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Everything posted by rothko

  1. So i have been listening to this Eric Bartel stuff for a while. i like to keep it on the in the background when im doing long drives and do the correlating mudra, usually just the root or heart, chin or gyana, i also do it sometimes with a heat pad on a certain chakra center and do that meditating. seems to be pretty good. But i finally got an ap to test what these healing sounds are actually playing, like the notes, and i noticed all the notes are mostly sharps and didn't seem to correlate to the notes i have seen based on my online research. C-Root, D-Sacral, E-Solar, D.... A-Crown. so i got really confused when i tested my bartel stuff, and it was differrent. Maybe its just that there are a bunch of notes playing at the same time or something though cause i imagine the ap might have some limitations in measuring based on the volumes. But still i have a bunch of chakra stuff i downloaded and only one folder i had actually correlated to the correct notes, so ive switched to that, its called taos wind spirit. seems pretty good, but if you guys ave better recommendation, i would love to hear it. So my question for you guys. is whats your favorite Chakra healing audio, a downloadable link or suggestion where to get it is also appreciated... and do you think the eric bartel stuff is good? i thought i was feeling stuff in the correlating chakras, but honestly maybe its a placebo too. If its not that great what do you guys recommend? and am i right about those notes being the dominant resonators of those chakras?
  2. i just finished that book too, you were able to carry everything out already? i thought its supposed to take years i would love to hear your experiences. i still have a long ways to go, in order to get into maha, and maybe my kechari needs work(i can touch the tonsil though), any tips on getting into maha quicker? I have been practicing, and progressing with vajrasana, pretty quickly, and i also started doing padadhirasana which also seemed to be pretty crazy in the progress. I still cant just go sit my heels on my feet yet, i have to slowly keep my spine erect, focus on the breath, and my knees just kind of deflate almost, it still hurts sometimes when i get out, and the knees r pretty stiff though.
  3. i didnt know a ton of specifics in kriya yoga, but i have been practicing some pretty basic stuff from asana, pranayama, mudra bandha(a great yoga book), i think its similar enough, it seems to be pretty revolutionary, towards making progress on quieting your thinking mind, increasing consciousness, and improving many other aspects of your life, in an accelerated manner. Ideally your supposed to do this, yoga(asanas), some pranayama(breath control), than maybe some bandhas(I cant even explain), also shatkarmas(internal cleansing, like neti, this is supposed to be huge) than you start to meditate, the state of mind going into meditation will be much higher, and your progress you can achieve through the meditation is significantly increased. so think of it this way,u spend like 2 hours doing this stuff, with like 30 minutes of meditation at the end, you will probably get benefits of putting in like 10 hours of meditation. maybe these numbers r off. but the efficeincy in what you can get out of it will speed up significantly faster when u start exploring the whole world of yoga. I mean meditation is only the begining of what you an get done in the world
  4. So does anyone have a specific book recommendation, that includes all the most important/efficient information, towards the end of suffering from the ego? having it presented in a linear fashion? I came across a great article that explains the main differrent types of yoga and technically im doing something similar tyo reading and learning from the many differrent areas, and practicing many different forms. I kind of want to eventually build my path towards actually going to India/or wherever i find the next stage in my path is, and doing a retreat or living the life of a yogi eventually. At least right now, i feel like that's a really positive and amazing way to progress even further. I would say the foundation of my practice is the Hatha yoga stuff, I'm doing based on a lot of the stuff in asana, pranyama, mudra, bandha. So im doing alot of the stuff out of there. still probably in the beginner stage, but doing this stuff has definitely seemed to be very productive towards my consciousness progression, by far the best I've come across so far in my life. Especially the bandhas, shoulder stand, hip stuff, and shatkarmas(ive only really done the neti so far :P) as far as the meditation goes, i try practicing many times throught the day, with different mudras, based on where i feel is the weakest, based on how i feel(which i would love to learn more about), i started reading the mind illumintaed, which is a great book so far. but i also stopped reading past stage 5 as i didn't see the point in progressing until i actually got to the next step(probably my ego is heavily involved in this decision as well), but i do plan to finish this book, when it becomes more relative. I have come across raja yoga as well, which seems to be an even more detailed form of the mind illuminated. but maybe im wrong. did the techniques in meditation in Buddhism evolve out of raja yoga? So basically what I'm asking is, is there a book, or a series of books, that has the foundational stuff like hatha yoga/ meditation infromation ect, and presents all the information in a linear path that if followed properly will substantially increase my path to consciousness, in the most efficient method possible? I assume it might fall under the umbrella of kriya yoga, or kundalini. any recomendations are extremely helpful Im also thinking of throwing in psychedelics into the mix when it seems necessary as well. so far it seems the book of choice on taht subject is The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys.
  5. ive always wondered about being bald actually too. the yogis and monks say there is a huge benefit to having extremely long hair, allthough they never explain this. but at the same time their is a shit ton of bald monks. I think at the end of the day it comes down to sahasara. I bet being bald really opens up your sensations to your head, and opens up sahasara. Than you can maybe start growing it out, and the longer it gets the stronger sahasara can get, and the deeper you can connect into the higher consciousness stuff. That's my theory Maybe just try getting into shoulder stands and head stands. apparently it is great for bringing back hair growth, seems to really have insane benefits for me :). ie connection of your brain to the system. also a side note, i have thought of going bald, so i would be less attractive, ie i feel i would be too ugly have a chance with chicks. perhaps this is a reason monks go bald. also i bet its alot easier to keep clean so i would spend less time thinking of the old worldly desires and all that. maybe that's another big reason peeps choose to shave their head.
  6. maybe this has already been said before, But I feel like putting in my 2 cents, because I also have been having these types of thoughts. and for sure you have some great points, as far as whats the point of being popular and having friends and all that. For sure if you treat it as something that fuels youre ego, which is extremely natural and easy to slip into it isnt ideal. and when u are faced with other people who have thier flasws and those flaws or interactions make you feel pain and sufferring it is natural to not want to be around people. But lately i have been embracing negative experiences with other people and trying to look inwards to how those moemnt actually effect me,. and as a result, i feel, like i have been growing significantly in the fact, that these types of feeling seem to become, less and less, the more I become aware and look inwards. When i start to suffer due to what i perceive as others doing stuff that makes me suffer. instead of viewing the world around you as creating things that actually hurt you because they are on the outside negative and penetrating your inside with their negativity, look at it as the negativity resonating with something that is negative inside of you. and that's perhaps why you feel like interacting with the outside world is not worth your time. This is classic Karl jung, introvert vs extrovert personality types. But on the other hand as eckhart tolle said in, i think, a new earth, if you really think your enlightnened, ie free of the ego, the best way to test these grounds is to interact with your family or close friends. that is, they know alot of your weaknesses. and you also have alot of deep patterns and ego based stuff related to these types of people. or perhaps you manifest your own weaknesses in how you interact with them, aka the 5 hindrances will come up alot more frequently, and their effects can be alot more intense. I do think being on your own is definitely an amazing way to look inwards and grow yourself. But the problems that will arise with others will still arise on your own. and avoiding people will reduce the potential to progress in these features of your personality. same can be said as far as your inner game. if you spend too much time with others, its easy to lose focus of all that as well. As leo said in a strangeloop video, being too introvert leads you to being and extrovert and vice versa. this might be because you feel your introverted character traits are strong, the extroverted feels at a significant deficit to it, so you will feel more compelled to being extroverted, ie your ego likes to bring the weaknesses to the front of your attention, through thoughts. this kind of makes sense because in a way this is the strongest fuels the ego can use. Perhaps all of what i am saying isnt relative to your situation, Maybe you are deeper in your development than i am, and you have had some significant insight into stuff that is much beyond this stuff i mentioned. so maybe what im saying is not relevant. But chances are if you having strong feeling of not wanting to do something, like your case of having a social life. Or perhaps they seem pointless, perhaps you should coinsider these are potentially the best places you can look to grow, and take in experiences that actually put you face to face with the fears or whatever reasons you feel the way you do towards not being social. Whenever you feel suffering or strong impulses towards not doing something chances are it has alot to do with the ego fueling itself towards making you more unconscious. so if you give into these negative feelings and allow them to run their course by making you avoid them, the stronger they can get, and the more they will become influential in your everyday life at the subconscious level.
  7. yeah tough call, it sounds like your stomach might be on the weak side. i mean like the ultimate way to fix it is probably start looking into yogic techniques that help the stomach. My ex had basically the same issues. but maybe it was more from meat. Your probs right about the bacteria. and the bacteria that is able to survive in your gut is the worst. h Pilori, to be exact. So basically how i understand it. we all have this bacteria. and its a shitty one to have in large quantities. This is usually the main culprit for most stomach issues. but some people have weaker stomachs or immune systems support that they can dedicate towards their stomach. so as a result the bacteria manages to replicate enough that it over powers the immune system. so when certain nutrients that it likes, fructose(in your fruits) enters the stomach. The bacteria will come out of its dormant state and start metabolizing and wreaking havoc on your system. all its really doing is shitting, in a way. The waste products the bacteria produces is usually what creates the pains and eventually will leak into your system once ulcers or anything like that start to develop. So Your probably not even reading this anymore, but if you are. The best things my ex found were the following. She saw many specialists, took many drugs, all of which didn't really fix her, they all just temporarily reduced the symptoms. But the yoga on the toher hand changed everything and permanently. SO for starters, start trying to do Varjasana(google it, its basically sitting with your knees bent on your legs), after meals. This one is huge once u do it all the time after you eat, u might have significantly reduced, or completely rid yourself of the stomach pains.. basically what it does is redirects blood flow from you legs and hips and puts it in the abdomen and stomach area. So if anything here is weak, than your body will start to heal itself, and ideally the bacteria will start to die, due to your immune system starting to get stronger, than the population of bacteria(H. Pilori) that has found a home in your stomach. The next thing i would recommend is check out broccoli sprouts. Brocoli actually contains a compound called sulforophane. But this compound is only produced when the brocoli is in sprout form(its a defnesive mechanism) So making a jar full of sprouts is like eating 5 pounds of brocoli, as far as sulforophane is concerned. This could potentially be one of the easiest things you can do for your stomach. its basically the most powerful antioxidant known right now. But the huge benefit for your stomach is, its also got some major antibacterial properties. Ones that don't seem to reduce in your stomach, due to the acidity either. Usually the antibacterial stuff they prescribe isn't active in the acidic environment of the stomach. also usually the stomach bacteria has lived long enough and been exposed enough to these compounds, through the diet, mostly in meat, it has evolved and no longer even dies from them. The next crazy recommendation i suggest is, starting to look into fasting. not gonna explain this, but its really huge and beneficial for your whole entire system. Another quick remedy is doing salt water chugs. This is going to be huge for your digestive system as a whole. but you can also do the version where you drink like 2 litres of salt water(body temp, about 37C),(with 10 grams of salt, or 2 table spoons dissolved) and u do some yoga stuff and force yourself to vomit. Not going to lie, this one was the one that seriously fixed my ex's stomach. here check this video out they explain it in scientific terms But yeah best of luck to you. Hope your stomach gets better. And definitely it shouldn't be hurting by putting fruits in your tummy. that's definitely a sign you have a damaged/sensitive stomach. But it will get better, if you check into that stuff i mentioned. the more you do, the quicker it can happen.
  8. So just a fun forum thread, with an educational spin on it. Who, or How, were you originally awoken to awakeness? You know what i mean, Basically what was that defining moment like, where you were like, Ok, i think this is something I value pursuing. You know consciousnesses work. & Now that you have become aware of awakening, what has been the single, Most Valuable, source/Method, you feel towards your progress in Consciousness is. Looking Back, I'm going to say mine was probably: Who/How it happened for me: Listening to the Audiobook , By Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth, third time Not gonna lie, I love dat Eckhy-T Most Valuable Source so far: Becoming a mindful yoga practitioner, mostly thanks to the book, "asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha", so I guess you could say, that's Mindful yoga/Meditation. But I mean, Leos channel/content is probably the truth, but lets try to not just have everyone's response, be his content. Lets hear what you guys got.
  9. So I was planning on taking a dive into the psychedelic world, and wanted to start with shrooms. Ive done all the basic reading, of doses, and how to have a safe trip and all that with the setting. And i have also seen many of leos vidoes on the subjects, of psychedelics, and many other relative, various subjects he talks about. I even remember him saying strange loops are useful to know about before going in. But what i was was wondering, is does anyone here have any good advice, towards maximizing the personal development aspect of the trip? For instance, are there any good books, or guides, or podcasts, or any other mediums, anyone here, would recommend? Its greatly appreciated, thanks. ps i do yoga, and meditation on the regular.
  10. cool, thanks for the reco, i actually read that book year ago, i totally forgot about that one. also i read it not fully understanding he was doing shrooms exactly, i was thinking maybe peyote. but thinking back, that def makes alot of sense, it could be any psychedelic really. I remember lizard people at the end, which i thought made sense, to our brain structures and evolution and all that. We are lizards at the basic level(core of our brain), lately i have been having insights that the ego is our lizard part of the brain, which is why i was thinking that was what he was experiencing at the end of his journey. it all makes sense now! my current theory with yoga is that we are releasing the emotional deposits in our body(the built up damaged cells, and what feels like pain, when its engaged/released through yoga) and that connects to the lizard part of the brain which also has the emotional stuff, so it gets released, and your brain can pass nerve impulses through the old brain alot easier, thus increasing your ability to achieving higher conciousness(using the more advanced parts of the brain) So i wonder actually if psychedelics do the brain part, and than the body part changes too. or perhaps it makes it easier to release stuff through yoga later on(less pain, higher growth through yoga). so air and earth, by this do u mean chakras? root(earth), and heart(air) ? or perhaps the earth is the body, and air is having complete control over prana? alright thanks a ton for the book reco, i will have to check that out before i trip, is there specific parts you would recommend me just glossing over and, certain parts that might be more worth my time to start with? lol so maybe i wont be tripping for a while now i only have like 5 other books i was telling myself i want to finish first. But perhaps this book and tripping. might bleed into .and advance the other parts of my life that will help me evolve overall alot more.
  11. Advice/Guides to advancing the detachment of ego through the use of psychedelics I was hoping someone could offer me advice on what I should try to learn as far as information or mindsets I could try to develop before going into the world of psychedelic trips. I plan to start with mushrooms, which I have only experienced at the minor stages of about 1 gram so far, with little to no effect(probs it was less than a gram). Are there any books or guides or site or videos that anyone here would recommend? I bet there is a post somewhere on here that has everything but I’m still exploring. I have seen many of leo’s videos on the topics of psychedelics and seem to get the idea that I should remain open minded and keep an eye out for strange loops and to accept things as they come. But perhaps there is a lot more I could wrap my head around to really start on the road of major progress through experiences here? So just a brief background on where I’m at personally with my personal development. I currently do vipassana seated breathing meditation a couple times a day, based on what I’ve learned in the book, the mind illuminated. I would say I usually sit somewhere in between stages 3 and 4. And have been practicing this daily, for about 80 days now. I have had some breakthrough childhood flashbacks, through this process, also coupled with water fasting, where I was on day 4. but I don’t feel like I had a full on emotional release yet. But I also frequently experience emotional release while listening to music. Most recently through d a minor composition, which I learned is associated with my sacral chakra, which seems to be much more open over the last 3 months, thanks to my hatha yoga practice. I also practice some basic hatha yoga which I have been learning a lot about through the book, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha. Been doing this about ever 2 or three days, for about 3 months now. Usually trying to cover the entire system. I feel like my hatha yoga experience has really made a significant change even more than the meditation. Although I am aware they interact and benefit each other. I also have been trying to become a lot more mindful in my day to day tasks and try to really absorb myself in the activities. I have been struggling with smoking for some strange reason as well. I frequently go through spurts of being completely content and not smoking for a week. But than I give in randomly(im sure its not random), and end up buying a pack. I know I need to to really look inward and fight that urge because its definitely the biggest thing holding me back right now in progressing. Especially considering it seems my chakras from the heart(anahata) up, seem significantly less active than from the abdomen (manipura) down. Any advice you can give to me on any of these topics i have mentioned here would be greatly appreciated. although i am mostly interested in getting advice on where to go with the psychedelic realm. So thank you in advance for any input you can give me.