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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. @Zigzag Idiot My wife said that I'm deliberate in my choice of words when I'm in the company of new people, or when I'm explaining something difficult. When I'm with her, I'm much more flowing.
  2. @Zigzag Idiot I would like to meet John some day.
  3. No, really. This question has no significance. It rings no bells. Life or death imply an "I".
  4. No answer feels appropriate.
  5. @mandyjw Pfft. That stung pretty good. I am nothing, I know nothing. Thank you.
  6. @mandyjw And there it is, grammie as someone other than you.
  7. @mandyjw Have you ever prayed out of love for someone to die? Sometimes we wish to euthanize a sick relative so that they don't need to face many years of debilitating pain. "I" and "other" are a sickness. It is not nihilism. It's compassion.
  8. I noticed that I was running in loops between the three bodies yesterday. It clicked with me what these three are. Thank you.
  9. Under what circumstances do you access the causal body?
  10. How is it possible that impulses for action exist within the field of impressionability? Were they imprinted by 'something else'? Are 'others' (like myself) fields of impressionability as well? What imprints the impulses in them to transfer them to you?
  11. Die, die, die, die, die Then give up your faith.
  12. @mandyjw Leo calls you the devil because he can't see himself as nothing. The saint is so enamored with God that he's given up looking. That is where the last devil rests. In othership.
  13. The message may have been too far out for you to realize. Let it cook within you, face the backlash, and then write it down. Keep it around until it seems reasonable.
  14. That is because you still rest in othership. The last othership is you (nothing) vs God (everything). You are not a phony saint. That is exactly why giving your sainthood up will be an act of ultimate surrender that will take you beyond even that. Remember that on the path, you always get more after you've given up. The last giving up is when you have no reason to want even that.
  15. Do you watch your latest videos as if you were teaching yourself? You have seen through other teachers, but you can also see through yourself. That helps with embodiment.
  16. @Zigzag Idiot Do you deny the existence of instinct and intuition in others? Did you "create" instinct and intuition through practice? Did instinct and intuition create practice in you? What are you?
  17. Did the Buddha study scripture to become himself?
  18. You said it yourself: nothing creates everything. Devil is nothing, God is everything. The last devil is the non-existent saint. If you meet the buddha on the road, kill him.
  19. And that is the last duality, the duality between existence and non-existence. God is the devil.
  20. Who are "we", the ones that are threatened by God's infinite goodness? Where is the devil, Leo?
  21. Your nose is beautiful.
  22. @Leo Gura I'm so happy for 'you'. Do you still think that language is inherently dualistic? Language is dualistic only when there is 'other'. Have you become conscious why I'm god and you are god at the same 'time'?