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Everything posted by WildeChilde

  1. If you could go back in time and say a few things to yourself before you started on the self-development/self-realization journey, what would you say? This can include advice, warnings, sentiments, or anything else.
  2. @Psyche_92 There's a few factors you need to consider with peanut butter and peanuts in general. The first thing is omega 6 fatty acids. "Excessive amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today's Western diets, promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 PUFA (a low omega-6/omega-3 ratio) exert suppressive effects." Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12442909 Peanuts are general high in omega 6, so it's something to keep in mind. Another thing to consider is if you decide to get commercial peanut butter vs natural peanut butter. Commercial peanut butter often contains additives like palm oil or hydrogenated vegetable oils to keep the peanut oil in the jar from separating from the solids. Common varieties of peanuts also contain a mold called aflatoxin, a known carcinogen. Despite all of this, it's fine in moderation. If you want a a healthier alternative with virtually no negative effects, I'd recommend macadamia nut butter.
  3. I love and play all kinds of stuff, but at the moment:
  4. @zikzak San Pedro (mescaline). It was pretty fantastic.
  5. Does the 5meo experience feel familiar or foreign? The psychedelic I took made me feel like I was a child again, a returning home. Does 5meo feel altogether different?
  6. This thing can apparently give people non-dual awakenings using magnetic fields and signals directed toward the temporal lobes. A lot of the testimonials have people saying they reached samadhi, experienced oneness, merged with the light, etc. https://www.god-helmet.com/wp/god-helmet/index.htm I wouldn't call it the most fashionable piece of headgear , but if it works, I’d strap it on. Has Leo mentioned these sorts of things, whether they are good or bad?
  7. @Vytas That's great to hear Vytas. I figured this might be a good way for everyone to reflect on their path and see what kind of wisdom they could share with others.
  8. I don't know what it is with YouTube, but it seems to have some kind of an agenda right now. It's flagging and censoring videos and content creators who present a lot of alternative information, namely psychedelics, spiritual concepts, MGTOW, self-realization, etc. PsychedSubstance, Your Mate Tom, MGTOW 101, and Koi Fresco are just a few of the channels being targeted and possibly shut down. I fear Leo's channel may be next because it deals with nearly all of these topics. If you come across this post Leo, please prepare and fight the good fight if and when the time calls for it. All of us are here to support you.
  9. @Monkey-man Human history seems to support that as well. Can you imagine the number of naysayers 200 years ago who laughed at the idea of flying and traveling through space? Donald Trump is the President; tell me that’s not magic.
  10. I have really learned a lot from the teachings of a particular spiritual guru, but I'm a bit skeptical of his side hobby. He calls it shaktipat transmission. It apparently is supposed to awaken some kind of energy that will help you reach the next stages of enlightenment. He initiates it primarily during formal ceremonies, but he also does it through the mail and in videos. I don't know why, but when I hear about these sorts of practices, I feel like it's just a more sophisticated form of this (video below). I'm from the South (USA), so I'm no stranger to wild displays of religiosity. However, I don't want to deceive myself into thinking someone has supernatural abilities when they really don't. Are all of these mainly just the power of suggestion and the placebo effect, or is there really something to them?
  11. @Shin What you said there sounds and feels very liberating. Thank you.
  12. ISFP We're an endangered species on here looks like.
  13. Under materialism, conscious awareness is a product of the brain. When the brain goes, conscious awareness in turns goes. Under idealism/non-dualism, the brain regulates appearances within a mind-at-large while itself being an appearance. When the brain dies, appearances/sensory data are no longer available, and only pure awareness remains. Is there a real difference here? What distinguishes an entire absence of consciousness and a consciousness lacking in all appearances (including thoughts, images, feelings, memories.etc)? The former could be described as nothing, and the latter could be described as nothing. From my vantage point at least, materialism and non-dualism disagree on the fundamental ground substance of reality, but they seem to imply the same thing with regard to death. I’m probably (most definitely) missing something here, so I'm ready for the smackdown.
  14. @Nahm I remember watching a video where Leo described his experience of the Absolute using some kind of psychedelic. I never did drugs or alcohol for the longest time (family has a long history of suicides/organ failures due to addiction), but Leo inspired me to explore this territory with careful consideration of safety and the potential for abuse. So, I decided to take a moderate dose of mescaline last month. I don’t know if I experienced the Absolute during that time, but there was a period about 4 hours in where I didn’t have any self-referential thoughts. It wasn’t scary or frightening; actually, it was a long time before I even recognized what had happened. I went back in the house up into the bonus home and used the opportunity to do some basic self-enquiry. I asked “Who am I?”. I waited quietly, and soon after, the image of my body seemed to steadily drop out of my field of vision, and all that was left with was the room and its contents. There was “nobody” there if you will. Below is the best picture I could find to showcase what the perspective kind of looked/felt like. Like I said, other than the mescaline I took a month ago, I haven't had any other experience with a mind-altering substance (not counting caffeine, theobromine from chocolate, anesthetics, etc.). Is this a pretty common experience with drugs and I’m just reading too much into it? I'm not quite sure what to make of it to be honest.
  15. Hi everyone this is my first post, so I’ll give y’all a little background. I’ve been on the path for almost a year now and have been watching a lot of Leo’s videos for the past few months. I do a lot of Maharshi-style self-inquiry and meditation with a mind machine, and thanks to Leo, I’ve explored psychedelics too with great results. He’s got a very encouraging attitude, and I like the way we explains complex topics in an accessible manner. Anyways, what I’m trying to resolve right now is learning how to behave with others and how to treat them. I’ve learned from Leo’s recent videos that part of having a self is the act of being selfish; they are inextricably linked. I also learned in his Spiral Dynamics video that people in Stage Green tend to despise the Stage Orange mindset. I feel this everyday because I have a job that requires at its core tricking, exploiting, and manipulating other people. Also, since I’ve been cultivating and demonstrating more genuine compassion and love, many have been viewing these traits in me as a sign of weakness. Is the idea then to live selfishly and feel good about it? Do we need to set aside our higher values in the real world and just hold them within? Thanks y’all, and any insight would be appreciated.
  16. He's the spiritual equivalent of this guy.
  17. @pluto For a minute there I thought that was The Dude. I really liked that last bit too; sometimes you have to have been in the same situation to know how to make it better for the person.
  18. @Nahm I have family members involved so I don't want to disclose too much, but I think you're right. It's just a part of the industry I'm in and the business culture surrounding it. A large aspect of it is working with foreigners with to the Western mind would be considered an unorthodox set of values and way of operating in the world. I shouldn't be generalizing business as a whole because of my limited experience. I'll figure something out; it's just going to take some time and honest self-reflection. Thank you Nahm.
  19. @Slade That's basically what it comes down to isn't it? It's so simple and timeless yet is almost purposefully overlooked and ignored.
  20. @Serotoninluv I appreciate your honesty there Serotonin. It's not always easy being awake, but it's by far better than the alternative.
  21. @Nahm @Nahm I work for a small corporation and am in a position to witness and participate in a lot of lying and cut-throat behavior. I know this is how business and the world at large works, but it can be pretty soul-crushing at times. I should be thankful I even have a job and live in the developed world.
  22. Here's a nice little interview of a girl from the 1960s talking about the psychedelic experience.