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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. Yes, absolutely! It's magnificent and ingenious. Still, it is a crutch that can be overcome. OH, and to answer your title question: No. While your identity is dying, this is not suicide. You are not the identities you assume.
  2. Pretty much, yes. Hmmm.. you bleed out to death? lol If you see that you are bleeding and decide to bleed out for whatever reason, what's wrong with that? Once you're dead, there will be no mind to look back and say 'damn, I shouldn't have done that!'. Again, you are holding on to a mistaken belief that fear is what gives you intelligence. As Leo have put it in the video: fear is resistance to future event. It is resistance. It is not your ability to forecast, project, model, etc. Fear is what hijacks your intelligence to perform automatic, pre-trained responses. Fear is not what determines the response speed. What is fast is your ability to forecast, understand and watch that forecast mindfully. The emotion is optional and it is a crutch.
  3. How does 'letting go' look like from your point of view? How would you go about letting go of being a body?
  4. At first, yes. The goal is to practice your identity-release muscle and dismantle fear as it arises. But at some point, you will get so good at this that you will be constantly aware of the identities you assume that fear will not be an issue. Don't make it into anything more difficult than it is. You are already creating 100% of your fear, but you are not doing it consciously. Why can't you claim that? The mind has its identity and it is attached to the body. You are neither the body, nor the mind.
  5. No. Fear is a repulsive impulse. Lack of fear is not attractive, it's neutral. The fact that you don't fear fire does not mean that you are attracted to being burned. It gives you space and clarity to react consciously. What you are imagining is that fear is what shapes your intelligence into a functioning adult. That idea is mistaken!
  6. Once you build your life up to a certain point, you don't need to rely on fear to maintain homeostasis. The fact that you dismantle you fear does not make you an imbecile. On the contrary. I think that you fear being fearless.
  7. Please do. I do have some idea, but I want to see if I understand you correctly. Centrism may be a way of trying to survive with taking no stance, or it can be an expression of the middle way. Would you say that centrist ideas can be radical?
  8. @Hansu Does your centrist ideology offer any tangible solutions, or does it avoid the problem by judging everybody around you instead? It would be illustrative if you sketched a problem, gave a leftist, rightist and a centrist solution. No, because most people have no interest in perfection despite their neurotic perfectionism.
  9. The moment you connect with others on empathetic level and acknowledge the validity of their suffering, there is an internal drive to solve their (=your) problem. People that are not willing to take that burden upon themselves should not be politicians.
  10. Sinking the mind in the breath: day #13 Today, I woke up frightened, remembering some peculiarity about the work I was supposed to do. I penetrated that thought and saw that it was fueled by my subconscious fright that manifested as dreams. I dreamed of getting in a car accident. Releasing identities related to work and life allowed me to calm down. Practicing meditation was very helpful for the past two weeks. Yesterday I bought Yoga Sutras with commentary by Sri Satchidananda and I find it remarkably illuminating. It seems to confirm the insights I had during my latest awakening when I understood everything. Shimmer is the Iśwara's whisper that is called OM. Inspired by the book, I was contemplating what a mug is and it had struck me that I'm expecting to see something within it with my eyes. It struck me as absurd that I'm focusing on my sight and started to feel it with my hands as well. I understood that my perceptual boundary is not at all in the shape of my body, but my body is a shape-less singularity that I imagine to be of human form. The perceptual contact with the mug via touch, the boudedness of 'my' body, is just the extents of my mind from which sensations sprout. The boundedness of the mug, just like my own boundary, is how I know that the mug is conscious and the thing that perceives me through the mug is as empty as me. I am the mug and the mug is me - my skin is not a boundary, but a mirror. The mug did not contain any coffee that day.
  11. That is not what @Synchronicity seems to be saying when he invites skepticism and questions.
  12. @Synchronicity Interesting video, thank you for sharing. It reminds me of Akashik records. Here are things that picked my curiosity due to perceived inconsistency: You said that Ethan always had this infinite experience and thought that it was normal until his parents told him otherwise. From what I understand, there are infinitely many versions of Ethan's parents. From these infinitely many versions, you have been able to dial into some, if not infinitely many, versions of them. These versions of Ethan's parents share the infinite experience that Ethan is having. Therefore, there are versions of Ethan's parents that have this experience and there are versions that don't. Therefore, Ethan should have known that this experience is not common to every being (that it isn't normal). So, why did Ethan have to ask his parents in the first place if he didn't have to? Why does knowledge that his parents provide is of any significance compared to the infinity of knowledge that could have been gathered? The other question is: You said that this experience is 'frozen' as snapshots of existence. What does it mean to 'do' something, like 'manifest million dollars' in such a frozen singularity? Yet another question is: What happens in a world where you manifest 1000000 dollars in someone's account? Can't you prove your existence to any world by doing something so outrageous that everybody would believe you (in that world)?
  13. Can I help you with that feeling somehow?
  14. Sinking the mind in the breath: day #12 I feel like I've gone astray. I have not meditated for the whole hour two days in a row and sinking the mind fell down from the top of the priority list. This week, I'm working late shifts, so I will push harder from the morning. This is when meditation is the most effective. I need to figure out a way of meditating when I work morning shifts. The mind runs rampant during sleep and messes up my wakefulness. I am very conscious of just how every single thing the body does is aimed at survival. There is no rest during life, the only refuge is meditation. Still no coffee.
  15. @Matt8800 I second this request. I know that magick is real, but never had the courage to use it deliberately.
  16. @DoTheWork The world is meaningless because you lack grounding. I highly doubt that there is something that can ground an ego of the size of yours. I was once in contact with a seeker that was so conscious that he decided to imagine his own suffering to become dormant again. Do you know what he did afterwards? He started seeking the way back to the top.
  17. That one is good: - How do you feel inside? - ... Inside? ... I don't have any inside.
  18. @shahar uriel Maybe nobody told her that it was supposed to be a big deal?
  19. @Bill W I'm very interested, thank you for taking the time.