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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. There is, you, hello you! (I love how you remind him to not get stuck in concepts, and then proceed to write conceptual meaningless words afterwards :D)
  2. Welcome (back) to the ocean i guess ?❤️?
  3. "Love would honor the experiencer'" exactly, because, ultimately, who is the experiencer? (i.e the one who believes he sees the world from a separate isolated self) ??? It's Love itself. (= God/Consciousness) So yes, there is no point in hating the ego. No point at all. Love it instead. But it is hard to Love from the view of a separate self, so we are stuck in a catch 22 here. So in that sense, of course, there can even be a point in hating yourself. I guess. Maybe not, lol. Can you lovingly hate yourself? I think you can. That's what God does, a lot, it seems around the globe. I maybe mean he lovingly not-lovingly hate himself hahaha.. Some good quotes for ya all. Some say they are from Jesus these ones, i dont know tho:
  4. Also, just a note to myself: I'd say even the awakening of the heart is a spectrum. Of course some people are better at freely expressing themselves than others. I just had a major breakthrough upwards in this spectrum during my awakening. Like the glass got so full of love that it spilled over. But it's still a spectrum, and I can still improve my free expression. It's interesting to talk about what free expression even means. Free expression of what? Of yourself? Well, there is no self. So of what? Of course it's free expression of the absolute (i.e. Love/God). That's all. Everything that happens from all people -- even Trump -- are (in the Absolute Sense): Free Expressions of Love. You don't even have to say 'Free', because Love is per definition Free if it's absolute. However, the difference, relatively speaking, between the free expression of Jesus and Trump, is that: - Jesus is Love's Free Expression as it is --- i.e.: no-self, freedom, love. - Trump is Love's Free Expression of "the relative opposite of love/freedom": i.e. ego, limitation, hate. --- But even that is Love, of course. ------------------- Also (this is, as everything I write, just purely a conceptual framework for understanding what is happening within myself btw): of course when you combine the awakening of the heart and the awakening of the mind together, there happens something beautiful that is not just the sum of these two indiviudal conceputal parts. You get ACTUAL Freedom. Actual Liberation. Actual Love. Actual no-limits. An actual almost constant feeling of there being no self. An actual almost constant feeling of Oneness. You understand who you are and you express yourself freely, not just either. ------------------------- Now, I'm getting very selfish, but I can still only laugh at the people who blindly believe that enlightenment is equal to no ego. That's the worst nihilistic, awakening of the mind-only-trap, you can fall into believe. See: there is nothing wrong with ego. We are all Love in human-person-avatar-form. This implies that there will certain perferences (and you could call preferences a symptom of ego), i.e. there is still ego-energy. The difference between 'bad ego' and 'good ego' is simple: Consciousness. The more conscious you are of ego, i.e. yourself and all your sneaky selfish tricks, the more you can express yourself freely and the more you know yourself = the more "enligthened" you are, i.e. on a higher plance of conscious you are. Also notice this: you only understand something if you uncondtionally love it / accept it. As long as there is a tiny bit of resistance towards something, a tiny bit of 'hate', non-acceptance: then you don't understand it either. Understanding = Love , and this is where my conceptual framework of dividing awakening into heart and mind collapses (just like all dualities must). <3 Notice, that EVERY single time you make an assesment about something, i.e. I like blueberries more than raspberries, you are - in a sense - being egoic. What does ego mean in latin? "I" . As long as you still produce sentences, written or oral out of your mouth, you are working from an 'I'-perspective, i.e. from ego. Let me repeat: from a spiritual/awakening/enligthenment/liberation-perspective, all that matters here is whether you you are conscious of this or not. Conscious of all ego inside you? Enlightened. Still unconscious of something? Not fully unenlightened. Can you ever be fully conscious of all the ego inside you? Of course not. The mouth can never fully eat itself. The eyes can never fully see themselves. That's great. It'd be boring if you could know everything. So in that sense, enlightenment can be viewed as a never ending path. Especially also when you start defining yourself ( "I" / ego) as not just what is insider your bag of skin, but also as everything around you. Your thirst for understanding )(LOVE!) becomes infinite, and you can always understand more, love more <3 Understanding = Love So all the dudes on this forum who keep making assesments about whether x or y is awakened or not: It's all fine, there are no problems with it. EXCEPT if you unconsciously think you can make such judgments without being egoistical. Look, I do it too. I'm egoistical as fuck. My enlightenment has in a sense made me more egoistical. Ego is going amok. It's just loving, conscious ego. I know I am nothing and everything at the same time. I know if I call you a moron I'm calling myself a moron. But therefore I'd still like to call myself a moron sometimes. Also yes, everything I just wrote here are concepts and are egoistical concepts. Concepts can per definition NOT not be egoistical. Everything ever written on this forum by anyone has been written from an ego-standpoint, from "I". But no problem. As long as you love it. As long as you are conscious of it. Heck, even if you are deeply stuck in ego/hate/limitation/depression and make unconscious projections 24/7: even that is Love, that is fine too... absolutely speaking... relatively speaking it's pretty bad I must admit. <3 Ultimately, Ego = God . No difference. Non-duality 101, you know? <3 Also realize, everything I just wrote here, whether you vibe with it or not: It's nonsense. It's meaningless words repating themselves, and you thinking you understand or not, agree or disagree. I love you <3
  5. yeah sorry for derailing lol. im just talking to myself =D Well, to talk about the absolute you have to per definition talk in circles. Same even goes for talking about the relative. Everything we say with words is circles around circles around circles to infinity. Sure, relatively speaking, some circles are more expanded/embracing than others (higher levels of consciousness, hello) Reality has nothing to do with what we can say with words. Words are just pointers. Don't look at the finger. Look at the moon.
  6. It is. Sure, I appreciate ppl in here playing devils' advocate towards dudes and girls seeking enligthenment. Cos that is what is often needed to make them see the irrationality of their "logic" (this contradicts what I just said before, I know:D) . Human beings are inherently irrational creatues. All the logic we apply to our feelings is just "our feelings' way" of distancing ourself (concept-self) from ourself (feelings). We are emotional creatues. We are feelings. We are not thinking creatues. Sure, humans have the unique ability to be able to think and be self-conscious (= live in concepts). So in that sense we are thinking creatures BUT. Feelings ALWAYS come first. It's the top priority. It is what is, in a sense. It is "real", while thinking/concepts is not. All that matters in a human life is ultimately to become happy. We all seek permanent happiness. If you think you can get it by external factors (which 90+% of ppl do,), you'll never be really happy. We have to go an inner journey (spirituality) and find our true self; there lies true happiness. Awakening of the Heart = constant non-resistance towards any feelings/impulses. Free expression is now possible. Before awakening of the heart there is pretty much only depression (no free expression) in a human life, except for fleeting moments of pure expression (= merging with the Now). Awakening of the Mind/rational thinking = understanding the Truth relatively/conceptually/rationally, i.e. that we are all One (pretty easily obtainable for INTP's and 5's in Enneagram by the way). 90+% of adult humans are forever asleep in both mind (rational thinking) and heart (non-resistance towards feelings). All animals -- and also human babies -- are born "awake" in Heart, but completely asleep in Mind. Animals are forever stuck asleep in mind (i.e. this is what makes them forever awake in Heart, you see?). As human babies grow to become teenagers they become insanely asleep in Heart (development of ego-energy), while remaining pretty much still asleep in Mind, as well. However, all humans have the potential to awaken in both Heart as well as Mind. And this is important. Awakening of both = what I consider to be an actual enlightened woman / man. Awakening of Heart only and close to zero Mind = what we could call a Zen Devil in an outward destructive way. He lacks understanding of what he has awakened to. This is pretty much the same as becoming an ape in a suit, even more ape-like than normal ppl who are still asleep in Heart, you see? Because now there is no egoic constraints (no ego energy; ego can be "good as well" in regards to making us civilized; ofc you don't need it when both mind and heart is awakened), no problems of self-image (since you intuitively, emotionally know you are not a self; you just don't understand the logical ramifcations of this, since you are still asleep in mind). This means that a dude who is awakened only in Heart and almost zero Mind could actually express impulses that are "bad", not in accordance with "The Law of Oneness"; such as for example rape, and I don't know what. I mean, I think all guys have fantazied about raping at least once in their life (lets get real, many times for most probably). It can turn on us, fantasizing about it (destructive masculine energy, hello), but we usually get embarrased afterwards, because of problems with our self-image as "good person". It is "good" that we get embarrased about it, even though the embarrasment comes from ego-energy. If we didn't get embarrased about, such as a dude who has awakened in Heart but not Mind, we could actually react to such impulses and do horrible things ... to ourself... because the women you then rape is of course ultimately also you (Oneness, hello). Awakening of Mind only = what we also could call a Zen Devil, just in a more civilized way, a more inward destructive way. This is basically what nihilism is. You adopt a mindset of "nothing matters" cos you conceptually know it's all game (it's all one). However, you of course don't FEEL that. So you are still depressed as fuck. Awakening of Mind and not Heart may be what "Dark night of the Soul" is all about. In that sense, Awakening of the Mind can also impact you emotionally, just in a "bad" way, until the suffering you then go through leads you to awakening of the Heart :-) Awakening of the Mind - without Heart - can also easily lead one to gigantic spiritual egos, cos you may conceptually think you are enlightened and got it all figured out, while you still emotionally of course feel like a separate self, which means your projected enlightenment onto yourself is very fake and dishonest (even if you don't even see that dishonesty, cos you're so detached from your emotions in your swimmingpool of nihilism). I think there are many dudes who follow Leo, who are probably somewhat awakened in Mind, but still lacks the Heart. The Heart is the toughest part, especially because the Awakening of the Mind in a sense hinders it (and in another sense doesn't, of course). I don't even know if it's possible to awaken in Heart without Mind first. I did Mind first (gradually over the past 5 years, while my Heart finally exploded ~1 month ago). I think Mind is an infinite spectrum, whereas I see Heart as more black/white, but that just how it felt to me). When you have awakened in both mind and heart you do express yourself freely, but with one important rule always in mind: "The Law of Oneness" (you know conceptually, intuitively and emotionally that all other human beings are you, so of course you won't hurt them, as hurting them is 100% equal to hurting "yourself".) Again, if you were only awakened in mind, you could per definition still not express yourself freely (due to ego), and if you were only awakened in heart, you could per definition still hurt others/yourself, since you lacked understanding (you *FEEL* as a no-self-God, but you don't really understand what's going on). This is why it is so important to try to awaken both parts. Of course theory and books and videos from masters (Leo, Eckhart, Alan Watts, Spira, Matt Kahn) are VERY important in regards to awakening of both, especially the Mind. But the Heart can ultimately only be awakened with direct experience. Even Awakening of the Mind requires direct experience (just not in the same ultimate way), or it at least helps a lot. The deep mystical thing about the direct experience needed for the awakening of the Heart, is exactly that: what is it that is needed to awaken the Heart? I can describe conceptually what is needed, but even that misses the point entirely LOL (cos it's not conceptual). It is sort of inherently mystical. As if it is pre-determined by Intelligent Love which characters that will awaken the Heart, and which that won't. As if whatever method that worked for you only worked for you because it was predetermined. I.e. I used psychedelics, primarily Ayahuasca and 2C-B, to awaken my heart, but to say that I was awakened BECAUSE of them is not nessecarily true. There are probably countless people who have done AYahuasca and 2C-B without ever having woken up in Heart. Psychedelics are obviously just tools put into the dream my Me/You/God/Love for a very specific purpose. Just like everything else by the way. Psychedelics work for some, and for some it does not. However, even for those where it does not work, it really does still seem to just have plain healing properities in regards to regular self-development and treating mental illness. It's like psychedelics are a built in Self-Correction tool. Of course they can also do damage/be misused. Of course. It obviously happened to WaveInTheOcean without WaveInTheOcean's doing. TO even talk about WITO's doing is falsehood. There is only one Self. The Self's doing is all there is. Which is the same as Love's doing, God's doing, etc etc etc. Oneness Oneness Oneness. So yeah i didn't have anything to do with it. It just happened. That's also how it felt during the peak of my last 2CB-trip. It didn't come from me. It was synchronicity upon synchronicity upon synchronicity to infinity. All life is of course 100% synchronicities, cos it's God's dream! However, during that 2C-B trip that was only what I saw clearly: only synchronicites. Only intelligent loving 'doings' is possible in this dream. Even what we outwardly perceive to be 'bad' is 100% good. Of course. <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .......... ........ ...... ..... ........ Great song right? .... ... ... .... Now what is the name of the song? The name of the song is obvious (it's right in front of your eyes), but you miss it. Why? Due to unconscious pattern-recognition built into you. "Ego" works in pretty much exactly the same way. And it is - more or less - the same mechanisms that hinders everyone from remembering that they are the Absolute. Ego = social survival mechanisms. Ego isn't a thing. Of course it's dream. But relatively speaking, we could say that 'ego' is all that in your avatar-character (person/separate self) that makes you believe that you are that character, i.e. a separate self, a human being, a poor 'little me' stuck in an external, physical, cold world that could not care less about my existence, which scientists say is a biological accident. Ego is all that energy and tension inside you, that makes you insist (at least emotionally) that you exist as a separate self that will eventually die.
  7. God doesn't exist, yet God does exist. It is you. But you are not God. Now quit the word games.:D become the absolute whatever it is (you already are it, only you don't see it, cos you aint seeing clearly.) Human ppl are in the same position as a thinking fish swimming around in the ocean looking for this absolute, divine and mystical thing called Water. The Fish Bible talks about it. The thinking fish swims around all life either unconsciously (stage orange) or consciously searching for it (stage blue, green), but he never finds it, exactly because it is right in front of his eyes. All that hinders you from becoming the absolute is rational & emotional beliefs about what it is. You already are it. All that hinders you from seeing it is all the mud in front of your outward looking glasses. Look inward instead while simultaneously letting go of mud (concepts). Letting go is the same as loving. Take one more psychedelic and stop dicking around. Sure, concepts/rational thinking is needed for the mind to awaken. But I'm talking about awakening of the heart, which is much, much more massive in its emotional impact on your dream-avatar-character (i.e the separte self/person you *know* you are, at least still emotionally for 90+% of peeps on this forum.) Sure, you *know* conceptually that you are God, but emotionally you are still lost as a separate self, which really is what matters the most in my own egoic conditions of whether a person is awakened or not..., now don't tell me a person cannot awaken. If you wanted to, then realize I was consciously talking very contextually within the dream itself Everyone, shut the fuck up, embrace not-knowing (i.e. let fully go of yourself/ALL of your ideas), love yourself and everything; then take a psychedelic. And then we don't have to talk anymore (ofc we will still do it for kicks ? but we'll all be on the same page more or less). Also Ivan, i dont know if you see it or not (emotionally speaking). Maybe you do see ? Of course, it is not nessecarily black/white, this emotionally <either getting 'it'> (this Oneness/Love-thing) or <not>. It could be a spectrum. Except it is actually not, I'd say, but I may be wrong. Anyone care to put their thoughts on this???
  8. Well, yes, but i "dislike" when ppl on this forum confuses relative and absolute truths and gets lost in word games. Words are not what matters. Words are only tools. Ppl here have to get better at understanding what 'context' actually is, the meaning of it and how it works. You are always saying something in a special unique context. You can never not be in context. Ppl should watch Leo's video on context. We are living inside the dream. And therefore in the context of life/dream/relativity/dualism: Matt is not Ivan. Absolutely speaking Matt is Ivan, yes. So there's that. Both statements are equally true. Matt is Ivan. Matt is not Ivan. That's the truth. From the highest perspective there exist no paradoxes anymore.
  9. A whole human being is one who sees that masculine and feminine is ultimately one; i.e.: that they are both expressions of Oneness/Love; just different in outward appearance to the separate self. That's the truth about any dualistic concept your mind can bring up. Life death, love hate, good bad, ugly beautiful, weird unique, self other, inner outer, mental physical, up down, nothing everything, empty space matter, awake asleep, free unfree, power helplessness, control not-in-control, chaos order, intelligent unintelligent, meaning/idealism nihilism, play serious, god ego, limited unlimited, finite infinite, and so to infinity, real unreal, dream reality, illusion vs. seeing clearly, conscious unconscious, relative absolute, god devil. It's all One. Even to call it One misses what it is. Non-duality is not one not two not both not nothing not everything Non-duality is: ...... Non-duality/Reality is what is left when you go beyond words, beyond mind. Of course my character would like to call it Love or Consciousness :-)
  10. Feminine energy - if there is more of it - also supresses and dominates masculine energy. Just in a more subtle way:-)
  11. It only does that because there is currently more of it. But you could also say it the other way around: that there is more of it because it suppresses and dominates the feminine. That is two ways of saying exactly the same thing. Non duality 101:-)
  12. That's also the only reason you call it toxic. It's only toxic because there is more of it in the current world than feminine. When everything gets balanced out, the word toxic stops making sense in this context
  13. True enough. Today most western women +30-40 years old I'd classify as overall more dominated by masucline energy than feminine.
  14. basically the title. Never have I heard - in so short an amount of time - so much truth spoken about the dynamics of ego, Love and romantic relationships.
  15. 8 grams is serious serious dose. intense after effects are expected the next 3-4 days, then it will probably pass
  16. Look at the two words "strange" and "unique". strange has a kind of negative ring to it, right? unique has a kind of positive ring to it, right? Imagine if a girl, you just met, calls you 'strange'. You will take that differently than if she had called you 'unique'. The difference in value you internally make between the two words, unique and strange, is the work of ego. For me, there is no difference. However, I know that most people are not like me, so if a girl called me strange instead of unique, I probably know what she means about me. So in that sense if I want to merge to Oneness with the girl I'd like to make sure she calls me unique instead of strange:D So objectively there remains a difference, and I will also myself use the words as if there were a difference when talking to non-enlightened human beings. However, enlightened to enlightened, I couldn't care less if we used the words unique or strange. They are really the same. What is unique is also strange What is strange is also unique Zero difference. If there is any internal difference to you, then that difference is due to ego. I hope this small exercise can help people get some small self-insights. Love <3
  17. I'm Infinite Love. I have infinite free will. Of course: The whole concept of free will vs no-free-will is a dualistic concept that must also ultimately collapse. To have free will means to not have free will. To not have free will means to have free will. There is no separate entities anywhere to be found. No selves anyware. There is only Love. I'll say, in relative true terms: You have "more" free will the more you become aware of your true self. The more you are stuck in the "poor little me-stuck-in-a-cold-real-external-world-"illusion the less free you are. In regards to staying grounded, yes, just acting normal. My whole life have been an act. This has been seen. A loving intelligent act, of course. Now, to remain grounded, I just have to continue acting somewhat normal, so my family/friends don't think I've lost it / become a totally maniac. to be insane in a sane society or to be sane in an insane society that is the question
  18. You radiate love? But it's becoming worse and worse? You seem stuck in words to me. Lost in duality. Forget all concepts. Forget about "shaktipat" and concepts like "radiating love" or materialism. You seem to have zero clue what you are talking about. I'm not radiating love bro. I just content. I'm happy like I've never been before. That's enligthenment. Not all these fancy words. Forget them. I wish you the best. I want you to find a good ayahuasca retreat center in your country/europe/where-ever-u-live. Could also be in Peru/Amazonas, hell even the worst country, USA. I think Ayahuasca could "save you" together with an open mind and a willingness to let to and face your inner demons. I can recommend spiritofaya: https://spiritofaya.com/ good luck. all the love to you <3
  19. The beauty of psychological projection is that the "self" (that is: God/Consciousness/Love) that is doing the projection is often blind to it itself, even if you lay it out obviously in front of the self.
  20. Which one? Now, stay logical and rational as long as you can... ... @Ananta
  21. " I recommend retiring your fascination with Conner and focusing on yourself, clearly much work to be done there." Which self should I focus on? What work needs to be done here? And for what purpose? @Jacobsrw Yes, you did. And what I said there was a joke. My opinion doesn't mean anything, obviously, lol. All opinions, isolated, mean absolutely nothing.
  22. "Please humble yourself". Yes. How dare you say you are God? Humble yourself, human! Please be a separate, depressed person. Please limit yourself. Please be limited and unfree. Please follow the norm. Follow the herd. Do as you are told, always. Keep yourself at all times inside the constraints of what society/others/ego says is normal. Continue on struggling for struggle's sake. Stay depressed.
  23. <3 Mission failed, it seems. But Love to you/myself anyway. Thank you <3
  24. thought so :-) <3 There is no ego, it doesn't exist. We can talk about it, sure, as a mechanism inside God's mind that makes God believe It is-not-God, but instead a poor, separate, isolated, lacking, fearing 'self' stuck in a cruel, external world. And this mechanism is the grand, grand illusion. It's beautiful beyond beautiful, how it works. It is this mechanism -- "the ego" -- that, in the first place, makes it possible for God to wake up to Herself! I.e. for me to wake up to myself! The mechanism/"ego" is like all other "things" : Pure Love! It is something God created Herself! Why did You/I do it? To trick yourself into believing you were a separate self, i.e. James, Ananta, whatever. That's why you did it. And why did you do it? Because you love imagning. That's all you do. That's all I do. Dream, dream, dream, imagine, imagine, imagine, love, love, love. There is NOTHING but IMAGINATION, which is LOVE ! And also, I did it to test myself. To test my selflessness. If I remained One all the time -- which I of course ultimately still do at all times -- I would not be ultimately selfless. To become ultimately selfless I have to split myself up into separate selves that believe they are that: separate. And when these selves then realize that they are not separate but: fiction/story/play/imagination, well, that is what you call 'awakening'. It is me waking up to myself. Ta-dahh! God waking up to God. That is awakening. Now, wake up. Or keep pretending to be a 'poor little me'. That's okay too. Everything is fine and perfect and whole. I am always One, ultimately, anyway. Btw I edited my earlier post, Ananta, to include something more. (if you didn't already see). <3 Love <3
  25. Which ego? :-) Where is it? Can you show me, please. Where does it exist? What is it made out of? What does it look like? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am fully aware that, ultimately, there is absolutely "no one" who ever wakes up. But for the love of God, we live inside the dream, and if this forum has to have any purpose, we have to collectively accept that it is possible for any characther inside the dream to wake up..., wake up as in the sense that it's God waking up through these characters to itself. I have realized I am God/Love, I know I'm God, and I'm directly aware I'm sitting here on a forum talking to myself. Right now. The question is, are you? If not, how come? Wake up There is no one here To even say God is here is ultimately false. All we say with words is completetly and utterly false. The Truth can't be spoken. Instead, the Truth can only be something you become/directly experience. Become it then. Experience it. But what? You say, you don't know what it is. But I tell you: YOU DO! IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. That's how obvious it is! Like a fish swimming around in the ocean, looking for "water", that's what we are all doing, pre-awakening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I know it's pointless to write "I'm awakened", cos all it will do is create resistance in all the other egoic victim-minds sitting here. It's better to show than tell. However, in this case with this dude, bashing Connor's videos, and acting like he himself knows what's up and down -- when he obviously does not -- I thought, hell, why the fuck not. At least I hope I can provocate some emotion inside him, hate,... that he can at least be honest about that. Honesty is key. Can you guys at least be honest? Where is the ego, now, again?