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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. @Pouya They are interconnected, the distinction is practical/arbitrary. I do not find it true that emotions are non-symbolic. They are their own language and go unnoticed most of the time. I tend to distinguish emotions by the fact that they emote me to action when I surrender. They are expressed through subtle (or not) body movements. Think dancing for example.
  2. I'm still missing @Zweistein. She posted here a few days ago. I hoped she would drop by and say hi.
  3. No video today since I'm on a business trip. I'll post one tomorrow if I get home at a reasonable time. I'll address your comment in the video @jbram2002 .
  4. You're disturbing her. Let her do her thing.
  5. Great read and a touching story. I have a few observations, but I'm on a business trip so I'll keep them to myself for now. I appreciate the guts you gathered to share this. You will feel better I promise.
  6. She's an oyster, she protecting her heart. I can kinda start to feel how that's wise. The world of regular people never ceases to teach me the simplest lessons.
  7. @now is forever Am I blocked again?
  8. @now is forever Please tell me that you're just fishing for love like Joseph did. Please stay.
  9. @now is forever
  10. Despite our differences, I wholeheartedly cheer on your efforts. I know how difficult this is. You're the man. I love the dark souls series. It didn't teach me to love pain. It taught me to watch my mistakes and try again. Strangely enough, I only make progress in it when I am playing for the sake of playing - enjoying the views. If I desperately want to get somewhere, prove something to myself, then it becomes a chore. Dark souls is a game where death is a given, and this realization brings peace that makes space for enjoyment.
  11. Ahh, this stings. Sorry.
  12. I'm sorry, but I'm done being a target for your projections. I'm not going to respond to this to avoid spreading pain. I'm sorry for laughing at you. You have your reasons for being the way you are. So does my wife.
  13. I think we derailed this thread enough. PM me.
  14. @mandyjw I'm sensing the collective female trauma incoming. No, we don't have this figured out. It all works until it doesn't and we suffer to wisen up.
  15. What can I do for you? Do you have any questions?
  16. Oh yeah. She absolutely loves and yearns it. I'm just not too fond of the Titanic sinking in the background, that's all.
  17. I want to help you because I can see myself in you. I want to spare you my own suffering. Still, I know that I wouldn't have listened to myself when I was your age. Just please take good care of yourself. Love yourself. Don't make yourself suffer any more than you absolutely have to.
  18. You're both incurable romantics. There is a reason why romantic love stories end in death of tuberculosis instead of 'they lived happily ever after'.
  19. ...and that story is what makes you suffer. Like I said in the beginning: only your own suffering can cure you. You just haven't suffered enough to give up. Don't worry, you will get there. You're on the right track.
  20. The solution is: stop obsessing about having sex. Give that shit up. Are you involuntarily celibate? Start being voluntarily celibate and reap the benefits. Still your monkey mind that keeps bringing your failures up, start meditating regularly. Focus on things that will serve you 15 years from now instead of focusing on what has been happening for the past 15 years. When you're successful and happy, girls will find their way into your bedroom if that's what you want. I'm glad that you've calmed down a little. You will get through this whether you like it or not.
  21. God fucking damnit, why do we have to do this?
  22. You're 20. None of this will matter in 10 years from now. All you will remember is the fact that you suffered tremendously because of lack of perspective. Loving yourself as an 'objectively ugly person' means that you simply do not do stupid shit that makes you suffer. The list of stupid shit starts with calling yourself an 'objectively ugly person' and hanging around people that do. That includes incel communities and hot girls that make your dick hard and your mind soft. In the meantime, you cure the porn addiction that you likely developed and gain some perspective on what's truly important in your life. When you get the two straight and start doing what matters to you, this is the proper place to start thinking about women. Truth is always simple. Do you need to hear my sob story to take care of your suffering?