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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. Really? There's not even an ounce of originality in you? If all you do is sit, that's just monkeying enlightened teachers and there is no person in there to become enlightened.
  2. When is the right time to look at a watch? Do you look at the watch to know when is the time to look at the watch?
  3. Don't worry Joseph, you're a part of my harem. No need to be jeaous, mkay?
  4. @now is forever By realizing that there was no suffering to begin with.
  5. Can you? Would you? Have you not learned when you were a 'mindless' child?
  6. It is. The purpose of art is to take a piece of yourself, work on it until it's beautiful and then discard it. Have you ever heard an enlightened master hammer the same thing over and over? If so, stop listening to this madman because he can't find himself beautiful.
  7. If it's insulting, then you are misunderstanding it. It's a position said from a point of view of a person that is so spiritually pure, that this is the universe that he would create. There is no such thing as God, ultimately. Talking about God is a way to express yourself. It's like poetry, or abstract art.
  8. @mandyjw Go ahead, start a journal. It has to have a good title though. Like really good.
  9. @mandyjw It has nothing to do with believing. I'll be gentle .
  10. @Key Elements Perhaps, I should have said: masculine.
  11. @Key Elements I think that a magic wand may be a male thing when it comes to spirituality. You know... proving something to yourself to deem yourself to be ready.
  12. @bejapuskas From http://oshosearch.net/Convert/Articles_Osho/Tao_The_Three_Treasures_Volume_1/Osho-Tao-The-Three-Treasures-Volume-1-00000001.html
  13. That's no problem at all. It actually was kinda to the point. I was about to open a thread in the spirituality section where I would rip people to shreds. I'm still thinking about that.
  14. @mandyjw What's the other book?
  15. @mandyjw You really did read that? Awww, sorry to hear that You really are cute
  16. @mandyjw Have you read Tao te ching? Try the "translation" by Ursula Le Guinn. I really loved that one. Other than that it's the overall feeling of this man. I love his style. The hat, the eyes, the chair, his hands, his facial expressions. He's really in there. You can always tell the depth by looking into the eyes.
  17. No man, don't take that stuff seriously. We're just talking about male/female energy, that's all. Ralston is really good. I respect him a lot. Probably because I know very little of what he actually said and he made a big impression on me. I started resonating with Teal Swan recently. I should have probably answered Lao Tzu. I love Tao Te Ching.
  18. @mandyjw I relate to Ralston a lot and I don't find him insensitive at all. He is a sadist, but to be a good sadist, one has to first direct that energy inwards and conquer himself. He really had to go deep into himself to be able to pull that shit through. He sees right through people. Masculinity is power exerted upon others. It is love of the self on the other's expense. Femininity is power exerted upon oneself. It is love of the other on expense of the self. I wonder what kind of energy I project. What do you feel/think?
  19. You get a fractal when you want to rationalize why two mirrors facing each other create a reflection. Do they, really?
  20. @Preetom Oh yeah, It's irresistible to resist. Right? Who would have though that in order to become God, you also have to let the devil in?
  21. @mandyjw Become the change you want to see.