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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. Dying is the end of life, not the point of it. Mahasamadhi is the end of the path, not the point of it.
  2. @Carson Ford Actually, that is how the personality works. It mirrors the environment and is influenced through various channels throughout the day. I would suggest observing how specific situations affect you and reflecting how that makes you feel. If a certain situation haunts you, then it means that you weren't present to your emotions at the time and you gave in needlessly. Using the knowledge gained from this self-reflection, go into social situations with the intent of listening to your body and being sincere. By being sincere, I mean: act in a way that you will not regret when you think back. It does not mean that you should have a combative attitude, it is not anything wrong to give in when you feel like it is something right to do. To decrease the anxiety of rejection, I would suggest grounding yourself. By saying that, I mean - cutting the unnecessary complexity and dependencies from your life. You don't need to shut yourself off from people, just make sure that you know which people are really important in your life and you can't manage without. This gives you a place to show gratitude and bond genuinely.
  3. Nothing to forgive man. You are wonderful. And I apologize again for what I said. It was too much. Is it still a joke when an enraged axeman comes to kill your mother because you made an inappropriate remark? It is not about being a serious teacher. It is about using the mind you've been blessed with instead of being a bliss junkie . Love you too! Meditation is incredibly important!
  4. Please, you are embarrassing yourself. I agree.
  5. Materialism is a belief that reality is fundamentally made of matter and that consciousness is an emergent property of this dead, mechanical system. It tends to dismiss subjective experience as unreal while glorifying objective facts that are discovered through rational thinking. More broadly speaking, it is within the paradigm of substance dualism with the added twist of over-emphasizing the material. We're speaking from substance monoism where the substance of reality is consciousness of various densities/frequencies. Both the 'subjective' and 'objective' are forms of consciousness, but chosen arbitrarily through the identification of the egoic mind. Even if this substance is one, that does not imply that things within it can't interact. If you put your hand on the wall, it stops. This is boundedness. This is not idle intellectualism devoid of hands-on experience. Nonduality can be spoken of, but it requires skill that you seem to dismiss. OF COURSE, it is spoken of from the point of view of the egoic mind. From the point of oneness, the only thing that can be said is 'meditate'.
  6. @zeroISinfinity I apologize for saying this, I got caught up in my emotions. While I do think that you are mistaken, saying that you have 'no idea' was disrespectful.
  7. Sigh, how do I get this to you? I've been saying the same thing over and over and you're not acknowledging this. I am not speaking from a place of non-duality at the expense of the human individual life. Enlightenment is not in opposition to thoughts. It is not in opposition to duality. You have to transcend duality, but then you come back to live this life without any regrets. It is actually possible to care, even if you're free. Sorry man, but you are our of your league. You have no idea what materialism is. It has nothing to do with the fact that something can have extents. While it is certainly true that Aakash would benefit from more stillness, stillness does not imply flushing the mind down the toilet. This discussion is not based on idle intellectualism, so please still your anti-intellectual ideology.
  8. @StephenK Practice is active, guiding, while theory is passive, reflective. You are putting the cart before the horse when you argue against maximizing love on the basis of quantifiability. You are right that it does make the discussion about large scale issues rather pointless, though. Perhaps, we should focus on more practical aspects? Like how to care for your environment while running a small household?
  9. Good luck Leo!
  10. @LucyKid @LucyKid Lol reports like these are just nuts. I don't know whether I'm particularly sensitive to LSD, but I can't imagine leaving the house having taken as little as 100 ug. Especially during the first half of the trip.
  11. @pluto The problem with silence is that nobody hears it. Even if the lion is right, the sheep will think that they follow because of fear. Namaste ❤️
  12. @pluto Actually, it's pretty fascinating to watch the forum develop collectively and observe the user activity as it changes. As the environment becomes more hospitable to certain frequencies, various impressive individuals stop being silent and speak up. That includes you, pluto ❤️
  13. Good morning! I must have been tired yesterday. Free will and determinism is not a binary choice. They are two directions on the scale of consciousness. Determinism being more expansive, free will being contracted. Whew!
  14. But I don't like being preached to with guerrilla tactics! _________________________ I just realized that my model is internally incoherent because it assumes both determinism and free will. I will contemplate on this tomorrow. Good night!
  15. @Truth Addict If you want to talk, by all means talk. Otherwise, you're just being a nuisance. Why don't you listen to your own advice and keep being silent if that is what we're supposed to do?
  16. I am not saying that. What I'm saying is that every single inch of my personal, individual, suffering was perfect and I don't regret it. If I were to re-live this life indefinitely, I would be happy. If I were to live a life that is full of suffering, I would take it. Suffering furthers wisdom. It is a selfish (ignorant) way for a soul to grow.
  17. You realized the absolute, but you are in denial of the relative. From the absolute point of view (or lack thereof), you are right. What Love is up to is expansion of consciousness.
  18. @Aakash You are arguing from a place of scarcity. There is no selfishness, there is only ignorance. You are not the only soul that is on the quest of becoming God. Your job here on this Earth is to help others wake up from their ignorance. Live sincerely by following your heart. That is the best possible thing to do with our limited intelligence. If your heart tells you to pursue mahasamadhi, then go ahead. However, if you're blaming your family for being an obstacle then I'm telling you that you're wrong. Hmmm... I'm speaking like a bodhisattva lol.
  19. The objective that is being optimized is selflessness. As below, so above. As above, so below. Your intelligence as a human is more constrained than intelligence of a soul. You are less selfless. Still, your selflessness prevents you from hurting your family through mahasamadhi. Just imagine how a soul perceives reality when it is so expansive. It must necessarily choose the highest possible good it can conceive of. It will reincarnate out of selfless reasons in a way that maximizes the development of everything you come in contact with. As you progress and spread goodness, it will naturally lead to enlightenment without seeking. Your human suffering will increase the wisdom of the soul.
  20. To follow up on my previous post: Ego in my understanding is not a particular mental phenomenon. It is a boundary of consciousness. There is the mental ego, the imaginary person. There is also the biological ego which is the body. Then, there is blood-ego, which is family. There is country-ego, and so forth. These are within the infinite mind. Intelligence is always bound by the ego, its inability to look past its own boundary. The individual soul is the least constricted form a human can take. Hence, its decisions are incomprehensible to us.
  21. @Aakash I see it differently. What is passed between reincarnations is the wisdom itself, not awareness. It is the capability of intuitively making choices aligned with love. It is a forward moving vehicle because wisdom is gained through conscious suffering. The next life is not decided on a whim. It is a sincere decision to expand, flourish. It is a decision of the soul, but the individual soul is not perfect. Hence the repetitions. I did not seek enlightenment, it simply happened when the right time came and I saw how every major point in my life was crucial. It's just like your family and my wife. We would not dare to hurt them by leaving them through mahasamadhi, but their presence is crucial. The next iteration will be chosen more wisely, more intelligently.
  22. 'You' as in 'me', tsuki? The infinite intelligence manifesting as Love wants nothing. It is totally selfless. The only thing that wants is ego. Your ego may want to end the whole shabang because its karma is nearing to its end. You may very well be ahead of me. That is what I said when I admired your greed. Godspeed man! Just do it the mahasamadhi way.
  23. @Skanzi I have a crush on you. Sorry for saying that out loud! Your posts are so good that I could have written them myself. Or not!