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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. I=you=we @tsuki=@now is forever=@Zweistein
  2. @now is forever Have you seen Koyaanisqatsi? Is the ending is a plea to change, or is it a statement of human nature that expresses equanimity? It is a very powerful film that left me in meaninglessness for several weeks until it settled down.
  3. @now is forever What you describe is wonderful. I totally get what you mean. Do you remember the mindfuck/soulfuck when I equated people with things in @Zweistein's journal? Things move things around. If that was a mindfuck, then it bears similarity to the mystical experience that you are trying to connect to. From what I understand of your post, you are left in oneness through shared human effort that is ever-present in all objects. That is a wonderful experience. Can you imagine the world in which humans are objects that are manipulated by technology? The world in which humans are empty canvas in which objects create skills? The world in which objects invented humans to reproduce? The world in which humans are cells in the bloodstream of the skyscrapers? That 'we' are the bacteria in the gut of the living cities? That cars invented us to move around? However, what are humans other than organs that are made of cells that are made of organelles that are dead? Humans came from apes that came from something else that came from bacteria that came from dead material. We are all equally dead=alive when we inspect Materialism closely. What is the difference between the creator and the created? In this recognition of oneness between us and 'the other' you recognize the cell of reality within all objects that is not merely a canvas to humans. It is a canvas to us, artists, but we are a canvas to them as well. In this recognition lies the inherent oneness of cells that recognizes the mirror as boundary and that new boundary as a mirror once more. If boundary=mirror, then mirror=boundary. Can you see the world from the point of view of technology? It is not that this perspective is any more true than the perspective of the world in which humans use technology. Humans use technology which uses humans. Technology=life.
  4. @Zweistein The reply to this post will be split into several ones, as there are many thing to unpack. The metaphorical image I quoted was discussed in terms of the mirror=boundary so far. Let's get into whatever lies within the cell. Whatever arrives at the mirror=boundary is, by itself, infinitely ambiguous. Not only that my words as you read them right now are ambiguous by themselves, but the fact that you even see words is dependent on the fact that you look for them. If you were to see the mirror=boundary in its full transparent glory, you would not see anything at all, as you wouldn't even know what to look at. As I go on a walk in the forest, there are no trees until I look for them. I may be deeply lost in thought, imagining my holidays. Even though I am in the forest, the forest is not in me. There are no trees at the boundary=mirror. So, all of what I perceive is the projection of my reality. Contents of this reality is what I call beliefs. Beliefs are not only some ungrounded fantasies that we have. Beliefs also include knowledge. When I know biology, I notice the structure of a flower. When I know psychology, I notice mental illness. Beliefs are not at the boundary by themselves. They are what decides what is possible to make out of the ambiguity of the mirror=boundary. So, whatever I am writing now is entirely a projection of my beliefs. They manifest themselves at the mirror=boundary as nothing in particular. As you notice them, you make something out of them by projecting your beliefs. Therefore, my beliefs are never what you read. I believe that we agreed on that so far and let's call this the boundary-perspective. So, what I see you did in your post from the boundary-perspective is: Project a possibility of belief that teacher=pupil (which is unknown) Project the belief that the world needs healing Show me that these two beliefs form a paradox Discard the possibility of belief that teacher=pupil (return to the known) The paradox from the boundary-perspective seems to bear repulsion to the unknown. This whole post in which I honestly describe my personal projections and assume that we both share them through our inherent sameness is what constitutes the mirror-perspective. This whole text is based on the assumption of exactness through the described structure and it is what should be used to turn the boundary-perspective into a mirror-perspective. This movement I cannot describe any better than in this post: From the mirror-perspective, what I=you=we do in contemplation is: Project a possibility of belief that teacher=pupil (which is unknown) Project the belief that the world needs healing and acknowledge its origin Recognize that these two beliefs form a paradox and treat it as a sign of inner conflict between beliefs Re-frame/re-contextualize either of those beliefs so that they do not form a duality of opposites The paradox from the mirror-perspective seems to bear attraction to the unknown. For now, I cannot say anything about re-framing because I am completely blind to its nature. I need to observe myself more as I do it.
  5. @Zweistein Hahaha. Now I get what you meant in your second entry in the journal Guess what? My profile pic is a solar eclipse
  6. @Zweistein I make a fool out of myself all the time unknowingly. It is only when I understand my folly, I become wiser. I did not become a fool at the moment of uncovering my folly. I stopped being a fool in this one tiny area. Ignorance is blindness. It is not an insult to call somebody blind. It's a disability. I am healing.
  7. @now is forever If you have come to the infinite loneliness by yourself, then it means that you meet the other as neither the teacher nor the pupil. That infinite loneliness is the possibility of seeing that our personal cell is exactly the same as any other cell. That you can recognize yourself within the other. Whatever the other may be. A person, an animal, or even a book. The key thing is that this recognition came authentically from you. From within you. Not picked up from the world and made into a belief. This recognition is the very paradox that turns the boundary into the mirror and lets you experience the I=you=we. Then you, for example, think that a book is just a dead book that is somehow different from you - you make yourself into a master, or a pupil. If you can recognize a cell of reality that this book occupies and equate this cell with yours - then you get it. You can experience the I=you=we with the book. Separation between you and a book is nonsensical when you get it, even if it was obvious in the past. I am purposefully using an example of a book to throw you off. I=you=we from my point of view is not limited to biological beings. Think about the universal mind which thinks in language called Tao. Anything can be experienced as I=you=we. You may also want to go back to the original post where I introduced this metaphor to get more material:
  8. @Zweistein No. Leo is free to do whatever he pleases. So are both of you. We are all dancing together and in doing that: contemplate. You ask questions and have my honest answers. In answering your questions I understand myself better. I hope that my answers help you achieve that as well. I hope that this is why all of you keep dancing with me. For me, the reason for the contemplation is to see my own folly and become wiser. It is all in the signature. This is how I embody master=pupil. What I hope for Leo is to see the Absolute within the relative as I do. I project upon him the unnecessary struggle with it. This although does not mean that I want him to recognize anything explicitly. I am entirely content with his participation in this contemplation. He seems to find reasons to come back to this discussion, so I hope that it serves him as well. In the post that you quoted, it is painfully clear how foolish I am to pursue this duality any longer. We are all always connected via the I=you=we. Either by recognizing the mirror, or by shared separation. From this point of view, this part of the contemplation is complete. We have all made a fool out of me! Thank you! I do not mean this sarcastically. This is how ignorance works. These answers do not come from a place of knowledge, but they are dynamically produced in response. Although I have seen the folly of this duality intuitively, giving birth to it is another matter entirely. There are, of course, still many things that I intuitively know that I have not yet discovered. One of them is buried within your question that I'm still contemplating. It is the relationship between paradox and the absolute. I hope that this response did not discourage you from participating. I am simply being honest with you because you asked a honest question. Also: to me, it is not a matter of decision. Deciding that master=pupil accomplishes nothing. This is what I am exploring in the contemplation of your question as well. It's about embodiment.
  9. @now is forever What sort of silly chaos would that be if it couldn't become orderly like now? It is a total chaos. To say that something is chaotic is to introduce order. It is a chaotic chaos.
  10. @Zweistein If there are 'others' then it is a boundary.
  11. @now is forever If there is 'the other', then it is a boundary. Reality is then fragmented into infinite amount of separate pieces, all of which touch via boundaries. Whatever appears at the boundary is always being projected on from our own personal reality. Whatever is being put at the boundary by the other is not what appears for the 'I'. If 'the other' exists, then it is a boundary and the boundary is impenetrable. If 'the other' exists, the infinite amount of Is are trapped within infinite amount of cells and we are all infinitely lonely. However, this infinite loneliness is universal and shared. Loneliness is loneliness. This recognition can be done only by equating the 'I' with 'the other' by meeting him as neither a teacher, nor a pupil. In this meeting, we acknowledge that all cells are equal. If all cells are equal, then it is not a boundary, but a mirror. If it is a mirror, then the only this there is, is I=you=we. Separation is connection. Duality is oneness. Relative is absolute. The ground is groundless when you zoom. Can you see it now? There is no difference where you are. There is no way to tell a master from a pupil. That can also be seen as something that is shared to ground I=you=we. That is grounding in groundlessness.
  12. @now is forever Is this a mirror or a boundary?:
  13. @Zweistein I am still contemplating your question. It is very deep. I may be able to answer it tomorrow.
  14. @now is forever You are still missing what zooming is. First, there is no language. Then, there is language. Then, there is no language. Then, there is language... None of these languages are the same as you zoom. The same goes for our conversation with @Leo Gura . First, everything is absolute. Then, everything is relative. Then, there is relative and the absolute. Then, everything is absolute. Then, everything is relative... It is not possible to say at which point you=we=I are. Enlightened masters are like children. Then, they grow up. That is the basis for respect for 'others'. It is also the basis for recognizing I=you=we. All we are doing now is 'synchronizing your clocks'.
  15. Yes, that's my point. That makes language relative vs absolute. @Leo Gura Funny how we agree on that and proceed to draw contradicting conclusions from it. It makes me think that there is a difference in scope of what we consider language. To me, of course: there is English, Russian and Polish. Those are languages. There are written languages, spoken languages and 'inner' languages in which we think. There are also more subtle languages such as, for example, painting and music. It is much more visible in those that: Especially in abstract art, in which - when we don't know the context - everything we interpret is our projection. There is still value in doing that if we want to observe ourselves and need a Rorschach blot. There is also nothing wrong in learning the context of that art and interpreting it via this lens. We should however acknowledge that the context is incidental in the sense that is the lens through meaning manifests itself. When we learn the context for abstract art, we are still in a context of learning. We project that context onto the context that we learn. Derrida famously deconstructed painting by questioning whether the frame is a context for interpretation. To establish what I mean by language, let me carry this deconstruction out further. Not only that the frame is the part of painting, but also the wall it is on. The wall is the part of museum, which is a part of a city, which is a part of a country and the world. That world is a part of cosmos, which is possibly a part of multiverse and so on. All of that is a part of the painting through the possibility of deconstruction in relation to Materialism (which is not absolute). All of that, the total sum of everything in relation to the painting is a subject to language to me. From this point of view, English is a language, but so is the situation in which you are sitting in front of a computer. We are 'reading' any situation 'as if' we were communicating. We are projecting meaning onto this blank Rorschach blot of reality depending on the unknown context we're currently in. It something similar to what you said in the video about deconstruction. Derrida was just a bit short of explaining nonduality. The other movement is by recognizing that there are various possible contexts and context is always absent in a sense. The possibility of deconstructing context is what I previously described as openness and meeting the other as neither master, nor a pupil. By 'other' I do not only mean a person, but in this broad sense of language - even a table by which you sit. When we meet a table as an equal, we are willing to let the table be what it is. Not only as a place to sit by, but we let it be whatever it is. (Even firewood, or whatever else with total surrender). This interplay of context and content is what constitutes the mind in the universal sense. The mind between the ears may use English as a language, but the language of the universal mind is Tao. The Ego of the brain-mind is personality, but Ego of the universal mind is more in lines of Law of Attraction. In this sense, language is total. All of it is a metaphor because of projection. Even if language is relativistic, there is nothing dualistic about metaphors. The mechanism through which metaphors work is Absolute. This absolute is present in any everyday interaction, even when we talk about trash. That is because of inherent ambiguity of relativistic divisions. They are like blank skeletons of meaning that we can apply at various places. There is nothing relativistic in the movement that applies them.
  16. @Feel Good From what I understand, nobody agrees to anything until they do. Everybody is free to use whatever they please, even if they do not understand consequences. That, of course doesn't mean that they do. This is how culture is built, as a collective ego made by expectancy of the layout of buttons. This, at the same time is the root cause of blindness and conflict, when we try to establish new rules and uphold the old ones. That is because the only certainty can be achieved is simply by stopping listening to the other, because the message went over our head. What do you mean by bizarre? This is a meditation on social life, while engaging in it. I am reading myself in your message. Reading my projections. It does not matter whether I do it on the forums, face to face, by watching movies, or even looking around. Because who said that communication is established between people? Nobody can ever say what a person is, not to mention the recipient of a message. I talk to my cat via body language and it responds back. And yes, it is entirely, 100% projection. Same goes for my interpretation of your message. People from time immemorial have listened to the wisdom of the rain. That is how deep the recognition of Absolute can be through language.
  17. @Zweistein I showed the connection between polishing of the mirror and loneliness in this post: The question is: is loneliness suffering to you? This word is commonly associated as such. When the mirror is clean, you may encounter I=you=we in its unity, but unity is associated with loneliness. There is nobody anymore. When the mirror is dirty, the I=you=we is disguised by reaction to projections. Then, you experience separation, but there is also potential for connection. So, in terms of suffering - there is a choice between loneliness and disappointment. In terms of pleasure - there is a choice between unity and connection. From this point of view, the question of suffering is a projection from wherever we are now. Inspect your dirt closely - it may give you directions. Pleasure and suffering are however something that can be overcame by short-circuiting, as explained in this post:
  18. @Zweistein I'm having trouble understanding this question. From my point of view, I=you=we cannot benefit from anything, ever. Benefit is a result of projection through beliefs. It is the dirt on the mirror. Sure, but I haven't read the book. It doesn't matter to me that it is a children's book. It always fascinates me how children dressed up as adults pass secret notes to their successors. Yes it does! I enjoy our conversations tremendously. There is something common between the three of us. Is it the child, which is neither male nor female?
  19. @Zweistein This 'gene' is a rationalization of the very nature of a woman. We could even say that to some, the woman is defined by this gene. The punching question is: if polishing the mirror makes a woman suffer, then is she really watching over everybody? She can watch over everybody only in so far as she neglects her own suffering. That in itself is a very ruthless stance towards her own being, which is a predominantly male trait. The more she watches over everybody else, the more ruthless she has to become. In a sense, she is every bit as ruthless as a man, but the direction of ruthlessness is different. In this sense, there is not much difference in nature. The only difference is in direction.
  20. @now is forever Sorry, I didn't get you the first time. I read some of your journal and should have made the connection with the high heels. To me, there are no concrete dualities. The point from which I discuss these issues is impersonal. What I'm trying to explicate is the mechanism through which ego/personality/identity perpetuates itself. It is the mechanism in terms of which the distinction between men and women can be made and upheld. In this sense: no, I'm not talking to a woman. Neither do I talk to a man. The I=you=we, as I discuss it has no traits whatsoever. Nothing positively descriptive can be said about it. I do understand however that the issue of mirror-like nature of yin is important to you and I'm not dismissing that. I am simply clarifying my previous posts. So, coming back to your question (taken seriously this time): The only answer I can give is from that impersonal perspective. The moment that you make the distinction between a man and a woman and identify as a woman - there is nothing else to do. Just keep polishing that mirror and if it makes you suffer, then you will have to overcome this duality by 'punching hole through it'. To do that, you have to understand how men and women are exactly the same. I went into the equality of yin and yang in this post: Does this make any sense to you?
  21. @now is forever Punching a hole is a figure of speech. It's about saying clearly what I mean and seeing my own folly. I'm not there yet. And how did femininity slip into your understanding of whatever I was saying? I said nothing about women. @Zweistein said that we need to clean our mirrors to break the cycle. I simply said that there is no way to escape the cycle. There is one cycle, or another cycle. That's all. There is also a relationship between cleaning the mirror and loneliness that I wanted to point out. Reading it now, it feels like I projected too much onto that little metaphor. I'm sorry if I missed.
  22. @Zweistein As non-originated disappointment, as described in this post: Or did you mean my disposition towards it? I generally treat it as a way to grow. To increase my=your=our intelligence. It is a pleasant feeling, even it makes me uneasy/annoyed at times. Right. For that to happen, I=you=we would have to be infinitely intelligent=totally at peace. That is what I am doing right now. Going back to the original post: I'm making my context explicit through contemplation. This way I can punch a hole the context it and return to the unknown. It's a cycle. (read the quote carefully ^^^^^^) You feel lonely because you meticulously keep polishing your mirror. I don't. In the effort of trying to stop the cycle from repeating itself, you repeatedly polish your mirror. This very polishing is what makes you lonely. That is because there is nobody else than you=I=us. 'Others' appear through disappointment because you project meaning onto the world. This projection is dependent on beliefs. If you polish your beliefs out, then the world becomes meaningless. Doesn't that make you lonely? You can only have company if you allow your dirt/beliefs to grow and let 'others' disappoint you. This is how the world is meaningful. To see the I=you=we despite the dirt. I take care of my mirror in a different way. When I see something beautiful, I enjoy it. When I see a monster, I acknowledge that the mirror is dirty and study the dirt curiously. There is no need to polish the mirror this way, as long as you keep in mind that there is dirt and mirror. Does this metaphor make any sense to you?
  23. @Leo Gura I am not bringing Wittgenstein to the table to treat him as an authority on what language is. Nobody should ever care what anybody else meant by what they wrote. The only important thing is what was understood. All language, regardless of what is being said, is a metaphor. There is not much difference when it comes to complexity. So, for now it seems like you are not acknowledging the question that I asked, but that's okay. We're not dealing with the same thing yet, so perhaps there is nothing to share. Thank you for your time, Leo. I appreciate it. I just hope that I can ask you some more questions in the future, as I am a curious fellow and I respect you very much.
  24. @now is forever It is not pointless and empty. As you zoom in, it is meaningful, then you zoom in some more and it is meaningless, then some more and it is meaningful, then meaningless, ad infinitum. There is no difference between zooming in and out. Zooming is zooming.
  25. @Feel Good No amount of emojis or explanations can transmit the context. Symbols are empty by themselves. They arrive at us unexpectedly and are observed only through the filter of beliefs. We project all meaning upon them, and by doing that, we push our own buttons. It is the willingness to move our own buttons in a way that pushing hits the right ones is what establishes oneness of the I=you=we. It is the precondition of any perception.