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About RunningWater

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  1. Also please don't have it at youtube, they serve it cold and incomplete
  2. Everyone should have a Dinner with André ! Including you. I'm aware of the presence of a movie section but this is just a Dinner. Here's a tasty sample : Now go grab the whole meal and don't forget the dessert. Bon appetite
  3. Here is the way i see the daily Islamic ritual : First things first; It is called "Salat", it is always thought of and translated as "prayer" and it's absolutely not ! The Word Salat in Arabic comes from the root word "Sila" which means connection, So then the daily ritual is called Iqamat Al salat which literally means "Establishing the connection". What you basically do during Salat is that you disconnect yourself from the illusion and reconnect yourself with the absolute, of course if it's done mindlessly it will just be another burden on you. Imagine if you do meditation only because someone forced you to, you would just sit thru it and then wrap it up as soon as you hit the minimum 5 minutes let's say and go about your day. It becomes absurd. Ritual of any sort, whether it is yoga, Salat or any other form is meant to create a distinction between your everyday life activities and your spiritual activities, it has to have defined rules, defined postures and mouvements, it is built this way to create the distinction in your physical body as well as in your mind. It is not the form of the ritual that will bring you the benefits, it is not the way you sit during yoga or whatever that will raise you to enlightenment, but it's rather how deeply you are performing it, how conscious you are while doing it. The ultimate yoga practice or meditative state is total dissolution in the absolute. You're doing it so well that it's effortless, therefore you become it, you cease to exist as an ego. All of what remains is meditation, or mouvement, or Yoga which actually means Union. Salat is no different buddy, it's about achieving total union. It is that by definition, start seeing it as what it is, not at how society see's it. Because most people have no idea what it actually is. You can use it as an anchor point too, a tool for structuring your day. Notice how it is related to time also. Dawn / Noon / Mid-afternoon / Sunset and then just before sleep. It can help you maintain focus throughout your journey. It is a pause from life and a constant reminder that it's only an illusion, a game. The real deal feels like heaven man, you become weightless, you become nothing. And that's what surrendering means. Meditate on this quote from Rumi : "O wise and smart ones! It is beyond the reach of the intellect to understand the union with Allah in prayer. It can only be understood by sacrificing the intellect for the Dearest and reviving the heart."
  4. Great story! This shows how blind the fundamentalists are. A great way to channel masculin energy too
  5. The word Jihad comes from the root Juhd which means effort, so Jihad means : to put maximum effort. Arabic is a complexe language, There is another word for fighting, But Jihad is more accurate because it implies transcending ones weaknesses In Islam there are two types of Jihad, Al jihad al akbar which means The greater Jihad, and then Al jihad al asghar which means the little or the "lesser" Jihad, The first greater one is Called Jihad al nafs which means literally : Fighting the ego. Here is a quote by a great Muslim scholar called Al Ghazali : “Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then you will be read to fight the enemy you can see.” As i said earlier in the hierarchy of value, The lesser jihad is only to defend yourself from the enemy. But the real deal is when the enemy is your own self.
  6. To whom ever posted this thread : You are already it, if you kill yourself you will remain it, there is nothing more to understand, this is it. You are already absolute infinity, all of what you have to do is just to be aware of it, you think that being requires ultimate effort and ultimate sacrifice. It doesn't, in fact it requires not a single effort, it's nothing. Your are nothing, weightless. yet you experiences everything, all is there to do is to enhance your experience of the eternal now, and that again requires no effort, you just surrender to the wave. You just allow yourself to be a vehicule, and you let the energy of life flow freely through you. Enhance your experience by more life and leave death to naturally wrap your story. Peace and love to you
  7. Why is everyone all so serious around here ? The essence of spirituality is fun and jokes. Enlightenment people ! Drop off your burdens my friends, Be delighted, be lighted.
  8. How do we evaluate and using which mechanisms of logic do we validate or discard the presented reality? The answer is that we don't, we can't there is no separation between being and it's evaluation, You are yourself precisely as a consequence of evaluation. You cannot exist if these two elements were separable, When one thing becomes the mirror of the other unity emerges. By evaluation here i mean the broader and more abstract form of it, the way we see that life is a series of decisions based on making distinctions, And evaluation is the process of arbitrarily putting labels of descriptive information and value on nothing. You think it's only being and you've made and evaluation, You think it's all evaluation and you've made a mistake. You're neither, God is in a category of it's own he slips from nothingness by being no thing and in the same time slips from everything by also being no thing. That is the only category Get a grip on the real world Throw a rock at your stagnant self, Announce the revolution. What are you but transformation ? Collect yourself and remember That without aim you are all potential yet none And that with one you become one. You think you see the rose? You are the rose You think you are the rose ? You're nothing, an after glow A Fragrence There is only the rose Blooming expression.