Jordan Welsh

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Everything posted by Jordan Welsh

  1. Great video on capitalism’s distribution crisis of funnelling too many resources as well as finances to too little people & the global effects which result.
  2. Anyone interested in why these matters are not discussed in the mainstream media Noam Chomsky’s topic of manufacturing consent is highly insightful with how mass media is used for private financial interests to programme your mind & mislead you from the underlying foundational issues of society.
  3. The society of the future will not be rather socialism or capitalism meaning 100% either or but a mixture to ensure economic opportunity as well as innovation. This is while simultaneously incorporating humanitarian values & understanding for our fellow human being’s through carefully planned societal systems which have learnt from the mistakes of the past that lead to human suffering. . This video has a quality outlook & educational foundation to formulate a comprehensive picture:
  4. Didn’t anticipate how potentially controversial this discussion could get although I appreciate everyone’s opinion.
  5. In some ways & to a degree I highly agree with what has been mentioned among the commentary although I wouldn’t put all billionaires in the same boat. Bill Gates compared to Jeff Bezos is a saint in terms of charity work especially funding nutrition & education programmes for the down trodden in underdeveloped 3rd world countries. There is a spectrum of moral development that needs to be taken into account.
  6. Great conversation with Noam Chomsky giving constructive criticism on Sam’s worldview on Islam. Chomsky’s point of view is we need to understand Islam’s root foundations & solve the problematic issues which may arise with an approach of understanding the larger picture in a humanitarian context. We can not solve the global issues relating to Islam through mere criticism but by understanding the variables of human behaviour as well as building bridges to one another.
  7. Great video by Russell Brant on unregulated capitalism & private cooperate lobbying in the Uk with the effects being financial profit over human wellbeing this case being reduced amount as well as lower quality food for working class children in relative poverty.
  8. Here is a great conversation on the debate between consciousness is everything ( idealist perspective ) vs consciousness arises from the creation of the universe (emergeintist perspective ) . I love Rupert & Tim but I think Tim’s so underrated for his insight as well as philosophical understanding.
  9. Found this fantastic documentary. Study reveals Finnish prisoners generally are more happy generally than ordinary American citizens. Finland is a great case study for a healthy democratic society with highly limited corporate interests being put above humanitarian values. The happiest country has free high quality healthcare, college & wonderful job opportunities. Number 1 cause of mental illness is stress related financial issues of being a wage slave. I can only imagine how much harder life is in America than Scandinavian countries.
  10. Maybe your correct then again 60% of American prisoners who are released are back into prison 2 years later. Also Finland has 3000 prisoners but America has the equivalent of 50% of Finland’s population in prison which is 2.5 million people. Proper rehabilitation is necessary not just being behind bars.
  11. Great discussion on American societal restructuring to correlate with human & collective wellbeing from a multi-systems thinking aware perspective. Ray acknowledges the limits of late stage orange capitalism and the consequences for humanity environmentally but also economically. Hope you enjoy ? and I also highly recommend studying his work.
  12. How can a human being go from very little understanding of reality & life to the highest levels of understanding of self mastery as well as their purpose in the universe?
  13. Found this breath taking and highly fascinating video surrounding the metaphysics as well as results of near death experiences being debated by Eben Alexander former materialist and also academic neurosurgeon as well as NDE survivor who turned mystic. Ramen Moody MD & philosopher who has meticulously studied 1000’s of NDE accounts recognising the similarities and life-changing results of such life altering experiential insights has studied NDE psychology for decades. Recognise Saun Carroll and Steven Novella attempting to defend materialist science as their identity is so deeply predicated on the notion that the ontological structure of reality can be explained through physicalism confusing concepts for actual existence as they must to maintain their conceptualised sense of personal identity while being unconscious of how their minds refuse out-side the box possibilities to their paradigm. Great video for recognising the connection between mysticism & NDE psychology.
  14. This video is about understanding the complexity a spiral dynamic stage yellow tier 2 mind has accumulated and formulated into his everyday life creating a multi-perspectival spiderweb which lead to an open mind of unlimited possibilities. He embodies core characteristics of stage yellow including an endless curiosity, open-mind, life long learning and consciously being aware of his self-deception.
  15. Just found this educationally intriguing video on the cooperate domination of American health care with interesting insights into the psychology of stage orange with the consequences you don’t hear on mainstream media usually. Thought this was worth sharing. Enjoy! Disclaimer: This is not meant to demonise anybody but to simply give you a big picture overview of the internal mechanics of our current medical health system.
  16. Hey, I just found this great video demonstrating how Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro have very different perspectives on political phenomenology and individual differences ( particularly homosexuality ). Notice how Joe Rogan is a radically different thinker in comparison to Ben Shapiro with his ability to look at issues through multiple perspectives while considering the historical, cultural and evolutionary variables. He has a integrated balance between left and right brain thinking while being very detached meanwhile Ben is a more black and white simplistic thinker unconscious of his emotional attachments designed to protect his ideology with a much less open mind. Rogan’s analysis strikes me as very yellow while being much less serious.
  17. Found this educationally intriguing and mind-opening perspective on human psycho-spiritual psychology from a neuroscientific level to help enrich and diversify your worldview on spirituality. Enjoy! ?
  18. Hey guys, I thought sharing this Ted Talk from Rupert Sheldrake would be considerably useful in analysing science’s current metaphysical foundation as well as epistemological interpration, limitations and ramifications. Disclaimer: Keep An Open-Mind!!
  19. Hey guys, I thought bringing this video to your would be worthwhile partly for understanding the differential interpretations of how the whole spiral of psychological human development perceives psychedelics from their perspective as well the rationale they use to reinforce their worldview on this topic. Fun Question: Did anyone else know Jesus is the name of a psychedelic?
  20. Warning: Do not take the knowledge provided on this thread / starter topic as medical advice. If you have a serious health condition seek professional medical attention as soon as possible! The information provided is only for educational purposes only while you take 100% responsibility for how you use this knowledge. yours faithfully Jordan Welsh .? As a person who has experienced multiple concussions myself leading to problematic and debilitating health issues I can sincerely admit not only can you aid in your health recovery you have an unlimited amount of knowledge, techniques and professionals who can help to potentially transform your life. Literally! The resources here can help you to do so if you use them responsibly and sincerely. They’ve not been put in any particular order. Enjoy! Books] Available on Amazon . Concussion Repair Manual ] Dr Dan Engle Websites: Optimal Living Dynamics, Dr Dan, Amen and Dave . Brain Warrior’s Way] Dr Daniel Amen Youtube Channels: Amen Clinics, Bullet Proof, JJ Virgin and Onnit podcast with Dr Dan Engle . Concussion Rescue] Chapek Kabran Key Recovery Habits: Ketogenic Diet, Independent Based Research, Hydration, Sleep 7-8hrs, Quality Social . The Brain’s Way of Healing] Norman Dodge Support, Counselling and Key Therapies: HBOT, EMF, Floatation Therapy, LLLT, Meditation, Acupuncture . Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle] Brant Cortright Etc. . Change Your Brain Change Your Life] Dr Daniel Amen Supplements: Omega 3 Fish Oil, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B Complex, Glutathione, Phosphatidylserine, Phosphatidycholine, Alpha Lipic Acid, Lithium Orotate, Turmeric and Bioflavonoid Complex. Essential Nutrition: low mercury fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and herring] Avocados, Nuts, Broccoli, Spinach, Peppers, Pastured Fred Range Eggs, Green Tea, Organic Beef, Blueberries, Goji Berries, Strawberries, Almond Milk, Avocado oil, Bottled Water, Olive Oil, Coconut Milk and eliminate diary wheat as well as gluten. Key Insight: Lower the inflammation as much as possible!