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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. And what's that?
  2. I was excited in the evening, the heart had trouble going to sleep. I was excited in the morning, my head buzzing with ideas. When I went to the forest, dogs were attracted to me and were coming by to say hi. I passed that railway and I saw a woman walking along it with a dog. I knew that was the place, so I came back and started recording. The whole thing was done with not a single thought present, in high alertness. The last 5 minutes were spent in the colorless space. How did that feel to you?
  3. No, the caliper is dirty.
  4. That's my today's food. I'm not eating that with a caliper though.
  5. I was actually hoping that she would forget.
  6. Sorry, was out of touch. Which part was an insult? Thanks, my wife is going to kill me for that comment.
  7. But I didn't . Uh, did I just throw your metaphor back in your face like @mandyjw did with mine? I'm sorry.
  8. I like you, I'll have to get another chair for our tea party.
  9. I think @now is forever understood the message herself. Thank you for saying it out loud. Or were you just explaining it to @Shin?
  10. He doesn't seem to notice that people that are pissing in his sacred space are the ones that care. Probably because he's upset. I'm not going to post there since he asked so nicely, with a cherry on top.
  11. @Truth Addict Alright, I still refuse to believe that you're dense. If you want it to continue, then go ahead.
  12. Oh gosh, I refuse to believe that you're dense. It's like you want it to continue . How is it that there is something, a 'me' that is perception itself, that cannot be located and does not have any attributes? Try describing infinity. Can you do that? Try describing nothingness. Can you do that? Try describing a 'me' that cannot be located and does not have any attributes. Can you do that? Do you know the nature of that mistake? It's not about factual incorrectness, it's about seeing. You read a book, a detective story, that has a plot twist at the end and where the whole thing gets recontextualized. All bits fall into their right places, it's not the maid - it's the butler! What is that moment, the illumination? Can it be perceived? No - it's the footprint of mental scaffolding crumbling, revealing the truth. You do not add thoughts in this work, you remove them. You may have removed many things, but identification is still there. You don't see infinity, you treat it as a concept. What triggers you about Leo is your own concept that you're trying to overcome and you're blaming him for it.
  13. I'm asking you to try to locate the thing that is perceiving. It does not matter what you call that thing, I used to call it "I don't know". Are there many Idon'tknows? What is Idon'tknow made of? Does the Idon'tknow have any structure? The Idon'tknow you're looking for is not a thought. Again, "my" perceptions? Please locate the thing that these perceptions belong to. Even if you were able to find it, what would that thing be other than a perception? What perceives that? There is not even one thing that is Idon'tknow. Idon'tknow has no qualities, no shape, no size, no color, no pitch. Null, zero, none. Only if the mind identifies as perceptions .
  14. That implies that you are identified as your perception. Pardon my neo-advaita, but what is the thing that is perceiving 'your' perceptions? How is it different from the thing that perceives through Nahm?
  15. Because you seek because. Yes, it's a loop. It should indicate that the mind is not wholly in control as it thinks it is.
  16. Jungian Typology as phenomenology, pt 2 The four cognitive functions form two pairs: The perception axis: Earth/Sensing - Air/intuition, The judgement axis: Water/Thinking - Fire/Feeling. Jungian typology assumes that our attention is finite, and that we split it across cognitive functions unevenly. Moreover, since the two functions sharing one axis seemingly serve the same purpose (like thinking vs feeling and sensing vs intuition), we identify with one of them and externalize the other. These observations form the basis for classification of personalities that are built on top of our cognition. There are 16 types and they are designated by the order of cognitive functions and their introversion or extroversion. Introversion of a cognitive function means that this function is the 'home', a sense of 'I' of a person. It has a subjective connotation to it. Extroversion of a cognitive function means that the function is externalized, as if it was an object to be manipulated. It is something distant. Introversion of one function of a given axis implies the extroversion of the other function of the axis.
  17. It seems from this paragraph like you know the answer to your problems, but are unwilling to explore it for some reason. If you're sure that you've done everything you can to rule our medical issues, then maybe it is some psychological trauma you're yet to process? My wife has similar issues throughout her body and had emotional releases from Reichian therapy. Practices regarding emotional mastery can be helpful too, I've heard that Bryon Katie's "The Work" is very good. There are people out there that claim to be enlightened just by doing her practices. Good luck man.
  18. I don't express myself like I want to, because what I want is not always the way to go. You're following your heart and that's fine if that works for you, but you have two judgement centers. Keep working on deep belly breaths and remove the glass from your stomach. You will see what I mean.
  19. @mandyjw I was criticizing the way in which people use science to debunk spirituality. Science is never going to find God when it is formulated this way. It is not its purpose.