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Everything posted by traveler

  1. There is not appearance now, only apparently. No need to merge with anything, you're already dead.
  2. The one who suffers is illusory, it has no consequence other than for the illusory one who suffers. All there is is unconditional love, there is no other. There is no end, no escape, nowhere to go. You can't escape all there is (because you are not separate from it). The suffering is unconditional love appearing as an experience of a separate "me" in a real world looking for unconditional love/wholeness, it is just a temporary passing of appearance that never happened. Nothing ever happened; real and unreal; unknowable; this.
  3. What is pointed to is not a path, it is the end of any need for a path to get somewhere. It is really close to the least resistance bit, but I wouldn't call it a path. It is the end of heaven pretending like it is hell. ?
  4. It is letting go of trying to change what is. To make what is fit your idea of perfection. Perfection is already all there is, nothing needs to be done for perfection to be. What is pointed to is simple beyond conception, it is the death of the need to know. Nothing needs to be gotten rid of, every problem that apparently is a barrier between you and wholeness is illusory. It is an energy in the body creating an experience of a personal lack, it is an apparent separation from everything, but that too is wholeness. Duality=me and the world. You can't do it, freedom is already, life is just happening you don't have to realise that life is happening, it is just happening. There is a lot of storytelling and dreaming apparently going on on this forum, the answer is not on this forum, this forum is everything appararing as a forum. "The end of the seeking is the end of the seeker, is the end of the experience, that 'this' is real."- Jim Newman.
  5. Not trying to search is not a path. Not trying to search = Not on a path. Trying not to search is different, here there is someone searching to stop searching, and that is right, all seeking is equally pointless.
  6. Why not? Who is making the rules? Who is afraid of getting this wrong? Who is fooling itself? Authority gets destroyed when the person falls away, it is the end of the games. No one has the truth, that is the last thing you want to hear, but it is also the freedom and unconditional love that is longed for, but you can't have it. Giving others the authority of supreme knowing is a security blanket for 'me', at least I know that there is a truth that will some day make me whole: There isn't, there is only wholeness, which can appear as anything including an experience of lacking wholeness.
  7. Yea, there are probably a couple of sociopaths claiming to be enlightened. People are attracted to them because they play the role so well. Every person claiming to be enlightened are frauds, apparently. This is just play, bearded people sitting on thrones acting like they have something that you need to become like them, subtlety implying that you're not whole already. The search for enlightenment is an illusory reality, everything dreaming.
  8. Now stay there. You don't even have to stay there, you're already there, and there is no there. Shallow tips and tricks to get out of "your" situation will do nothing, they come from a place of ignorance in terms of understanding existential meaninglessness/hopelessness. There is no prescription here, being fucked is happening, now stay fucked, the loop is constantly denying what is and looking for a better "what is" to come.
  9. What you are longing for is the death of being aware of existence. Being aware of existence is a dream in an utter silent void. This is just a picture to you though, you have no idea what that means.
  10. It is a reencounter with death. The real world, person, life is a dream and is bound by time and space, it can seem as if you've been trapped there for a very long time but that is the point of the word "dream." It is not really happening. An awakening to positionless being can apparently happen, in that there is only timeless appearance, before form/matter/labels/objects. What is longed for is not this experience, but the recognition that whatever is, is all there is. Apparent position and apparent time is not a problem, it is only a problem for the dream of only real. When this recognition happens, nothing actually changes, but it apparently does. This finally has the freedom of being what it is without an individual in it trying to tweak it to fit it's idea of what will bring it Liberation. Liberation is the death of this needing to be different, everything loses it's significance. Positionlessness can happen, but no one is there to make a big deal of out anything anymore. The point I'm making is that there is no point. This message is not for you. Notice that all of this is bullshit, what is pointed to is not within these words.
  11. Any path is unconditional love appearing as denial of unconditional love.
  12. Resonate with Atman now, this is Atman. All of the paths are part of the divine play, dreamt up by a singular eternal being which is. Finding out what is meant by a phrase is just food for thought, you are playing in yourself right now. If you hear this message, it will be the end of you. Unconditional Love is all, hearing this message is not a requirement, Atman has no intention for you to hear this, Atman is already.
  13. Nothing to be said about this. Hell is a concept, so it is real in that sense. That said, commenting on states that are unbeknownst to you is very unwise. There are infinite apparent possibilities, "hell" is one of them, but there is no solid place called "hell," it is an interpretation of how energy takes form. An experience of separation is hell, but it is fortunately not really happening. But say that to the apparent person experiencing it.
  14. Who said God is only the good, and are you even aware that you have no idea what you're talking about? You're just spewing out concepts into a sentence that makes no sense, beliefs you've picked up. It is probably based on an unconscious belief that you know what God is to some extent. You don't. What you're longing for is not on this forum, but it is this forum. You are not actually reading this, you reading this is a dream. There is no separation between this message and what you are longing for. You are already home, you're just pretending not to be. ?
  15. You obviously don't hear what is being said. You just want to argue, I'm not going to play along anymore.
  16. I agree 100% that "nothing" can very easily and will be taken as merely an idea for the individual. But what is being pointed to is beyond all of those dualistic ideas and interpretations. Nothing is just a word pointing to the unknowable isness/aliveness of this. When concepts such as "nothing" no self" and "no one" is read as someone here taking on these concepts, then you get the replies that @WaveInTheOcean and @ivankiss have given. What is being pointed to is not an individual taking these concepts on board on it's 'knowing ship' but rather an indescribable recognition of everything and nothing. Not everything AND nothing, they are one and the same. What is apparently happening is that @WaveInTheOcean and @ivankiss splits nothing and everything into two "paths" a bad (path a) and a good (path b). Nothing being bad, everything being good. A realization that there is no one here jizzing over concepts can happen, what can be seen is that the only one that could ever be jizzing over concepts is you. This message is all encompassing, if an individual reads this it will find a way to make it personal, it will try to make these words fit it's story of what is right and wrong. There is no right and wrong, what is, is all. Call it what you want, light, god, infinite, unconditional love, nothing, everything, these words are just preferences, different expressions of the same indescribable ____ .
  17. @WaveInTheOcean Totally! Great way to round the discussion up.
  18. Okay! That is apparently what is happening. The purpose of it is based on a dream though. Light also implies non seriousness, so don't take words so seriously.The light message seems very dense and forced to me, especially when it apparently has a very strong defiance to apparent words within it.
  19. Ofc. --> You are the only one making distinctions between "nothing" and "light."
  20. @ivankiss There is no one here that is aware of it, but you clearly are very aware of something (or what you like to call it: nothing), hehe.