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Everything posted by Flowerfaeiry

  1. @VeganAwake Example: when I first began to learn more about this work I kept wanting to always be in that place of knowing, so I would default to pretending when things weren't flowing, because I knew the state I wanted to be in, but wasn't advanced enough on the path to act that way. I would try to mindset my way there but that just resulted in the pretending. I first read about pretending in Remember, Be Here Now, where he has a quote that says something like, "they can always tell you're pretending" and boy that stuck with me haha.
  2. You can't really just stop pretending through your mindset. You have to over time build to that point.
  3. @Farnaby definitely not bad to focus on health. I just think it's an interesting aspect that can come into play during a health journey. Thanks for the response
  4. Hmm maybe dont get too caught up in analyzing the feelings
  5. There is one called "Women Who Run With the Wolves" that is about the female hero's journey.
  6. It sounds like you found a good one, I too have recently had success with my now therapist, after trying many. She is a psychotherapist who specializes in contemplative psychology and she always asks me such good questions to get me thinking. She is very professional, never talks about herself and takes her job seriously. I think after a time though, therapy can be a crutch, and that we shouldn't be in therapy forever.
  7. I think it goes full circle. Play IS serious business. Ever watch children play? It is a very serious endeavor for them. They become very focused, involved, enveloped in the experience.
  8. The world most needs love. My life purpose is using my love of creative expression to help others discover their unique gifts. I am sticking my neck out for my business, for my creations, for my performances. I am creating what I am because I want to live a life that I am passionate about and that contributes positively to the people around me. The most important thing to do in the world is to love. Thank you for your questions.
  9. Hands down, Leo's Life Purpose Course. There are many books I've read and courses I have been to that have shifted my perspective and helped me grow on this path, but the Life Purpose course showed me how to find my values. This has given me a base from which the rest of my personal development has flowed. Before, I was all over the place and things didn't really click for me when it came to having a direction. I knew I had a life purpose but had no idea how to discover it, and that was causing me a lot of suffering. I still suffer a lot now, haha, but things are different now, I have a track that I am on.
  10. @Nahm wow that is beautiful ♥️
  11. During a beautiful two gram mushroom trip last night I felt called to draw. I'm not a big visual artist, but in the last few preceding days have felt called to put writing utensil to paper and just create. The mushrooms intensified this experience and I sat for some time drawing and just followed the call. I noticed judgement continually creep in telling me all sorts of things to stop, that I'm not good, it's not worth it, I don't know what I'm doing, that my creation is stupid. But I didn't give in, and continually sent myself love and just drew. During this time God kept telling me to: create without apologies. It doesn't need to be perfect, it doesn't need to be just right, I don't need to be "perfectly aligned" to make art and that the creation itself is just so important. I love this lesson so much. In this age when we have so much information and entertainment at our fingertips it becomes so easy to just consume, consume consume, endless amounts of content. Creation doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to feel like it aligns with your soul or is your life purpose. Sometimes its important to just create, create without apologies.
  12. @mandyjw thank you for reading
  13. MDMA for me is a very social drug. I don't like doing it alone and whenever I have I find myself going out or calling a friend. This is not to discourage you at all, just be prepared to find some humans to talk with
  14. Ok, makes sense. Thank you for sharing
  15. @Angelite I'm curious, does this approach prevent you from creating then?
  16. @Nahm thank you for your comment and for reading ♥️ @Angelite ? Maybe you will let yourself try it sometime
  17. @aklacor727 thank you much!
  18. @Angelite I was going to, thank you for the reminder: ) it contains words that relate to some of my strengths, such as appreciating beauty, creativity and curiosity.
  19. Personally I don't recommend protein powders as a regular thing. They are okay occasionally but they are all processed food product for the most part. Some people put beans directly in their smoothies. Pea protein is a thing people like but I still don't feel super great about it as its highly processed. I like to put nut butter in my smoothies sometimes but don't do that all the time as I have read that aerated fats are not good in the body. Try to go for a protein powder that has as few ingredients as possible.
  20. You're off to a good start and asking some of the right questions. In my experience, finding the optimal diet seems to be a personal thing that you discover through trial and error. There is SO much conflicting information out there. Aside from all the bullshit I can say that getting food as local and as fresh as possible is one pretty solid principle. Farmers markets are great if you have any near you.
  21. @Jed Vassallo holy cow! That is intense. It's good you weren't traumatized or anything. Thank you for sharing.
  22. I have had two dreams with Leo in them. Both of them had the theme of me going into his house, or seeing his daily life, and having the realization that not even he has his life together. I'm pretty sure that was me realizing that I had idolized him thinking he was so perfect, forgetting that he is a human with flaws as well. Which is something I do with teachers or people I look up to.
  23. @The Lucid Dreamer My grandpa died and then came back to life and he had no experience. My family says that when my great-grandpa died he saw angels and a lot of light. They were catholic.