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Everything posted by WaveInTheOcean

  1. It is perfectly natural that many girls easily gets attracted to narcissistic sociopaths. From an evolutionary standpoint that is. Sociopaths don't let anyone embarrass them without fighting back. They don't care what others think. They portray a strong character that if seduced by the feminine will protect her too, cos then he takes ownership of her, which all girls secretly wants. They want to feel safe and protected from the chaotic world. Of course. Survival.
  2. Yep. I've come to the same conclusion. OF COURSE, enlightenment is a state. You can become enlightened and be filled with inner peace, and just express whatever arises on the inside, without needing to polish nor mulling (over) your self-image (ego). But if you then decide to stop doing any consciousness-work (meditate etc.) and start living unhealthy (bad food, poor sleep, no exercise), or start treating yourself/others poorly, well, give it a few weeks or months and you'll be out of the enlightened state again, back into the invisible chains of ego! (Tried that lol). Enlightenment is a state. It's sort of a state wherein you are conscious of the fact that it's not a state (and that there are no states, only Oneness), hehe, but it is still a state! state <<--->> no-state impermanence <<-->> permanence All two sides of the same coin. One. They imply each other. Are ultimately identical. Oneness. Non-Duality. ????
  3. It's a great clip. But Alan Watts indeed lays out the steps/path for self-realization: - your wish to transform yourself, and your wish to become a better person, stems from a belief that you're separate person...which is an illusion! So thinking that way - alone - will never lead to any true transformation. - but yet, he says, it's absolutely important that we as a human race become more sane, more loving, more unselfish - what can you do then? - watch, observe, awareness - you then start to see the world, including the sense of 'I', is NOT something that is being pushed around or something that someone else is doing - it is realized to be a 'happening' -- going on by itself, for itself, out of itself - and THAT is The Real You, he says, not the symbol, not the person, but the whole of existence as a happening. You don't have to think about it. Let go of thoughts and 'you are still here' - in fact shining more clearly than ever ? - when you're looking out of your eyes, he says, you are looking at you! - he ends off by saying he doesn't know what we should do after we've realized this; thus he implies something "should" probably be done - he's just saying it's critical we realize our true nature first (and see ourself as whole and undivided, ... Just like a wave is something the whole ocean is doing, YOU are something the whole Universe is doing :-))
  4. ???
  5. You never "wake up" from the dream as a living human being. You just realize within/inside the dream that it is in fact a dream and always have been, whereas before you thought it was something serious, and that your True Self was a human person/separate self that could be born and die. It is seen to be Lila (Divine Play) aka Love aka God aka Infinite Imagination. That's what I refer to when I use the words enlightenment/awakening. What ultimately matters is not knowledge, insight, realization or all that jazz. What matters is how you feel. Enlightened beings are free. They have deep inner peace. They express whathever they want to express without thinking what "other" people will think (it just so happens they only want to express Love of course). When I read your comments, I see almost no passion or feeling or emotional content. That's a cue for me you are still far from getting there. Nothing wrong with that of course, and I might be wrong. (It is also a cue for me that you are probably an enneagram Five, pretty good stuck in conceptual thinking, but of course you don't see that as it it hard to see the ground one is standing on. I'm myself a FIve and have tried it lots of times haha. Delusion is such a funny thing).
  6. Reality is inherently Good. And the purpose is Love. You seem to disagree. Let's just agree to disagree bro <3 Everything is inherently Good. When I say rape is bad, I'm speaking from within the context of the dream (it's relatively bad, but absolutely Good/Perfect). People who diagree with me that rape is bad I'd rather not have as friends. That's great. But notice there once was a traveler who wanted to wake up. Look at all the millions of spiritual seekers. They lack realization, awakening. Or even worse, all those stuck in stage orange. They are so asleep. Now, is there anything wrong with being asleep? No, ofc, it's hilariously Good. Amazing. I bow before the amazing play of God. Great, great actor. But say that to a spiritual seeker or my mom, that here is nothing to realize and no one to realize it, and see how it works in regards to helping them becoming more free of suffering/ego :-) Besides that, saying there is "nothing to realize" , I can't help but see as spiritual bypassing / sneaky sneaky spiritual ego / zen devilish, but ofc you'll disagree:D The greatest trick of the ego is to convince you that you are free of ego. None are in truth. Some are very very free from it, but 100% free is not obtainable. To get to 99% free from it probably only 0,0001% of the worlds population is at. But you'll probably say that the ego is an illusion and doesn't exist so it doens't matter, there is no one to be free, nothing to do. Yada yada, whatever rocks your boat. You're probably in for a rude awakening at some point Yes, there truly are no boundaries and everything is One. This is it, yes, and it already has been. But you seem to gloss over the fact that many people are not aware of that and see the world as fragmented and divided. You did once too. So did I. Then we slowly realized we were looking at the world through selfish eyes, seeing it distorted as fuck. Now we don't do that as much, at least I don't, you seem to imply you don't do much either, and that's great man; it should bring a lot of inner peace to your soul - it does for me at least. My goal is to minimize suffering for myself. And with myself I mean all of humanity, of course (and I'm open to expand the sense of identity even more). I have yet to figure out how exactly, and I probably never will, but at least that's my ambitions/goal. What is yours? If you say that there isn't any illusory dream "where you are sitting" then you are more deluded than I thought.
  7. Beautiful bro! Beautiful. Shivers on my spine. That is fucking it. Great chunck of words. Flow. Internal<-->External .. it's One and the Same 'thing'. Yes. Although knowing<-->not-knowing is in actuality One. 'you as a separate conscious self inside a human body' <----> 'the Universe' ::: One. Identical.
  8. Yes, exactly. That's what I was trying to say lol.
  9. May be. Hehe. But what else is there do to than get lost in it all after you've 'seen it all' (that there is no one, aka just You, as God). Sounds like lots of fun to teach myself stuff I imagined I didn't know.
  10. Stop licking his ass lol See my latest reply to traveler ^^ . But I'll take your bait ;): All of us are no-one = God. And God is worthy of // gives Herself infinite Love, indeed. Dude. The rape is imaginary. The rapist is imaginary. (The 'I' sitting on an imaginary chair thinking it is writing messages to "WaveInTheOcean" is imaginary.) Of course, if WaveInTheOcean during a dream at night dream that he's raping a girl, there is nothing inherently wrong with the dream nor WaveInTheOcean, and he shouldn't go to jail. ... - That's obvious, bro However, I'd prefer to not dream stuff like that where some part of my infinite imagination is suffering (the girl in the above case). And I'm God. So there is that. Luckily, WaveInTheOcean has never dreamt such nasty stuff before, at least nothing its already messed-up brain-mind could remember. God is. You're God. God/We is always in control bro. We just like to imagine we are not in control, that's the most fun for Us it seems Alan Watts knew what's up. WaveInTheOcean likes the fact you're quoting him. Plus points in his book! However, ultimately the truth is that: - you are doing it AND - it is doing you That rabbit hole is infinitely deep! We like to imagine there is still much for Us to learn. Infinite things, in fact. Save travels <3 haha i just couldnt be bothered. still haven't read it properly lol.
  11. Indeed. But have you read my post? Let me quote for ya: But yes, "an absolute PoV" is an idea. There isn't really one... Except there is. It is this. :-> :-< Yes yes. All is well, I didn't say anything else. I may totally miss your point here (I do know what you mean though). But I feel like saying (not necessarily directed to you dear fellow intrepid traveler)..: Enough of this spiritual bypassing. A rapist is a fucking rapist. It's bad. Rape is bad, mkay. It's all Perfect Imagination, but within the context of 'THAT' (life/dream/maya): RAPE IS BAD. A RAPIST IS BAD. Do not hurt others (=yourself). Yes. However, we gotta make distinctions between the words as concepts & then what the words are pointing to I say "Infinite Love" , "Oneness", "Consciousness", "God", "Infinite Imagination" or "Absolute Perfection" and yes, when you listen to them your brain interprets them and the result is not necessarily what the words are pointing to, just as my finger pointing to the moon is not the moon. Absolute Truth does exist (my words try to point to that, even though I know its futile:D), however. Not as an idea or a concept or story. All my wordplay "Love, God, Oneness, Imagination" is conceptual/idealistic/stories in nature, yes, yes, but I'm just using them to try to point to that-which-cannot-be-pointed to (Absolute Truth), hehe, but only seen/realized/directly experienced. lol. Absolute Truth cannot be doubted when first realized, however. Absolute Truth is the source of all doubt, of all falsehood, all lesser truths, of life, of existence, of everything. It can't be communicated. That Reality is Perfect/Good/Love/ is not a belief or an idea. Explicitly, It sounds like it is an idea or a belief-system or a story. But implicitly it is not an idea or a belief or a story. You can't argue with Absolute Truth when first realized. The "I am not this, I am not that"-approach (nothingness/no self-realization) is highly effective and I used it myself. Ultimately, that approach (& accompanying insight) has to be transcended as well though, because it has its limits. The realization of nothingness / no-self is a lesser truth. It is true enough, and VERY useful to grasp fully (the implications of it and so on), but it is not Absolute Truth. The "major problem" with the method/'attachment to the realization on its own' is that it is inherently dualistic in nature. By saying "I am not this, I am not that" .. or "it is not that, it is not this ... or "there is no self, there is nothing" ... or "the self is an illusion, no-self is the truth" etc. etc. we create dualities: truth - non-truth illusion - real nothingness - something self - no-self right - wrong And Absolute Truth is beyond all that. Absolute Truth isn't possible to express with words, but if I try, I would say it encompasses all dualities, it is the source of it all. I would call it God, in lack of a better word. Or Love. Reality is a real illusion. There is no self and no no-self either. There is the Selfless Self. There is something which is nothing. There is true beliefs which are false. There are wrong ways which are right. There is lots of evil in the world, but it is love. There are mistakes which are Perfect. Non-duality. All opposites are two sides of the same COIN. THAT COIN IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH = GOD = LOVE. Ultimately, it is all just God. And when you have first fully bathed in the awareness/realization of what "God" actually FEELS like (direct experience) (through letting go of all beliefs/ideas/fear/insecurities/filters, so nothing remain but the Light of God), there is no doubt left. You now "know" God is not an idea, but the realest of all real and unreal things. It's you. The perciever has become the perceived. The perceived, the perceiver. Full circle. The snake biting its own tail. Oneness is seen again. All illusory seperation gone. All boundaries dissolved. Everything fusing into Itself out of Itself.
  12. my pleasure, thanks for linking the youtube video / creating this topic and initiating some contemplation on my end! He's a wise guy that Bentinho avatar.
  13. is your piss clean today?
  14. Hold my beer.
  15. Okay I saw it to the end. Not that bad. Some good points. Yes, obviously the fossil fuils are the major issue (transport, energy, cement sector). And the food waste is a big issue too. But still, beef is bad for the climate, he didn't prove it's not. So eating less beef will help us save ourselves. Not the planet. But ourselves. Global warming is bad, mkay.
  16. So he's talking to ONE professor who works for the livestock industry. I stopped watching from there. Stupidity and bias has no limits lol.
  17. That's very true. There is no external reality out there which 'you' go out and experience. It SEEMS as if there is, because Consciousness (God - You - We) is SO fucking infintely intelligent that We are able to "project" the illusion of apparent linear continuity 'onto experience' (consciousness). What is happening is: Consciousness projecting imagination (linear continuity, time) onto Consciousness. The Infinite Mother of strangeloops. =D You are God, hehe. But yes. Eternity / Infinity is not 'something out there" external to You/The Now, that can be realized, found, attained. Infinity is THIS. Eternity is THIS PRESENT MOMENT. The Now is ETERNAL. And it is YOU. You are the Universe. You don't have consciousness. You ARE consciousness. Novelty is imagined. Memory is imagined. "Your friend" is imagined. "Conversation with others" is imagined. Time is imagined. Space is imagined. Death is imagined. EVERYTHING IS IMAGINED! Hehe. <3 Again - you are God. You don't "have" consciousness. To believe oneself 'has' consciousness as if it were some special thing 'one' could not have... well that's ego! God/We/You/Consciousness can shift itself HOWEVER it likes, yes! That's fucking amazing to realize this. Indeed. IT IS SO FUCKIN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. WAUW BABY <3 We do not inhabit our own universe/consciousness. It only seems so. This is an illusion. "Collective consciousness" can be a useful term though. But yes, I mean, if I want to live in a reality where there is no bad smell in my house, I go open the windows. But that's just one level of imagination. It goes infinitely deeper than that. Love Hehe <3
  18. Doubt is fine and all if it appears, if it happens. After my two breakthrough DMT trips there was no doubt. I've had many other profound DMT trips where there was doubt afterwards in regards to many things, including whether it could get more crazy/wild/intense or not. Yes, you are right, when you're done tripping, the trip is now only a memory; a thought in The Now. But that's not a problem -- that's a neat feature of existence :-) Be glad You/God/We imagined 'memory' ... That's so complex, intelligent and amazing. The "problem" (if you will) can be either: - getting too attached to memories - dismissing memories. Optimally, you should be right in the middle of these two extremes. Just pure openness, joy of being, neither being attached to the past nor ignoring it :-) "Is experience itself in the past, or is that an experience of a thought about an experience?" Hehe, I think it's slightly more accurate to say that memories about the past are: "an experience -- happening in The Now -- of a set-of-thoughts about an experience that is believed to have occured in The Now". At some level, whatever you believe is kind of real (becomes 'real').
  19. I thank you deeply Shin for sharing these illuminating, beautiful, wise words. Brought some tears to my eyes reading it, no kidding. Love you all <3
  20. Thank you for sharing. So simple. So obvious. So beautiful. Love you <3
  21. To everyone wondering if their DMT trip was a "break-through" one or not: If there is even 0,1% doubt in your mind about whether you were breaking through or not, it was NOT a break-through experience. A break-through DMT trip is (IMHE) the maximium level of consciousness possible to achieve (if only briefly) for a human avatar body-mind. Basically just ABSOLUTE PURE INFINITY. Such a break-through DMT trip will ABSOLUTELY FLOOR you to the ground. When coming down from such a trip, you won't know whether to cry your heart out like a baby or laugh hysterically like a maniac. Through such a trip, 'reality' is seen to be so FUCKING GOOD that words can only fail. There will be no doubt afterwards. No worry. No fear. No anxiety. Just deep inner peace you previously thought was completely off-limits / inaccessable. If you haven't "done it', you won't believe it. You can't even imagine 0,1% of what I'm speaking about if you haven't "been there".
  22. Why not. If you're serious about raising the Love and vibration of the human world, why not market yourself (if you're good) to spread out the good sauce even more?