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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. What you call normal reality right now becomes Heaven when you wake up and see it is all your creation.
  2. corona made him look like an idiot:-) now there is zero focus on that right now. good for trump Him now fighting the "violent" riots makes him look strong to those who already sympathize with him. Blacks were not gonna vote for him anyway, I guess, so maybe this ain't making him look so bad, as you and I think it makes him:) who knows
  3. Anyone I thought about how all this perhaps could be orchestrated from the Trump gov or from Russia who wants US to keep electing a retarded pres.? Look at it this way: - election soon coming - Trump will do anything to get reelected - Russia prolly want Trump as well - imagine how easy it is for an outside gov/agency to get a cop to do something like this (for money) - imagine how easy it is for an outside gov/agency to get a few people/agents to do raiding and violence in the otherwise peaceful riots, making the whole riot go crazy (it only takes a few to start it), making Trump look like a good leader taking action. It also removes attention from Trump's corona Management. - This killing creates extreme division within the country. As long as Trump looks like a good responsible leader fighting the violent riots , it may be a good thing for him. Just saying
  4. It's not about what you see on your trips / mystical experiences. That can all be interesting. However it's how your perception/consciousness changes that really matters. I didn't *see any God*. I became God, that is myself lol. My perception changed from that of a human ego to that of the Self. Everything is my doing. Everything is me. Take care <3
  5. You have to differentiate between the idea of God and the actual direct experience of being God? talking about God to a person who has no direct experience of God is like talking about the colours of the rainbow to a blind person. ?❤️
  6. @VeganAwake By the way, of course you are are partially right. In order to remember that you're God, you need to let go and transcend that ego / mind of yours, as you write. Yes, you have to make an "utter disidentification with the mind" before you can remember that you are God. But "utter disidentification with the mind" is not what enligthenment is. Not at all. It has nothing to with actual enligthenment. Instead, "utter disidentification with the mind" is just a necessary prerequisite before you can receive the actual gift of enligthenment, which is: remembering that you are God. Enlightenment in once sentence can really best be described as that: A remembering of the Self. (Self = God). Good fortune to you <3 EDIT: And in that way I really agree with @Leo Gura . Teachers who are so confused that they for instance claim that enligthenment = "utter disidentification with the mind" ----- as you put it, and obviously not a sentence you made up yourself hehe;) Not that any senctence I make is something WaveInTheOcean has made himself, either. Of course it is instead all God's creation, i.e. My creation! ----- are obviously far from enlightened. Only teachers who teach that enligthenment is a realization of the Self/God are actually enlightened. Or maybe there are just teachers who are aware of that, but who don't use these words, as they perhaps believe it won't help their students. Words are only words, of course. WHat matters is how you direct your students to realizing it themselves. And therefore it may be more beneficial to preach "disidentify with your mind if you want enligthenment" than "Realize you are God!", hehe ;).
  7. This is a basic psychological question, which I will refrain from answering, cos I'm starting to get bored. I still love all your questions, keep em' coming. And maybe I'll answer your Q later, when I have time. Right now I don't have time. Got some friends coming over to chill. But I mean, you can study up on that. You don't need me to tell you why it's hard to change behaviour. Leo has TONS of material on this subject. Short neurological answer: Your brain has wired itself to how it thinks / has learned it is most optimal for it to survive. So everything you do is because of: survival. Until you see you're God; then you can do stuff that is not survival-based. =) What you unconsciously have learned to believe is optimal for survival may easily -- most of the time for most people unless they had godlike parents -- be not-optimal. Eating cheeseburgers all day may feel nice, cause you saw mom and dad do it. And it feels nice intially, and you have not learned delayed gratification/long-term-systems-thinking. So you easily become addicted and destroy your health. You want to stop - rationally - but your brain is so strongly wired to eat cheeseburgers all day that you can't snap out of it. The reason is that emotions are king. Accept your emotions. You can't think yourself out of it. Love yourself. Accept yourself. Then start working. One day at time. One cheeseburger each day less. Don't be harsh on yourself. Rome wasn't built on one day. It takes time for your neruons to re-wire themselves. Take it slow. Think long-term. Do something Good everyday for yourself. And then Rome will slowly, slowly start its manifestation. Seek out help. All self-damage, i.e. addictions are done by people who are empty inside. Not enough love in them. These people fucking need love. Give them love, don't be harsh, don't judge.. And they may change, slowly. Love yourself and everyone. "Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge You may not know the hardships people don't speak of It's best to step back, and observe with couth For we all must meet our moment of truth "
  8. <3 That is truly great yes. Keep running bro <3
  9. A lot of dualistic confusion of the Absolute Nature of Reality (God) here. "Enlightenment is the complete and utter disidentification with the mind and its conditioned habitual patterns of thinking... it's a dropping of all preconceived concepts and beliefs which limit the ability to see things unconditionally for what they truly are. It's seeing the world with childlike eyes again before the conditioned ways of society alter your pure perception that you are born with." No, it is not that. Enligthenment is remembering you're God. That's it. And nothing more. :-) How well you, as an ego, -- past the peak mystical experiences of bathing in God -- then remember and integrate that 'insight/knowledge' into your life: well that's another thing. IMO, when you're running around "sober" and still seeing God in everything you do/that happens to you: then you're really enlightened/awake. That's where I am. And that's where your post screams that you are not. Sorry to be harsh <3 "The mind and the conditioned habitual patterns of thinking" are also God! They are not obstacles in any sense, only if you make them obstacles. Which you obviously do, hehe. The thinking mind is God! It's all One. You see? Nothing is not God, you fool "It's truly the end of suffering but for No One!!" . Also kind of wrong, my friend. Enlightenment is the end of suffering for You/God. Although if you don't ever reach enligthenment in your life, then that's only because You/God wanted to suffer. Hehe. Everything that happens = God's will. Everything = God This is what non-duality means. Very simple. Wake up, God. hehe <3
  10. I was an hardcore atheist until at age of 20 tried 150 ug LSD which was a complete nightmare trip. The trip was "Good" in a sense however: It busted my little bubble of believing that I knew what was up and down in reality. The trip showed me that my perspective was just one perspective out of infinite other just as legit perspectives. However, now I see that there also is one perspective which is truer than all other, namely the perspective of God/Self/Consciousness, which is the perspective it took me 5 years to adopt (fully adopted it 3 days ago as already said). Anyway during these 5 years I have done meditation quite a lot. But never in any strictly sense. I have skipped many days and there have been weeks without any meditation. So by no means have meditation been a hardcore practice for me. But I have explored it quite a lot, different techniques and so on. ANd I have done it on / off. I have listened to Leo a lot for these 5 years. I have read The Book of Not Knowing by Ralston. Really recommend it. Brilliant book. I have read and listened to a lot of Alan Watts. He is my all-time favorite teacher. Rupert Spira I have listened to quite a lot too. I have been running on average 2 times a week for these 5 years. Around 7 km each run. I would in some way that my simple hobby of running has helped me a lot. Obviously health wise, but I also see running as a sort of meditation. Running meditaion. I fucking love running. The feeling after a good fast-paced 7-10 km run is just so nice. So calm inside. Runners high, you know. I have done LSD 5 times in total, ayahuasca 2 times. 2cb 7 times. DMT multiple times (smoked). All have helped. The single biggest teacher - besides Alan Watts - is no doubt psychedelics. Psychedelics have been absolutely instrumental. Without them I would still be an arrogant close-minded atheist, no doubt. It was also after my first LSD trip that I happened to stumble upon a Watts-talk. I remeber even back then how I thought he was nuts. Slowly I heard what he was saying, though. His talks are so deep if you really listen. Other practices include a suicidal depression 1 ½ year ago. I also don't think I could become enlightened without that one. Some hardcore suffering is necessary I believe, at least in some form/amount. The contrast of my happiness right now is infinite compared to winter 2019. Infinite contrast. I have also listened to a lot of music. I love music. Music is a drug for me as well. I have two expensive quality headphones I love:D Yes I love them. I'm attached to them. haha. Anyway, besides that, the biggest teacher may be life itself. I think I agree very much with Maslows idea of the hierarchy of needs; At the very to, over the pyramid, is hardcore spirituality, aka bathing in God-consciousness and living life as an ego that knows it's God. My point is, I believe you need to feel you belong, you need friends, you need intimate relationships, you need prestige and feelings of accomplishment, you need to self-actualize. You need to build a kind-of big ego -- it may still be a loving kind-of selfless ego you build, but none-the-less a big one -- in order to be able to let go and transcend it. If your ego is fundamentally unhappy, I think you'll have a hard time transcending it/letting it go. But who knows, maybe it is possible to transcend yourself while your ego is in suffering. Did not happen for me, though, although prior suffering was what I needed in order to later become happy. My "final" enligthenment 4 days ago happened at time where I had never been more happy already the last month. To now even feel more happy is beyond amazing. It's ectasy I'm living in right now. So yeah, go live life. Somewhere in the journey maybe throw all ideas of spirituality, Leo Gura, this forum and all kind of struggling for enlightenment out of the window -- momentarily -- and focus on yourself: standard self-development, building a life/persona you're happy about, have good friends, loving relationships with everyone, a job/study you love, have a nice home, a healthy body, a sharp mind, and accomplish something, be proud of yourself, be happy, be a good guy/girl, feel loved and love. Then next take shrooms, 2CB, 5-MeO or whatever, and then fucking transcend that ego: and remember that you are God and always have been! For example, during my depression 1 ½ years ago I gave a fuck about spirituality during these 2-3 months. When Leo uploaded a video during these months I watched a few minutes of it and disagreed with everything he said and got annoyed of him. A fucking freak, I thought. I then focused on myself, giving zero fucks about spirituality. Then slowly I felt better, and eventually became happy, even more happy than before my depression, and then I tried DMT, Aya, 2CB, and my interest for spirituality skyrocketed again, and of course all the prior years of spiritual seeking was not wasted. I built upon that. Of course along this journey I just outlined, psychedelics in the meanwhile will probably still be a good idea. Shadow work and self-knowledge etc. is great if you want to develop as a human being. Psychedelics are great teachers at that. Good fortune to you <3
  11. For those of you interested in my journey I'd recommend reading my Ayahuasca trip report which I posted on this forum 2 weeks ago: I wrote that report ~10 days before my mentioned 2CB-trip. And the Ayahuasca-ceremonies happened ~9 months ago.
  12. Ayahuasca and more psychedelic 2cb-trips. My last 2cb trip - this one - was the ultimate fear therapy conclusion. Seeing that I'm God and that all is God; How can I now fear anything at all? If fear ever arises again in some form, big or small -- it will, I'm still human within the dream -- I'll know its my own doing! I'll know it's all just me fearing myself! And that is profound, amazing and terrifying, haha! I'll thus naturally not resist any emotion, including fear, and thus there will be no problems within me, no conflict, no constant worrying, no constant attachment. ?❤️
  13. Logic alone cannot lead you to enlightenment. Reality is logical-non-logical. Logic surely has its purpose, no doubt. I like being logical. But I'm aware of the limits of thought, language and logic. In a relative sense 'an apple' and 'no apple' are opposites. In an Absolute Sense, there is zero difference between the two. Yes, indeed, direct experience is needed. Good fortune to you ❤️
  14. Sorry haha. It's good enough. I like piano. On a second listen it's kind of good actually. The visuals are neat. Jon Hopkins is just another level. Yeah it's more ambient, which is my favorite kind of music
  15. One word: Ayahuasca (in a good setting with good people around). https://spiritofaya.com/ is great. I used them
  16. mediocre music listen to this instead
  17. And yet, there exists only True God Consciousness. Even Trump's present subjective experience -- whatever he is doing right now, shitting or writing a Tweet -- is True God Consciousness. A new paradox to ponder, or not. Every experience is God's experience. Yet, some of God's experiences are more aligned with God's "true nature" than others:-)
  18. Never thought of that analogy, but now that you do, I must say I sort of do:)
  19. The problem with questions like this -- although I like the question -- is that no matter what answer I give, it will not be the Absolute Truth and therefore it will not satistify you. Yes, you are the Self (/God/Consciousness/Etc.) imagning your own ego and all other egoes and the world. Not only are you imagning it, you are also the substance of that/your imagination. You are the creater, the knower, the substance of all experience. You are One as the Self. Nothing is outside You. Anyway. Yes, from the PoV of an ego other egoes have their own separate thought processes. From the PoV of the Self/God, it is all ONE though - no separation. See, I am back into WaveInTheOcean-consciousness-mode now. I am not bathing in God-consciousness as I were during the peak of my last 2C-B-trip. So naturally I cannot --- as God, cos I'm always God, even though my true God-Consciousness is currently slightly veiled because I'm alive and living as a human being/I'm in human form -- have access to other people's PoV in my current consciousness. It's possible that the more enligthened/selfless you become, the more you will in some limited form have access to so called super-natural abilities such as mind-reading etc. I'm not there yet, even though I would say I'm pretty good at reading people none-the-less=) There are some naive dudes who will claim that actual enligthenment is a permanent state of Absolute God-Consciousness. However it is retarded -- sorry to use that word, but it is -- to believe in this, because Absolute God-Consciousness is only possible through temporary peak mystical experiences or actual physical biological death (these two things are the same, experience-wise). It is retarded, namely, because if you were to find a person who's in Absolute God-Consciousness 24/7, that would then for example imply that - that person litterally could roll a dice and say what it would be, before you opened the cup, every single time - that person litterally could mind-read other people's minds to exact precision, every single time and many other things that are not fully possible within the dualistic laws of living human life. Laws that You created, of course. Make no mistake. Also make no mistake, I'm open to the possibility that some people are so enlightened -- Jesus, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi etc -- that they almost can do these things I just said are not _fully_ possible :-) Full enlightenment is the opposite of Life: Death. All living human people can "only" approach Full Enlightenment in human form. We can never get there 100%. Yet I'd still say I'm "fully" enlightened in the sense that I am now completely aware of the fact that I'm God in all my experiences, and that all I experience is me (God). I know that. I'm aware of that. But I'm not claiming I'm in God Consciousness 24/7. I am not. None are. Don't be fooled. People who believe enlightenment equals a state of Absolute God-Consciousness 24/7 are people who have not (yet) tried to actually bathe in Absolute God-Consciousness. Simple as that :-) ------------------------- Anyway. Yes there is only one Now. And it is Yours/God's/The Self's . Yes, indeed. Time is an illusion - but see, so is everything that is "distinct": anything you can find in maya/life/mind is an illusion. There exist no things. Only the Now/God's Happening is real. And see, within "The Infinite Happening of God"/"The Now" there exists illusions such as separate minds/egos, and time and trees and cars. There do. They are just not real in the Absolute Sense. Nothing is real in the Absolute Sense, except God of course! " Other POVs with other NOWs implies objective reality, since they exist outside of this present moment this ego (my ego) experiences but since everything exists as a probability how is it possible? " You are being confused. You are confusing things. And of course you are! How could you not confuse things? All non-enlightened beings will make confusions when discussing the Absolute/God. I did so too before my 2CB-trip two days ago. Contemplating/reading/listening to gurus can only take you so far. The limits of language. The laws of duality prevents you from getting it fully, until you let go and fully absorb God's gift (that is: your own gift) of removing the veiled glasses (= ego, mind) and thus DIRECTLY EXPERIENCE YourSelf/God. Objective reality / subjective reality is a dualism that ultimately must collapse like all other dualisms. To be arrogant, this is even an easy one;) Reality is subjective-objective There is only one Now. Nothing and everything exists outside your present moment. That is a paradox. But both perspectives are true. That nothing outside your present moment exists (the Now is the Truth) is true. That everything exists outside your present moment (reality is Absolute Infinite) is also true. HOW CAN THAT BE? Answer: God. God loves paradoxes. See: In order for you to not see your true nature, there has to paradox embedded into your existence/present experience. Your ego experiences nothing. Your ego doesn't exist, so it naturally cannot experience anything. There is only one thing in reality that can experience 'stuff'. That One Thing = Consciousness You = The Fabric And Structure of Reality Itself = The Self = God! End of discussion. ---------------------- I stumbled upon this: Leo's most profound talk in a way. Let's get that bread.
  20. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤ ❤ Ego and God is One, absolutely speaking . Jesus was also an ego. Buddha was an ego. The difference between you and Jesus -for example- was that the ego of Jesus was nearly perfectly aligned with the true nature of God, while your ego still lacks behind a tiny bit ❤ ❤ ❤ I project as I want. I don't care of your opinion of me. I'm arrogant when I want to be arrogant, when I feel it serves a purpose. I may be wrong at times, but I don't care. The path of least resistance is my path now. I love you ❤ ❤ ❤
  21. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Niels Bohr is great man. I'm Danish so I know quite a lot about him. Wise motherfucker he was for sure.
  22. <3 There are many depths to awakening. I have had God-realization on Ayahuasca before. This 2CB-trip is the final nail in the coffin though. I've never felt the realization so deeply integrated as I do right now, writing these words. In another way it's not the final nail though, I'm very aware of that. There will be more deepening. New insights. No doubt. more facets to it. 1. As God you are the only one actually existing. God = Existence = You = Me = The Self = Consciousness = Love. Nothing is outside you. You are absolutely Infinite in every infinite way. This is why you feel you are the only current incarnation of Consciousness. Cos in one way that's true. The mistake you unconsciously make is that you confuse "God" and "ego/yourself as a person" . Of course from a Absolute/God-perspective God and ego is One. However, relatively speaking --- and we do have to speak in relative terms, cos we're using language, we're in human form, you and I, and thus we are bound by the laws of duality, which we ourselves as God created in order to imagine ourselves as not-God --- ego and God complete opposites! You, as billiesimon, is an imaginary mind/ego/body/person. Just like all other persons are imaginary. Who is imagining them? You! God! You - as God - constructed it in a such special way that you only have direct access to one persons inner thoughts one at a time. You can't have inner without outer. Mental without physical. Good without bad. god/love without ego/evil. (Love and God with a capital L/G is a non-dual truth though). There are infinite perspectives my friend! Infinite! And they are legitimate in their own right. However, some perspectives are more aligned with truth, more aligned with God/Love. Follow that perspective and Goodness will come to you <3 But see: In order to know that one perspective is more God-like/True/Love you also have to be aware of other perspectives that aren't. You can't have tails without heads. Yet all the infinite perspectives are also in one way just ONE perspective: YOURS! GOD's! haha <3 If your point of view is the point of view of your True Self/God then, yes, you are imagining all of reality. If your point of view is the point of your egoic self, your self-image/persona, then you are caught in illusion. God caught in his own illusion <3 Why does God want to get caught in his own illusion? Fun! Love! Exictement! To test how loving she can be! Human life is a love-simulator. How loving can you be? When God finally gets back to himself it's an explosion of love and joy. The more twisted and far out God got in his stage play, the more amazing it is when the play finally ends. <3 <3 <3 -------------------------------- A side note about meditation: I think when you're really enlightened, you don't really have to meditate so much to ground yourself. For me 5 minutes will probably be enough to ground myself. Cos in these 5 minutes I can quckly enter into a no-thoughts-high-consciousness-state, where as for people with lots of ego-baggage left in the sink it can take them hours to get there, if they ever manage to. So meditating for long time (30 min+) sure has its purpose, but mostly for people who has a long way to go, still. However for me, meditating for a long time can still be nice. Just for the enjoyment of it. Like watching a good movie. Bliss. Love. God. Self. -------------------------------------------- "2. For some weird reason I have reached this first awakening even though I still have some self esteem issues and some negativity left. I practice meditation, breathing and shadow work everyday. The awakening felt totally loving and like I was worthy of all of existence. Why is it that now I'm feeling somehow depressed and having this victim-like ego backlash? Shouldn't I be empowered by this experience? " Good. Keep it up with those practices. Healing is important. Very fucking important. Shadow work is fucking important. I know all about self esteem issues and negativity. I have been there. Heal yourself. Whatever it takes. Be kind and gentle but don't be afraid to go into your deepest caves and see what hides. It will terrify you, but it will heal you also. I'm grateful for you that you've had a micro-awakening and that it felt loving. Of course it felt loving! <3 Ego-backlash and depression is SO FUCKING natural after the first minor awakenings. I've been there, my friend. Hell, I've been there man. I'm almost crying now, thinking about it. I think there is a very logical reason behind ego-backlash and post-awakening-depression. It happens when your ego is not attuned enough to integrate God. That's the short and simple answer. But keep going. Slowly, if you continue this work, your ego will become more attuned and you'll get there! <3 I love you. Remember to not use this forum too much. This forum can EASILY become a distraction. It has its purpose though. Go out in live, and live and learn. That's one of the most spiritual things you can do. Sure, keep meditating, keep reflecting over life, stay conscious. But fucking live man. Live and learn! <3 Haha my man. It's so freaking obvious to me that even though you consciously see yourself as a spiritual dude/non-materalist, you are unconsciously still very much materalistic. Your bashing of pyschedelics as just "chemicals" clearly reflects that. Much love to you brother, you'll get there, no doubt.
  23. <3 Jon Hopkins is seriously a next level genius in regards to music <3 So much depth, emotion, melancholy and cosmic transendence in many of his tracks. <3 Another great is Four Tet. You don't have to do anything in the grand scheme of things. That's perhaps the horrifying part of this deep God-realization. I see clearly how I actually don't have to do anything, litteraly. I can decide freely what to do, and in the "Absolute End" it doesn't matter what I do. Yet I also saw that God's plan was/is to make me a spiritual vessel that can help people in various ways -- mental issues, waking up. And I thus naturally -- I am God, I know that -- want to help people through psychedelic therapy/psychedelic enlightenment-work. Psychedelics have destroyed me - my stage Orange belief-systems that is. And then I have been reborn through them. Deep healing. First LSD trip 5 years ago initiated stage Green. I integrated all of green. DMT/Ayahuasca/2CB the last year helped me go to stage yellow, which I'd say fully integrated around 1-2 months ago. This 2CB-trip has initiated stage Turquoise for me. In some ways the real fun for me in my life starts now. I see that. My point of all my rambling is that I have extreme respect for the violent and powerful nature of psychedelics. They are dangerous in the wrong hands. On the other hand they have the potential to heal and evolve human consciousness. That's my life purpose; to help make that come true. Psychedelic experiences have shaped me, healed me, and now made me very, very conscious of the fact that I'm God, and that everything is me/God (Oneness). I have woken up. Anyway, you can help people in infinite indirect ways. Art is one way. Even something as "low-conscious" as sports can help people. Everything serves a purpose. Follow your intutition. There are many people with high levels of consciousness who don't go around saying "Hey, I'm God, you're God, everything is God" and yet they are still very enlightened beings in some ways. Just take this muscian, Jon Hopkins. I'm just fucking amazed by his music. We don't call Jon Hopkins a guru. Yet I'd say in one way he is one of my biggest gurus :-) Fuck, even somewhat mediocre-conscious people like my parents - they are also my gurus. Everything is put into your life for a reason. You did it. You created it all. You did it all. Everything that happens in your life is YOUR/GOD's intelligent design. It's so fucking beautiful when you realize that. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Yes I do. To summarize how I feel this morning: Grounded as fuck. Light in mind and body as fuck. Very, very sensitive to everything around me - in a beautiful, grounded way. Just listening to a few minutes of this talk - that Leo put up on his blog - - made me cry a bit. Obviously, I'm not in the same "God-consciousness-state" as I was on the peak of my 2CB-trip yesterday night. However, I deeply know that I'm still God. I just know. In that sense enlightenment is not a state. Peter Ralston is right in a sense: it's not a state, enligthenment. It's just a flipping 360 degrees of everything in the way you look at things. In your awareness. The mirror has been turned 180 degrees during the peak experience (yesterday) and now it has turned 180 degrees more and we're back at WaveInTheOcean-consciousness. Full circle. Yet, now I'm complete. I know I'm God and that all is God. It's so beautiful. Fuck, enligthenment/awakening is SO FUCKING OBVIOUS. How could it be ANY other way? How could it? Of course there is only one Self - YOU! Me! God! How could it be any other way? Hahahhahahhaha fuck man. It's so, so , so , so , so obvious that we all miss it. haha >.< Of course I still felt tired when I woke up. I still have "negative" feelings such as being tired and so on. Enlightenment doesn't change the content of your perception. It just changes the way you look at it. At everything. So to look at enlightenment as some sort of a "state" where you don't need to sleep, don't need to eat, don't "need" anything, where you can't feel pain: That's a naive and immature way of looking at it and reflects lack of actual insight. "since you are fully awakened I suppose you would be able to sit down and be alone with “yourself “ / meditate for 10 hours straight? Or at least 3-5 hours ? Am I mistaken to believe that is something an enlightened person could easily do?" Look, I can do anything. Litterally. I can fly. I'm all the birds. I'm already flying. I'm already you. To be a bit more serious -- relatively speaking - the maxmium amount of time I have consciously forced myself to sit down and meditate is 1 hour. I have no doubt that I could pretty easily meditate for "infinite" amount of hours in a row (still getting some sleep, food and so on), but what is the point of that? Meditation as a practice is a technology. An art-form. A way to ground yourself and widen your conscious (both things). However, in another way, you could say meditation is what I'm now doing 24/7. I'm meditating as I write these words. It comes so naturally. That's another thing I have realized this morning. As I said I just feel so light. Everything I do , I just do. No resistance. It's almost like I'm not doing any of it. An enlightened human being can do anything. That's the short answer. And it's scary to be so free. But also beautiful. My call in this life of WaveInTheOcean is to help other people. Do I help other people -- /reach that goal -- by meditating in a cave 365 days a year? Hell fucking no. Will some light daily meditation of 10-30 minutes a day help me in my goal? Hell yes. It will help ground me. After I was finished writing yesterday night here I walked outside in the beautiful early morning night and sat at a bench by a lake, smoked a cigarette and meditated for 20 minutes. These 20 minutes really felt short. Then I walked inside and slept. When you have an ego that's not really spiritually developed/mature, I think ego-death really feels profound/scary/intense. When your ego is very developed spiritually, ego-death is just so natural. I meditated for 20 minutes, and for most of these 20 minutes there were no thoughts. Yet it wasn't very intense. It was just bliss and calm. Grounded me. And I feel it's VERY important for me to stay grounded. Cos I'm naturally a person that gets really excited about the stuff I do. Now I have just become enlightened and there are impulses in me that just want to follow fucking through and go crazy/leave this planet/plane of existence. But I won't do that, no worries, I will remain grounded. <3 Yes, you are very right. I can do that, no problem. That's how it is now. No resistance. No suffering. Sure I could still feel pain if a girl rejected me -- cos that's how my body-mind is wired -- but I wouldn't resist it and naturally, easily get over it. Why would I? I'm fucking God. The girl rejecting me is me rejecting myself! It's all my doing. One of the most profound talks ever: My parents aren't that bad. So that would be super easy:) Even if my parents were bad, it wouldn't be a problem. Sure that would be negative feelings arising in me, but I wouldn't resist them. Why would I ? ;-) Haha. Love your ego. Yes, it is your ego. But that's natural. The ego wants to survive. Everyone on this forum are ego's searching for enligthenment/awakening. And naturally when someone makes a bold post "I'm enligthened - AMA" other egoes easily gets hurt and rejects/resist what the dude writes. I've been there myself. I've been on this forum for a few years now, and I remember all the "i'm God - AMA" posts and I remeber how I felt annoyed and pissed off by them :-) All the people who writes nice things to me/asks geniune questions - to my ego - in this topic, it's easily to see that they are the most conscious. The ones who fool around are just egoes with a narrow consciousness, lack of Self-love, lack of insight, lack of understanding, lack of direct experience :-) I feel sorry for them, but I hope they'll get there. I've been there myself. <3 Don't say sorry for your ego. Let my post piss you off. Let you experience how you also find it funny. To conclude, yes, it feels Good. Amazing. Hehe How can I, as God, fool myself? <3 It's pretty easy actually. We all do it. Now I remember I'm God, so no more fooling around <3 Hey. I am an ordinary human being. I just know I'm God. That's all. I don't want to be a non-ordinary human being. I like being human, for now. But to take the bait, my friend, have you ever wondered about all the chemicals right now flooding around in your so-called sober brain, like right now as you're reading these words? The most prominent/dominating one is called 'serotonin'. It's a natural chemical. A neuro-transmitter. It hits all the receptors in your brain that 2C-B, DMT, 5-MeO, LSD, psilocin also hits. They are all serotonin-agonists. You probably don't know what that means, since your post obviously reflects a deep lack of knowledge about the topic. But anyway, I'll continue, cos this is fun! So you can easily call serotonin a pscyhedelic. Easily. Hell, look at the structure of serotonin. It's nearly identical to psilocin and DMT. The difference between the psychedelics -- serotonin included -- is how they differ in their binding affinity to specific serotonin-receptors in the brain (cos there are many different ones). My question to you, dear observer, is: When will you come down from your serotonion-trip ??? Other questions I want you to ponder: - What is the difference between consciousness and outside physical reality/stuff? - What is the difference between a dream and what we call ordinary, waking reality? - What were you before you were born? - What will happen to you when you die? - What happens to you when you go to deep sleep? Look. You're already hallucinating. You're hallucinating/tripping on serotonin. So am I, right now. We are fucking God tripping, hallucinating herself to believe she is a human being! How fucking hillarious is that, mate? Only difference between you and me is that I know I'm God tripping, while you still pretend to be "poor little me, poor little "the observer". Get out of it, God! Come on! For God's sake! <3 Outside pyschedelics just helps to tweak the serotonin-system a bit, strips you off your ego (it kills the default-mode-network), widens your consciousness and gets you access to your True Self. I have also thought a lot about how I now have zero desire to ever get drunk on alcohol again. Alcohol really lowers your consciousness. And I don't want that. I want to remain in a high state of consciousness as much as possible. In one specific way, however, alcohol may actually widen your consciousness. Namely in the way it sort of makes you less inhibited/less worried about your self-image. This action alone is the sole reason why people drink. ----- Much love to everyone here. That is, to myself <3