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I asked a girl out next week and she said yes, but I was in a hurry and forgot to settle for the date and time. We usually talk in person but it’s vacations and both of us are traveling (until next week) . How do I text her to settle the specifics. We usually don’t text.
@SFRL I understand. Thank you
@SFRL idk, doesn’t sound like me. Sounds too like to tight friend. Very indifferent
I can’t think about what to talk when in a conversation one on one. I usually don’t have this proble when talking with a group of friends. But when I’m with just one person I can’t think about what to talk. what can I do?
So, I’ve been trying to get into a relationship with a girl (which is going very well), but I think she’s going into auto-rejection (https://www.girlschase.com/content/secrets-getting-girls-staying-out-auto-rejection) which basically means she is starting to think I’m too hard to get for her. Things is starting to go “cold”. I believe this started because I’ve been talking with another girl (which I don’t have any romantic intentions) but I really felt the jealousy in her. I need to do something and do it quickly, she is going on a trip in a couple days and I think that would just finish extinguishing the magic (there’s still magic left between us). (Also, I notice she’s using another boy to try to make me jealous, since she saw me with that other girl) how do I keep advancing wit her but not damage my friendship with other girls? pleas resd the article so you know what I’m talking about.
@flowboy @universe @NoSelfSelf @JohnnyBravo Evrething went grat! (Still no first kiss) Now there’s a problem. Someone recommended a (afternoon) school where I want to go learn piano, but it turns out the girl goes there (I didn’t knew) and I don’t want come as to needy like if I was following her. theres the chance that she wouldn’t even know because the ladies are private and the chance that we get a schedule next to each other i guess is pretty low, but I don’t know what should I do. (There are other good teachers elsewhere,but......)
@universe thanks my man. Just what I needed to hear
@Evilwave Heddy I know I’m trying to get there but still. I can’t get past the awkwardness of not talking. I know it’s just an urge. But I wish there was a way to keep interacting
@FredFred even though I got the date, do you think I should tone down my other female relationships? (I think she’s quite sensible to that)
@NoSelfSelf ok, I just asked her (via text) and she said “if you want” (It’s tomorrow). I guess ive got myself a date!
@NoSelfSelf could you repeat? (Srry )
@NoSelfSelf @FredFred many tips/ideas or the date and the asking of the date?
so, a girl and I have been getting along quite well. We sit together at class and there’s a lot of sexual tension, you can really feel it . The problem is that more often than I would like the conversation goes dry. I feel that both of us are a bit to shy to start the conversation. When it finally does it goes VERY well but for us to get there is very difficult. What can I do so we both are not just looking around waiting for each other to make a move?
Yes, these last days I’ve been with her and we just talked whenever something naturally comes up or asking her something I’m truly interested in( like what she wants to do I the future etc) and it seems more than enough quality conversation.
What would yo do?. I think what he’s talking about is to not rush/force things (maybe a little lawofattraction-oriented). I too feel like doing nothing quill bring nothing. any alternatives?
@JohnnyBravo ok. Si just like let things be ang go with whatever is happening. So my next step should be asking her out, probably to have dinner out somewhere. Or maybe you have a better idea
@universe not with everyone.( I’m not 14)
@NoSelfSelf ok. Sorry to bring this up again, but I still feel like that us not convesating a lot should be assessed.
@NoSelfSelf yes, but i rather asks her in person
@NoSelfSelf Don’t you think I should escalate the relationship a little bit more before asking her? If not, how do You reccomend I ask her out?
@NoSelfSelf I know, it feels like the next step. But the conversation problem, what do I do about that. I feel that going out with her will only magnify the problem (we would be more nervous than normal) plus I feel like the conversation should flow a little bit more before a date
How long do you think it will take for there to be a significant percentage of people (20-30%) at stage yellow? (The equivalent to the % stage green is right now) Also, I’ Proud to announce that Mexico (where I live) finally moved from a very toxic orange form of government to a green even (I feel) with a little bit of yellow, judging by his ideals and actions he’s taken. (Andres Manuel López Obrador if you want to look it up, although I warn you, news paper, specially very international ones, want to make him look bad)
I’ve been having a lot of confrontations against my mom and her overprotectiveness. Also she’s very neurotic. I feel like the overprotectiveness and the anger issues she has is really stunning my personal growth. of course the more internal stuff like meditation and self inquiry, etc is not as affected but the more external (and maybe superficial) stuff, mainly socializing (therefore dating too) and activities of that nature. Also talking about anything is very difficult. She is sooo closeminded. And the worst part is that I’m already 18! I mean it is extrémalo difficult to get her to let me go to the movies or to a party with friends. She expects for me to have perfect grades, to read a lot (novels, which I don’t like, i like more self help type of books), forced me to play instruments, I also had to watch my clothe style (as she is very judgmental). She is the typical divorced crazy mom. Now, don’t get me wrong. I totally understand why she is like that and I appreciate, because on the bottom she does this to protect me. But she’s going over board. So, I ask you on some ideas, insight, advice on how do I get her to relax a little, loosen up a little, and to trust me more, I’m not that stupid.
When talking about the law of attraction how do I know up to what point I’m forcing or rushing the “universe” to tho the arrangements it needs to do in order to create the reality of the thoughts? For example if I’m trying to use the law of attraction to attract a girl, how do I know if I’m forcing it and rushing it?
Alex14 replied to Alex14's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God