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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. read the thread
  2. stop spamming random posts or u'll get banned soon:-) combine all ur random insights into one post instead of this infantile dicking around
  3. Enlightenment is not something you think you are or aren't. Enlightenment is feeling free. Feeling peace. It is a constant expression of Love. No resistance, no depression of anything. It is True Unconditional Happiness. In that sense, the word liberation is more appropriate. All roads that do not lead to the Heart; they are illusion.
  4. if it's real for you, sure it is real i'm not saying it's not real i'm saying that everything is real and unreal at the same time real - unreal , it is the same chillax bro <3
  5. "This one is hard stuck on me. So basically, God is imagining every possible devils in order to find the perfect answers to anything that could possibly ever happen to it?" very well put. Yes, I'd say you could say that. The 2nd world water and Hitler was a perfect devil in the sense that it required enomours amounts of love/consciousness to get out of it and now prevent it from ever happening again. "To be honest, I feel like we are desperate machines trying to find the "best" thing that could be done, but if good and bad are the same thing, then what are we even trying to do? Why did it have to be so complicated? Personally, I have a hard time giving up the idea that "others" exist because then what would be the point of trying hard to do anything? Is it all meaningless?" If you feel like we are desparate machines trying to find the optimal solution for all our problems, then that is what is true for you. That's your reality. And I can say it was my reality as well for quite some time. Ultimately it's perfectly fine to have that view; it has its pros and cons, like every other worldview has. Awakening/LIberation/Enligtenment is just a letting go of all world views. Anyway, see, for you, good and bad are not the same thing (emotionally at least), so don't fool yourself now. The essence of emotions/raw feelings is always what is most true for you. Don't ignore your emotions. Sure, what the emotions then 'tell you' with words is often not-true, but the raw qualia-sensation of emotions; don't run away from them, they are what is the case in the now. Immerse yourself in the now when you meditate. Let go of yourself, accept all thoughts and emotions. No effort is needed. Just relax. Anyway, "Why did it have to be so complicated? " cos when you then "finally get there" it is 1000090076234515x more rewarding than if it had been easy, you see?:-) Just like everything else in life. To finally finish your education ONLY FEELS NICE exactly because it took you 10-20 years to finish it! If it took an hour to finish a whole 10-year-worth of education, it would be the same as watching a TV-series; not rly rewarding. "Personally, I have a hard time giving up the idea that "others" exist because then what would be the point of trying hard to do anything? Is it all meaningless?" Don't give up the idea. Let it be. Let everything be exactly as it is. It is only when you accept and love every aspect of yourself, that you can truely transcend yourself. Don't force anything to happen. When Leo says meaningless words such as "others dont exist" dont believe him. The only "good thing" you can take away from such a Leo video is that it can help you opening your mind to infinite possibilities. I.e. it can help you make you more open. But don't believe anyone. Follow your own heart and intuition. No, it is not all meaningless. Relax, there is infinite wisdom, infinite love behind the curtains of your dream-life. Relax! i love you <3
  6. in the context of the awakening of the heart, they are born awake. in the context of awakening of the mind, they are born asleep. THe dynamics between these two changes as they slowly reach the teenager years where ego is max developed (probably around 15 years of age). As ego is max developed, the heart is now max asleep, and the mind is still very much asleep (but less than a stone/ape/baby). Now the goal for the teenager is to awaken in both mind and heart. <3 Took only 10 years for me (15 - 25).
  7. mania is -- like everything else -- just a word. a meaningless word. play, illusion. Is james insane in a sane society? Or sane in an insane society?
  8. Sure, I agree it (probably) shows a somewhat lack of groundedness (awakening of mind is lacking a bit behind, you could say). But even grounded vs not-grounded is a duality that must collapse. I dno if you read my maniac "Im done AMA!"-thread 1 month ago, but this past month have been a month of no effort. I have not done anything to integrate or ground myself. I have just done what Love has put into me of thoughts and emotions. It's not my doing, and yet it is my doing .. it's so beautiful. We all express Love differently. Which work? I see only play now. Work = play , play = work. (:D) Identification with the body is not a problem. Identifcation with thoughts and emotions is the problem. You see? When you stop identifiying with "your" thoughts and emotions, you could just as well go in and write all sorts of crazy stuff on a crazy forum, cos why not? There is no identifcation anymore. It is just free expression! And of course, if you don't feel like going in and sharing your awakening on a forum with everyone else, then don't do it! That can be a free expression too! We are all unique avatars of Love. I have never been more identified with my body in the sense of feeling it and feeling free in it. Of course I know my body is just a part of me, and in the grander scheme of things the whole external world is also my body. <3
  9. You can get to a point where you dont have to meditate seriously anymore. Sometimes when I meditate I get a profound insight-download from Love and I write it down. Then I continue meditating in bliss afterwards.
  10. Do you really still love your own thoughts Leo? I mean, of course, love is good, we "should" love everything that arises, thoughts too. But. You "should" remember that what you call 'your own thoughts' is actually just Love's/God's thoughts. I know you are God, and thus you could still say "my thoughts", but I have personally found it profoundly liberating to view all my thoughts and emotions as something that 'happens to me' from the outside, i.e. as something the Divine "puts" into my mind/soul. By viewing it this way I can relax and just 100% go with the flow and calm myself completetly down by realizing that everything is happening exactly as it should happen without any effort from me. During my small 15-20 minutes meditation I always get profound moments of ego-death/calmness/no-thoughts/100% presence in the now. It's beautiful and really helps to ground my otherwise -- at times -- maniac awakening.
  11. Realize there always is a time and place for both things. Sometimes you should not do much else than being there, listening and loving the other person despite of all she/he is saying. Then at another time, when the person is not that "down", you could THEN go in and offer some more logical tips. Love = Understanding.
  12. Evil is relatively speaking the opposite of goodness. However, ultimately speaking, evil/good is one and the same thing. You can't have one without the other. Imagine a world where people only did 100% good things all the time. How could anyone then know that they were good? If you don't have something to contrast yourself with, you don't know yourself either. The dynamic between God and Ego/The Devil is exactly the same. God = Ego God = The Devil Love = Hate zero difference. It is all Oneness/Absolute. Don't hate yourself. Love yourself. Be as honest as possible with yourself. Acknowledge your shadow sides, e.g. that you are capable of causing harm, and that you maybe sometimes even get such impulses in certain situations. You are not stupid. There are infinite things to understand. Understanding is good. Love = Understanding. Only that which you become conscious of can be transcended/dissolved. Only that which is loved is understood clearly. Try to be a good human being. Of course! But don't judge yourself either if you fail along the way. Because that is ultimatley GOOD too! All that is happening in your life and in everyone's life is - ultimately - happenings of Love/God. Even that you deem 'bad' is happening for a very precise intelligent reason: to develop you. To test your ability to love despite of adversity. Life exists cos God wants to test herself. How loving can I be? Let's see! 1, 2, 3 blast offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  13. all you need to "add" is the obvious fact that everything is you. that life is nirvana. nirvana, life. see my post here:
  14. yup reality is infinite, good to hear it is seen so clearly by other avatars of me (Love). I love you bipolargrowth <3
  15. Imo you only had to write the two above lines, hehe. Sums it up just fine. Yes, you and I are not humans. None are humans. Human persons are just masks. The question is: who or what is wearing the mask? ehehehehe <3 The answer is you and I. You and I are One. Love. God. The Self. Whatever you wanna call it. We could call it the Spaghetti Monster; words are pointless if you want to awaken the Heart (not the Mind, necessarily). We are all <Oneness/Love/God/The Self> manifested as separate strange persons/actors in an external strange world/stage. Yes, we all go around acting and playing and being serious (not realizing we are acting/playing) By being so serious, we lie a lot to each other/ourselves. That's actually all we do, and of course we don't recognize our own lies. Of course, all these apparently separated persons/actors only exist because of survival. From one perspecitive, we are survival machines with only one goal: namely survival: both biologically and socially. People should realize that if this is the case, then this must also imply that there are lots of "things" our consciousness "screens out" because it is not deemed important to our survival. I work in a daycare center. 3-4 year old kids, when they see an ant running around in the sand, they can get extremely excited. "See Thomas, an ant!" they scream and you can see the intense excitement on their facial expression as they follow the ant around in the sand. Do you ever seen adults do this? Perhaps if they are on 3 grams of dried shrooms or some other psychedelic, this could happen But otherwise not so much. Why? Well, most adults already KNOW what an ant is. And they already KNOW that it is fucking unimportant to their survival. So we couldn't give even half a fuck about that ant the 3-year-old kid is so fascinated about. Why do the small kids find the ant so exciting? Because they don't really know what an ant is ((and paradoxically by not-knowing what it is, they in a sense know much more about it than adults do; that's why they are so excited: they are running around in a world of Love/Self/God observing all the strangeness/beauty of themselves, e.g. an ant.)) AND because - and this is important - because they have ALL their survival-needs taken care of by the adults in their lifes. By having all their survival-needs taken care of by others, their consciousness doesn't screen much out. See, small kids have extreme high levels of neuroplasticity and they learn something everyday, they learn LOTS of things everyday. That's also why they need to sleep so much. So much is happening in their brain. This is contrary to adult. We screen the ant out, because we are adults and we have to take care of our own survival, so an ant is not important. However, it is important that we have a job, find a mate, have succces, have sex, have friends and don't get killed. Now, since we as adults obviously screen a lot of stuff out -- and are often not even aware of it -- could there be something REALLY IMPORTANT that we constantly leave out of our stream-of-consciousness?? Not really important as in regards to survival; but important in regards to permanent happiness/peace ?? I'd say yes, and what our consciousness screen out is the otherwise obvious "fact" that everything, every experience, every living thing, every stone, every leaf, is an expression of ourselves and it is Love, it is play, it is Divine, it is not-serious at all, it's motherfucking nirvana, emptiness, Heaven, Paradise. That is fucking why the 3-year-old kid is excited by anything you show her, even a fucking ant. BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING GOD/LOVE! Haha. And when you finally can get this "fact" back into your stream-of-consciousness, you become a child again, in a sense. You are now awakened in heart. We must not forget the mind though. A kid is obviously deeply asleep in mind, since he has close to zero understanding of what is -- relatively speaking -- going on within the dream of life. It's funny: The adults in the day care center have a decent understanding of what is going on inside the dream of life, but they have close to zero clue that life is equal to heaven and heaven equal to life; but the kid "knows" this (until he develops an ego some years later and has to take care of his own survival). <3 Anyway, rant off. I love you James <3 _______________________________ Congratulations, by making such judgmental assessments about a person you haven't even met in real life, you clearly demonstrate to everyone here your own enormous inner ego ... Not that it matters. I love you and your ego <3 . The ego is not the problem. The ego is never the problem. Love the ego. Realize, that whenever you make an assessment --- any what-so-ever, even an assessment such as "I like blueberries over raspberries" --- you are (in a sense) working from ego. And by seeing that, you should also see, that ego is natural. Ego is God. Of course God has different preferences within her avatar-bodies. You see? That there exist preferences is natural -- it is a manfistation of love. If there didn't exist any preferences, there would not exist unconditional love either. All dualities must collapse from the highest perspective. 'preferences' <----> 'unconditional love' -- they are one and the same thing, ultimately. So you making an assessment that James is just a maniac and not-enlightened: that is ultimately perfectly fine! Just know, that by judging 'others' you are always simultaneously also judging yourself. 100%, both relatively and ultimately (hell, even this is just an illusory duality). But existing as a human being implies making certain assessments all the time. That's what we do. Jesus made assessments about lots of things. So did Buddha. Buddha and Jesus just made -- relatively speaking -- more loving and conscious assessments than most other folks do. But it's still play. We are all playing <3 I love you all <3
  16. Does it matter what we think? Follow your own heart/intuition
  17. True enough. Realize that you as a person don't exist either. You act one way with your family, one way with your date, one way at work, one way with your best friend. It's all an act, all play, you see? Many masks. Now the next question for you should be: who's playing? who sees that form is emptiness? Who sees that persons are illusory? Who can know/experience anything at all? What is true love?
  18. The divine appearing as the ordinary. Don't seek the ordinary (success, money, sex w/e). Don't seek the divine. See that the two is one. Life itself is Heaven. Only you don't see it, cos you don't want to. Form is emptiness. Only you don't see it, cos you don't want to.
  19. See all types' ego fixation here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enneagram_of_Personality#Nine_types and ponder about what the words (i.e. "resentment", "vengeance", "objectification") is trying to point to within you, i.e. find out which type you are:> ... The words chosen for each types' ego fixation is something I have no doubt the persons behind this theory has put A LOT of thought into. It is not arbitrary, but it is also close to impossible to describe it with words, especially only one word.
  20. Ego means a lot of different things to me in different contexts. It actually depends on who I'm talking to a lot as well, hehe. Cos I'm very much aware of the meaningless'ness of all words (i.e. their illusory nature), i.e. that all discussions (oral or written) are games, language games. Anyway, if I could myself objectively define what all words meant, without giving any fuck to anyone else' thoughts on the matter (which you cannot do, but let's pretend) then the word 'ego' would mean this to me: 'you' = <Love/The Self/God/Consciousness/The Universe/Nothingness/The Absolute/Etc.> 'self' = <person/body/mind/human being/conceptual self> If you can become conscious of all ego inside you, you will realize that the person, you think you are, is: game/play/illusory/a character. The personality/selfhood/human body/mind in itself is NOT the "problem" here. Thoughts and emotions are in themselves NOT the problem. The "problem" is identification with thoughts and feelings, believing that they tell something absolutely true about your true nature. They don't. They are play. The goal is NOT to remove ego. The goal is to BECOME CONSCIOUS of ego and loving it. Love = Understanding = Becoming More Conscious = Transcending = Letting Go = Accepting = Being If your goal is to "remove something", then you are in a process of: nihilism, self-hate, seriousness, denial, resistance, depression (the opposite of free expression), 'holding on', 'attachment' (you are so attached to yourself; you take yourself so seriously that you believe something should be changed about you)) ... which is no good for you. Your goals should always be: More Love, More Understanding, More Consciousness, More Dissolving/Transcending (NOT REMOVING ANYTHING, LET IT BE AS IT IS!:D), Letting Go. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Not all egos are the same. Would you agree?" In regards to the above definition, I just made, I'd say both yes and no. The essence/nature of ego is always the same: tension and holding on emotionally/conceptually to the idea of being 'a poor little me' stuck in an external cold world. However, the way it functions/appears within different persons is different. Ego/The Devil is sneaky as FUCK and can take on many, many forms. Enneagram type 5's ego fixation is greediness towards understanding: we want more, more, more. More concepts, more understanding. Never getting fullfilled, never thinking we are good enough to interact in the world. All types have different ego fixation. I think Enneagram is very, very, very useful and interesting, obviously as you can see :-) The ego fixation is each core type's way of protecting themselves against their deep truamatic feelings: i.e. their feelings of separateness/mortality. Paradoxically, the holding on to 'protection', i.e. the holding on to 'the ego fixation' is exactly what creates the feelings of separateness and mortality. So what do we got here? A self-fulfilling loop that never ends; unless you manage to step out of it/let go (hello meditation, hello psychedelics). ............ Anyway, not all persons are the same, obviously. We are all strange, unique and different. That's Love. That's Good. Personality is not a problem. Personality is not ego. Personality is -- like everything else -- an expression of the Intelligence/Infinity/Oneness of Love. -------------------------------- "Someone who has an inferior ego structure will have a completely different path of deconstruction or surrendering from someone who has a superior / narcissistic ego structure. I think that is a very important thing to be noted." Sure, we have different ego-fixations, and therefore we "need" different "things" in order to get out of these self-fulfilling loops. However, the essence/nature of every loop is the same: resistance and holding on to the idea of being a separate self stuck in an external world, especially with emotions "that tell you that it is true" (it is not: the external world is just as much you, as your body-mind/persona is you; i.e. Oneness is what is). "That is why a certain spiritual path might work perfectly fine for one person and not work at all for another. Not only that, but it can also be damaging and it can further perpetuate unconscious ways of being." Agreed. We must all follow our own way to truth. _____________________________________________ "Love is the one doing the loving - so to speak. The 'ego' does not have to do a thing. I would describe the process as 'coming back' for yourself. Or 'looking down' on yourself from Heaven - so to speak. That is Love honoring the experiencer." Agreed <3 Looking down on yourself from Heaven - I really dig that! When you can manage to do that, at all times, you are awakened (in my selfish book:D) <3
  21. There are no levels. Yet there are levels. The brain is not a limiter. Yet it is a limiter. Forget concepts, as you can see it doesn't always helps.
  22. Beautiful. Less is more sometimes. Lsd is extremely intense. You should try 2cb, it is LSDs little brother:) more forgiving in terms of headspace (you can think very clearly and lucid on it which i find can be hard on LSD) but still very boundaries-dissolving/psychedelic like lsd. Also its 4 hours shorter which i like, LSD can last painfully long sometimes