you see the problem? There is a search for something else than this. This search stems from an experience that this is known and real, that you are real. The person you think you are can not escape it's prison, because it is it's own prison. It doesn't actually exists, there is actually just what is, totally and utterly free. It is this ordinary this, the "unplugging from the matrix" is the ego appearing again after it fell away. It doesn't understand what happened so it uses concepts and beliefs to try and know what "it" experienced. "it" did not experience anything, it fell away, and all there was left was THIS. Some on this forum will discard the message that is written "by traveler" or "veganawake" instantly. They will say that they have heard it before or that it is just ripped of some non dual teacher. That is not the case. Everytime this message is expressed it is always fresh. Why? Because no one knows it, there is no one here writing this. There isn't a person over here knowing what this points to, this is nothing writing, and guess what, "you" are nothing reading. People who claim that there is something more, or "go deeper" or "there is much more to go" are talking about experiences, "knowing." Enlightenment is an exotic word, people hear it and think that it is something HUGE, something that "they" can achieve. The ego is tricky, expecially when "it" has "had" 20 "God awakenings."
  15. @Inliytened1 "problem" is that "you" are speaking about it as if it was other than this. This is a pure expression of it.
  16. Realize that the ego was never real to begin with. It is just this appearing as a seperate person in a real word. You are always home, there is nothing for you to do, wholeness is all there is. On a personal level there is still progressing, or regressing. It doesn't matter. There is no controller, this is free to be whatever it is.
  17. @Anna1 Remember it's not personal. It's all fun and games. You did the responsible thing and banned him, he was disturbing the peace and the chance for clear and open communication without ridicule. He might be right from a certain perspective, but even on a forum like this there should be standards on how you regard "other" people. Of course when I'm saying he's right from a certain perspective I'm not referring to the message he sent you.
  18. <3 You can point to this, but you are pointing nowhere. The pointing is what is pointed to. Words are just energy pointing to itself. There is a recognition, but no one recognizes. Concepts and ideas about what it is are stories, what is pointed to is this but it can not be found or understood. It is total unconditional freedom/love. I'll check out A Course In Miracles, I'm in love with this message <3
  19. @Leo Gura 'Deeper' is a thought. It is a thought until it becomes actual, but even then it is not 'deeper', because there is nothing to compare everything to. This is already, if this is 'deep' as in a trip then less deep is the story, (deep is a story aswell). This is always already complete, enlightenment is this without the "ego." Deeper is still in the story of achieving something, it only exist in duality. You have to compare it to something else for it to be deeper. I'm expressing true non duality.