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Everything posted by Flowerfaeiry

  1. After many many years of just not getting it I finally figured out what the ego is. This has been a huge missing piece in my spiritual development and once I learned, I was really able to start living more fully from my heart. The ego is simply the false self. And the piece that made me really “get it” is understanding that the ego masks *fully and completely* as the real self. To the point that we can’t tell the difference. They seem literally identical. Something about understanding that made me be like “ohh, now I can finally get down to the nitty gritty and start to figure out what my True Self really is vs. my ego self”. Maybe this will help you if you just haven’t really “gotten it” in terms of what the ego is or if this is old news to you too, lemme know how you finally “figured it out.”
  2. I don’t see I like that. I believe there is only God AND This. E v e r y t h i n g comes from Source.
  3. This is the only right answer
  4. Real=truth. False=delusion. You create the criteria and decide which is true or real. Mostly my ego
  5. you have to understand that God is all of “this” too though.
  6. Depending on what you mean by “too high” I will sometimes just give into it all. Which for me means becoming absolutely paranoid and terrified of everything in my life but then I come back and realize it’s not all so bad after all.
  7. Hey I agree with that. Nothing wrong with creating a healthy ego
  8. God chose to materialize otherwise there would be nothing. How else would you describe it
  9. Your soul chose to materialize for some reason. God doesn’t make mistakes.
  10. it doesn’t matter how many psychedelics you’ve done or how many hours you’ve meditated or how many self help books you’ve read. What matters is how deeply and fully you can love. And sure those things can help you reach higher levels of love. They can also create a monster of an ego. And it’s very difficult to tell the difference between the heart and the ego, because the ego is so so good at masking as True Self. We have to continually bring ourselves back to higher states of consciousness. Goodness, love, joy.
  11. @BlueOak absolutely. AND there is something to be said about states of joy and loving kindness and their importance in the higher evolution of our species.
  12. @theleelajoker You can absolutely make a difference between real and false self. And no, there really is something to “figuring it out”.
  13. I’m not really entirely sure what you’re saying but yeah this didn’t change my mind.
  14. @ChrisZoZo wrong about which part. Something special?
  15. I would say a lot of it is in your felt experience. You feel like there is more to this existence for a reason probably, right? Maybe there’s nothing to it, maybe there is! I’ve personally always felt like there was something “more” probably much of that was due to my religious upbringing and then later on psychedelics sort of “told” me there was more…but lately I’ve been going through a faith crisis and realizing that much of what I believed was unconsciously just due to what I’d been taught by my parents and society. But I still deep down feel like there’s something special here so I’m going deeper so that my faith is based in something more real.
  16. @UnbornTao I would say there’s more to understanding real and true self beyond intellectual understanding
  17. @Ishanga I read that book a long time ago and still don’t get it after that. Probably confused me more haha but I feel like I would really get something out of it now
  18. @LifeEnjoyer I’m not a master in this subject but yes I think the ego is a construction. What are you trying to understand? For me learning about the ego has helped me live a more heart-centered and loving life because I’ve been able to distinguish between the two. You have to understand that this is nuanced, because while yes we are all living in a construct, we are also made of the divine unseen All. Everything comes from that Source and “good and bad”, ego and heart, are all divine. What are you trying to figure out by learning about the ego? For me I wanted to learn about the ego so I could be more loving because I saw that my ego was not as loving as my heart. And yes, all is love, AND there are distinguishing qualities of living in love vs. living in fear.
  19. Bro of course. To be completely without ego is to be dead
  20. I wasn’t talking about the dreaming part.
  21. Well it’s a nice way to look at things but it’s not technically true