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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. One of the ways of measuring it is the presence of time. The more effortlessly you rest in the present moment, the more expansive this 'I' is. It's not about 'not caring', being indifferent. It's about living for the benefit of everything. Following your gut benevolently, but without avoiding violence. Good!
  2. Is the mind completely thoughtless, or do thoughts appear that are not related to your job? In my experience, they are like a stream that simply appears and effortlessly explains things, but these explanations are not something that is leading action. Action happens and they are passive, reflective, lagging, or so to speak. It is as if It was rehearsing the experience to present it to someone. Effortless theory-building. Still, I am aware of the silence in between thoughts and the fact that they originate from nowhere.
  3. Gotcha. I would say that all of reality is spontaneous, even my thoughts. I do not plan to think, I just do. It's like I'm reading the ripples of the world that pass through my subconscious mind without losing the awareness of my body.
  4. @Aakash In my experience, thoughts emerge momentarily and disappear into nothingness. I am acutely aware of the silence in between thoughts, even if this silence has no duration. Present moment is my reality, time does not exist. The coherence of the present moment, the unfolding, is Love.
  5. I know that sounds ridiculous, but please tell me more about thoughtless awareness. Is it a state of unwavering detachment from thought, or is it the total stillness of the topmost layer? One does not still thoughts, as thoughts are the ripples of the world.
  6. It is good as an introduction, but each of those models could take life's work to unpack. What I was hoping to get from this article is one metamodel that incorporates the ones you mentioned. I was interested in how, for example, chakras fit together with spiral dynamics. Good work!
  7. Look at the word 'dream' metaphorically. As long as you are ignorant, as long as you mistake your beliefs for reality, you do not see it the way it really is. You operate off those beliefs and because you forgot the moment you created them - you have no reference point and act as if you got it. From within the maze, the corridor looks like it is everything that there is. You 'wake up' when you realize that you created these walls yourself and that you can knock them over and your field of view expands. Still, as you knock a wall down - it looks like the maze is more spacious, it is different, but it still looks like it is all there is. That is what the "dream" is. The catch is that the idea called 'you' is one of these corridors. It is the central corridor out of which all other corridors sprout. In a sense - the maze is supported by 'you'. Once you tear that belief down - the maze will start falling apart. All of it.
  8. @Leo Gura So, you just came up with it yourself? Hahaha Sorry, couldn't help myself. So happy for you! Are you ever going to get off the substances, or is it your path of choice? Isn't it too straining for the body? I can't even imagine the backlashes after that.
  9. The most frustrating thing to do is to argue with people for their own good. I wouldn't do that if the reward wasn't so sweet: the spark of relief when they see that they created their own problem. The most skillful enlightened masters would kill you with a single look, that is how well they would communicate love. Unfortunately, they would walk blindfolded out of compassion for our ignorance.
  10. @ActualizedDavid Appreciate your mother while she's still with you.
  11. I'd say: do what's best for you, but having read many of your posts, I'm not too sure about that in your case. You are so dedicated to defending your misery that I'm not going to give you any advice even if I feel compassion towards you. Many blessings.
  12. It cracked me up that you copyrighted this material @Leo Gura. Thank you for reminding me that truth has no owner, but they way we speak it - does.
  13. @Aeris your intelligence is bound by the amount of things you are willing to consider. If there is a solid boundary of 'you' that you firmly believe in, then you are contracted to consider things in relation to that. Selflessness is the expansion of that boundary to include more and more things to consider. The 'I' of this video is humanity, but that is still a boundary. Selflessness is not 'something', it is a way of perceiving emptiness where something is. Emptiness in the sense of blurring the boundary, boundlessness, not in a sense of being unimportant/redundant.
  14. I suspect that you are able to describe the operation of that framework with language, but you are not yet conscious of it thoughtlessly. Do you meditate on your your language, observe the thoughts in a detached way? This framework is a language that describes language. It is 'built' on top of language, and language itself is built on top of something more fundamental that can not be expressed linguistically. Language is an interplay between distinctions and analogy. Because the mind cannot go beyond itself. Its linguistic boundaries are encountered as strangeloops. I'm sorry, but this is too vague. You will have to write something more about what you mean as 'evolutionary intelligence'. If you wrote a paragraph or two on it, I may find it through analogy in my direct experience. It may actually be a good exercise for you, giving the problem you're having. Don't try to be precise with words, be deliberate, like you were trying to write a poem. Try evoking feelings, writing like a baby.
  15. I need to be more aware during my sleep. There are moments when the egoic mind reassembles, but there is no meta-perspective yet and it runs rampant in it's thought spirals. Today it was raining outside and a distressed cat was meowing terribly. That created a lot of fright in my subconscious and got magnified out of proportion. Cases like that are numerous. I suspect the it is fueled further by the fact that I don't exercise and my body is not strong enough to lay down for 8 hours comfortably. I started going for walks and I'll see where this will lead. Stretching could do some good here. The biggest daily struggle is the morning when my mind is not running on 100% capacity. That is correlated with shoulder and neck pain. I may get to see physiotherapist so that he suggests some stretching exercises on top of my neck ones.
  16. I always wondered why the Egg deals only with reincarnation as humans. Why not other life forms? Fish, trees, bacteria, rocks?
  17. @Aeris Are you being serious? Out of all possible paradigms, selflessness is a really good one. Assume it, live it, and see what happens. If the video is true, then you should experience unprecedented amounts of growth. I'm a fan of their videos. Their unique talent lies in developing visual language to communicate complexity.
  18. Good luck Mandy!
  19. @Aakash No worries, you are absolutely awesome and I love you. @zeroISinfinity @Inliytened1 @Truth Addict Thank you guys for a wonderful conversation.
  20. I told you already when we were talking about the soul. Intelligence is positively correlated with selflessness. When you were choosing this life as a soul, you were more selfless than you are right now. You don't understand the plan because you are bound within the body (less selfless), but you execute it nonetheless. Your job is to unconsciously spread love until you die, mostly in ways you don't comprehend. To do that, follow your heart. If the present moment leads you towards mahasamadhi and it is in accordance with what you feel, then go right ahead. Sadhguru said that in order to perform mahasamadhi, you have to raise your frequency past the limits of the body. As you are doing this, your intelligence increases and you understand your surroundings better. You will not do this if you will hurt others. This is confirmed by Sadhguru's story.
  21. @kieranperez To get past what you call the structural phase I would suggest contemplating on the reverse problem. How do you know what you mean when thoughts run in your mind? Observe just how many words you use without deliberately choosing them and consciously understanding their implications. That can be contemplated upon until the notions of words and sentences stop to make sense. When it comes to self-inquiring on philosophical works, I think that finding new things in your experience is much more important than actually being in accordance with what the philosopher says. If you're having trouble experiencing what Kant wrote, try re-contextualizing his work until you find the meaning you can work with.
  22. @lmfao Ideology is a person's attitude towards knowledge, not the quality of knowledge itself. If knowledge is too advanced and shoved down people's throats when they are not ready for it, that creates ideologies. If you tried to explain the world with tensor calculus to a 3 year old, what would think would happen? The problem is not with Muhammad, or Christ. It is with Islam, or the Catholic Church as institutions. Seriously, you can spend lifetime studying scriptures and still not get to the point where you understand them by heart. Not to mention various subtleties relating to translation and historical contexts. In my opinion, this way of teaching is too archaic for our modern technological world. Nobody has time for that.
  23. @Aakash Sigh... just read your own post and see how scared and contracted you are. Your whole argument rests on me being a deluded idiot playing tricks on himself to keep being a devil. What kind of logic is that? Non-duality is not transcended into absolute nothingness. Non-existence does not exist. It is a delusion. It is transcended by understanding the nature of the ego and overcoming the duality between duality and non-duality. Stateless state is ego and no ego at once. You know what the ego is. Mahasamadhi is not the same as enlightenment. Enlightenment starts with samadhi and ends with mahasamadhi. The point, purpose, of something is not the same as its end.