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Everything posted by MarkusSweden
Yes, please stop reproducing. Bringing people to the world is imposing your choices on others. Our way of life has produced throughout history, continue producing now, and will continue to produce in the future a world of conflict, violence, disease, lack, and suffering of all kinds, unless we make some radical changes. The first change we should make is to stop having children. We are slaves, although most people don't know it. Let us stop supplying the slave masters with more slaves. All people born into the world suffer and are exploited in the world. Does society, or individuals, really have the right to bring, for the benefit of themselves or of society, new members of society, even if this act will cause the new members of society much suffering? I don't believe so. We should not do this to our children. We should not give them life and force them, in all likelihood, to experience against their will: physical pain, injury, disease; emotional pain, despair, frustration, disappointment, heart break; bullying, abuse, ridicule, lack, and other negative or painful trials through no fault of their own, given that life is not fair. In summary, neither individuals, nor society, have the right to bring new souls to this world, because in all likelihood, those new souls will have to suffer much as a result. Thanks for listening. /Makus
MarkusSweden replied to Itay Spiegel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
As I understand it, even duality is within the absolute. Duality is nothing more then a subset within absolute reality aka non duality. Impossible for mind to grasp, but I think I have heard Leo say this. But the realisation of this is outside of the (analytical) mind Off topic, I respect your decision yesterday, I just wanted to say that I took that information from Stefan Molyneux, who is somewhat a respected philosopher on youtube, he talks sometimes about races and differences, how every race has weaknesses and strenghts. But maybe I shouldn't trust everything I hear. Now I explained at least, that's the important thing. I'm the least racist person one can imagine. Btw, I can't send PM's since a month back or so, do you know what that is about. I can answer PM's though. -
Yup, Leo's excluded, that's another league. But are there more people like him, or what do you mean with "the likes"? I thought he was the only one, except for the legends like Osho, Sadhguru and Eckhart, but those people only cover the absolute perspective, no big picture teachings, what's going on in the relative realm is important as well. I thought Leo was the only guy in this field.
Maybe, not anything that I'm aware of, I might do it subconsciously though.
@Leo Gura The very first time I saw JP, I noticed that he had something to say, something important. This first time I saw him was a lecture on the web that a friend told me about. He wasn't mediocre I've notice, he had some energy and aura about him. But I immediately noticed he was somewhat overly emotional. Not perfectly balanced. And little bit later I noticed he wasn't that sharp, or rather he wasn't a good at holistic- and system thinking. He is sharp, I let him have that, but not brilliant, nothing he says come out as contents of a genius. Why this hype. I mean, I would loved to have him as a teacher in my school, growing up, but a hero to follow on youtube??? What's up with young guys today? They seem to see a hero in JP.
Don't talk with me about nervous butterflies, I lost my virgin at 23 years of age because of them, I wanted to make sure I was perfect even the first time. When girls fall in love with me, I didn't want to sleep with them for fear of changing the idealised picture that they had of me. Now, that is some fear and vain right there. You can't be perfect at the very beginning, no one can. Looking back, I would love if someone told me it's ok to fuck up.
No, I'm not, I suck at debates. I know you are good at debates, that's mind activity, and you are drawn towards the mind all the time. Me? Well, I'm drawn towards awareness and consciousness, hence I'm not good at debating, nor do I enjoy debates. The only things that is fake in your profile picture are the two hearts, but you are truly a monkey, a school example of a monkey mind.
No, see my other answer above.
@Feel Good Come on, he's a young guy asking a girl out. That means the world to a young man, it's natural that you don't feel confident the first time. We should be more positive I think!
@KenDo Let's say I have a crush on her as well. I would just go with my feelings and excitement and see what happens. If I mess up, that could be great fun, I would laugh, and eventually she might be more turned on to see my relaxed attitude after messing up, then if I had played my cards perfect. You on the other hand, you like to make sure it becomes 'perfect', you want to prepare, HOW BORING. Who do you think would get the girl? Girls like spontaneous guys, open guys, don't bother about messing up. Allow it to happen, and you will get that girl! And don't ever call yourself 'idiot', and you shyness can you work upon. Remember that if you shy, you have a possibility to be brave, and girls like brave guys. Just walk up to her and ask her out even if you don't dare to do it. Also, many shy guys turn out to be too cocky later in life, they get an over confident persona, that is not attractive at all. Confidence is just letting out emotions and intuitions without second thoughts about them, no need to feel better or worse than others. Below is two down to earth guys, also the two best players of all time in the game of tennis, watch this clip and realise nothing has to be taking too serious, if it goes wrong, LAUGH AT IT. Be the easygoing low key kind of guy and the girl will go crazy about you, and if she doesn't someone else will. There are MANY girls out there. Sorry for bad English, my English is just as bad as Nadal's in the video below.
MarkusSweden replied to MrDmitriiV's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, I am. But that's what you do when comparing groups. At an individual level it can be another story. Obama is probably smarter then both of us. At least smarter the me. -
MarkusSweden replied to MrDmitriiV's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"Blindly" is the key word here. To say that blacks are stupid compare to whites in general is not a racist claim at all. It's just a simple fact supported by empirical and scientific research. However, there are bigger differences between individuals then between groups, so there is no way to tell who's the smarter one between a random black and a random white. But as groups, it's fair to say that blacks simply are a lot more stupid then whites on average. AND THAT IS NOT A RASIST CLAIM WHAT SO EVER, JUST A SIMPLE FACT. -
Truth is something very easy for every human to access. It's so simple and obvious that it actually takes hard work and dedication not to realise "truth", which is nothing more then a deep existential connection and involvement with life in a happy and peaceful way Have societies build a system that prevent us to see that? The very construction of society needs you to transcend your love and become afraid and egotistical. Those are the required traits in order to fit in or adapt. You can't really penetrate or have traction on society without those traits. Here's what some respectable people in the fields of spirituality, science and art have to say about it. Leo Gura - "30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass" (link below) Mooji - "It's almost as the entire human race freely eat depression pills" (this was a statement regarding how most people in societies live there lives) Eckhart Tolle - Eckhart got the question - " Are we judging if we say that society are toxic and crazy?" Answer: "No!" Osho - "No society want you to become wise, it's against the investment of all societies, if people are wise, they can not be exploited" Einstein - "“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” (He referring to how people in societies acts) Janis Joplin - "They laughed me out of town, they laughed me out of texas" (Respond to her dedication for love and truth trough music) Bob Dylan - "They viewed me certainly not as a sing/song writer, I was more like a kind of threat to society in some kind of way" (Regarding the discrepancy between how he viewed himself and the societies view of him. His fans loves him for the truths they believe are to find in his lyrics/songs which also result in noble price for 2016.) These are just a FEW tiny examples. Are societies afraid of truth, wisdom and enlightened people? Regards Markus
MarkusSweden replied to MsNobody's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A piece of art if you ask me. Beautiful, great sound, very scary and very true. -
@Leo-Tzu Parents.
MarkusSweden replied to MrDmitriiV's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
They are fools not knowing it, just as all famous intellectuals are and always have been. There is no possibility to have a position as JP if you really have something to say.. -
Thanks for telling. I'll better continue with a sitter, or folding up to ten and quit it all together! Feels like it's too scary to do on my own, I don't yet wanna DIE..
Nothing wrong with regular masturbations, but in the quest for the perfect orgasm I would like to try choke-jerking. I've never done it, and I don't like to hurt myself. In case that something goes wrong, if I'm cutting off my air supply too much or something, is it a good idea to have a "jerk sitter" that observe me and make sure that everything unfolds in a proper way? If I enjoy it, I will probably learn how to do it in a safety way after a few times. But initially, let's say the first five times or so, should I have a "jerk sitter" with me? Although, I have to admit I feel awkward contemplating the idea to have a friend looking after me in a context likt that, but safety first I guess.. Thanks.
Seriously? You're not kidding me? Man, you scare me, I use choking equipment, not just hands, if I'll pass out, i'll probably die..
MarkusSweden replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
MarkusSweden replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hehe, guess it is. Thanks for the pedagogical point you made in my other thread btw. The metaphor with the screen and the movie really hits home so often. -
Why is it so impossible to formulate what consciousness is with help of the (analytical) mind. I end up with 'nothingness' as the best description of what consciousness is. Consciousness doesn't impress me from the analytical mind's point of view. And really, if some authority in spirituality, art or science would like to fool me and say that consciousness doesn't exist using good persuasive arguments, I would probably let myself be influenced by those arguments, and I might think to myself.. That's one side of the coin. Other times, often when I contemplating spontaneously, often when I am all alone, maybe I'm running in the forrest or do some other activity, or when I just do nothing at all. Anyway, then it might happen, I'm become strucked with my own intuition, and I go something like.. Now, mind and intuition have kind of polar opposite take on consciousness, one side(mind) might even not admit that there is something as consciousness/awareness, where as the other side, the intuitive side, can go crazy about consciousness, and recall it as something infinitely mysterious, something truly Godly. Two different takes on the same subject to say the least, why is that do you think? Is mind too stupid to grasp what consciousness is, or is the intuitive side of me too naive, maybe it even fool myself completely?
very good, how long have you been a vegan?
I did an experiment on myself.. I'm not very easily influenced by others. I always been the kind of guy that thinks independently of others. I always use to think for myself. It gave me lot of happiness. It also gave me a great quality of not judging others, that is one great privilege when you think on your own, you become tolerant without judgements(even though you perfectly well detect incoherent thoughts, but you are enjoyed by them rather then judging them) This quote explains me, or who I use to be rather.. "It's a mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought that he completely disagree with" That was me, no thoughts could provoke me or cause me to judge. This was great of course. Just as the happiness it gave me was great. However, I noticed that I slowly become an outcast, not that I suffered from that, I love life in solitude. But I was curious why I didn't fit in, why I couldn't be a part of the herd so to speak. So I decided to make an experiment(which I regret), because, since I was very balanced and free thinking I couldn't buy or believe in any doctrine, culture, norm, ideology or any other content of thoughts that didn't come from myself(since I was in contact with truth) But I wasn't in war with any herd or opinions floating around in society, I was entertained by the thoughts, at the same time I realise that the thought and opinions didn't represent objective or absolute truths in any way, far from. Anyway, if I would ever to have the experience of being FULLY a part of a community, a herd, a society, instead of a detached observer I somehow had to smash my inner calibrated crystal clear thought/awareness apparatus into pieces and accept what people tell me, not just be entertained. And not just accept, but fully believe what people tell me. I give it a shot to end my individual consciousness and unique personality traits in order to fully be absorbed in the collective consciousness, to become a normie, I wanted to have first hand experience how it was to be a 'normie' one could say. So I started to fool myself to accept what authorities and other well integrated people in the herd/society was telling me. I manipulated me into accepting what they told me as truths. Extreamly risky experiment. But I wanted to understand why people don't think for themselves, and how it is like to be brainwashed. Which I haven't been due to my nature since child. I thought that I can't know anything about humanity if I haven't been in the shoes that 95% of all humans are, namely being brainwashed according to the present paradigm/narrative. I had to had first hand experience. But I couldn't be like others, I couldn't experience what it was like to be mediocre and a normie that thinks and functions as the majority in the society does. But I succeed in becoming enough stupid to just accept what people told me as truths. And here's the problem. If you told me now that family life is the goal of life that everybody should aim for I might go with that and start a new thread on the importance of breeding. To me I never wanted to fit in, but I wanted to be able to see if I could, or what it takes to fit in. I wanted first hand experience as I said. I've aways considered me as a guy with capability to abstract and clear independent thinking. And that had to go in order to fit in. But even though I just accept whatever people say to me in order to come closer to the collective consciousness, in order to fit in, I failed big time, except I succeed in being stupid, but no closer to the herd, still as much of an outsider. Normies know some kind of secrets I can't have or understand apparently, an access to a realm of mind I never will experience, although I tried my hardest. Ironic huh? But that's probably the background to your question, this is why you've seen posting two contradicting threads..
MarkusSweden replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Best meme ever!