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Everything posted by Saumaya

  1. You say it like somehow enlightenment changes reality. Reality was always the same, only the false self disappears. There was always no meaning.
  2. @LRyan Dont come to conclusions about existential questions. In your self enquiry , you have to ask what is one thing, that for sure you know is true. Question every assumption of every belief you hold. It will eventually lead to the question of who am I. Question everything about yourself. How have you confirmed that there is such thing as you that exists.
  3. The physical manifest does change with time, atoms are moving continuously. It might look like the content of our senses dont change, but they are changing as I said. Anything that is changing cannot be truth as it is bound to time.
  4. No. Its not about me considering what is true, that would be a belief. Truth is what is real. Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
  5. Can you describe your self enquiry?
  6. Same, ill get a far cry as well. Been playing La Noire recently
  7. This is what happens when you smoke too much non duality
  8. A nice way to feel self important ether lol
  9. Dude......I only read Peter Ralston The Book of Not Knowing during my journey out of those two. I dont agree with it on the some parts like the emotions section, but 98% of the book is solid. I found the book quite helpful. I might give Neti Neti book a read in future. As far as my practice is concerned ill copy paste to you what I wrote to someone: Everything you sense through your senses is always changing. Something that is changing cannot be it(truth), so the content of your senses cannot be trusted. This includes the mind as well. There is also nobody aware of the content of the senses. Ego is aware of the content of the senses but it is not it(truth). You can say awarenesses is aware of itself. Who is the you who is aware of the senses?. Question always comes back to this, Who is this me? Question everything you know about yourself. Your life story, your beliefs, your relationship with people, your relationship to the universe, your daily routine, everything. Enlightenment is more like Untruth Unrealisation rather than Truth realisation. Only Truth exists. Everything else is false and should crumble away, so only Truth is left. Cheers
  10. No bro you are not serious. You cant want enlightenment. When the false self realises its falseness, enlightenment becomes the only way out. That is what I mean by serious.
  11. Thats better. Because Enlightenment is kind of a serious endeavour.
  12. @Ether Do you want to get enlightened?
  13. Ill tell you something. These kind of intellectual answers are completely pointless .The natural way to progress is you do self enquiry, when are you are stuck, you ask the question, not the other way around.
  14. @Ether To say that you physically exist would be to say that you are the body, but you arent the body. So you dont exist physically, but saying "you dont exist" goes deeper than that and says you dont exist at all. I dont know what you mean by a thought dream.
  15. "you" is just a concept backed by a life story. No concept is true. To get enlightened you must erase everything you hold precious.
  16. Only one person in a million becomes enlightened without a teacher's help. Bodhidharma
  17. Ikr! My fav game. The social commentary on the game is awesome. Whats your psn acc?
  18. Sounds cool, I might get it. I got No man sky and was very disappointed.