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About Alby

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  1. @How to be wise I wouldn't say that because I was high. Cannabis, I suppose, gave me a glimpse of enlightenment. But I do agree that after that experience I see things differently with same eyes. @tsuki Indeed, that makes sense. That's the thing which I have to think about. Meanwhile, I think I didn't explain correctly what I felt. Enlightenment is when you don't have an attachment (not an ego which I wrote before) to the physical realm. Somehow I mixed up with "ego" and "attachment". Interesting, what would you answer be in that case?
  2. @How to be wise I never thought about taking such psychedelics. (My only intentions was to try LSD and cannabis) When it happened the first time I was trying to meditate and use cannabis only for to have another perspective from another angle. After that, I realized that psychedelics will not bring me far on a spiritual path. On the second time when it happened I had only one intention: relax and enjoy skiing. But when I saw an electricity flash my rose-tinted glasses fade away and I saw things as they truly are. @PsiloPutty I know that's uncommon but a friend of mine told me that cannabis can transform your trip into another drug' trip. It depends on our psychological state of mind. If somebody lazy and smoke a pot his laziness will be doubled.
  3. Hello everybody. About me: I meditate every day. As far as I remember myself I always asked myself deep questions about spirituality \ universe etc. I smoke cannabis only for spiritual and personal growth (I'm not addicted). I would like so share my last cannabis 2 psychedelic trips: 1) I decided to combine meditation and marihuana. My upper part of the head was soaring with some energy. I felt everything. I felt how people suffering. and then my consciousness started to expand and I felt that I was losing all senses with my body and I slowly but surely fell that next step I would be the universe. My heart rate was mad. My pals were slightly purple and sweaty. I felt the intense pressure inside of my eyes. In that moment I for 100% was sure that I'm going to die (physically). Also when I tried to calm myself by trying to close my eyes I saw some kind of sigh (I failed to find it on the internet). I think that's the sign symbolized some kind of "the life path" - there were two round lines. I broke my meditation position and made a glimpse at Ramm Dass book cover "Be here now" and I realized why he decided to make such cover. (We have to be attached to our present moment in order to not to die physically) - Ramakrishna used that way to connect himself with physical realm. Also, I realized in that moment, when we meditate (sit and do nothing), we're some kind of wasting our time because true meditation is living and DOING with love. I realized that meditation by sitting is some kind of bitter medicine which teach you by stopping - to be able to live. In other words: we have to stop and be motionless (to a glimpse of death in order to understand life). I run out of a room and repeated one phrase "I don't want to die" And I hurried to kitchen to find something to drink. I wanted to re-connect with physical realm by such thing. 2)The second time when the same thing happened with me was at a ski resort (I smoked a bit of marihuana: just one short inhale). When I was going up the slope elevator stopped because of electricity flash. In that moment I started to think about the universe (I saw the universe through Prisma of energy, frequency, and vibrations): I connected electricity to our hearts: It beats because of it. I've connected traces of skies with our veins. I connected people who were there with blood cells... And my spectrum of universe realization was so vast that I started (again) to lose connection with reality and physical body.I decided to eat snow in order to feel it and stay present and don't leave my body (Which means, I think, my ego helped me by a desire to feel water in my mouth). I didn't want to leave because I have people who I love. And after that battle for physical survival, I started to cry like never before because I realized that there is no point of achievement and chasing because we're chasing only ourselves. We're our own buddas. We're creators, we can invent something. We are the whole. Everything we have is NOW. So I have 3 questions to you: 1) Is it possible to die from marijuana if you're spiritually advanced? (My ego wants to continue the case which I started and smoke the pot again and try to meditate till the very end) 2) After that experience, I think that 100% enlightenment is a physical death. Enlightenment is when you do not have an ego. When you do not have an ego that equals that you have no purpose to be in the physical realm = death. How do you think, is that can be true? 3) Can you tell me your perspective about what happened to me? Have a good time!