Ibn Sina

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Everything posted by Ibn Sina

  1. -I know a dermatologist who does Hair transplant. - There are a number of drugs that treat hair loss.
  2. @PretentiousHuman No, I am a 3rd year medical student, just writing down stuffs that I have been taught about
  3. Crohn's is an inflammatory disease of the GI tract. There are many causes. NOD2 gene mutation, gut flora alteration, autoimmune etc. It was first identified in the ileum , but can be found in other sites as well Pathology includes- Strictures, Pin point ulcers, Apthous ulcers, Serpentine leisions, neutrophils in the gut. Treatments include using- immunomodulators- azathioprine, methotrexate, Infliximab, Adalimumab. Unlike in Ulcerative colitis where protocolectomy type I and II can be done, in Crohn's surgical management is not an option.
  4. I think the only points you have to take care of when choosing your diet include - It should be a balanced diet. Take good amount of protein and carbohydrate. Prevent over nutrition or undernutrition. - Reduce alcohol intake, smoking etc. - Reduce intake of saturated fatty acids found in animals, take more of unsaturated fatty acids. - Maintain your BMI. - Maintain your cholesterol, LDL levels. - Take the required daily amount of vitamins , which is taken lessmight cause Vitamin deficiencies. Note : there are disease for both Hypervitaminosis and Hypovitaminosis except few vitamins like Vitamin E. - Take the required daily amount of minerals like sodium, iodine, potassium, calcium, which if deficient has it's own range of manifestations. - Egg is good, it contains almost all the vitamins. - Large sodium intake is associated with Hypertension. - Take clean water, milk, food, prevent a range of diseases like- Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Brucellosis, Hepatits A, Ascariasis, Worm infestation etc. - Make sure there is no food adulteration. - Some spicy, oily foods, red meats etc have predisposition to many GI conditions like Peptic ulcer, Stomach Cancer, Colon Cancer.
  5. - Exercise before sleep, increases sleep and well being. - If doesn't help, medications.
  6. The only time a wheat product is bad for your health is having allergy to it, like that in Celiac disease, where the treatment is taking GFD (Gluten free diet).
  7. - Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a mental disorder found in children. - The causes can be both genetic and environmental. - Treatment can include psychotherapy, behavioral therapy and chemotherapy.
  8. I think, no matter how much we listen to Leo, talking about the description of the true nature of reality, it is not going to change our reality or his reality once he comes out of his state of omniscience. Yes, everything he says in that vid, may be true because he has the devices , the instruments, the means to the levels of consciousness that we people normally cannot access. He has had years of training, he has all the psychedelics at his disposal which shows him the fabric of reality, but what I think is that once he comes out from this state and gets into his normal state, he is like the rest of us. What I mean is, when he is not in that state, when he is talking to us in that vid, his consciousness, his mental activity is just like ours. That is, in that vid, I don't think he literally, experientialy feels that he is identical with a rock, a tree. In that state, he is like a everyone of us, except that now he knows the true nature of reality, and yes, he might feel that absolute love and acceptance which makes him accept the world no matter what happens, but what I think is that his 'omniscience' is lost once he comes out of that state of omniscience. He talks and moves like all of us, but because of the experience of the true nature of reality that he has now, his life has changed. However I don't think he feels that he is identical to a rock, or everything was imagined by him. He feels this only when he is in 'that' state, but once he is out of this state only the knowledge of this reality remains but the experience ceases.
  9. There are 3 kinds of muscles, striated muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles. By body building you are concerned about the striated muscles. They are voluntary muscles, on microscopic observation it has striations, light and dark bands. The light one is made up of of actin and the dark one is made up of myosin. There is cross linkage between the actin and myosin which happens in the normal state. In other words, contraction happens no energy is supplied. That is why in dead people there is hardening of the muscle. It takes energy to release the muscle from contraction. But you know, in alive people, ATP is being taken out from the muscle during contraction and that causes the head of the thick filament to get exposed hence there is muscle contraction, in alive people energy is required to take out the ATP from the non contracted muscle and muscle contracts but in dead people there is no energy , no ATP in muscle so by default nothing is preventing the sliding of the head of the thick filament into the thin filament, making contraction happen which is Rigor Mortis. In short, eat proteins, because muscle is made out of protein, and the thickness of the muscle depends on the number of cross linkages between the thick (Myosin) and thin(actin) filaments which happens by the breaking down and regeneration of the muscle fibres which is done in exercise.
  10. There is a term called 'Normal flora'. First thing to remember is that our body itself is 99% bacterium. Our entire body is covered with bacterium from head to toe though it may not seem like it. Likewise, our gut, also has bacterium, it is called gut flora. They are not just normal, but also essential for our body. - They help in maintaining immunity. - prevents other bacterium from colonization - Helps in digestion of various products like milk (lactobacillus), on skin you have streptoccocus, staphyloccoccus epidermidis, in gut you have E.Coli. One of the adverse effect of broad spectrum antibiotic like cephalosporin, Ibuprofen, tetracyclines, macrolides etc is that they change the normal flora constituents, which can cause furthur diseases. That is why such broad spectrum antibiotics are used with caution. It can turn these normal flora into oppurtunistic. When our immune system goes down it can cause these bacterium to turn pathogenic and cause oppurtunistic infection, often seen in immunocomprised people like old people, patients in hospital , AIDS patients, patients on immuno-suppressants etc. Sometimes when gut flora move out of site, like when E.coli moves from colon to urinary tract it can cause urinary tract infection. Similarly when bacterium like streptococcus which is otherwise harmless for reason goes into the lungs there might inflammation, pus formation, consolidation and finally pneumonia.
  11. - From how long have you suffering from this? When was the last time you got experienced this? What are some factors that bring about this symptoms to you? Do you suffer from any visual defects? Did you suffer from any diseases in the past like - Cataract, Glaucoma, Vitamin A deficency, Hypertension, DM, TB, Epilepsy, Trauma, Surgery? Do you have any neurological problems in the present or past? Do you have any hearing disorders like tinitius, otitis media etc? Do you have any endocrine problems (Acromegaly can cause blindness)? Have you been taking any drugs lately? Or before? The optic nerve , the first cranial nerve of our is responsible for the visual input, light moves from our lens into the retina which is connected to the optic nerve from which it goes to the visual cortex where the actual visual sensation occurs. Any lesion in the nerve can cause any symptom depending on the site of the lesion.
  12. - Exercise can help in sleeping. Also releases endorphins which reduces pain. - Hypnotic group of drugs (look it up) like Benzodiazepine, Barbituarates, which act by opening up GABA channels which are inhibitory neurotransmitters, adr includes lethary, nausea , vomiting (look it up)
  13. Salt (Na+ Cl- ) is important for our body as it contains the micro-nutrients sodium and chloride which is essential for our body. It is essential to meet the daily requirement of salt in our body. Do you know why in hospitals people saline is given to the bed ridden patients through canula? It's to maintain the plasma level in the blood and to maintain the sodium level. If the sodium level is too low, it causes hyponatremia, which has it's own range of symptoms (look it up), and too much salt intake causes hypernatremia (look it up). One of the main consequence is hypertension. The regulation of salt is done by Aldosterone a hormone released by the posterior pituitary, it helps in salt regulation. If you take too much salt, then less Aldosterone is released, which means there is less diuretic action, and less urine is absorbed in the PCT and DCT of the nephrons hence more urine is produced and voided with sodium. Likewise when less sodium is present then more Aldosterone is produced which means there is more reabsorption of urine hence more concentrated urine is formed and less loss of nutrients. Like any nutrients we take, be it Vitamin A, D, calcium, etc it is all about balance, taking more or less causes hyper and hypo conditions.
  14. I was reading about Jakob Bohme when I came across this "Böhme preached that humanity had fallen from a state of divine grace to a state of sin and suffering, that the forces of evil included fallen angels who had rebelled against God, and that God's goal was to restore the world to a state of grace.". Then I started to think- All religions, have their main goal as being one with god. In Hinduism, the main goal is to escape the cycle of life and death. And so is the case in Buddhism, attaining Nirvana, and never being born again. It's like the current life that we are living right now is something bad, something we have to escape from. Likewise in christianity there is similar pattern. Christians say that we have all sinned, ALL of us are sinners, and to get out of this sin we have to keep believing in Christ, so that we will go to heaven and meet our lord , be one with god. Again similar pattern. It's all about somehow we have to escape this life by doing so and so. I was reading Schopenhauer's "Studies on pessimism" where he says that the Hinduism origin myth is that due to Brahma's mistake, this world was formed. In other words, this current world is actually a mistake, something to be escaped from. Bohme says that all of humanity , have rebelled against God, that is why we are separated from God, because we are rebels, we are sinners. And may be , the main meaning and purpose of our life is to get back to our original source. To be god once again. It is by mistake / or sins(According to the above religious theology) that we have fallen out of god. Our life is basically a separation from God, and our aim is to go back to God again.
  15. If you say that there is a connection, doesn't necessarily mean that it is there. ( may be you should try to prove how there is a connection between them, instead of just making assertions without evidences to back them up). I do agree with 'there is no seperation between inner and outer', but why to add there is only love? You say that ' there is no separation between inner and outer' is related to 'focus on the inner'? What?! How is the fact that ' there is no separation between inner and outer' has anything to do with the idea that we should focus on the inner? Why not say - you should focus on the inner? instead of saying ' there is no separation between inner and outer' to express the idea that ' you should focus on the inner'? And what do you mean by 'related'? How is there a relation between saying ' there is no seperation between inner and outer' and 'you should focus on the inner'? The first one is a statement about the character of the inner and outer world the second one is a command. They are of completely different categories. They are not related as you claim to be, and certainly not 'obviously' unless you are deluding yourself. Just look at those 2 sentence. Take a second look. Those 2 sentences convey entirely different messages, and hold entirely different purposes. Do those 2 sentence look related? Tell me exactly how they are related. Another thing- the topic starter starts his sentence with "I just want to sit with my eyes closed. All I want to do is stay in my being and explore my energies. I can sit for hours, hypnotized by my insides." clearly he is already quite focused on the inner already. Now who in the right mind would want to suggest him (as you are suggesting) that you should focus on the inner ( using the sentence- there is no seperation between the inner and the outer). The topic starter is already quite deeply in the inner, why to tell him further that he should focus in the inner? Yes it is absurd, and it is absurd because it is false. ' There is no seperation between inner and outer' has nothing to do with ' you should focus in the inner'. Love is an emotion, but the inner and outer are components of reality. Denying the separation between the inner and outer is okay, but negating their existence and only affirming the existence of love in their stead is completely absurd, because love is an aspect of this inner-outer dichotomy. And yes, as I said , his- 'there is only love' is completely unrelated with what the topic starter had said. The topic starter was talking about whether he is going too deep? whether he is running from life itself? Wherease he talks about 'love' out of ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. Okay yes so love has something to do with relationship, but what about knowledge? what about entertainment? but what business ? what about the millions of things that has nothing to do with the inner? Are everything that is not inner, related to love? LIKE EVERYTHING RELATED TO LOVE? No, hence it is absurd to throw in this love out of NOWHERE. The questioner asks - Am I fooling myself? Am I running from life? Can meditation turn into an addiction of sorts? and the answerer answers with- Loving your heart which is a hologram for all of existence is the most essential spiritual practice in any situation. Love is the answer you are looking for here to the one who wants to just sit. His dogmas about love is just forcing it's way into his answers. He is not answering the questioners questions. The questioner wants to know whether he is going to deep with the inner. The answerer is suggesting that you should stop with the inner, and instead practice the doctrine of love. He is preaching. He is not quenching the questioner's queries.
  16. Brahman has no intention for creation unlike Brahma. Things appear and disappear inside Brahman. Hence there is a difference between it being a creator which simply forms things without intent (as doing so is it's nature) or it being a creator like Brahma. Brahman is the name of ultimate reality, it has no personality or intention, or anything, it is distinct from Brahma, and actualized.org is interested in this Brahman even IF it is a creator , it doesn't create things like one human being giving birth to another, it creates things like a mountain forming rocks as it breaks down. Those two kinds of creations are not the same, hence Brahma and Brahman are not the same though both of them come under the category of 'creator'. Just because they both are creators does not mean that they are both the same.
  17. In Hinduism, there are 2 words. One is 'Brahma' and the other is 'Brahman'. Similar sounding words but their meaning are different. 'Brahma' is a creator God who has got 4 heads ,4 arms and dons a large white beard. 'Brahman' is the ultimate reality i.e the true nature of existence.These two words cannot be used interchangeably, they are not identical. But for some reason, the words 'God' and 'Existence' are being used interchangeably like they are the same thing. But it is necessary , just like in the Hindus tradition, to establish a distinction. Because we are not concerned with 'Brahma' , we are concerned with 'Brahman'. @Dodo I have nothing to object. Yes, if he couldn't do without describing his deep mystical experience as nothing else but God, then there must be something to it. May be it is associated with the deeply conscious, life like, living breathing aspect of reality.
  18. Before answering how do you handle 10 hour meditation retreat, think about how to NOT handle 10 hour meditation retreat. Just sit down for a couple of hours (minimum), ponder this question, develop a theory, test it test it test it , and if the theory doesn't correspond with your (ingenious) experiments. , develop another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then until you arrive at a theory (or something which looks like one) which you think MIGHT be correct. Now that you know how to NOT handle 10 hour meditation retreat , you MIGHT (with the infinite grace of God) come up with an (ingenious) solution to how to handle 10 hour meditation retreat.
  19. @Mikael89 Nothing deep really, the last sentence made me laugh hard. 'There is no separation only love'. It's such a hippy thing to say. But what is funny (to me) is that that sentence had nothing in relation with what the topic starter had said. It's just thrown in, out of context. It is just meaningless bunch of words which we pretend HAS meaning. There is no need to take every trivial remark with seriousness.
  20. Of course I have heard about deities ( your spelling is wrong) and multiple gods, the question is - In all pantheistic systems , why to use God and existence interchangeably . Well, to be fair pantheism is exactly the belief that God and existence are the same thing so that is why those two words are being used interchangeably, but I was talking about pantheistic systems like this actualized.org, whose sole agenda is not to convince people that God is not the christian God but existence (which is the agenda of pantheism) but the sole purpose of actualized.org is to show and make understand the true nature of reality, and the non-material core of reality. In all this picture, why to speak of it as God? Why not just stick with nothingeness? Why to say- God is existence? That is not a useful sentence, as it only describes the nature of God , but we are not interested in God, we are interested in the nature of reality. The useful sentence is- Existence is nothingness. Existence is immateriality, consciousness. The goal of actualized.org is not to realize God (as it is in no way a religious organization that believes in God) , it's goal is to realize the true nature of existence so as to bring about a radical positive transformation in an individual's life which allows him to live an extraordinary life (which is what it's true goal is). Secondly, I asked - IF existence is god, why to call God God and not call God existence (which as I have already said , I was talking in the context of pantheistic system) and you said because there are multiple gods?Seriously? Because there ARE multiple gods, god is called god? So it is obvious? Well yes it is obvious IF just like you I was also believing that there ARE multiple Gods, but what is fascinating is how you cannot see that here in actualized.org, most people are not believers in the existence of multiple gods, most are believer in god= existence, so why do you think that just like you everyone is a believer in multiple gods (specially in this place)? Yes it would be obvious that God is called God if people believed in MULTIPLE gods ( let alone ONE), but how is it not obvious to you that here in actualized.org most people do not hold that belief? 1st question to you - Do you believe that multiple gods exist? Why? Second question - If yes, what the hell are you doing here if you don't even know the basic premise that this website is founded upon?
  21. I don't know much about Jung, but I read about one of his ideas called Archtypes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungian_archetypes), and that is one hell of an idea, one of the most profound idea that I have ever read!! Leo should do a video about it!
  22. Great question. I have yet to find an answer to this question. If existence is God, why call God God? Why not call God existence? Why is there even a word called God if God is existence?