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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. @captainamerica I would prefer if you addressed the contents of my posts rather than comment on my character. How exactly am I strawmanning systems thinking? Since you noted that I mean well, please paint a more complete picture that shows the areas that I missed.
  2. It is true that there is issue with how the government allocates capital, but there is even greater issue of balance in capitalism. Healthy democratic governments answer to people through election. People, on the other hand, care for their own well-being. Of course, democracy is difficult because people's influence is indirect. This is a closed feedback loop that optimizes people's well-being. Healthy companies, however don't answer to the population, but rather to investors, and the only incentive of investors is to make more money. We live in a world in which a dead tree is more valuable than one that is alive, or where a person is more valuable glued to the screen watching ads. This is an open feedback loop that optimizes the amount of money investors have, at the expense of everything else. Sure, there may be conscious businessmen that take this things into account, but this is not how we build systems. In systems, we look for general trends, not for exceptions.
  3. I am GOD, I express myself through you. We are not different etc. Copyright 2019 Leo Gura Still cracks me up after 3 years.
  4. @trenton What is your relationship with your parents? Are your parents enthusiastic about you? Do they want you to explore life and support you regardless of your path?
  5. This idea is called "mind over matter", or that your bodily needs are lower, while intellectual are higher. It is closely related to Christian ideas of guilt, original sin, and deeming the body as the root of evil and impurity. All of these ideas serve only to divide you into parts that are in opposition and create inner resistance. The truth is that the so-called intellectual needs are just cultural values that you think you should fulfill. They serve only to perpetuate the culture in which you were born, by hijacking your life to sustain its goals. This is closely related to the hero myth, in which a human is placed above the natural order, or harmony, and imposes his understanding upon it, to make it better. This myth puts humans in direct opposition to nature, which is not the ecosystem, but φύσις, the spontaneous creative force, which is known as God in Leo's philosophy. All true needs are accessed via feelings, which are the function of the body. This has to be clearly understood if you are to liberate yourself from your intrusive thoughts. Feelings are the original intelligence that is your birthright and that is given to you so that you have guidance in your life. The mind has questions, options and possibilities, but no answers apart from knowledge a.k.a. beliefs. Feelings are your innate guidance system and our culture deliberately severs your inner connection to use your life for its purposes. Knowing what you shared, there is absolutely zero chance that the term "rape culture" applies to you. It is much more probable that you will come off as meek and indecisive when approaching women, so you should not concern yourself with such things. What you should be looking out for though, is the fact that you are scared of approaching and that you are making up excuses. Notice this clearly - you are afraid of sex. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is the result of your beliefs that the body is evil and you were raised this way. You are not broken because you are afraid. LOTS of men have this issue. It is very uncommon for inexperienced men to not be afraid. What has to be understood though is that this fear is not about approaching, but about your own body, or rather, about your thoughts about your body. These thoughts are false.
  6. This question is too broad to answer constructively. Give us some more context.
  7. Take my advice here with a grain of salt because I've never been a heavy user. I would expect that from all the substance use, your nervous system may be desensitized and it may take time for it to re-adjust. Have you tried going into rehab? They will make you stick through it.
  8. The first thing I would start with is to simply admit that you are a human, and that humans are sexual creatures. This is completely absurd and there is zero personal reason for it, but this mere fact may let you ease into it a little. You are a sexual being. You crave sex. It is not logical, and it does not serve your business purposes, but you do experience it. You may feel that sex deters your attention from things that you think to be really important, but this is just inner conflict. Abstracting away from your true needs, in favor of more sophisticated ones, is not a path towards fulfillment. I would suspect that denying your sexual needs is enough to create strong cravings that you deem "intrusive", or misaligned with your artificially chosen purpose. And indeed, choosing thinking over feeling is hating oneself, because feeling is always closer to our core than what we should do. I can see another conflict in what you are writing that I would like you to look into. First, you are saying that for your whole life, you've been judgmental towards sex and that sexual encounters were difficult for you. Few paragraphs down the line, however, you say that sex is a simple pleasure. This does not add up, at all. Sex is not simple in the slightest. Having a long-lasting, mutually fulfilling sexual relationship is one of the most difficult (and meaningful) things that can be done in life. Maybe, correct me if I'm wrong, you feel uneasy when approaching sex and you developed a superior attitude to cope with this feeling? If you are a focused guy that wants to zero-in into your goals, you assume that other people are the same and that you are wasting their time, giving into this pleasure? There are all kinds of people that are under-represented on this forum, and to some of them sex is number one priority, and the greatest joy of life. From the looks of it, it seems like sex plays a lot bigger role in yours, than you are willing to admit. Given the background you presented, I think that it is very worthwhile to look into your sexual past and notice where this pattern of rejection started. I would suggest to find a professional to do this, because these are very intimate topics and I understand if you don't want to share them on a public forum.
  9. @B_HAZ There are several possibilities why you experience relationships this way. The most obvious one is that you may simply not be socialized enough and that you've never really felt that you can interact with people freely. A lot of us have this experience and I understand how difficult it is. Other than that, I have a sense that you feel like you are a burden to your friends by expressing difficult emotions. This is probably not the case if they truly are your friends. The understanding that you have to receive, in order to give is very mature on your part and you should strive to do this. It takes courage to open up and share your less-than-desirable self. Contrary to popular belief, friendships are not built by projecting your attractive self. They are built on vulnerability, on showing that sometimes, you are a creature in need of others. Paradoxically, this will make others open up to you more, because they will feel that you can relate to their struggles. The most important step in this journey is the first one, because you probably tried to project this cool-guy persona that is always there for others. It may feel like you are betraying yourself at first, but the rewards are very worth it. It's like being able to breathe for the first time, that you don't always have to be strong for others. As always, this is good that you have these insights and that you are able to state your experience openly on this forum. Realization that this does not work for you is a big step in changing the way in which you approach relationships. The rest of the road is practice.
  10. @DManKee I am not trying to be cute with spiritual proverbs here, this advice is to be taken literally. The voice that speaks to you, that tries to force you into doing things that you don't want to do, this is your relationship with yourself. Learn to be gentle towards yourself, notice that your mind is repeating words of other people (your parents, siblings, schoolmates, etc). If you learn to be gentle within yourself, you will naturally be more gentle towards others and have less problems in social situations. Arrange your inner voice so that the way it speaks to you feels good. This is easier said than done, but psychotherapy may help. Hire a person that will talk to you in a loving way, so that you can internalize and focus on that voice.
  11. @Magnanimous Please don't fool yourself into believing that there is anything wrong with material possessions and that you have to "burn" through them so that you can get into a better place. What you want is exactly what you should be doing. regardless of whether it is meditation, sex, chasing money, or whatever else, as long as it brings you true fulfillment.
  12. Your inner child is scared and misses her. If you want to show yourself support, tell yourself that you will always be on your sidez eve if she's gone. And go pay her a visit, your inner child will be happy.
  13. I used to do this, it worked amazing when I wrote the child responses with my non-dominant (left) hand.
  14. Bought myself a new mouse and keyboard. Super excited for them so I decided to write a post, share some of what is going on with me recently . My inner development concerns trauma recently, how it affects my current understanding of the world, how it came about and how to respond to it when I'm triggered. I've been triggered a lot recently, because of my current work situation and how self-reliant I force myself to be, and how many things I see to be out of my control. I am not a native English speaker, and it is customary in my native language to call 'trauma' by its English name in psychological literature. I've been using this word for a long time now, but only recently I understood viscerally that it literally means a wound, damage, which is uraz in Polish. This is a good way of thinking about it. When my arm is broken, I cannot use it, it has to be in a certain position, or else it will hurt. This is very similar to how psychological trauma works, there is a oftentimes repeated event in one's life that is painful, and when something similar happens, a lot of psychological pain comes up, and it is not at all clear that this pain comes from a wound, rather than from the situation at hand. The difference from a regular wound though is how it affects the rational mind, and the whole emotional system. When a traumatizing event has occurred multiple times in the past, the body learns to reflexively recognize similarities to past events, and sometimes enters what I call survival override, even though the situation at hand is not exactly what happened in the past. Survival override is about fixing the situation ASAP, with no consideration for long term effects on one's health, finances, or relationships. Unfortunately, because not all of my intelligence is engaged in fixing the issue, the solutions are superficial at best. It's mostly about not seeing the problem, about covering it up with a blanket and pretending that it doesn't exist. God forbids anyone stands in the way of covering the problem up, though, because then - the steamroll mode is entered with zero consideration for other people's feelings. From the first person POV, the traumatic response shuts off all rational thinking, and emotional consideration, with deep conviction that I am right and this is what I should do. I can often see myself thinking that I should not behave this way and that I am making the situation worse, and yet - I keep behaving the way I do. Only in retrospect, it is clear that I was in a traumatic response and at that point I usually feel ashamed, humiliated and betrayed by my own body. It is difficult to bring this topic up with people that I've hurt and say constructive things because they are usually preoccupied with their own pain that I caused to actually listen to what I feel. What's unhelpful is that I also feel hurt by them, even though I was reacting to my past. So, just like a broken arm that has to be held in a certain position to avoid pain, trauma is about controlling one's environment so that it does not resemble painful memories. Mine regard being emotionally abandoned and being loved in exchange for performance. I've been pushed beyond my comfort by my demanding parents with very little support, and a threat of withholding love when I fail. This threat was implicit in that my parents were only ever enthusiastic about me when I surprised them with my talents, or accomplishments. Other than that, I was mostly treated as an obstacle to peace, like they didn't really want me around. I was supposed to cause no drama, keep my emotions to myself, pretend that I don't want anything and be obedient with respect to the path my parents chose for me. Thankfully, I had my internet corner, where I could be anybody I wanted, as long as it was not taken away from me for "misbehavior". When I look back, this makes me so goddamn angry. They were punishing me by taking away my only escape from them. How insanely insensitive is this? If I ever wanted to devise a cruel way to torment my child, I would have never come up with shit as twisted as this. Emotional abuse is so difficult to spot when you grow up shaped by it. In the past I would try to focus on the fact that they were reacting from their trauma, but frankly, I don't give a shit right now. I was goddamn entitled to their love when I was a child and they failed me miserably. Where does that leave me right now? I don't feel like I belong here, that I am loved for who I am and that the world actually cares for what I want. I feel like I am an obstacle to other people's happiness and that I should not cause trouble with my bullshit. I feel like I will be thrown away like a piece of garbage when I am not useful, and that people will bully me if I don't obey them. So I perform goddamn technological miracles to impress people, I am smart and I'm a wonder-fucking-machine. And it gives me no pleasure because deep down, it is still laced with fucking fear, that if I fail, it's over. I hate it. I just want to have fun in life, I want to explore and learn and play, and do all the amazing stuff that I want to do. I want to build amazing programs, I want to understand what lies at the bottom of things. I don't want to be scared. Please body, just let go. You are amazing, why do you keep clinging to these things that happened so long ago? Nobody is going to throw you away! You can make mistakes and not know things. It's okay to feel lost sometimes. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to feel tired and rest, and to say no to things that are just too much. Anyways, trauma is created by repeated exposure to events that teach you, practically, that you cannot stand by your side, that you are not fully human, that your emotions are invalid, and that you have no right to be yourself. They leave you with a underlying sense of threat and anxiety on the level of the nervous system, and your body is constantly on lookout to mobilize. A good example of a traumatizing situation is bullying. Someone punishes with violence for who you are, and uses your will to defend against this punishment, to keep punishing you. This teaches you that you have no right to be yourself, and that any attempt to defend will only make it worse. Or, if you are successful in defending yourself, it teaches you aggression, that you should be hyper-aggressive to deter all threats. What is important is that when you notice someone "weak" (like you were), you are triggered and you have to bully them, because you've internalized that "weakness" is a good excuse to be violent. This turned darker and longer than I expected, but I guess that I wanted to say this. <~ here's an apology for sharing my feelings. Sigh...
  15. I'd say that beliefs are a class of thoughts that are taken to be true, without consideration, and acted upon with conviction. When inspected, it usually turns out that you don't really know something, but you act as if you do. Some beliefs are surface-level, like when you go to the other room for the glasses you left on a table (but you don't really know where you left them). They can also be very deep, about existence itself, where you don't even have the right vocabulary to ask the question about them, and can't even imagine how the world would look like if you didn't assume them. If you directly want to experience a belief, take any intellectual incongruity or conflict within your experience, and start asking questions from your direct experience. For example, we usually think that there are things that we do see, and that there are things we don't see. When I believed this, I used to imagine that my field of view ends with blackness similar to the one I experience when I close my eyes. Now go ahead and see whether your field of view has any end, using your peripheral vision. Is there a line dividing what you see, and what you don't see? Are there really, in your direct experience, things you don't see? You can obviously "move your head", and "notice" the things that are there, but this is not what I am asking. Do this, ponder whether things that are not experienced exist, until you have a clear answer. Until you have no doubts about it and see how your experience changes. This is how you know that you gave up on a belief. Some beliefs turn out to be true, in the sense that you can agree with what you were thinking, but your thinking about the subject is now much more nuanced and deeper. A relationship now exists. It's like when we learn math in grade school. There are kids that learn how to solve specific exercises, and there are kids that actually "get it". They exhibit a kind of creativity and flexibility that other kids don't.
  16. I think that this happens because spirituality is such a high horse to ride, and once people realize some stuff, they just can't stop thinking how special they are. The truth is that if we ever wanted to have an "embodiment" sub-forum, we would basically have to stoop down to other categories and talk about spirituality in relationships, or food, and who wants that? It's much more convenient to keep sitting here, on mount awesome. I can see some people I respect open up and venture off to other places, but it's still too few of them. I always love seeing some neo-advaitan give advice on how to approach a relationship problem. A quickest way to see how much they really know.
  17. The green, relativistic mindset understands that all things, including science are constructs. The problem is when green goes too far in this thinking and puts science on the same level with, let's say, opinions about choice of clothing, or taste in the opposite sex, or even food. Yes, we invented science to serve social needs, and it does precisely that. Serve social needs, by normalizing the way in which we approach problems. Not all approaches to problems are created equal because some of them are effective, and some of them aren't. It's cute to argue that within the scientific paradigm of effectiveness, science is the most effective tool, as long as we don't have hundreds of thousands people killed. This argument is useful if you actually apply it to yourself, not when you point fingers at people (the green game par excellance). The other problem with forums like this is the delusion that we are actually solving anything by discussing it here. Our consensus here has literally ZERO impact. It would be much more productive for everyone to inspect their own life and arrange it according to one's understanding of the world. People would benefit much more if you actually wore a mask next time you went to buy groceries than convince some infidel that your POV is the correct one. It is not possible to convince someone to go up a stage. All growth is directed from within, when a person feels stuck and honestly inspects one's life. If you ever wanted to communicate with someone that is stuck on a lower stage, this is never done by demonizing them. Especially Green should be aware of this, as they have gone through a lot of stages and have the experience of being blue. If you want to be effective in communication across stages, you have to first accept them within yourself, so that you can speak from that stage that you were embodying at some point. Green does not understand this because it does not actually embody its relativistic understanding. It sees that societies are made of groups of influence, and does not see this within themselves, how they are fragmented internally, on the level of the psyche. And finally, to re-iterate, not stating one's views is not the way of tier two. This is some centrist green agenda that tries to avoid hurting people's feelings in the name of some abstract virtue masquerading as equality. People are equal in the face of rules that govern this world, like they die to COVID regardless of their political views, or fall prey to shadow when they repress themselves in the name of cultural values. People suffer equally and their will to live and flourish is equal, regardless of where they come from and should be treated with respect. Equality is not about being right regardless of what one is saying. Everyone has the right to have their own opinions and arrange their inner world to their liking, as long as this does not endanger the people, or the environment around them. Hell, they are even allowed to arrange their interior in a way that makes THEM SUFFER. This is still okay, albeit difficult to witness in people we love. But not all perspectives are created equal and should not be treated as such.
  18. To be more direct, my point is that to study evil, you need to do it through experience, not by watching inmates like monkeys in a zoo. Don't misread it, don't go around killing people. You've done enough already for a lifetime of learning.
  19. You are talking of evil in terms of proverbs and morality, which tells me that you haven't explored this facet of yourself to a great degree.
  20. @jimwell I wonder how well you understand the evil you did yourself and how you view you choice on that matter.
  21. @jimwell And what is it that you think motivates them? I assure you that you are mistaken.
  22. @StarStruck Sorry to hear that. Maybe she isn't right for you if you can't communicate well enough.
  23. @StarStruck Mmaybe she isn't aware of your intellectualization? Have you tried talking with her about it?
  24. What you are saying is basically that she should sleeze her way past your defence mechanisms, against your will? This is not how progress is made in therapy. How can you build trust with someone that is scared? By forcing him open? "Getting past his defence mechanisms"? Nothing in therapy will happen against your will.
  25. @StarStruck What is the significance of this statement? Did it 'solve' your problems with 'social quirks like codependency', 'productivity', and 'self-confidence'?