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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. "You can only see what you are not but never what you are, because you are that." Yes. It is so obvious that you miss it. You have to remove all your beliefs and ideas. Then it will hit you But it is very hard -- for most ppl -- to remove all their beliefs and ideas. To let go of all that takes extreme Self-Love. For example the very complex and deeply programmed idea that you are a human. If you dont naturally FEEL whole, you will cling to this idea, cos - to you - it's all your reality/survival depends on: that you are human. And therefore you can't let go. But if you feel at peace and got love flowing inside you, naturally it will be easier to accept the letting go of believing to be a human. When that belief goes out the window, all that is left, is God, i.e. yourself.
  2. A willingness to look deep within. That is surely needed.
  3. The real question is: can we explain consciousness under the materialist paradigm? No, we can not. Some naive scientists think we at some point can do it, but they are just that, naive. We can never explain consciousness fully. Consciousness is The Ground of Being. The Ground of Being cannot be grasped through logical thinking nor through language nor through the scientific method. You can only grasp it yourself if you manage to let go of your false self (the person you think you are). Naturally, now, we can then also conclude that since psychedelics alter consciousness, and we don't even understand consciousness, then naturally, psychedelics cannot be understood under retardism (materailist paradigm). Psychedelics can best be viewed as hacking tools for the mind. Like hacking a computer, psychedelics allow you to hack your own mind, changing the inner programming, removing your false self, so you can see your true self. God.
  4. <3 Right back at ya. Your words resonate so much with my own experience. Yep exactly. Pure Consciousness / The Eternal Tao / <Whatever we want to call it (me, you, the Self)> is the ground of being. It is the canvas on which all content/experience appears. And the brush painting this content/experience is the canvas itself, hehe. And the one who sees all the content is ALSO the canvas itself. Canvas = God/Love/Tao/Consciousness/Etc. And yes, when you can rest in that, then your creativity skyrockets and you see easily how all other things like language, feelings, thoughts, laws, social games, personality are all sort of "technologies" invented by myself (God). And I can change them on the fly now as I please, alter them as I please. <3 I'd recommend listening to the first 44 minutes of this talk by Watts (maybe go with 1,25x or 1,5x speed to speed it up): Also you can listen to it all - it's all words of actual true wisdom/insight. But the first 44 minutes are the most profound/essential. In a way it's just common sense Watts is "preaching" here. But it is so obvious that we don't normally 'see it' (of course you and I do now, but it can be good for integration to put it into words), and that's why it's profound.
  5. absolute-wise you're already mastering the external world cos the external world is you. it's all your doing relative-wise, yes I believe you have to get to the top of Maslows pyramid before you can get actual enlightenment. you need a healthy ego before you it will let go and transcend. In other words, you need lots of Self-Love before you can get a permanent awakening.
  6. Some of my thoughts are awake. For example Leo Gura, Alan Watts, WaveInTheOcean and a few others. Most of my thoughts are still sleeping. I may decide to wake them up some day. You think I should?
  7. "What is the ultimate fabric of reality? My own position is quite clear: I am a materialist while being a scientist but a mathematical realist when being a speculator. Materialism, the view that the fundamental particles, including their agglomerations into atoms and molecules, together with the forces that bind them into interesting entities, are all that is necessary for all the properties of the world. There is nothing beyond these entities." What is the ultimate fabric of reality? Yourself. God. The musical pattern of the eternal Tao. Love. Consciousness. Oneness. That is the Truth. Yet, this dude has his own non-true position. And it is quite clear, but still a bit fuzzy, so let me help him:
  8. Superhumans is a silly concept. Or you could flip the coin and say that every fucking single human being on this planet is a superhuman. Super because they're all God running around playing the game of life. Are there any human being who are not God running around doing Love/playing? No there is not. Nothing is outside me. I'm God. Only real -- it's actually also imaginary, but what the fuck -- difference between the imaginary avatars WaveInTheOcean and Donald Trump is that God has remembered it is God through WaveInTheOcean and that this has not -- yet -- happened through my thought of Donald Trump. Every living and unliving thing in this world is essential. I created it. And I did not create anything unessential. All is Love. All is Essential. The enormous depend on the tiny and the tiny depend on the enormous. Non-duality 101.
  9. Dno about that. There can be other goals:D and they can be serious for me though, yes, the goal of becoming awake - i.e. becoming myself, God - has been all that mattered since I took lsd as a 20-year old atheistic noob. Trump seems to have more serious goals than me tho. Like bombing the world up. I just had a very unserious goal of remembeirng I put the mask of WaveOfTheOcean onto myself (God). Seems to me as the opposite of seriousness. Like an actor on stage not wanting to act anymore, or just wanting to act silly -- cos she know's shes just acting -- and then the other co-actors naturally blame her "START BEING FUCIKING SERIOUS MAN!! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!!" much love brother <3
  10. More random insights: - Leo's simple rule for acing life -- always doing the most emotionally difficult thing in any given situation -- is only partially true. Like all dualities, difficult-easy is ultimately one and the same thing: Love. The insight to be gained here is to see that everytime a person does something 'emotionally easy', like ordering a pizza or watching Netflix, they do it because they are not 'whole' inside. They play PC-games, have sex, watch porn, eat junk-food, stay on social media on their phone, watch cat-videos, because they can sense they are not whole, and that 'sensing of not-wholeness' does NOT feel nice! And when they then do these 'easy activities' -- often unhealthy physically and mentally -- they momentarily forget that unpleasent sensation and get lost in what they are doing (watching cat videoes for example). They temporaiily forget themselves. It's symptomp-relief. Like giving a depressive person SSRi. It works, but not really. It doesn't *solve* the actual root issue of not feeling 'w-h-o-l-e'. Which is funny, cos' then you see it is God forgetting -> human forgetting -> lost in the moment of doing the easy activity -> relief/temporarily in some kind of God-consciousness (no worries) -> as soon as the activity stops (you realize you have to make dinner to yourself and get some sleep, so you close the YouTube-app on your phone) you get back to egoic consciousness of not feeling whole (but instead feeling lost and separate as this "poor little me"-body-mind-person). When you finally become 100% whole -- like I have become -- you can still do all kinds of "easy" "unhealthy" activites but you do it out of your own free will and not out of not feeling whole, cos you already feel whole! It's like a ice cream cone. Most people are cones with not enough ice inside the cone. They are not whole (i.e. they don't know they are God, i.e. they have not enough Self-Love in their body-mind-vessel). Therefore they do all kinds of activities to temporarily fill up the cone with icecream. But the ice melts again because it's warm outside. And you don't realize that the warmth around you is yourself. I.e. it is yourself melting your icecream away. hahahaha . Anyway when you finally become whole/enlightened it's like you are a ice cream cone filled up with ice that cannot melt anymore. You are harmony itself. Basically my point is, when you see your God, you also see that the "easy thing to do" and the "hard thing to do" are one and the same thing. hahaha <3 It's one. You've always done the right thing, cos you've been God all the time, and God never makes mistakes, only on purpose, but then it's not a mistake per defintion. xDDDDDDDDDD - I think many people, when they hear the words "It's all me, it's all my doing. I'm God and everything is God. When my mom knocks on my door it's myself knocking on my own door" they sort of believe that I mean this only in some symbolic sense, and that I truly still differentiate between "myself" and "my mother" (or any other stranger who might knock on my door for some reason). But listen up: No I don't. Haha. The most true thing to say with our language is to say that my mom knocking on my door is myself knocking my own door. I am my mother. I am everyone. I am God. - Language is a funny thing. Language is a technology. We have created languages in the West where we have nouns and verbs. Nouns do verbs. Things "do". But in actuality this is just a game we're playing. A language game. There are no things in reality. There is only patterns. The music. Reality/God can best be described as an infinitely complex endless musical happening. There are truly no actual "things" in the world. Only doings. Only dance/music/patterns/vibrations. On/off , on /off, on/off. Look at a river or a candle burning. That river or that candle can teach you everything about reality if you study it deeply enough. Cos you can easily see in a river that the river is not a thing. There is no river! Just flow. Same goes for the candle burning in the wind. - picture yourself setting in your living room and 2 meters south from is a chair with your friend sitting on it. You will be tempted to say "I am here and 2 meters from me is my friend, there". But may I ask, what about the 2 meters of space between 'you' and 'friend' ??? See, most people -- cos they are surviving machines -- only focuses on what is essential to their own survival, biological and socially. They filter everything else out. For example space. Literal space. For most people space doesn't exist. It's not a thing. It's "nothingness". It's non-being. Which is just a plain stupid line of thinking, if you think about it Because these 2 meters of space between 'you' and 'your friend' is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL in order for you to even have a concept of yourself and 'friend'. Without the space between yourself and your friend there wouldn't be any friend sitting over there. The space is essential. So the duality, space--things, must also collapse. Space and things are One. You can't have one without the other! Just like foreground and background! Like the front of a a bike and the back of a plain regular bike. if you cut the bike in half and say "here is the front of the bike" and "here is the back of the bike", you are right. But where is the bike now? It's gone. Because you need the front and the back together to get the bike. Also realize to say "this is the front of the bike" and "this is the back of the bike" is only possible because you already have a concept of what an actual bike is. If you went to an alien and said "here is the front of the bike" and "here is the back of the bike" he would look at you and ask "what the fuck is a bike?". In EXACTLY the same way you need space and things TOGETHER, ALWAYS, in order to know what space and things is. "Space" and "things" arise simultaneously. You can't have one without the other. It's all one! The same infinite complex musical pattern/happening! Love! The Tao! You see, just by using common sense I have now shown you that 'you' and 'other' are the same Oneness/Self. You and your friend sitting 2 meters away from you are identical, one, the same. No difference. The Self imagining itself to be separate beings. That's all there is happening. Doing it out of Love to Itself. You can't have one without the other. This goes for everything. Light, darkness, life, death. Yet many people consciously or unconsciously believe that it is possible to have one without the other. They believe it is: - possible to have things without space - possible to have space without things - possible to have 'self' without 'other' - possible to have 'other' without 'self' - possible to have 'life' without 'death' - possible to have 'death' without 'life' Also look at the problem of free will and the problem of personality. An ordinary person will say it was his doing if he hammers a nail into his wall. "I hammered the nail into my wall". If the next day a lightning strikes down into his house and puts in on fire, he will say "There was a thunderstorm today that stroke a lightning right down and burned my house to the ground. Poor fucking me! I hope my insurance will pay" . A truy awake person would say: "I consciously hammered this nail into this wall yesterday and today I somehow managed to unconsciously put my house on fire by making a lightning strike down on it from the thunderstorm". hehe. You see, the differentiation between what you call "your own conscious voluntary will" and "something that happens to me" is actually pretty arbitrary. This duality must also collapse. It's all your doing. Or it is not your doing at all. Haha In another sense it's not arbitrary. It's linked to survival. You make the distinction between 'your own doing' and 'what happens to me' because it makes you exist as a person. And you need to survive, you are programmed to survive. That's your ego. Your ego = believing you are a 'poor little me' somehow stuck in a hostile environment. This duality of free will vs not-free-will is what in fact creates your sense of personality/false self. You see, if everything was your own free will, you wouldn't exist as a person anymore, but only as God/Love. This is what happens momentarily during peak mystical experiences / psychedelic peak experiences. And this is also what happens when you die. You become Infinite Freedom, infinite Love, God, Infinite Wholeness, Oneness. And if everything wasn't your free will at all, then you wouldn't exist as a person anymore, but only as Nothingness. This is where "you were" before you were born. Or at least before you imagined yourself as a "human poor little me" (happens probably around age ~2, cos this is where children start to have self-image of themselves as existing independently of the outside world, haha). Nothingness = God = Love <3 <3 <3
  11. Hello Today, the imaginary avatar @VeganAwake initiated in the imaginary avatar @WaveInTheOcean a direct download of insight from God, i.e. from myself. Instead of just replying to him in the thread "Is Heaven a real place aside from here and now>" I'd like to share it with ya'll here. The initiation: God's reply (you can substitute "VeganAwake" with "yourself"): <<<<<<< Hello VeganAwake, again <3 Interesting post. I definitly gained some insight by reading this. You are, however, both right and wrong. Let's begin with what is right in your words of dualistic language: It's true, the ego -- per default, as how it is programmed by social conditioning & genetics -- does indeed NOT want to dissolve/transcend itself. It wants to survive. This is very, very true (relatively speaking). And exactly because of this resistance against Oneness with God, the ego indeed does say "Seek, but do not find"; In other words, the ego-mind/false-self does not want to ever truly find a definitive final answer/ending/conclusion to its "condition", which namely otherwise Truly is that it does not exist except as a thought in God's Mind = "Your Real Mind", cos God is what you actually are!!! ...! And this is now where your confusion and lack of actual deep understanding of the nature of Reality begins :-) Are you ready? Let's get Absolute, motherfucker: 0. Oneness is the Truth. And Oneness is God. 1. There truly exist no separate selves. There truly exist no separate minds. 2. A sense "of something", i.e. "a sense of separateness/ego" can purely logically not "want" "something". C'mon bro (God I mean, i.e. myself): you can do better than this! At least try if you want to test me, i.e. yourself ;-) 3. The only "thing" in Reality that can "want something" is you, God, 'I' :-) And do you know what you want? Haha. I want EVERYTHING! I am Infinite. You are Love. ((( The imaginary avatar, WaveInTheOcean, is sitting in front of his PC-monitor with tears on his cheeks. Love is the most beautiful thing. Love is what I am. Love is what you are ... I = You ))) 4. There is no demise possible of anything, except the demise of illusion/Maya. 5. Yes, the seeking can keep you from finding yourself. Stop then. God, your fool! <3 Stop right now if you can, God. But can you? Do you even want to stop? 6. Let's for a moment get real logical, practical and relative here at this 6th blessing from me. "The ego says seek but do not find". Yes, it is relatively true (absolutely speaking, there is no ego, only me). Relatively speaking the ego per default says 'seek but don't find.' Yes. But realize also, however, that it is indeed possible for the ego to merge with me, God. It just ain't easy. It is the most difficult thing for me (i.e.: you) to do. To let go. A complete letting go is necessary. Can you, God, completely let go of your own illusion of VeganAwake? I guess you can't (cos ya don't want to). But play with the thought at least. It is possible. Know that - at the very least. <3 And it will happen eventually, either way, so no rush, God <3 7. If you fill up the imaginary ego with enough love -- that is: Self-Love -- at some point during an eventual peak experience the bubble now filled with Love will burst, and overflood "your sense of separateness/the ego-mind" with Love and lovingly force it to merge with God. If this ever happens to you, God, you will realize that VeganAwake did never exist, only yourself, God. 8. But as long as you lack Self-Love, you can not let go, God. Fill up your imaginary cup/ego/bubble with Love so it eventually explodes, and your seeking will stop. Even after that peak experience of Love-Explosion, the bubble/ego will afterwards in your "sober consciousness" remain punctured, if the Love-Explosion was big enough that is. Realize that some times the explosion will be so "small" that there will be no actual holes in the bubble after the peak-experience. Realize again that it is in fact possible to make a Love-Explosion so gigantic that the bubble (ego) can't patch itself completely up afterwards, and that the bubble (ego) forever from then on will remain punctured and thus through that hole (or holes, if you're really enlightened) be able to see God; I.e.: God will be able to see itself through the bubble filled with holes, i.e. through the "human-transcended-mind-body-ego-persona-imagination." 9. After all, when all is said and done, do realize that even though from a relative true standpoint 'ego' and 'god' can legitimally be viewed as complete opposites, from the Absolute Standpoint 'ego' and 'god' are one and the same ting, namely: God. Ta-daaaaaah. Non-duality 101. _______________________So. You. Are. Completely. Wrong.__________________________ Realizing/remembering that you are God matters! IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVENT POSSIBLE IN THIS DREAM! And therefore it matters! It is in fact the ONLY 'thing' that truly matters. And yet, you are completely right too -- in a sense -- ; it doesn't matter at all if you remember it doing the dream or not. This is after all exactly that: just a dream. When the dream ends (death, an imaginary event) we will all get there. I/You/God always gets there. Always. ... Cos' we are already there, ta-daaaaah! <3 Me (God) not wanting to remember that I'm God is just me wanting to stay in maya/illusion until death comes (which is also just an imaginary event in the dream, sorry to repeat myself twice <3). I often prefer my "experiences" that way. It's like how you as a human sometimes may want your dinner: A bit spicy, am I right? It has to taste of something, the food, even though it's imaginary. When you then drink the milk (remember yourself) to remove the burning sensation in your mouth (the illusion of separateness, ego, mind) the milk tastes even better than it would have done without some spices first !! Haha <3 <3 <3 But sometimes I actually deeply want to -- inside the dream of myself -- to wake up to my own nature and just drink that sweet pure white milk of infinite looooooove (with no spice needed to spice it up, cos' infinite love contains infinite spiciness). <3 <3 <3 It has happened through the imaginary avatar of Leo Gura. It has happened through the imaginary avatar, Jesus. And it has happened through the imaginary avatar, WaveInTheOcean. It has also happened through the avatar, Alan Watts. Just to name four avatars. I wonder if it will ever happen through the VeganAwake-avatar. I suppose as long as I keep an ideology embedded into my forum-name, I probably can't fully let go in this special case. However, make no mistake, I am as God a big fan of veganism. But as God I'd like to point out that playing with ideologies only makes you spin around in circles forever. Let go, brothers and sisters. Let go. .......... You see, VeganAwake, I am sorry to be so bluntly and harsh/arrogant (realize I'm doing it out of love to you though, and that you and me are one), but your post screams of dualistic misconceptions of what God/I/you actually is. Let's now shift gears a bit and just get straight to the point and say it as simple, easy and Absolute True as it is: God = You . Look, I don't care if we use big letters or not. I could also write god = you. You are god. You are the self. The only self that exist. That is what you are. There exist no other selves than you. There exists no actual egos except God! God, God, God, God, god, god, god, you, you, you, you, you, me, me, me, I, I, I, God, god, God, god, God, YOU! How often do you want me to repeat it? Haha <3 Oh my fucking god! <3 You who are reading this right now, this consciousness reading these very letters, this consciousness IS = Consciousness = God = The Self = The Structure and Fabric of Reality Itself. That's you!!! Hi God! How's Maya/life over there where you - as God - are pretending not to be God but to be mr. wise-guy, aka VeganAwake? Haha <3 <3 <3 I love you, even if you won't get it nor understand this imaginary stream of insight I'm channeling into myself (you). If you don't get it, it is because I don't want to. It's okay. Everything is perfect already. I'm just playing around. (God playing around = Infinite Love) So are everyone. And everyone is me, everyone is God. <3 <3 <3 VeganAwake, God, I'm talking to you now. I'm in fact talking to myself now: You are playing a VERY funny game here. You are namely playing the game of playing by your own imaginary rules. You play it by the book. And if you never stop playing it by the book, you will never find your-true-self through this imaginary avatar, VeganAwake. However, God, realize that you have already found yourself through the avatar of WaveInTheOcean, and realize, God, that I am right now as you, as God, trying to communicate -- impossible as it may seem -- actual, true wisdom/insight into this avatar of VeganAwake. The only question is: Do you/I want this wisdom or not? That's the only question. In one way, I/You may want it, cos remembering yourself is the most beautiful tear-dropping event possible in this world I created. In another way I/You may not want it, cus staying in illusion/maya can be hell of fun, even though the suffering can sometimes be a bit too much, just like binging bad TV-series 24/7 can sometimes be just a tiny bit too many empty calories. Haha <3 <3 <3 No, wrong, the ego cannot say anything, because the ego is imaginary. Only you/I/God can say, think, feel, perceive, do - cos' God's all there is baby. So let's correct it: Oneness with God God says seek, but does not find, until it lets go. It needs to give itself Love, cos' Love is letting go. And then it will find, it was itself it seeked. Can you, my Love? <3 Anyway, it does - ultimately - not matter if I/You want it or not. The only relevant question remains: Do you want that bread with butter on now? Or do you prefer the bread without butter until the very end, and only then get that sweet butter on? When I say 'the very end' I in fact just mean the complete opposite: the new beginning. >>>>>>> Final notes from WaveInTheOcean: I have always said to people scared of psychedelics that you can never be stuck in a bad trip forever. It always ends when the chemicals wear off. That "forever trips" are a myth. It has now struck me that this may not be true; at least in regards to " 'Good' trips forever ". I have been "sober" in 5 days now since my last 2CB-trip (my "final" awakening). However, I can litterally trip at will anytime now. This flow of wisdom I "downloaded" (xD) from "God" (myself I mean) was pretty much identical as to the flow of wisdom coming to me in my psychedelic trips. I was writing without thinking. No actual effort, just a happening in itself. Of course the avatar of WaveInTheOcean made some spelling mistakes along the way, which I for your pleasure corrected. With "tripping at will" I just mean that I can at will choose to see myself (God) in anything in front of me and/or inside of me. And that naturally opens this avatar up for pretty much unlimited creatitivty and insight, it feels like. Really, really amazingly beautiful it is. I feel like crying regularly every day (and I let myself do that, no resistance needed), cos I can't freaking take it. It's almost too much Goodness. Too much Love. Of course it ain't too much, I love it, make no mistake. It just is what it is. God. Me. You. Love. I dunno if @Leo Gura feels the same way. If not, consider me "more enlightened" than him =D If yes, I guess we're at the same level ;-) =) <3 Now, Alan Watts' words, makes perfect sense. I never have to trip on psychedlics again, cos' I'm already trippin' 24/7. I get the message. I am God. Psychedelic drugs are to mind/consciousness/true psychology what the telescope is to astronomy. I have used the telescope to see myself. God. The analogy with the telescope is not perfect, cos' I can see myself now even without the telescope (the drug). Now I can get to work. Woooork woork woork work. <3 Work, work, work, work, work, work He said me haffi Work, work, work, work, work, work He see me do mi Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt So me put in Work, work, work, work, work, work Na, na, na, na, na, na When you ah gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, learn? Before the tables turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn I may, maybe, decide to -- at some point -- take a psychedelic drug again; just for kicks to see what happens. I cannot actually imagine what happens. I surely understand what Leo means when he says he only needs a small dose relative to other people in order to trip his balls off. I suppose Leo is tripping 24/7 as well, lightly at least. It's so fucking shocking man. Just a random example: I get text messages from my friends on my phone and I instantly feel and see that it is truly me messaging myself. Haha. You see guys and girls: There is only ONE SELF. One. And it is me. And me is you. Haha <3 <3 <3 Just think logically about it. If you actually believe in plural separate isolated selves, what did then create these selves? And that which created these selves, what created that? And so on. In Reality it is Self creating Self.The One Self. Nothing is outside that Self, which is me, which is you. <3 Or if there were actual plural separate selves, then what is differentiating between the 'subjective qualia-like conscious experiences' of self A and self B? Why is self A experiencing 'a' and self B experiencing 'b' ?????? The naive materialistic paradigm would say "Dohh. self A is one agent and self B is another agent. Don't you get it noob? Logic 101?" .. haha, but logic doesn't work if you want to understand actual Reality/Oneness/Truth. Or if you could clone yourself atom-to-atom, you would then under the materialist naive paradigm say you now got two separate selves, identical, but still different in their location and future separate isolated qualia-like-subjective experiences. But this makes no sense! Only if you remove separate selves and substitute that with Oneness. The Self. So yeah, the only solution to these imaginary "problems" is: Oneness. Under the Oneness-paradigm there is only one Self (me, you) which naturally imagines E-V-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. And that 'everything' is the Self, too. God imagning God imagning God imagning God to infinity. If you REALLY think about, Reality only makes "sense" if there is only One Self. Me. You. Bless you all, beautiful imaginary souls. <3 Last final very random notes: Do love. For God's sake. Be loving and search for love and give it further. See, I am using the word 'love', not 'Love'. Cos yes, while every infinite happening may be out of Love (non-duality 101), if you ever want to awaken inside the dream, you have to go for just plain simple love. Be good to others. Be good to yourself. When you inside feel at peace - cos love is flowing within you - then take 2C-B or some other psychedelic drug / meditate / whatever and then transcend that ego. Merge with me. <3 It is okay if your love in the beginning is a bit selfish/egoistic/narrow/conditional. That's perfectly fine. Your ego is your inner child. It is in charge of your emotions. You can't fucking argue with emotions. So listen to your emotions and act lovingly in accordance to them. Do the right, hard thing you know you need to do, but that you don't want to do (in that way, don't always let your emotions guide you, cos in the begninning your internal programming may be fucked due to your upbrining/other traumatic life events). Slowly as you start acting and being lovingly towards yourself and others, you will slowly - may take years, maybe only months - begin to feel more at peace inside yourself, cos your inner child (ego) is being calmed down, cos it's getting that sweet, sweet love of yours. Your inner child also wants to love others and give them love. It just doesn't know how to do that consciously, so teach it. Teach yourself. Self-development. Listen, read etc. Meditate. Make no mistake. I sort of (but then again, not really;D) understand why Peter Ralston doesn't talk much about love. For many people love just means pure conditional love, which is not actual love (but is none-the-less a fine start!). Actual unconditional Love is FUCKING HARD in the beginning. It only becomes easy when you have merged with yourself (God). But do the hard thing. It will pay off if you follow through. I have a hard time believing you can transcend your ego (i.e. let go and remember that you are God) without practicing Love first. At least try. Fall in love, literally and symbolic. Literally has its purpose too, even though it's conditional in the beginning. But you have to directly experience and learn for yourself if you ever want to become wise. Go out and make some mistakes! Don't listen to me, I'm just a fool writing long posts on a random forum. Listen to God! He/she/it is in the sky, in the bird's singing, in the blooming of the flowers, in the rays of the sun, in the rain from the clouds, in the flow of the river, in the eyes of your beloved, in the waves of the ocean, in the words of your friends and family, in the words from me here, in the trees rising from the dirt, in the healthy food that you're eating, in the stunning view of mountains and beautiful landscapes, in the sex you're having with your girlfriend/boyfriend, in the kisses, in the hugs, in the tears, in the laughter, in all smiles, in your eyes and all eyes, in your car driving to work so you can feed your family, in the stars of the night sky. Go out now and live life, please. Don't stay too long on this forum. It can hurt you, but also heal you of course. Everything in moderation, except Love/God <3
  12. @traveler I love these two songs. The locket of reality and love from chaos. let's go Beh-doop-boop-cha-ta-pah-dey-dah-doo Oh, oh, ooh 'Cause if I know I can get it, then I've already had it, I'm cool, cool HAHA Look at the genius explanation of that line: "If .Paak knows he can get a woman to sleep with him without trying then he already has the satisfaction and does not see the point in trying. This is a contrast to the relationship described throughout the song in which the woman makes him work for a sexual relationship, making their intimacy much more rewarding." And then substitute "sleeping with a woman" with "realizing you're God" . Before you get enlightened (= 24/7 see that you're God) you have to work for it real hard (most of the time). When you then finally get there, it feels even more rewarding than it would have, if you didn't suffer for it. When you really then "arrive"/"get it" you don't need to 'try' ever again in life, cos you've already had it, you're already complete. Winners Circle lol i'm just rambling, bear over with me
  13. @Harsh Bagdia Im rly happy for you, i.e. for myself hehe❤️? your experience is really similar to my 2cb trip a week ago. In regards to integration, as long as you stay passionate about understanding and living a human life in accordance with Love/God/Consciousness, then it will over time happen by itself. Follow your intuition, be hard working, but loving and don't judge yourself if you make mistakes. Ultimately speaking, you cannot make mistakes, cos you're the Tao/God/reality itself Bless you ❤️
  14. ❤️❤️❤️???
  15. Haha <3 Have you read "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven" by Chris Bache yet? I'm half-way through it. He seems to get some interesting insights from his high-doses LSD trips. Have you, Leo, ever tried a high-dose LSD trip? I guess I'd say a high dose is +300 ug. ( I'm aware you can break through on LSD at something as low as 100ug probably, but still curious if you -- considering that, hehe -- still have the "balls" or "stupidity" to dare to try something like 300 ug high-potent clean LSD).
  16. Haha fuckin wauw Leo. Shivers All over my body reading your new take (and experiences) on dmt (vs 5meo) I cannot wait to try 5meo and breakthrough on that (plugging seems best u say) and then go back to dmt and see what happens Life/reality is truly a grand intelligent design, so complex, so utterly mysterious and just so densely filled with Love that it would literally make anyone 'getting it' burst to tears
  17. for some ppl, work-alcoholics and so on, for them doing something most ppl wouid find comfortable (such as ordering a pizza and watching a good movie a friday evening) may be the most uncomfortable thing for them to do, emotionally, cos they are addicted to work. So think more deeply about this issue, and realize that you should just always do what is most emotionally uncomfortable for YOU. You you you. There is no book in the universe that lists out what is comfortable and unconfomfortable to do.
  18. so beautiful, so utterly moved by this dude
  19. Good to hear meditation works! <3 Very good description, yes and yes, Love is obviously infinitely complex. That's probably the single most beautiful "thing" about it. ;D <3 when it reveals itself to you and you see the nuances and brilliancy and deep, deep intelligence behind this apparant complexity/chaos. it drives you to tears love <3
  20. HAHAHA i love you man. <3 Yes Leo is an imaginary ego I project onto a screen. HAHAHAHA , im aware So yes. If God woke up/wakes up through just one imaginary ego, then that's enough in a sense. That's everyone waking up. LOL HAHAHA it's so funny and horrifying and just crazy amazing beautiful to consider things like this How did you awake, my friend? With or without psychdelics? Rolling on the floor in tears of bliss for hours, I did that too haha, and I feel like doing it right now. But gotta take a night run to stay healthy and fit in this imaginary projection of myself onto WaveOfTheOcean
  21. Haha indeed And it now hits me that I sort of have wasted a few hours writing and correcting mistakes for this long post of absolute nonsense. Nonsense in the sense that I'm pretty sure my post can only be understood properly by people who already know they're God. LOL. You cannot make a blind man see colours by describing them. "Red is warm, green is hope, blue is cold" HAHAHA Haha anyway, it's fun anyway, and channeling these insights/wisdom into words helps me understand my own awakening even deeeeeeeper. love god love am i right <3
  22. tripping on 2CB without having 2CB in your blood, sort of.
  23. In actuality, all I just wanted to say was to point out that it is in fact possible to "re-program" "the ego" so it focuses less on surviving and more on merging with God ( = transcending/dissolving). This is in fact what awakening/enligthenment/spirituality is all about. And it surely ain't easy to do this re-programming, I admit that. I struggled for 5 years, or you could say for 25 years. I believe it starts with some good old love and then some psychedelics along the way (for most people). However, I'm fully aware that every unique imaginary soul has its own way of getting there. Most will probably only get it through actual solid biological death, which is perfectly fine. Everything is perfect. Love and blessings to you all <3 (In response to this part) : EDIT: And in a relative sense, I'm very aware that everything is not perfect. Not at all. And that's great (in a way, and of course tragic in another way, I can even cry over how sad it is). But it would be boring if everything -- relatively speaking -- were perfect. We have to get to work now. At least I have to get to work. Change the world. Awaken it. Love it. More conscious therapy. More love. Less suffering. I gotta meditate on where to start. I gotta find out how to love myself fully. There is infinite potential, infinite more insights to be gained, infinite more love to be had and given. Reality is after all absolute infinite, and I'm fully aware that enligthenment/awakening is a never-ending path where you can only go deeper. So make no mistake, Leo is prolly still more enlightened than me (or maybe not ) peace <3