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Everything posted by MarkusSweden

  1. No souls that is? How is Finland these days btw? Pratar du svenska förresten? ?
  2. @cirkussmile Thank you! Great answer! I feel like I let my family down, since they don't understand. I love them of course, But I like freedom more. Freedom from being/pretend to be a person. Was it difficult for you before you end ties to your family? Any idea how to do This in a good way, to hurt them the least? I just want to "disappear", But thats not the best way I guess, you should explain yourself, right? Like explain why you leave. But Then again, explanation will not be understod, and after all, you can't really discribe the truth and love we long for in words anyway. It might be better to just disappear? It's tricky, what would you suggest? Regards, Markus
  3. My view is that awakening is companied with a high degree of naivity. I was infinite naive I found out when I was fully enlightened. Because, true nature feels so unbelievable obvious, that you can't imagine anyone not being enlightened. It becomes so utterly obvious how meningless it is to live un order to fullfill your ego, not only meningless, but infinite energy draining as well. And you see That's true for everyone, it's the most easy thing to detect and understand. Yet peoole don't get it. Once enlightened, you like to share insights, love and energy. You like to live for others! I even thought people were joking or played some irony out when they acted egotistical, I couldn't figure out why they acted instead of being their true identity, guided by intuition and curiosity. I though Everyone knowed their true nature, it was imposible to imagine anything else. But sadly, people don't know themselves, and society prevents them from ever finding out! With enlightenment you forgot how insanely mad society and people are. Because you rest in sanity. And you can't help But projecting that sane understanding upon society and other people aka you beeing highly naive. Plese elaborate on This Pluto! ?
  4. Group psychology is a strange phenomenon. Any group, even spiritual ones(like Osho's community) suffer from greed, power struggles, hirachy, popularity issues, etcetera. Seem like some kind of animal instinct kick in when people find themselves in a group. To be approved of becomes insanely important. And people like to flatrering the leader in order to gain popularity. Lets face som Sad facts here.. There is no such thing as a completely healthy group, at least Not from a spiritual enlightenment perspective. How about a hypothetical scenario. If there was a group that consisted of nothing But clones of you, let us say a houndered of them, living close together. Would that group work idealistic? Would it be an utopian group, one of its kind? Or like any other conventional group with similar downsides as all other groups, with the same traits and issues? I would like to think that a group with only "MarkusSwedes" would be an idealistic perfect group without any flaws. ? But That's an naive assumption Maybe? How would group psychology work within a group with only a multiple of "you"? Please elaborate! ?
  5. @SgtPepper what a great answer, pedagogic as Well, Thank you !
  6. @molosku I will not Thank you, But I give you credit for a good laugh! ?
  7. @pluto A little bit of topic, But I Love you man! Everything you post has originality and breaths "plutoness". You never seem to parroting others. You are insightful But without fake humbleness. Love how you stated that you've helped so many people! ? I also believe many so called conspiracies are true, like 9/11, the JQ, a lot of false flags conspiracis regarding what start nearly every war. Official explantations to these mentioned above don't Held up. However, many are false as Well, like the moon landning, flat earth etcetera. Moon landning is pretty damn impressive, I can see how conspiracy Theories start evolve from that, But truth is that we indeed landed there -69, how amazing isn't that? ?
  8. I fully understand that I'm not the body, and that we "invent" a person to be out of social conditioning aka ego. So far I've only experimented with mushrooms, and my ego melted away, I could fully look at "my" body completely detached, like I watched/contemplated some objektive thing, I could see all the flaws of the bodymind without any identifikation with it, truly liberated. However, even though I fully become aware that I'm not the bodymind that took the scrooms, I felt I was still something, like some sort of individuality. And since I'm into to a certain type of cosmology that advocate that although we're not an ego that came to be in a certain body and Then dies with it when the body goes down, we are instead all eternal individuals with different developed skills and talents which we constantly improve on by every life we temporarilly live. Is This compatible with your teaching and nonduality? To me This makes sence, although all is one at its final analysis. Think about it, lets ponder compassion, a highly complex trait/feeling, yet some seem to have a very finetune and developed capacity for compassion at very young age, while others never manage to Carry out any such capacity throughout an entire lifetime. Could it be that we all are going to manage a high level capacity for compassion and other appreciated traits in the end? But that we are at different stages because what we as "individual units" have learned throughout pervious lifetimes aka reincarnation? According to the particular cosmology that resonates with me, we are all the same in terms of what it is that experience, it is always one and the same awareness in each of us that experience whatever we experience, no individuality in that regards. Rather what distinguish us as individuals are that we all have a set of "talent kernals" developed according to what we faced in our eternal Journey so far, and the work we have Done throughout our multiple lives. Thus we are at different levels. Some have very high intuition for Love, beauty, compassion etcetera. This also would be very fair(if it's true), that means people are not randomly lucky to be conpassionate and hence popular, but they rather deserve it because of work and crises in previous lives. To sum it up, the cosmology I refer to only suggest one consciousness(nonduality). It's only the one and same awareness that experience everything through us. But there is an individual aspect as Well, we have different capacities and potential depending how developed out "talent kernals" are, which depends on how we lived and struggled to become better peoples in previous lives. Is This something that can be true? Or do we live in a more strictly nondual realm where any Idea of any individual agent makes no sence? What do you think? I would like Leo's response, but I would Love to hear any other response as Well, please give your opinions on This topic. ?
  9. I know, the unchanging is the atman. Atman is always the same as Brahman aka the same infinite and impersonal consciousness. But your particular atman improves according to your accumulated life experiences and work, your potential for compassion for exemple grows accordingly. (Individuality) But "your" consciousness stays the same, as it does for all others. We are never anything other Then the same impersonal infinite consciousness, all Altmans=Brahman aka nonduality(all is one) you see what I'm saying here?
  10. I'm a happy goy for the most part, great friends and girlfriend. I can talk to them about everything just as I can talk about everything here, at this great forum. Except one thing! I can't speak about my political views, not with any friend, not here. This makes me frustrated. I'm a typical alt right type of person. I feel angry when no one wants to listening to what bothers me the most. Soon the demoralisation face over, no more pride and dignity left to destroy in the western world, and then they will start to destabilize our countries full scale. The NWO start to shape. (((They))) know what they do. I just desperately need to talk, but I know I must keep it to my self, truth is not allowed. You can mention everything, but you can't mention the "JQ" How to keep all my knowledge to my self and be quit about it, when all I want to do is to scream so that everybody can hear. Any tip?
  11. True! You're comments are always calm and collected, and rings true to me! Are you able to live these words of you on your day to day mundane life?
  12. You are are right! From an infinite perspective(non dual consciousness) there are no things. But they exists, so where are they? Truth is impossible to mention, to even call it truth might be wrong. But if there is anything as truth, it's prior to "oneness" and "duality" It's even prior to consciousness, because consciousness only means something in relation to something other aka "I'm conscious of this object" We are left to see that we can't really say anything about what truly is. I like the quote from Bob Dylan were he say "All the truths in the world add up to one big lie"
  13. Prab, you think this goes for any age? Could you still be 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 and still live rebelliously you think? Sometimes I think it's for the youngster to adopt this kind of lifestyle. Otherwise you end up as a bohemian?
  14. @Applejuice It's important to understand that it's ok to commit suicide though. It can be a stressful thing to carry if you have thoughts that it is wrong! Remember, you are free! You can't be happy until you understand that. Paradoxically, when you understand that you are free and perfectly allowed to commit suicide, then that option often falls away. The same with ego. When people think they are a solid self, then comes responsibility, and often what follows is that you don't take responsibility, since it's viewed as a burdon or a fear of screwing up. On a contrary, when you understand that there are no responsibility or a self, then "you" often start acting responsible.
  15. Why questions only make sense from a dualistic point of view
  16. They are influenced by Kabbalah. At least they were.
  17. True, but you are referring to step 2 when pure consciousness has grown into the body already. A child totally alone manage to enter step 2. But prior to that, when it's in the women's womb, it goes from pure consciousness to gradually limiting the infinite consciousness and grow it inte the body. According to Vetavadism that is.
  18. According to the mystic tradition of Vetavadism in Papua Nya Guinea life is a cycle in 5 steps! Is this accurate? 1. You enter into this world as pure infinite consciousness. (In the womb) 2. You learn how to enter the body, and then the process of becoming a person begins when you are being born(leaving the womb) which is encouraged by the society. Finally you grow up become a solid person with many traits typical for you, opinions, sense of humour, interests, sexual preferences etcetera. 3. You start to unbecoming the person aka enlightenment, you find out that you are not the thinker of your thought, you don't decide what to feel etcetera. Finally there is no agent, no person there. You are liberated and free, you are individuality instead of personality, thus you are enlightened. 4. You start discover that individuality although you are not a person anymore is still limiting you. You decide to break out from individuality into universality aka physical death. You either are conscious enough to leave your body without doing any harm to it, or you do it by harming yourself(The first way is the one to strive for according to Vetavadism , one should never harm oneself) 5. The cycle repeats itself, universal consciousness(the only consciousness there is) comes back into life in this reality aka step 1.
  19. Yes, but he harm him self, according to the Vetavads, this is not the best way to leave step 4.
  20. He will be in the future. Leo is still relatively young. But he will be top 20 or even top 10 on that list when he have his peak! The enlightenment peak often comes later in life. The peak often comes after 40 years of age. Look at Pope Francis, he is almost 80 and still the most enlightened in the whole world even though he isn't as enlightened as he was 10 years ago when he had his peak. The list is 100% objective so it's a great start to consume the teachings from these people before you go on your own.
  21. Pope Francis, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho and Desmond Tutu are very good as well. All of them are enlightened. Here's a list with the 100 most enlightened beings in the world. The most enlightened man in the world right now is Pope Francis.
  22. Many jews are great! But people don't get the mayor problem if you don't simplify the picture. Few of my hero's are jews as I have mentioned in other threads. I hate ideology, but if I have to pick one, I'll go with Ayn Rand and her objectivism. Truly a great philosopher and jew. Such an integrity and sharpness. Einstein was probably the most spiritual of all scientists in history, absolute truth was an intuitive thing to him. Also great sense of humor and creativity, jewish brilliance. Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen are the musicians I hold highest, both of them are jews. Bobby Fisher is another hero of mine, he's the greatest chess player of all time in my book. Very honest man, compassionate and always spoke the truth no matter the price. Interestingly he often mention the jews role in how the world is divided and conquered in an evil way, despite being a jew himself. Let's leave it there. None of us want this thread or forum to become inflammatory, anyone can seek information for themselves to find out what is true. There is a DEEP rabbit hole to investigate for the dedicate seeker. It's evil and dark beyond imagination, but at least all of that only exist in the relative plane of existence. Not on an absolute plane, and that's what we are interesting in here, the absolute truth. I won't speak more about this topic, unless anyone want to discuss further about it in a PM.
  23. @Outer The thing I like the most about JP is his honesty, it's impressive in this plastic world. Very rare among people in his age with sensitivity and honesty intact. I hope you are right. I know they have a high average IQ! Specially those Ashkenazi Jews!