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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. How is it possible that there are other people? How is it possible that I'm 'giving you knowledge', 'asking you questions'?
  2. @Aakash Now, ask yourself: what am I?
  3. Give yourself some time, contemplate this. Look for similarities between the metaphysical paradigm and physical paradigm. Then, ponder the question: until you realize that they are truly made of nothing. Then, ask yourself: how is nothing different from nothing?
  4. nah-ah. Start observing physical world's mechanics as paradigms. Start observing physical loops "made of nothing, lol".
  5. Paradigm? Paradigms are solipsistic. What is the thing that "paradigms" things into existence? What are paradigms made of? How is it possible that there are "other people" that have different "paradigms"? Have you realized that physical business, a company, is a paradigm that reinforces itself? That "physical reality" is a mind too?
  6. That difference needs to be overcome. That is what magic is.
  7. Have you noticed that if you contemplate a question enough, it always seems to support itself? If you follow a "why" for a long enough time, the reasoning is A->B->C-> ... ->Z->A->B->C Have you pondered how is that possible? It has something to do with your distinction between physics and metaphysics.
  8. Have you encountered strangeloops yet? What are they other than the physical structure of the brain?
  9. To observe your suffering in non-reactivity is to grow wiser. Wisdom will not take you anywhere, but anywhere will be here and now.
  10. You are being asked to let go of sexuality as your identity. It seems like you tried to repress this memory and you know how that worked out. You won't be able to forget this and keep your meditation practice. Realize that attraction is not based on appearance, personality, chemistry, wealth, status, survival, or even biological gender. Attraction is what asks you to release identity. Suffer through it and be happy.
  11. Is it all God, or is there a devil? You seem so happy.
  12. I'm glad to be of service.
  13. How are you feeling?
  14. And yet, there is a sense of dissatisfaction with the awakening you have. You're still seeking. You are enlightened, but you're not there yet. You haven't seen all the tricks. The last trick is the genuine, perfect, divine humility of nondual non-doership. It is not a lie, a deception. It is a reward you've been given for your love. It's the embodiment of humility that has to be thrown away, which is the final sacrifice. The non-existent saint is the last devil. That is why hurting the body is a sin.
  15. Then keep purifying yourself until it becomes it.
  16. @mandyjw You are not the body.
  17. No. Shadow work, meditation and self-inquiry is how you purify yourself to non-existence. Only then you will see God.
  18. You will only see that everything is God if you purify yourself to the point of non-existence. Then, the devil's last trick is your humility, simply because you embody him as nothingness. The devil's prayer to God is the reason why there is something rather than nothing. Now, there is just nothing. Absolute infinity.
  19. @mandyjw The Devil's last trick is humility.
  20. Do you know what "real" means so that you hold on to claims of enlightened people about it?
  21. I thought it was pretty simple. Once you throw away time, you have to throw out most of your ideas. Then, throw away space and see what happens.
  22. Contemplate using a journal. Ask your question and write down the answer, whatever comes to mind. Leave it and read it later. Act on it. Later on, realize that it's flawed, but contains a nugget of truth. See its imperfections, the gaps, vagueness, things that have been left out. Write a new answer that incorporates the best of the previous one while removing the imperfections. Add new things that you've seen in the meantime. Act on your new answer. At some point, after you've been building your model long enough, you will see right through it, that it's been flawed from the start and tear it down. It's not a catastrophe, you've been seeing clearer and clearer and you were successful in the meantime. Ask a new question and contemplate it.