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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. Well, I know. But it could easily be interpreted that way. "Also, I remind myself that people who praise me are usually not very conscious and only do so out of selfishness. If I was a rapist no one would praise me. And there is no reason why I deserve any more praise now than if I was a rapist. So people's praise of me has nothing to do with reality." And from a sort of Absolute-God-PoV, all rapes that have ever happened -- and will happen -- are Perfect, Love, God, just like EVERYTHING else. However commiting rape is not in alignment with (the nature of) God/The Absolute/Love/Perfectness/Selflessness. While making free, top quality youtube videos about Love, God, Spirituality, self-development (etc.) is INDEED very much in alignment with IT. And therefore, while we shouldn't hate or torture a rapist (but lock him up and teach him self-love while he's sitting in prison), we shouldn't praise him either. You deserve praise, though. Although yes, too much unconscious praise can be toxic for both the praiser and the praised. All in moderation. Now, you can say that this is just my selfish interpretation/narrative of it all. Sure, I don't give a fuck though. I'm God. You're God. I'm free to spin up any story up I want to. Absolute fucking freedom <3
  2. As long as we are talking or thinking about the 'God-I' it is indeed conceptual (and thus imaginary), but yeah, of course what the words 'God-I' are POINTING TO is the source of all imagination.
  3. Good quote! although it's perfectly fine to have a desire to be more free / break free of the invisible bars the ego is setting up all around yo
  4. "If You Are All Imaginary, Then The "i" That Thinks It Is All Alone- Is Also Imaginary" of course! well said bro.
  5. Try DMT Being aware of Awareness. Such a strange loop. Teeth biting themselves. Eyes gazing at themselves. A hand closing around itself.
  6. I will confess. I did not actually read OPs post. I mostly only read your posts on this forum, cos I (ehm my ego) like to read what you have in your mind, cos my ego believes you're a very special human being and that I can extract a lot of knowledge/wisdom out of you, I can use in my own selfish pursuits of gaining more power, more consciousness, more freedom. So I might have slightly missed the context here - my apologies! My selfish opinion about how I think it's wrong of you (relatively speaking, ultimately speaking it's Perfect, Love, Beautiful ofc!???) as a kind of perceived authority figure to basically write "rape is fine, no problem!" on a public forum without further elaboration... stands. Avoiding approval seeking may be an intelligent thing to do; just notice that the desire to avoid it may stem from a special shadowy unconscious part of your psyche. (The ego's constant, sneaky ways of always participating in the infinite game of one-upmanship are fascinating and endless). "Just the way you read my posts betrays how selfish your perceptions of me are. Hence why should I care about your approval when it is more about you than about me?" Okay, okay. But chillax a bit too, man. Don't be so uptight. It's all Good. ?
  7. Who or what exactly doesn't want to get banned? Where's the 'I' you're speaking of??
  8. Woah with the projections here brother. In my selfish PoV you are the one creating a fuss out of it here =D I'm just standing on my illusory 'ground' speaking some common sense and stating the obvious, while it seems from here that the imaginary Leo Gura is conflating the Absolute with the relative. ANY opinion ANYONE makes can be viewed as purely selfish. But then again, after awakening you see that any duality ultimately must collapse and is actually ONE. There is no self but the Selfless Self, so selfish-selfless, potato-potato
  9. @Raptorsin7 ultimately speaking there are no 'persons' nor 'genes' ( there only *seems to be* if you unconsciously imagine these things into existence, which you can't help not to, since your True Nature is Infinite Imagination/Lila).
  10. Well, as you know, it depends on perspective. From a relativistic, scientific PoV, my ambitions, desires, motivations, determination etc. aren't my own, because the separate self is an illusion, so there isn't 'any self' to own them. They were given to me by God if you will. Or scientifically speaking they were given to me from a combination of genetics, upbringing, culture, society and general environment. However, absolutely speaking, all these (apparent) outside factors (genetics, upbringing, culture, environment etc.) are actually part of my inner mind. They are my imagination. In other words, they are all my own intelligent design, my doing, my will; a story I deliberately created - Waveintheocean - but also deliberately made unconscious for Myself, in order to bring in the contrast of apparent finiteness to my Absolute Infinite Eternal Omnipotent Nature. And excitement of course. Lila. Hide'n'seek. Divine Play. Love. So ultimately speaking, there is no separation, and when you've fully realized this in both mind/thought and heart/feeling, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore & all apparent abilities and desires are imaginary and do indeed come from Me and are My Own. As God. Wakey wakey
  11. Genetics are important, but don't tell me hard determination and insane amounts of training aren't necessary in many sports (unless you're Messi, I agree fully with ya here, this guy is nor human haha:D) But technique and effort is still important for us mere mortals:-)
  12. ". If I was a rapist no one would praise me. And there is no reason why I deserve any more praise now than if I was a rapist". @Leo Gura Sometimes I don't understand why you write stuff like this here on the forum. What's the point? Seems rather fucking dangerous to write on a public forum (without any elaboration), especially given your authority as a sort of spiritual YT-guru with 1 mil. subs. I know you say you just write straight from the gut here on the forum, but consider that actually hundreds/thousands of people are reading what you're writing here (not only forum members but also just random anonymous guests without much prior spiritual/non-dual understanding)... And they may interpret what you just wrote as a justification to go out and act out their selfish impulses/desires to, for instance, hurt a woman. I mean, sure, ultimately speaking, from an Absolute/God-PoV, indeed you are loved/forgiven equally whether you are Dalai Lama or Osama Bin Laden, cos both are just God's dreamed up characters appearing in His Infinite Imagination. In other words, both are You. However, needless to say, from a human/relative PoV, you deserve infinitely more praise if you make free self-development youtube videos than if you go out and rape women.
  13. I'd rather say ... that being a regular human person stressing around -- on this blue speck of dust in an infinte cosmos -- trying to achieve something beyond himself... is a form of (deep) self-hypnosis.
  14. Meditation with the silent mantra on the exhalation: "i let go"........... ?
  15. The perceiver is the perceived. If someone insists on it being real, I will show them it is truly unreal. If someone insists on it being unreal, I will show them it is truly real. ☯️☯️☯️ ?❤️✨????? Rest in openness. In not-knowing. Then go from there. Ask: what would Love do and feel your heart ???
  16. You mean fortunately. If you did it would be a mess for you to do all those things. And it wouldn't be magic. You as God fully deliberately designated some of your 'doings' as 'not-your-doings'. In other words: you deliberately made some parts of your Infinite Consciousness seem 'unconscious'. ? ✨ So really, yes, from one perspective 'you' (as an ego/separate self) do not know how you beat your heart, turn photons into light &colour, and close or open your hand... But from and other - just as true - perspective, You DO know how; you just do it! Like you digest your food, grow your hair, breathe. A deep awakening is realizing that *Everything* (from thunder storms to super novas to lions hunting gazzels to your dog popping on the carpet, to your father fucking your mom) IS REALLY YOUR OWN DOING... So fucking profound to realize this. Self-design. Gigantic Mindfuck. It will floor you and you will cry/laugh like a maniac.
  17. Happy bday brother from another mom❤️ thx for ur work and massive effort. Truly inspiring
  18. do you know how you beat your heart or turn the sun rays into light? or close your hand into a fist?
  19. oh yes, forgot the dream analogy. always on point that one.
  20. Functional pov. haha. Nah, I get ya, it can be hard to see. I don't understand it either to be honest. What can we do...we are God imagining Itself to be stupid humans. Lets have fun and Love while it lasts, I'm sure we will laugh our socks of later at some point over our ignorance.