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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. Then limitations don't exist. Period. I am not a finite being. I literally create the whole goddamn universe with my eyes because I want to and it manifests exactly how I want it.
  2. So how can one honestly say that something exists, if it cannot be experienced? How can one say that limitations exist?
  3. @Leo Gura We're on the same page here. Alright. So let's take another "concrete instance" of limitation, which is any limitation of experience. For example, let's take limitations of sight. As you look into your hand deeply: you can experience some nuance, but you cannot see the atoms with your bare eyes. also, you can use peripheral vision and defocus from your hand and see the arm, its background, etc, but you cannot see the back of your head. Do these concrete instances of the abstraction called "limit" within the domain of sight exist, since you CANNOT see them? Similarly, is the experience itself limited in any way whatsoever, and if it is, then how can you experience that limitation? The limitations of sight, for example, can only be seen in relation to other senses and other methods of experience.
  4. @Nahm So, seem to be saying that things that are not experienced do not exist. Fair enough, so let me present you with a riddle that destroys me: Experience is limited. I cannot see the back of my head. I also cannot see the thing that prevents me from seeing the back of my head. I cannot experience the limitation of seeing. So, limitation of seeing does not exist. It is a concept that does not correspond with anything that is real. And yet, the back of my head does not exist. Get it? It makes no goddamn sense whatsoever. I am not rejecting it because it makes no sense, I am just expressing the fact that it feels like I'm losing it. I don't know what limitation is, and I've been literally banging my head against it my whole life ?
  5. @Gnosis Will you please save this thread and tell a lucid, useful story with no pretense? No offense @Nahm I need to ponder your reply.
  6. With all your infinite knowledge of infinity and your mystical experiences of the mystery, is a single person here that knows what limitation is? Paging doctor finite, we have a patient. He may have a concussion, just tried to go through a ?
  7. Laugh as you may, but I actually tried that. ? Is limitation a thing, or is it a pure abstraction? Do I make it up to explain reality, or is there actually a thing? If I am making it up to explain reality, can I stop doing it and experience reality without this concept? OH MY GOD, this is the point is that I am trying to get across! I am trying to get what is limitation and what is perspective! Why can't you people hear the question and give me the stock answers about infinity⁉️ I am not trying to get infinity by thinking! I am trying to get what is limitation! So frustrating! ?
  8. Maybe my question is: does the tree even fall if there is no one to experience it?
  9. Perhaps, reality would be a better word for what you are describing? People tend to use the word truth as a way to express whether a concept corresponds with something in reality. This way, reality is 1st order thing. Why is this relevant? I was trying to understand what limitation is. Not by figuring it out, but by experiencing it. If limitation cannot be experienced, or known, because it limits experience, then how do I know if it exists? There may be things that exist, and yet, are un-experiencable, and these things limit experience. Or, limitation may be pure abstraction that does not correspond with anything in reality. Of course, one may say that if I cannot experience it, then it doesn't exist, but that in of itself is a belief! Yet, it defines what it means to exist. If infinity is inherently unknowable, then even infinity does not know itself. That would be interesting. No. How is it relevant? @impulse9 @allislove @Moksha @VeganAwake Seems like I have offended your sensitivity using the k-word. Sorry ?
  10. Make sure not to get into the mindset of "I made such a big fuss about it and now there's a vacuum between us". You just made this fucked up situation explicit and even if she were hurt because of your work, she made a choice that undermined your trust in her and damaged your relationship. Secrets like these tend to fester and this vacuum would show up sooner or later. Now, at least both of you can overtly address the issue, if you decide to salvage this relationship.
  11. Let me clarify the terms ffs. 2 years is NOT a long term relationship. You are just chicks that barely cracked the egg.
  12. At the risk of sounding like I'm blaming it onto you, hear this out: Even reading your story gets me mildly pissed and humiliated for you. You are acting as if everything was okay, so she thinks that this sort of behavior is okay. Is it okay? Is it REALLY, or are you afraid of losing her, so you will let that one pass? Remember that big fuck-ups are sometimes made of small slip-ups over a long time.
  13. For the past week or so, I've been working on improving my condition with varying success. I mostly stuck to my routine, but I gave in to TV (just to finish that one last episode) and of course, it showed up on my energy and pain levels. Been trying to rest in the weekend - even took a day off, but the weather is so hot and moist that it only ended up frustrating me even more. To rest, I basically have to lie on my bed and do ABSOLUTELY nothing. Not even write in my journal or read. Just breathe. Even that is not enough sometimes. I feel like I fail at the absolutely most basic task that human can do. I know that I'm not SUPPOSED to TRY to rest, but I can't help it! Also been to talk to my parents about fibro and we ended up having a fruitful conversation. I feel that they understood me to some degree. They still don't want to hear why I was irritated and angry all the time, so I did not even try to touch upon this subject. I was confronted with just how limited my father is. Having my childhood fantasies be torn down is... I don't know how to describe this. Both liberating and sad, perhaps? Me and my wife decided to have a truce and ended up acknowledging that the basis of a relationship, apart from personal sovergnity, is the willingness to do what the partner wants or desires, and trust that the partner will provide what I want. Thanks to this understanding, we're able to seduce each other like in the beginning of our relationship, by explicitly showing that we know what the other person dreams of. It was a difficult and emotional conversation, but I think we're on the right track. The fact that I acknowledged my disease helps me to understand her better. Having illness in my shadow created tons of judgement of rest. I've also been writing in my personal journal because this year's experience started to condense into drips of wisdom. I am finally starting to grasp what are the qualities of awareness, what is perspective and how it relates to consciousness. I am very pleased with what I wrote and I constantly surprise myself how well put it is. Maybe I will try to send this to my Buddhist acquaintance that is interested in philosophy to give his opinions?
  14. @spinderella "MY consciousness" is not a thing. Consciousness is impersonal. It is the thing from which personhood (and everything else) arises. However, "MY awareness" is more accurate (but still untrue). Awareness is a perspective that occurs within consciousness. Awareness is the ability to focus and differentiate "things" out of consciousness. "Your" body is a form of awareness, as it allows for seeing, hearing, breathing, etc. In a sense, it is a contraction of consciousness that you experience as a perspective. I am putting pronouns in quotation marks, as awareness is actually the reason for the illusion of separateness. Because you are aware, reality appears as if you were the center of it. Therefore, it is the precondition of the appearance of the separate self ("mine", "yours", etc). Awareness is not "yours", because awareness precedes "you".
  15. Mind you, that ownership is over a blockchain entry called NFT - not over the piece of art itself. As far as I know, the blockchain entry is currently not recognized as a proof by any legal authority atm. Disclaimer: I work in crypto business for several years, but I do not have a lot of knowledge on NFT.
  16. This place is so depressing. Desperately shouting at the void and hoping to hear the echo.
  17. Curb your triggers, this is exactly what I meant.
  18. Extroversion and introversion are ways in which the psyche gathers and spends energy. Introverted folks spend energy then they are focuses outwardly, like in social situations, or when building something, etc. They gather experiences that they have to later process in solitude, via introspection. This is inverse for extroverts. I think that you simply shared your limiting beliefs in this thread. It's like saying that introverted people can't be sociable, or can't get laid because chicks dig alpha chad types. Sociable introverts are going to be sociable in different ways than extroverts. The same applies to enlightenment.
  19. On the occasions when my feminine side responds to masculine presence, there is the air of freshness and independence. It's not about anything in particular that signals these qualities, it is just their presence that gives rise to this fascination.
  20. I usually cringe at turquoise book recommendations, but J.G. Bennett's Enneagram Studies is what I consider to be a solid turquoise book. I has taught me a new way of looking at the world. Amazing work.
  21. As a sufferer of fibromyalgia, I will tell you to not underestimate the importance of deep sleep. Deep sleep deprivation causes brain fog, memory and focus problems, and excess body toxin buildup that leads to inflammation and daily intense pain throughout the body. Perhaps it is possible to enter deep sleep in polyphasic sleep, but it takes considerable practice to do so consistently. Be warned.
  22. For whatever reason, number 7 is associated with legal issues and right now, legal issues are plenty. The owner of the company I'm working for has been arrested, as well as some people that I work with. Few weeks ago, the police entered our office and took hard drives of most employees, but not mine, thankfully. It's been a rollercoaster here and my psyche was all over the place yesterday. I had a chat with a few coworkers and it calmed me down a bit but I need to consider my options and probably make myself available on the market again. The relaxation routine was very important for the past few days and it is working very well. Apart from yesterday, I was able to consistently lower my stress levels during the day, and my sleep has noticeably improved. I don't feel pain after I wake up, but I noticed that as soon as I get out of bed, my stress skyrockets. I decided to implement some relaxation right after I wake up. The pace of the projects that I'm working on has picked up recently and I'm developing some interesting things. I really love modularity and the program that I'm working on is exactly the kind of problem that needs a modular solution. As a team, we're steadily transitioning to the second set of problems that our project hinges upon. We had enough time to consider the solutions and the only thing that is left, is to implement them. I also bought a light sleeping bag. As usual, it is a used model, but hopefully it will be in good condition. It fits with my medium sleeping bag to form a winter variant, so I will be set for the whole year . I think I will have to consider entertainment during this weekend's trip because I may not be able to hold it together for the whole day in the forest. Perhaps, I should go later into the day so that I don't have the time to get cold feet? Will ponder this more.
  23. In the middle of a forest
  24. The Self is a natural occurrence, by that I mean that it exists by necessity. The image of the Self, that I denote here as lowercase self, is a by-product of Self-awareness that humans posses. It is an abstraction, it does not "do" anything. The self is a figure of speech. The "values" you speak of, are an interpretation of behavior that is then classified to form "spiral dynamics". There are no "values" as such, in of themselves: only interpretation exists. There is no tiny human in your head that has a list of values which are acted out through the levers that grow inside of your skull.