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Everything posted by PsiloPutty

  1. Who is this "I" who loves self-inquiry? LOL, I'm totally kidding you.
  2. You have beautiful penmanship! Penwomanship. Penyoungladyship….
  3. What about taking 1.5g and experiencing that? Then, when you've seen that it didn't stress your psyche, try 2g. You'll probably find that that was very manageable too. Shoot for 2.5g the time after that, etc. If you treat it like progressively increasing weight at the gym, it won't be nearly as big a shock to your mind as if you went for the Full Monty right out of the gate. You'll only be taking a single step further into that realm at a time.
  4. If you have a decent supply of mushrooms, I still say it's worth a try as an experiment on a low dose. But if you only have say 5 grams, don't split them up, gobble them all at once.
  5. I love that there is chickenwire up over his window.
  6. With a smallish dose like maybe 2g, I think your idea has some potential. I wouldn't expect anything totally miraculous, but it has more potential than doing it sober. I think there will be some serious trailblazing done in the next 20 years concerning the topic of psychedelics and human psychology. So we might look back and laugh at ideas like yours, but we could look back and see these sort of efforts as ahead of their time. I've done weirder shit on mushrooms than that, so I say give it a whirl. ETA: the only reason I suggested a small dose is because I don't think most people would be able to concentrate their attention on a specific issue like that for very long if they are doing a full dose, like 4g and up. Much tougher to harness and focus the trip at those doses; at least it is for me.
  7. Seems to me he is missing the point and removing context on purpose. He's entitled to his opinion of course, but I think he's got an axe to grind. I don't feel anywhere near enlightened, but when I'm depressed, I can always see a silver lining and appreciate that happiness isn't more than a layer or two of clouds above me. I think the guy is being obtuse on purpose.
  8. @Hellspeed Yeah, don't bait us like that and then not tell us your story. What happened to you?
  9. Maybe I would change my mind if I experienced what you're describing for myself, but as a kneejerk opinion, there's no way I would stop meditating at that point. I might even increase my times.
  10. @Caterpillar Holy crap that's funny! This thread is great. Can't be serious all the time.
  11. LOL, I remember watching that video and saying outloud "nice sweater Leo."
  12. Oh shit that's good.
  13. @Adam M Awwww man, that is so cool. What a perfect place to do a about a history of meditation. Have a great time!
  14. As has been said so far, cannabis is a beautiful two-sided coin.
  15. My thought is that you are in far too big a hurry. If you want to see any gains at all, you have to give up rushing things. Just start slowly with breath focused meditation or another simple technique, and stay with it for a couple months. If you do that, you will see some gains, but don't anticipate it so much or you will end up quitting before you see anything good.
  16. It sounds like a case of too much, too quickly. Retreats are very intense because they strip away, all at once, everything that we normally fall back upon for distraction from our true selves. With you, it just sounds like it was too much, too quickly. Sorry that happened to you, but I'm sure you will be OK, buddy.
  17. @Consilience Interesting. Did you come up with sunflower yourself? How long have you been doing it?
  18. @Vipassana Are we at least allowed to eat a box of cookies in the dark when we do this experiment?
  19. @lmfao I get you, thanks. I meditate about the same length of time everyday is you do, and I've never had anything like what you described, so you must be doing something right!
  20. Man I'm really proud of you and happy for you! That is a major life event, and the fact that you walked into it willingly at 20yo and tackled it like a brave man....that is very admirable. That was an excellent review of your retreat, and it sounds as though you squeezed out of good nectar out of this thing. Enjoy meditating during the next few weeks, when you will be able to get into it right away when you sit down. If you're like me, that ability will fade a bit.
  21. @Outer Cannabis has always been the Pluto of the psychedelic solar system: not totally excluded from recognition, but rarely included fully. One of the most poignant psychedelic experiences I've ever had was after consuming only cannabis.
  22. @lmfao That whole post was inspired by a shower?