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Everything posted by Jonatan

  1. I am in the making of some white cabbage sauerkraut, will se how it turns out. It will be interesting to campare the taste with the product you can buy in the supermarket. also to see the effect on health.
  2. Is eating an anti-inflammatory diet the same as eating foods that does not cause auto-immune diseases?
  3. It is probably not optimal. If you like milk so much maybe you can try oat milk instead or some other vegan alternativ, and see how that feels/tastes.
  4. @moon777light I like rice with curry and chili and other anti-inflammatory spices. Then you can add a stew with tomato sauce, garlic, beans and whatever else you like.
  5. Personal development and self actulization are like awakening and enlightenment. Personal development, awakening=the process self actaulization, enlightenment = the end goal
  6. Think people who have aspergers are more like specialists and mastery over one field. Yellow thinkers are more about connecting different domains of knowledge and going meta. People with aspergers are very sensitive to cognitive dissonance when “yellow” people are better at allowing paradoxes or polarities.
  7. Here is an articel that can be interesting to read. Sounds like hyperventilation is bad when the breath is shallow and coused by fear/anxiety. Good hyperventilation has a deeper breath and is coused through intention. Maybe I got it wrong.
  8. Omega 3 pills has helped me with concentration ability, mental energy and overall well-being, really recommend it. It is a good substitute for eating fish and is cheaper, good choice for a poor student.
  9. @How to be wise thanks . Reminds me of a book from a Swedish author called ” the hundred year-old who stepped out of the window and disappeared.” @rothko thanks . I will look out for a book to find some good instructions, some of the exercises sounds like advanced stuff. Think yoga can be really good for as you said quieting the mind. Really like the idea that you can do more intense and efficient practice instead of just meditating 10 hours(if you do a retreat kind a thing).
  10. I have a meditation habit since three years now and I am curious about kriya yoga, but I don’t really know what the practices entails and if it will be beneficial for me... What are the actual benefits from kriya yoga compared to just regular meditation?
  11. I like Buddhist geeks even if I think they have stopped sending more episodes. Also Sam Harris podcast can be interesting. Of course Leo’s podcast to.
  12. I was also wondering the same thing, if you are new to psychedelics and no one you know has tried it... I am considering to try mushrooms some time in the future when i have done more research and read a book or two about it. I understand that you have to start with very low doses and slowly work your self upwards, but how important is it to have a trippsitter in the beginning? Guess it depends on your level of maturity, both psychologically and how well you understand spirituality.
  13. It is important to have the right epistemic foundation asap so that your mind is open. Then you will minimize the amount you must unlearn later. Meditation and mindfulness are fantastic tools, reading and contemplation/reflection as well. The possibilities are endless if you are pragmatic.
  14. @Cjaryo I like to do research about stuff that can be usefull to know