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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. Your idea of perception, subjectivity and experience seem to be conflated which is causing your problems. Experience is what is. When you start adding concepts on top of it, you get perception which is entangled with "I". When you get lost in perception and lose sight of experience, you get the "subjective world". Then, you have to invent the "objective world" as a social consensus and indirect investigation. When you are seeing, you are making distinctions, but these distinctions are not arbitrary. They are grounded in form, which is easily demonstrable by investigating their shape with touch and "seeing" that these two dimensions of experience match. The thought story is affecting your sight only conceptually, as having expectations of what eyes are capable of and potentially skimming over things that defy your expectations. The eyes themselves, prior to labeling, are a prerequisite to exploring the dimension of consciousness we call sight.
  2. You are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Suffering is what you do and it is irrespective of desire. By taking away desire, you are denying love.
  3. @Leo Gura Exploitation at its finest. The way you describe game is the polar opposite of a quality relationship. I wonder it it's even possible to attract a healthy woman this way.
  4. The audacity to dream and actualize your potential is how enlightenment is manifest.
  5. @Kimasxi I'm afraid that you will have to move this opinion aside because it obstructs your view of yourself. You opened up to him, got rejected, and are now trying to act as if nothing happened. It happened and you are hurt. You are withdrawing and avoiding to protect yourself. You are trying to get the relationship back to the point it was before the confession to avoid losing a friend that you need. Rejections are scary and painful. There is no shame in taking a step back to take care of yourself. You are worth it. Have a wonderful day.
  6. Been seek for the past few days. Yesterday, to my wife's horror, I discovered that I lost the sense of smell and taste ?. It's probably covid. Sigh.
  7. Problems with open-mindedness arise only if aren't grounded in your direct experience.
  8. The path is not about finding something that is hidden from you, but about finding you yourself. You were always the case and will always continue to be. When you get it, you simply know, experientially, what "I" means. As for the possibility of losing it, the person's part of seeking is a skill that is learned. When you master the piano, you can give better or worse performances, but these are dependent on circumstances (like having arms, for example). Some things fall off by themselves, after an awakening, but some have to be worked on until you make the change. Enlightenment gives you a good vantage point for that.
  9. Because it is easier to keep chatting when you have things to chat about .
  10. @electroBeam Forgetting is not an accurate word. While it certainly feels like remembering something when you are awakening, a better word would be a contraction, or a stitch. Illusion works by stitching things together so that you don't notice what's in between. You can notice the seams around concepts and put awareness on them and they reveal what's hidden. If you do that with the I-concept, you will "remember", or "open up". You don't feel like you forgot something because you, the false mind, ARE THE CONTRACTION. Open the I up, and experience what it symbolizes, directly. Such a mindfuck!
  11. Nothing. Not in the absolute sense. It is simply a contracted way of being that has the potential to expand. People that commit these acts get progressively more lost, while people that evolve out of it are happier. This is where "particulars" come into the picture - you, particularly, shouldn't commit these acts for your own sake. Feelings are the only viable compass for growth because they are non-symbolic and you can't get lost within them like you can in thoughts. While we're certainly capable of talking about things we have no clue about, we are always feeling about ourselves, so to speak.
  12. Good, connect to that experience and contemplate: what is it? What is love, really?
  13. What you call "disuinification" happens through birth. As you live your life, you become more and more conscious, and more and more happy until you die and merge with Absolute Truth. But then, you are overwhelmed with love and you give birth to yourself. Love gives rise to consciousness the same way death does. I don't know how to say this, but the fact that you are limited, "disunified" actually maximizes consciousness instead of diminishing it. It makes no rational sense whatsoever, but it is the case and I hope that your trip will reveal this to you. It's an infinite strangeloop. God is BOTH infinitely conscious AND limited AND able to expand through this very limitation. You, as a person, will die and will not reincarnate into anything else. It is not a matter of your personal choice. The knack is that you, beyond personhood, as infinite consciousness, already are Jeffrey Epstein and the reason is precisely love.
  14. Beginner reporting in. Had to stop recently because of a knee injury that I got from falling off a bike lol. Super helpful with back muscle pain, quality of sleep and overall wellbeing.
  15. The point is to experience love for yourself, instead of explaining it. The experience itself will answer your questions about fullness and the purpose of God. Words won't do it justice. Have a nice day.
  16. We give labels to ideas, but ideas point towards experience. There is an experience behind the concept we call love. What is it? Drop this belief, it does not facilitate your awakening.
  17. Then you have not experienced what I'm talking about and thinking will not get you anywhere closer to what you are looking for. I understand how this seems backwards, but truth has no regard for our narrow-mindedness. This is a good starting point for a deeper trip. These are all valid questions, but they can only be answered from direct experience and not from hearsay, so I will refrain from answering them for you. What would you do if you truly were complete and not lacking anything? Would it be possible for you to be anything other than love itself? Open up to the consequences of fullness of God. This is hearsay for you and it is demonstrably false. What the body is, other than a contraction in consciousness? It is literally a concept in the universal mind. "Shoulds" are within the relative domain and arise from the person, the purpose of which is to persist. What you are presenting here with this question is a false alternative. These two options are not contradictory.
  18. @Nthnl The idea that you need a reason to not do something comes into the picture when reason to do it exists, and yet, is rejected. Instead of looking for counter-reasons, I'd suggest investigating why would you want to commit acts that are conventionally considered immoral in the first place. When you investigate deeply into this matter, there are none. In fact, reasons for violence exist only because you are not investigating them deeply enough. When the person is an illusion, killing the person does not free it from illusion. It simply kills the person. What is pointed at is that you are not the person. It does not imply that the person should be disposed of as trash, killed, or belittled. The person feels, thinks, breathes, has hopes and aspirations, and a purpose. Why would you ever want to stop that? You cannot love anything other than the dream, for reality itself is love and is your true nature.
  19. That won't happen if your're not willing to let beliefs go @PurpleTree . Just experience the fact that you don't really know all of the things that you want to believe in. Don't think "I don't know". Experience it. Wake up.
  20. What do you truly want from this conversation? It seems to me that you are aware of the fact that there's a lot of things that you don't know and are trying to fill these gaps by believing things that I say. Do you think that it will ever satisfy you? Watching other people achieve the things that you want for yourself?
  21. It seems like you would enjoy that, so why don't you go ahead and commit to mastering it?
  22. You as pure consciousness have no purpose, you are already complete and fulfilled. That is why you created separation and clouded your view of yourself, so that you can experience yourself. This is the point of the person. It is to expand the contraction of consciousness that you are and experience yourself more fully until you die. Death is absolute truth that is experienced as astonishing perfection and life is a dream that you create by choosing what you experience and master (how you expand). You are totally free to do either because there is no escape from love, your true nature.