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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. @DrewNows @now is forever Shhhh. Stop bickering.
  2. In general, I agree with you. I would say, however, that instinct and intuition are trans-personal forms of intelligence. They are an interface between the personal and trans-personal experience. I wanted to talk about this in today's video. In the beginning of my latest video, I was saying that the intellect is driven by intuition while the body is driven by instinct. They are definitely a form of intelligence far quicker and superior, but more crude than personal.
  3. @DrewNows Thank you very much, I'm glad you found it useful. New insights coming today, I hope that I will have the chance to shoot. I'm using my wife's phone and she's out with her friends today.
  4. @mandyjw Cynthia Bourgeault, Christian Mystic.
  5. Ignorance, knowledge, wisdom. Pay no attention to books if they trigger you.
  6. @SoonHei You want a taste of no existence? Dive into the question: "Can you see the thing that sees?". I'm not interested in the answer, it's just for yourself.
  7. The devil is the ultimate scapegoat because it loves to be demonized.
  8. That's hilarious in conjunction with @The Blind Sage 's user name.
  9. No worries, I wasn't able to hear you out, so that response was meant more for me than it was for you. I haven't processed something from my childhood yet, apparently. The cerebral thing may be an imbalance of skill that causes me to have this tendency to express emotions through the mind. When I was pondering your response, I remembered that during some of my early awakenings I had samadhi-like experiences when I merged emotionally with animals and passersby on the street. I wonder if that's what you mean by instinctive communication? I remember taking dancing classes and it was a blast. I feel like the perceptive sensitivity that I posses somehow ties to the way I express my emotions. It's like I don't want to overburden other people with my outbursts. My wife is very sensitive as well, so as much as an angry look may get magnified out of proportion sometimes .
  10. Hey, nice to meet you! Thanks! Yes, I have! It's amazing that Adyashanti talked about this. What I'm aiming at is to integrate the head-perception with a heart-perception and resting in this mode of awareness. In the quoted video I was trying to deepen my understanding of the mechanism of projection. When I'm coming from just one center, the other center works in reverse when the subconscious is triggered. Exactly! Can you see how your attitude influenced your perception of me being a cerebral guy? This is what I'm trying to overcome by balancing my awareness between the heart and mind. It's easy to confuse emotionally non-expressive people with ones that don't feel. It always seems like everybody is screaming their heart expressions at me. I feel like a cat sometimes.
  11. Transcendence is not abandonment, but integration until dissolution.
  12. I definitely do not know the extents of your suffering right now, but when I feel like shit I do my best to avoid feeding it to my mind. Whatever I think when I'm in such a state only serves to spiral me down to oblivion. My favorite way of dealing with emotional pain is to hug myself by placing my palms on the opposite shoulders like this: This will pass. You're a good flow boy. I love you.
  13. Thankfully, this is changing thanks to youtube. Video games are a brilliant medium for conveying unique understanding. It's just like any other media, like with music or movies. It's not about what you do, but how. Even video games can be a valid thing on the spiritual path. It seems like I'm projecting my childhood on to you. Thank you and sorry.
  14. Yes, it's different. If you're successful in scamming me, then the difference between value and price is paid for the lesson in fraud detection. If you don't know how to spot fraud and you care about quality, then you do your research. Alternatively, you pay someone that knows how to do that. Fraud is never sustainable, so it's best to avoid it nonetheless.
  15. Ah! You're right! Thank you! Is there a proper way of dealing with such situations? Is it just about saying an inner No? I find that sometimes it's enough to be mindful of the other person's blind spot and continue conversing despite of it until the other person becomes aware of it him/herself. There has to be a certain sense of trust present in this for it to work. Forcing it is impossible, it just makes me teach another person something at my own expense (being a punchbag). Hmmm, I'll have to ponder this. I'm trying to think this through holistically, without assigning ownership of projections. It's very difficult to communicate because I habitually assign certain meanings to phrases and it makes me slip back to old thought patterns.
  16. Suit yourself.
  17. Your mind is just trying to speak the language you're familiar with. I'm saying this because you seem to have a lot of guilt associated with being a gamer and it's painful to watch you beating yourself over it. I'm willing to bet that it has been picked up in your childhood like it was in my case. If you're shy - don't be. Only you can understand your dreams, they are a message for you.
  18. You seem to be assuming that items have underlying value that is apart from the agreement of people involved in buying/selling. The average market price is just that - an average. If a person is willing to buy from you for a high price, they have a reason to do so. They either have a surplus of money and they don't care about it, or they don't know how to manage it properly. Unless you make it so, it is not your responsibility to educate people in caring for their well-being. The money you charge is for the know-how about how to build the supply chain that enables you to obtain and store the items for the customer's convenience. They are trading their money for not having to learn the broader market.
  19. I actually did a few times. @mandyjw also found this thread useful. I'm very fond of things I wrote during mystical experiences, they are sometimes food for ouroboros.
  20. Are you gonna rip through our I=you=we thread? It's gonna be heartbreaking for me.