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Everything posted by Debrag

  1. What are your thoughts and experience with being friends with Ex girlfiend.
  2. Hi! I have bean watching Leo for little over a year now. Most of the content have been relay good and helped make huge changes in both my behaviour and emotion. But when it comes to mystical states I find myself doubting very heavenly. I have bean meditating on and of during this year the longest streak so far is 3 moths. There have been some good shifts like calmer, more able to focus, less monkey shatter. But it feels like those benefits have kind of stuck and I am thinking of quitting mediation but I am still very curious if its possible to "experience" something profound by using just meditation (i.e. no chemicals). So here is some questions for discussion. (20 year old male collage student if that’s of any significances): Have you been in any mystical state? (if so how) Do you think such a state is possible? How long/good does one have to practise/bee in mediation to expect one? Whats the fastest way to a mystical state? (excluding psychadelics) Something else thing/tip/advise that would bee good to know? PS. Will probably try psychadlics just that it dosent seam strage that a cemical could do something like that would be cooler without one.