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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. I have meditated from time to time. I like it a lot. But I've never been really serious about it. Best psychedelics for me have been Ayahuasca and 2C-B (and DMT I suppose). And LSD too I guess, lol. 5 years ago I experienced complete insanity on 150 ug of LSD. Before that I was a rather normal -- albeit insecure -- guy, but very atheistic and very devoted to science, logic and materialism. Also very curious I guess since I for some reason wanted to try LSD so badly (did LSD before I ever smoked weed or a cigarette). Main takeaway from the LSD trip 5 years ago was that it made me question everything, since I got a vibe of "unrealness" from this LSD trip; it was as if my life as this person I believed I was, was just a thought, nothing else. An idea. It was scary as fuck. But I was also fascinated. Yeah, basically, with "complete insanity" I just mean that I for 3-5 hours felt like I had lost it totally. It was a form of ego-death. But not a loving ego death. What I learned was that thoughts are pretty powerful and that reality could be more mysterious and bigger and wierder than my own materalistic scientific world-view devoid of any divine elements. 1 week later I did LSD again with a friend and had a positive trip where I experienced a loving ego death. I was without any thoughts, sense of self for 30-60 minutes and all that was left was the music playing and the fractalcs, and I was just that. Pure being. Pure love. When I came back to my body/ego, I got very scared, however, cos I basically hated myself these days, so ofc I got scared. Yeah, you gotta love yourself (ego) if you want to be enlightened, I didn't do that back then. Anyway, after these 2 LSD trips I began getting seriously interested in spirituality. I've been on the path for 5 years. Been through some rough depressions, 1 where I almost killed myself. Had a break-through on ayahuasca 1 year ago where I met God and understood how to love myself. Had another break-through on 2CB 2 months ago where I realized I was God, and that all events in my life had happened out of Divine Intelligent Love (my own plan as God). During that 2C-B trip I basically cried for 2-3 hours straight over how beautiful everything was. I consider myself awakened after that trip. This DMT-trip was just another deepening of what I already knew since that 2CB-trip.
  2. I function much better than before, so I'd say continue. (i work a normal job at the moment, hoping to study psychology this summer). However, during the path, there might be periods where you break down (if you're serious about it and do psychedelics etc).. But when you truly get to "the other side" (i.e. find yourself), and see that all is Love, how could you not function better?:>
  3. We were always chasing our own tails
  4. I get ya. But you saying it is unknowable is itself a knowing, -- so you kind of contradict yourself here mate!
  5. but psychosis can then -- at times at least -- result in awakening, hehe<3
  6. I was maybe referring a bit to Feeling lost is not peace That's where the final surrendering happened, perhaps? But I have felt lost too. Extremely lost. Today I feel deep inner peace, almost only. But , the "scary" or "mysterious" or "beautiful" thing about all this, is that even after what feels like "final surrendering" , or "final collapse" (as you say, in regards to the self-story) , that even after that... there is still "more" ..., the mystery of existence/life/being itself now lies right in front, waiting.. Indeed ... what is "the largeness" that we all are? ... <3
  7. Good. Mindfucking is good and necessary in this work. Remember to simultaneously look for the love and beauty in yourself and everything and everyone <3
  8. Yeah I understand. It can be scary at first, this enlightenment-work, when the ego first is seen to be an illusion. Because naturally, the ego will bolster up all kinds of sneaky -- often unconscious -- defense mechanisms to trick one back into the world of the separate self. And hearing other human beings experiencing the same as oneself surely helps to ground oneself in this new way of life (freedom from separateness/personal self). That's why I like to say that it is not about *removing* ego, but it is about making the ego surrender to the truth of oneness. Only when the ego has fully surrendered to oneness (or we could say, Love), only then will one's inner being be completely at peace. Cos' you cannot remove ego. If you try to remove ego, than that is just a new kind of ego-defense-mechanism (distraction). The removing of ego becomes the ego itself that just builds up a new self. "i have no ego" , "the spiritual ego" etc etc. What can only be done is an immersion deeper and deeper into the truth of no-self/Love, and only then, will the ego, slowly, naturally, maybe at times intensely, surrender itself.
  9. I'm very glad for you <3 Yes, living without the constraints of believing to exist as a separate personal self (it's seen to be an illusion) is indeed what the very definition of 'ultimate freedom & liberation' points to.
  10. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I especially enjoyed her final remarks: "There is a powerful urge to become consciously what now lies obviously right in front here ... If there is no personal self -- there's no I, there's no me -- what is there? ... What is the 'largeness' that we all are? ... That's next!"
  11. vs hmmmm:D Anyway, thanks for the David Bohm video. Great stuff. That man was one of a kind (like Krishnamurti also was, just in a different way). So lucid and clear in his talking.
  12. @VeganAwake Look, my brother, everyone, I'm sorry if I have been too rude or arrogant here. I probably have. Ultimately, I really don't know anything at all. I'm just a guy running around believing I'm God. And I don't even know what that means, although sometimes I believe I do (Love and so on). Life is so mysterious and beautiful. I think the most important thing "in this work" (life) is to always stay humble and open-minded. I tell myself that pretty much everyday, cos I need to tell myself that to stay grounded. It's easy to lose one's mind in one's own "selfish truth", even if "that truth" includes "things" such as Oneness, Love, No-Self and so on. Let's all stay humble and open-minded Love ya all <3 ". Clearly we don't. Indeed." ..... hey, maybe we do. The Absolute expresses itself in infinite ways and language is just a game.
  13. "Yeah but the difference is I have dozens of resources that point to the same conclusion and videos to back them up as well from others that have had the same experience" .,. lol - An echo chamber is always nice ... - or maybe not so nice. Why do you even care about what external sources are saying if your truth is grounded in your own direct experience? lol:D hehe. That's cute. I am my own master. You should try to be your own, too <3 We are just playing around man <3
  14. 1. Clearly we don't. Indeed. 2. Notice that this is what 'enlightenment' means TO YOU. The word 'enlightenment' is just a meaningless sound/combination of letters in and by itself. You put one meaning into the word. I put another meaning into it. To me, enlightenment is ALSO that (the death of the false self), but it is ALSO much much more than merely that ... Clearly not to you at the moment, and that is also perfectly fine. I'm just trying to make you open to the possibility that there is more to learn/discover, instead of just running around on this forum many hours a day in the same circle-jerk of spamming the same lines, Jim Newman-videos and the constant message of no-self. Take care man <3
  15. Cool story. Mixing the relative and absolute together like a boss. You should ponder much more if " No One " is not also someone :> I mean, who recognized that everything was already IT / whole and complete for No One ??
  16. read this book https://www.amazon.com/LSD-Mind-Universe-Diamonds-Heaven/dp/1620559706
  17. Good weekend to you, too! <3 Okay you got me. "That's what being experienced there" , I forgot that line of yours! :< Indeed. That is what is being experienced here. What is being experienced over there? No-self? Nice. I'm experiencing rather the opposite over here: The Self (as in God/Love/Consciousness) Itself. Both experiences are beautiful. In fact every single perspective in the whole universe -- all experiences, infinity -- are absolutely beautiful in their own right. No experience is more true than any other. They are all the truth. Yet, I'd say -- relatively speaking -- that the experience of God/Love is an experience of a higher plane of consciousness than the experience of merely no-self. Of course I have to say that Anyway, the epistemological mistake, I think you are making, is that you seem to believe that when the veil of the false self (ego/persona/separate person/mind) is lifted, that then 'that's IT': "Now I'm completely enlightened. There's nothing more to learn. There is nothing more to spirituality than that. This is all it boils down." .. The recognition of the falseness of separateness (the recognition of no-self) is an important and necessary insight on "the spiritual path" but there is MUCH (in fact infinite more insights) more to spirituality than that. Be humble. Stay open-minded.
  18. this is a cute story <3 Just as cute as people saying that there are many agendas that need to be met (global warming etc etc) You know, my story of God pretending to be a human (delusion) to then find himself, etc., is also that: a cute story. Cute stories. But -- at least -- I'm aware that everything I'm saying is a story, while you CONSTANTLY seem to try to put yourself above that, which in itself is just a story -- a 'higher' one if you will -- upon a lower story. (( Do you see what I'm doing here, by the way? I'm fabricating a new story of me being spiritually 'better' than you, ( <I'm aware of my own story-creation> -- <You are not> -- <You try to go beyond that> -- <I know that it is futile> )) (lol ... Your obvious response to this will be something like this: "only an imaginary self would engage in story-creation; and when 'the veil is lifted' and the illusory self is gone, then there is no more need for story-creation" -- another cute story indeed)) Indeed, but why are you so interested in spreading "the truth of no-self" (your truth) on this forum, then?
  19. I read it all and I really enjoyed it. You have a great vocabulary for describing the divine. I love you and I am happy for your God-realization. Be careful of forcing your God-realization onto others though :-) As you and I know, everything is God/Consciousness, nothing is not that, so ultimately, if people realize this or not, doesn't matter in the end, cos it's all just God's play, Consciousness, Love doing crazy imaginary things to itself, out of itself and by itself. <3 <3 <3
  20. " I thoroughly believe that awakening to God Consciousness is our birthright and duty, although some people are not ready yet" It's not that I disagree, but realize that this an egoic statement equal to for example Hitlers belief that the "Aryan race" was superior to all others. :> With "equal" I just mean that it is both conceptual beliefs/ideas. Of course I - personally - much more agree with your belief than I do with Hitler's belief, which I think is pure nonsense.
  21. when you realize that all the suffering -- past and current -- in your life is what has lead you to your enlightenment/awakening/liberation/mergning with God/Oneness , then your perspective on suffering changes 180 degrees and tears will run down on your cheek for hours.