Ibn Sina

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Everything posted by Ibn Sina

  1. I find it pretty nostalgic returning to this site. As a medical student I liked reading and discussing in this forum, but later I decided not to be here, as I found arguing with others pretty unproductive and distracting. But still this site reminds me of those days in my past , and there is this feeling of 'good old days'. I see that the Mods have changed and I don't recognize many users here. But glad to know that the site is running as before. It's like I am returning to my old days again.
  2. @Carl-Richard Thanks , pleasure to be here.
  3. @Ramanujan I think that the best study technique for someone depends on the individual and the type of content be studied. But after doing a lot of research on the study methods , if I had to choose just 1 then that would be - Active recall and spaced repetition. There is a book called - Make it stick, you might wanna look into it. In the book the psychologists do a lots of experiments on various study techniques and showcase their findings. So using flashcards like Anki can be a good way. But personally I use a lot more study methods suited to my own needs and specially catering to the needs of Medicine. eg - I often use a randomizer. I randomize thousands of diseases and symptoms and see if I will be able to deal with such a case. I keep a file for all medical terminologies. I try to differentiate a lot between diseases and terminologies as many diseases are very similar in their presentation so properly differentiating between diseases, and what makes each disease unique, is vital. For anatomy, it's all about visualizing diagrams and images and only THEN memorizing the theory. Same goes for any Skin related conditions. Use Freeplane for Mindmaping and get a big picture thinking . Onenote is also good. There are many study methods and softwares that I have employed in various situations and it would take hours to get down to every detail. All in all, my method is to to learn based on the content you are studying and what suits you. Discard what is not working for you.
  4. @OBEler @Thought Art Thank you guys. Although I may not be as active as before, this site will forever be associated with my days in Medical school. After college I often found myself relaxing here. The mods may change, the users may be dfferent, but I don't think I will ever stop revisiting here time and again, as this site represents a phase in my life. Its kinda like revisiting school once in a while.
  5. Hi. I have this question, which is like a disagreement to Osho's teaching ( I hope this is allowed ) . I was reading the book " God is dead zen is the only living truth" and at one point Osho says that sheel (moral conduct) is not important but only pragya (wisdom) is important. Character arises out of enlightenment, it is not vice versa. It is not character that produces enlightenment, otherwise enlightenment would have a cause to it. Enlightenment is your nature; it has no cause. It is already there, you just have to discover it. It does not matter what kind of character you have. If you go inwards the sinner will find the buddha just as much as the saint. And after you have found your enlightenment, the radiation of the enlightenment becomes your character, your sheel. - Osho However, as I read Buddhism and at the same time some psychology articles I find that the deliberate practice of compassion, forgiveness, love and kindness, helping others is just as important to mental and emotional well being. There is a quote by Buddha " Hate cannot go away by hate but only love". And even from a mental level, disciplining oneself towards a positive frame of mind, actually works (https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/positive-thinking/art-20043950) which is just the practice of sheel not just in action but in thoughts too. Negativity , hate I think agitates the mind, makes it less calmer, and the more negativity you allow the more negative you become, not less, and hence it's difficult to attain peace while practicing meditation too. The reason people might not want to practice sheel is because it is not easy, it is difficult to forgive those who have wronged you but psychologically it is proven that forgiveness is what gives you well being, helping others is what gives you well being although it can look difficult.Therefore, i think the practice of sheel is just as important, even to achieve peace in meditation.Which I wouldn't say is suppressing your emotions , of course one should release one's emotions, but at the same time making an effort to cultivate positivity, not allowing negativity to freely grow in your mind as it can lead to worse mental problems, but keeping them in check is important which I don't think is achieved by meditation alone, eg you meditated for an hour and for the rest of the day you are fighting , quarreling, arguing,overthinking, I don't think your meditation will work for you. So what do you guys think? Thank you. ?
  6. You people don't know shit. Keep going with your false, shitty spirituality, at the end of the day it's for one's own happiness.
  7. Without Morality you are a joke Good luck with your journey! Toxicity is to be avoided. Both the inner psychological hell and the karmic hell is awaiting.
  8. I am too busy practicing spirituality that I don't drop by here often. It's obvious that you have not developed spiritually, that's for sure. *Back to meditation
  9. I tend to think that people think suicide is wrong because of their beliefs, prejudices, and insecurities attached to this act. There is no difference between suicide and no-suicide because they are all distinctions and all distinctions are constructions. But if you ask me, if suicide is a form of enlightenment, then I would say no. Because after suicide, your mental aggregates coalesce and transfer to another body. Enlightenment is the elimination of all mental aggregates. There is nothing left. The pendulum has stopped. There is no back and forth motion.
  10. Just to make things clear, I have been following actualized.org since 2014, and the entire martin lobdell , 5-Meo thing , non duality thing since I don't know how long. It all works. 5-meo works, Vipassana also works, Anapanasti works, Hath yoga works, Kriya yoga works, Sheel works, Holistic breathing works, Dalai Lama works. It's all good.
  11. At the end, this is all I will say, for any spiritual practitioner, the way to go is- Meditation + Morality. ( Previously, like many people here I thought it was just meditation) The Dalai Lama meditates 5 hours a day, he dies 7 times (Tukdam) . Then he doesn't go out spreading negativity, but positivity. Then he comes back and again mediates for 5 hours, the cycle repeats. ( He doesn't say this is a dualistic notion so he should spread both love and hate. No, he is one sided here. It is only love and compassion.) And this is what works. The contrary , no matter what people say, doesn't ( Have tried all my life) Good luck harboring bad thoughts to inflate your ego while you meditate 10 hours a day. Not gonna work. You won't have any opening of the heart. It's just suffering all the way. Being humble, having a generous heart and good intent, and meditating is what works. Is what will give you the peace of mind to reach non-dual states (Tukdam) Hate cannot be cut by hate, but only love. Peace. And good luck for your spiritual journey. Barry Kerzin talks about Dalai lama dying 7 times a day and also talks about Tukdam.
  12. I know that . And it connects Moral conduct with meditation. If you are really meditating, then you cannot act out of pure unconscious reaction because your mind is watching. While if you are not in meditation, you can loose your peace of mind and become violent etc which is what happens to people. So it's connected and one helps the other. I am just emphasizing both the facets of this equation. While in Osho's books only one side is more emphasized. Like right now I am watching my own mind, I see a range of emotions as opposed to if I acted without any mindfulness. And at the same time my moral discipline can protect me from having a lifestyle where such negative thoughts is encourage in my mind. which gives the ground for higher spiritual states of no duality.
  13. I agree. "So when you turn inward who is going to be there to sin? One can be a devil there entire life and still wake up - but to do that they need to stop being a devil long enough to awaken to Truth." Yup, that's what I was also saying.
  14. Of course, it's all about transcendence. Sheel is not the goal. Pragya is.
  15. I think morality , and positivity, is mainly for calming the mind, as opposed to meditating with psychologically harmful behaviour, from there one can have the mental ground to realize non-daulity. Of course, everyone starts with duality, but when choosing duality, one should choose the one that makes you calm, and eliminates agitation, from there the realm of positive and negative is removed and one reaches non-duality. That's what I am saying. So this doesn't mean it is not a truth seeking mode. It is. It is just choosing one duality and slowly moving towards nothingness.
  16. I am not. How many times should I go on? You first need to understand what I am saying. This is like the basics of buddhism, and you are saying I should go to the drawing board smh. I am saying practice sheel. I am saying destroy dualities. Now if you cannot understand this then it is your problem. If you understand this, it can lead to spiritual progress and peace.
  17. Sure, Then we have nothing to disagree. That is exactly what I am saying. What you are saying all alighns to the concept of Sheel + Samdhi.
  18. I agree that we have to destroy duality. (12th time) So what are you disagreeing?
  19. Yes, from the top down , at the highest level, of course this is the truth. But I am talking from the ground level. Which means, you cannot be immoral, and practice meditation and make progress. At the highest level, there is no morality.
  20. I am saying the same thing that you are saying. In higher states there is no duality. It's the same thing. For the 11th time I am writing this.
  21. Sorry but the psychologists ( Who write papers on- do x y z to feel good / conduct research on buddhism/ happiness) and my life experiences disagree. But your point is also valid. Different things work for different people. It's not about labelling peope as good or bad, but basically seeking the truth. Well, if people are violent or have bad thoughts because it is out of their control, it's okay, I am not saying they are bad or good people. I am saying it doesn't help their meditation. Yes, Osho was famous for not judging people, and that's good. All I am saying is such thoughts/actions (and doing nothing about it) do not corresspond to well being in the psychological sense/ buddhist sense, it's opposite to a peaceful mind so has hard time making progress in meditation. Hate does not go away by hate, but love.
  22. No, my goal is to discover the truth. But to discover the truth I don't do that by becoming immoral, I do that by becoming moral, that is what gives me well being at a ground level and I can work upward with practices. For the 10th time I am writing- Good conduct + Meditation.
  23. These are not rules bro. These are psychological facts. There are behaviors which if you did , will have higher chances of your well being compared to other behaviors. Note - I am saying higher chance. And these are not rules. These are what I have discovered actually is beneficial for mental health ( reading psychology), which happens to be the same as morality of buddhism.