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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. I think the duration time for each picture in the gallery-video is too short. You see a beautiful picture and 2 seconds later it is gone..:/
  2. A group of Zen Buddhist monks are gathered early in the morning to do an early morning group SDS meditation. Today, it's one of the monks birthday, and before they begin the meditation practice, one other monk stands up and gives him a present: "Happy birthday brother, this is for you." The present appears to be a light-weight box. The birthday monk fiercely opens the box and sees that there is nothing inside it. He appears to be extremely pleased with the gift: "Oh yes! Thank you very much brother! That's exactly what I wished for!" Dno if this joke has been mentioned yet here.
  3. Who wrote the post? Well if we speak in relative terms then you did it as the human being you are. I.e you, whatever name your parents have given to you, did it. If we speak in absolute terms, then litteraly no one wrote it (and there also isn't any "it", there is no post to be read anywhere:)) . But that "no one" / nothingness / no-thing isn't the same as saying that 'no person wrote it', it's more like saying that absolutely none wrote it, cos there have never been anyone to write it in the first place. There exist no persons. All there exist is nothingness/non-duality/God/infinity -- which is what the real YOU is - but out of this is created an apparant dualistic world (i.e. YOU in fact created it), which YOU currently believe you live in... - and YOU also believe (i.e. trick your self into believing) that it was created without your 'will' (i.e. "I'm not responsible for my birth" and so forth)... and so we have the seperation between 'you' (the ego) and "not-you" (other persons, outside world)... This seperation doesn't really exist though - it's an illusion. Everything that happens to you and everything that you do are two sides of the same coin: It's in fact at the same time all YOUR doing (as you = the real you) and at same time not your doing at all (as you = the illusion of the ego). Have a listen.
  4. Really? Sure both weren't DMT? Which dosage ? But I've heard of someone who get 5-meo simliar experiences from DMT. However, 5-Meo is much more reliable, and it doesnt go the other way around.. i.e. people don't get DMT-like experiences from 5-MeO. So how was your 5-meo experience? Very visual or not so visual? Talking with entities?
  5. Did you enjoy the retreat? That is to say, was it worth the money, did you get anything out of it?
  6. "From what Ive researched, its exactly how psychedelics work, they amplify your current state of mind and bring out your weakpoints. Its a good example of how a difficult experience can teach us alot if only we would have the eyes and ears to see and listen..." Exactly!
  7. Having a realization of the true nature of existence includes having the realization that existence is fundamentally paradoxical in every imaginable way.
  8. The answer is simple: Because we are. Circular logic all the way. I mean you cannot really explain it, only parts of it. If you wanna explain it fully, we have to go alllllllll the wayyy back to Adam and Eve:) "if that's they way it's supposed to be?" Why do you assume a feeling of oneness/no-self/unconditional love is the way it's supposed to be? Supposed to be by who exactly? If you think about it from an evolutionary perspective (from 1st biological cell on earth all the way up to human life now) you can easily see why such an evolutionary mechanicsm in itself never can lead to a feeling of no-self/oneness... A feeling of no-self + evolution? Doesn't compute! Evolution depends on: survival, adaption, evolving, expansion, thus destruction, replication. Now arguably the human race has an ability to take actions independently of natural evolution/instincts (although from a holistic POV it's all 'natural", and all human thinking is instincts... however, we should be able to agree on the fact that the human mind is vastly more complex and advanced than any other animal mind). Anyway ... Maybe the human race will at some point come in touch with oneness as a whole. Maybe not. Ultimately who exactly cares? Also see, if oneness/no-self had always been the default feeling for human beings, then how would we know? The feeling of oneness/no-self is only possible because the counter-part, the egoic/materlistic/self-centered feeling also exist. Yes, a feeling of oneness/no-self is more in alignment with Reality than the egoic feeling. That is to say, if one ever sees Reality clearly without the filters of the mind, then naturally one will adopt a no-self/oneness-feeling. But is a no-mind-view better than a mind-fitred view? No. Is it worse? No. Is it more accurate? Well depends .. in terms of pure existence/Reality then yes, it is more accurate.... in terms of Truth, yes it is more accurate. In terms of biological and technological evolution (i.e. one sees higher tech = better) then the mind-filtred view is better suited for that, and thus more "accurate" if one wants more evolution of the human race in terms of technology. Anyway, my point is... for Truth to ever be known, a misrepresentation/misinterpretation of Truth first has to flourish, just like it has flourished for everyone here on this forum until they began questioning their view of Reality because of having "mystical" experiences. ... If You had ALWAYS known "the Truth", well, how would you then know that it is the Truth? The Truth has to be contrasted with what is false in order to ever 'be known'.
  9. Yeah, it's just plain stupid and it was 400 ug actually, just looked it up. And even on a fucking rowboat (ALONE!) yeah, forgot that, that's just insane. He could easily have drowned himself. But he survived and I guess the experienced humbled him a lot. He was only 20 years old, I never think he has taken any psychedelic since then. Today he is (for the most part) a very reasonable dude, though. His thoughts about psychedelics and their potential seems pretty accurate to me (video below). Although I think he underestimates how 'deep down the rabbit hole' he himself has yet to go (if he will ever go). Sam Harris seems to have only taken his head 1 meter down the hole and now believes "ah okay, amazing, that's it" ..., but he hasn't realized that the rabbit hole is infinitely deep.
  10. Yeah well shrooms can humble your mind:) Why apologize to yourself? Done is done. You couldn't handle it properly, but at least the shrooms showed you that: That you have fears of losing sanity...fear of losing your superior logical rational mind. Your mind value itself very highly.. "(I have an intelligent mind)" .. - see, that might be the problem exactly here. I'm not saying you're not intelligent, but if you go around and believe to be smarter and more intelligent than the average joe on the street, then shrooms will kick your ass for your ignorance:) You weren't at peace with yourself / reality / the present moment enough to just surrender to the experience. So you fighted against it, which is a natural thing to do, but also the worst thing to do. You felt your mind slowly drifting away, but you hold on to it like a 6 year old kid holds on to a helium balloon that wants to drift away. Next time try to give in to the experience, don't fight it. It may be terrifying at first to let go, because it can feel like dying, but when you first have let go, the most beauitful thing may appear. Yet, if you only try to let go because of your expectations of what comes after, then that won't do it either. It's all about accepting reality 100% and having blind faith in what's beyond you own little self...surrendering to the universe completely.
  11. 99% he wont take it. AFAIK, his last psychedelic trip was 300 ug LSD on a boat on a river, and he described it as absolute nightmare. :->
  12. I think Bull = mind / ego
  13. Do 2 different kind of meditations each day. Do-nothing for purging and letting your mind go wild (= tough but worthwile time spent). And then some form of focused meditation (TM or focusing on breath or focusing on your body (sleep yoga etc), or even just running... Running is to me equvialant to meditation where you focus on your breath (since you also tend to do that when you run and put pressure on yourself), except running is also healthy for the body too. So in the 1st mentioned meditation you show the mind who's in the driving seat, so to speak;) In the 2nd mentioned meditation you allow the mind to be stimulated- but here the stimulation is the simplest and purest form of stimulation, cos you're still all alone with yourself.
  14. wow thanks, Alicks/Alex surely makes some vibrant ambient music. I Don't Have A Choice is my favorite atm.
  15. This ambient tune... I don't know if it's just me, but... It does something to me. I can get shivers through my whole body listening to it. My vision can start to blur and I can almost get LSD-visuals if I meditate to it with open-eyes. To fully enjoy this tune I think you need an atleast decent pair of headphones + high volume. I was listening to it and opened the PDF-Ra-Law-of-One-document that Leo asked us to do. I looked briefely at a few pages at 69 and 70 and as I heard this tune simultaneously my eyes randomly stopped at 'Infinite Creator" and I just felt a very intense sense of connection with something I cannot put into words. I hope some of you will enjoy this tune. It's not party music. It's reflection-, meditation- music ... music that makes you question what the fuck reality is (in a good way) ... at least for me. It really vibrates deeply with something within my subconsciousness. And for that reason my awareness get's raised to very high levels, because I feel something is going on here. Another song which I think can be great for those on the path is: Also ambient. The mid-song speech from True Detective is amazing. Relates to a blissful egodeath experience. cheers
  16. In regards to Truth... I mean...One shouldn't seek enlightenment just based on hearsay about how it is to be enlightened. One should seek enlightenment because of DESIRE for Truth - whatever that Truth might be. When one is seeking, ones doesn't know the Truth. So you're searching without knowning what ya'll get. Yet you do it anyway, ONLY because you have an inner desire to FIND out what is true about your basic reality and what is not true.
  17. "blank state" + "carry a little bit of that around with you" = does not compute :>
  18. "Now, I said the thing I just described is the worst case scenario because it means that you'll loose everything of your individuality that you embody right now." ... Yes, but then there will also be no "person/mind" left to then be "sad" about that particular "loss" .
  19. Brilliant comment Azreal. Great to see others being inspired by Alan Watts (and also obviously on a deep level understanding what the old man is talking about in the lectures on YouTube). Only thing I didn't really agree with was: "This is - in my current state of seeing it - the worst case scenario that can happen to you." Why so? And to which "you" ? ... I mean, sure, from a very ego-driven person stuck in the illusion then this is of course very bad. However, for a person who isn't stuck in the illusion I find it pretty beautiful actually ... Infinite existence without ever really becoming fully conscious of the fact that you are an infinite existence ... (only on a logical/conceptual level, and maybe partly intuitively conscious of it through no-self experiences) And I mean that new perspective you might transform into after death, cannot remember ANYTHING about the "old"/"previous" perspective -- in fact words like old/previous don't make any sense even...Time is an illusion, we already know this from science/relativity -- so there's nothing to be either sad or happy about; it is just is; it's neutral. I mean from Absolute Infinity's perspective, which is a non-dual perspective, it's both fantastic and terrible at the same time, which together just merges into: neutral/no-perspective.
  20. I know. The untamed mind craves stimuli. Psychedelics have the ability to fuck up the mind and show it some things...maybe kill it even (momentarily)... After such an experience the mind *might* chill the fuck down and accept reality without craving stimuli all the time Psychedelics like shrooms, dmt, LSD shouldn't even be considered drugs in my view. They are the complete opposite of addictive drugs like cocaine, heroine, meth, etc. They have NOTHING in common AT ALL.
  21. Unless that stimulation-addicted being takes a healthy psychedelic dose ... after such a trip, one might be able to appreciate life by just focusing on the breath and meditating :>
  22. Haha sick lol. The last one with the hair dryer... I had my eyes closed but my mind had me almost 100% convinced that a hair stylist was around me drying my hair with a dryer.. lol..