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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. Imagine this. You are so loyal to your own survival, that you are willing to create pain when something is wrong with your rib. This pain is so intense that you have to dedicate considerable amount of resources and time to fix the issue, or else you will die - or at least, your life will be living hell. That is some serious dedication. As if, you were loving yourself by creating this pain. Think about this.
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/δαιμόνιος
  3. I heard you mention this practice multiple times, I will look into it. Yes, this is definitely a good description of me being in my thirties . Thank you for the tips. Yesterday I learned that a collegue of mine went behind my back to my boss to state his issue with what I plan to do. Getting angry over it at home seemed so pointless. Yet, the mind was just below the tipping point. I wish I could just let go. If practices help with that, I will do them.
  4. Had an interesting thought yesterday. For the longest time now, I'm asking myself what is it that the world really needs right now. I mean, what is the biggest problem right now that I could contribute towards solving? And, for the longest time, nothing comes up. Yesterday, for the first time, I had a thought that this world maybe isn't such a bad place that needed saving?
  5. I've been reading "Facets of Unity" by A.H. Almaas and I was wondering about his vivid descriptions of the experience of Being. I mean, I can't really say that I experience my being, and it bugs me. For example, he seems to describe the spacious omnipresent "presence" that I identify as my presence, and I cannot honestly say that I experience myself this way. I've been contemplating a bit my experience of "me", which seems to be the emotions that I view to be inside of my body. When I was trying to grasp why exactly I think that my emotions are inside of my body, I couldn't really say. I think that I am the space in which emotions occur, but this space is somehow juxtaposed on top of my visual field, as if these two "spaces" were distinct. When I'm scanning my body, I imagine blackness in which emotions occur. As if, I could either focus on them, or on my sight. Will keep contemplating this.
  6. I am really not concerned what Leo has, or has not. Nothingness cannot be an object of knowledge.
  7. Click the "quote" button beneath a post that you want to respond to. I have no idea how this question relates to what I wrote. Knowledge is a form of belief. The only difference is that it is useful in terms of survival and relative pursuits. I don't understand how it would imply that I'm saying that he's deluded.
  8. Nothingness is impossible to understand. Understanding is a process that occurs with the mind, which is relative. Nothingness is not relative. This is another name for the Absolute. Again: it is not possible to understand it. You can make beliefs about it, you can partially represent the experience of it, but it is not it.
  9. Is this a description of conscience? Also, with Almaas' description of the experience of Being, I was wondering whether one actually experiences it. I mean, whatever perceptual capacity I have, it is wholly developed for the sake of survival. Sight, sound, touch, movement, (all inner and outer) are all once can experience. It is true that these forms of experience go through drastic transformation when one is conscious of Being, but is it really true that I experience it? During my latest awakening, I became conscious that existence only comes to pass by/through/because of emptiness, Nothing, which is not an object of experience. Do you have any insight how that relates to terminology that Almaas uses?
  10. @Gianna Contradiction is only in relation to your knowledge, which is, as you said, a contraction. There is no way of truly knowing whether these things exist, or not, other than becoming directly conscious of them. So, if they really matter to you, then by all means go ahead and explore these realms, but do so experientially. This way you will know for yourself. Of course, this also implies that it is not possible to know everything and this is a fact that has to be made peace with.
  11. What he says about the dangers of lifting the veil of the subconscious is in agreement with other people claiming that psychedelics can be dangerous. Carl Jung would say something similar, that one should be weary of wisdom he did not earn, or that being exposed to one's unconscious gives responsibility over its contents. This responsibility is too much for some people. In my limited experience with LSD, I never bit too much to chew during a trip. I did not trip on large doses though. Perhaps, the fear of the subconscious stems from an idea that psychedelics are dead, unintelligent substances that will flush your shadow all over you? That being said, Adya was saying that he saw a disparity between what people claimed about the effects of psychedelics, and what the actual people were like. Not about psychedelics themselves.
  12. I get the dream of being friends for life, and growing out of it is painful. Realize that friendships are mostly circumstantial - you have a common goal that binds you and closeness develops in other areas of life. But when the goal expires, the closeness fades away with time. It is not enough to poke each other with a text twice a year to sustain it. Were the two of you friends in school, or at work? What common goal was there that is not here anymore?
  13. It is for her. I think you are being entitled to your friendship. She does not seem to be interested anymore, and she does not have to give you a written notice that your friendship has expired. Why get angry over it?
  14. Today I woke up at 1 AM with racing thoughts. Several manifestations of the enneagram became apparent: Hero's journey The progression of the career of a programmer The interactions between authenticity, sincerity and profilicity My understanding of the Enneagram, Alchemy and Numerology deepened a lot. These three are interrelated and they give birth to a lot of interesting thoughts. The nature of these structures is such that they are not really suited to plan one's life, or give direction to it. I can't properly articulate it yet. When I consider something through the Enneagram, I see the connection between progression of time, and the existing manifestations of the archetypes that the cycle goes through. As if the Enneagram somehow connected time and space, or maybe time and eternity. Sorry for being cryptic, I'm trying my best.
  15. @Scholar I will do you one better: in your visual field, try to pinpoint where exactly one thing becomes the other thing. Try to perceive the difference itself. Where is it? Yet another one: try to pinpoint exactly, what change is. Move an object and see how it changes. How is it even possible? MU.
  16. @Dryas The mind has no grasp over the consciousness, but consciousness has an enormous impact on it. Mystical experiences break the mind, and after a while, it re-forms as something different. There is no explaining it, as explanation lies within the realm of the mind. However, the direct experience of transcendence leaves a print upon the mind that makes it more open and inclusive. When this insight is taken on psychologically, shadow work is possible on a whole different level.
  17. Aincha having fun playing Colar games in here. Gotta catch'em all!
  18. @Vzdoh This is wonderful! I am so happy for you .
  19. 3:23: "I'm pointing you towards... ?" What you wanted to say is "I'm pointing towards something that is not a 'something'". Mu.
  20. In my case, as I was progressing deeper into inconceivability, the way in which I expressed myself as a man was becoming more and more integrated by opening up to the feminine. This had a lot to do with psychotherapy and dropping rigidity of preconceived notions of what a man is, and isn't. A lot of it was related to having less and less self-image, and clearly understanding the nature of abstraction and how it relates to the social sphere. Being in a committed relationship with a woman helped a lot, since I had to (at first) put up with, and (later) love someone that is specifically designed to work upside-down from what I expect to be "the way" to work. I am now more compassionate, accepting and empathetic, but also, much more confident. This is because I understood which aspects of me are not "faults", but features, despite being socially unacceptable in my closest family. I really am hardheaded, stubborn, and willful. I also am a die-hard intellectual. And I cherish it.
  21. It's not just that reality is nothing during deep meditation, when perception ceases. As you are looking at this very screen, it only appears to exist, but in truth, it doesn't. This is how nothing "looks" like.
  22. Had an interesting mind-flash today when I was walking to work. Was contemplating my life as a body and it occurred to me that I have direct access to existence as Life, or Biology. Basically, the body I exist as, as well as all of its senses, and everything it perceives, is a distinction made by Life. I really don't know how to put this to words. I don't want it to get confused with evolutionary biology as an indirect mode of acquiring knowledge by scientific method. This is a living realization that had shifted my experience. The Life force that perfected living organisms, at some point, made a distinction that had led to the first organism to have sight. Simultaneously, a possibility of observation of the world was introduced. Even though it seems mundane, it isn't. I don't know how to express this properly.
  23. @Person0 What is the specific nature of your suffering? Are you in physical pain? If you feel your body, are there any areas that don't feel good? Do you exercise? Are you in emotional pain? Do you experience grief? Sadness? Are your energy levels low? Are you lonely? What about your thoughts? What do you think about yourself as a person? In your thoughts, do you treat yourself like you would treat a friend, or do you bully and criticize yourself? Are you on medication? Depression is a serious disease and is not to be underestimated. Please take good care of yourself.
  24. I encountered Biospheric Symbiosis in I.G. Bennett's book "Enneagram studies". The book teaches that Enneagram is an archetype of action, represented by the 9-pointed star symbol. It allows the user to uncover hidden structures and interactions within a specific manifestation of the Enneagram. It is characterized by being a one, self-stabilizing, "surviving" organism that is composed of three independent processes called: passive, active and neutralizing. When considered locally, these processes seem to be in opposition, but globally, they form a self-supporting union that tends unbounded growth, and something similar to sublimation. These three processes are external to the Enneagram, while the Enneagram itself shows innner interaction of these systems: linearly, cyclically and exponentially. Gurdjieff famously considered humans to be a manifestation of the Enneagram, by being three-body-beings that turn food into cosmic consciousness. Bennett's book uses the Enneagram to map various manifestations - one of them being, the Biospheric symbiosis, which is the Enneagram of three processes: The Transformation of the Human Selves into Individual, The Evolution of Humanity, The Spiritualization of the Biosphere. The author argues that we, as humans are completely blind to the third process and the solution of modern problems cannot come from the first two processes. Only by owning our purpose within the third process, we will receive the necessary intervention required to sustain us. I believe that it is very much in line with what the I-Ching teaches.
  25. kingwen.pdf Interesting exploration of relationships between hexagrams.