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Everything posted by MarkusSweden

  1. Those of you who think that cats aren't able to develop 3rd eye, here's a proof they can!
  2. But that wasn't meant to be revealed to the community. My zen devil character suppose to be a secret. Jokes aside, I was just trying to help. I use to be here in order to get enlightened, I opened my heart and mind to the spiritual elite here who helped me to get enlightened, now it's my turn to give back to the community, I am new to helping and coaching, sorry if I'm not so good yet, I try to improve my teaching skills. PM is a thing of integrity, you shouldn't reveal its contents in public. Integrity is a crucial factor in order to get enlightened, and you lack all of it I'm afraid. You are a cute girl though, I liked your photo. You will find what you seek in the end, you have consistency skills which is also a crucial factor. Integrity is easier to learn then consistency. Consistency is more of a talent. Even though you use that consistency energy to fuel your verbal attacks in every thread, you will soon find a better way to canalise that consistency energy, I'm sure. All the best.
  3. Hear hear, you have a point! Agree! I guess I wanted to make a tread about how "human collective consciousness" are very much like a cancer to the "universal, infinite consciousness" And maybe that cancer has to go. However, I have no aversion towards humanity, and there are so many lovable people out there with compassion and high awareness. This wasn't the best thread that I have started, I barely see the point myself..
  4. Maybe you should try some self inquiry to find out in which end the retardedness lies. Truth might sound retarded to the retarded one. Just saying.. Anyway, I would very much like to keep this thread clean from stupid accusations that comes from low awareness. Either you work on your consciousness level or you go to another thread for the arguments that you seek. Thank you. With love and respect, I wish you good luck! Regards /Markus
  5. Amazing how you struggle to cling on to your old ideas. But that's how the ego works. It has strong defence mechanisms. I gotta say it's kinda mind boggling that you don't have the slightest capacity to recall truth when you facing it, your ego switch to argumentation-mode directly, even though you suppose to live in India, at least your profile says so. India with all its spiritual traditions and with great understanding for cows, and you didn't pick up any of that? Disgrace for India to say the least, you should take some teaching lessons with your fellow countryman Prabhaker, a truly modest, low key, easy going man whom I can proudly say has helped me a lot to become enlightened. But let's not have an argument here, I know thats what you looking for, but I have no energy for such things anymore, that belonged to my old paradigm which you are still stucked in. Let's instead canalise our energy into love, enlightenment and respect, understanding for the beautiful animals that live in truth among us. Namaste. *love*
  6. @Saumaya You should go see what @Mikael89 wrote. Nonduality is radical in comparison with your societal brainwash, I know the friction you facing. But there are no shortcuts to enlightenment, you must go through closed doors so to speak and that hurts. I pointed out the time aspect in case of newbies read this thread, because on a surface level it look like my OP question implies time, which it doesn't an cetus, Nahm, Faceless etcetera know this, but others might not. This thread isn't about time, start a new thread if you like to discuss that. This thread is about how humans fail to use her brain in the right way that was given by God, and as a result God will wipe us out of the picture. (And yes, I know God is everything, even the humans, read between the lines)
  7. Watches and clocks are tools for the matrix. The matrix(ego-world) is so crazy and unnatural that we can't navigate in it by pure intuition. The matrix is so bizarre that we need a bunch of gadgets that deceive us in the "right" way, watches and clocks are just a few of them. Then there are calenders, concepts for months, years, weeks etcetera. A bunch of other rules and norms since you can't use your inner enlightened guide to navigate in the matrix. You see how absurd that is? Your inner guide has all of the wisdom, peace, beauty and love in the world. But that's not something you can rely on if you want to fit in to the matrix/society, you need rules and gadgets. And you believe in all of that?? Boy, you're a poor soul, hope you stay here and we will help you, your brainwash goes DEEP if you think time exist. I don't have a watch or a clock, nor do I count days or anything else linked to the so called "time" I live in the now, that's why I'm happy and you aren't! When you find truth you will lose your need to argue and critisise people. Namaste. *love*
  8. One cool thing about the nordic counties is that we have a lot of wild moose here. How awesome that is. And we humans kill those innocent animals, no wonder why God start getting tired of humans. If we want to stay we better learn not to use animals for our purpose, for food. God gaved us a brain big enough to figure this out for ourselves, if we use that gift for egotistical reason and not for figuring out how to live consciously, god will soon wipe us out of his creation. Here's an enlightened moose, what a statue, what a great animal. The king of the Swedish forrest.
  9. @Nahm Thanks Nahm. Love that! The only way you, tsuki, faceless, Prabhaker fool me is that sometimes I think the whole world is as sane as you are! Unfortunately not. But that makes this forum even more important. User Rille told me this forum saved his life, and I start think it has that importance to me too. Here is a great quote and a beautiful sheep. My grandparents use to have sheeps and I loved them.
  10. Yup! And politicians think we are fine but the planet isn't, when it's the other way around. The planet is fine, humans are fucked!
  11. It doesn't exist, ask faceless, Nahm, Leo or Prabhaker. Only the now exists. time is an illusion. Humanity is like a bolt of lightning, even when it's happening, you'll know it will soon all be gone from the present moment. Here is an enlightened cow btw.
  12. WARNING: DON'T READ THIS THREAD IF YOU ARE NOT 100% MENTALLY STABLE First of all, the only thing we ever come in contact with is experience. All there is to life/reality is 'experience' Without experience there is literary nothing. You never come in contact with anything other then experiences. And what can we say about experience? It has to have an experiencer to whom the experience happen. There is no such thing as experience without an 'experiencer' And what can we say about an experiencer? It must find itself in duality. Even if 'you' transcend your 'ego' and feel that you are everything, you still operate in a subject-object reality, otherwise experience is impossible, the differentiation between experience and experiencer is duality And as you know, duality is false. Absolute truth is non-dual. Therefore absolute truth can't be experienced. Absolute truth is like a black spot, a black hole, to speak metaphorically. You can come close to truth, but you can't be it. To reach it or to "experience" it, you must cease to exist, you must cease to experience, therefore it's fair to say that absolute truth doesn't exist at all. Because the statement "To experience absolute truth you must cease to experience" is a CONTRADICTION! Reality consists only of different degrees of lies, that's all there is to reality. Be careful with psychedelics if you're not ready to lose all truth in the world(your illusion that truth exist that is) Experience and the experiencer can meet each other and become one(oneness/truth) in that black spot(where experience cease to be). And that black spot doesn't exist. You see the mindfuck? It's infinitely sad in a way! An endless trap! We're locked into hell(absence of truth) for eternity, God or heaven refers to illusions that suggest otherwise.
  13. @Emerald What happened to your channel, will you make more videos in the future? Love them. Deep honest aura about you.
  14. I'm glad you didn't let it go further. I didn't let go of my last lifelines(illusions) during my trip, but I saw that black hole that was darker then any experience can be. That is darker and infinitely more 'painful'(pain beyond pain) then what any experience can offer. To put it in a comparison.. An eternal hell where we are burned to death every second, yet without dying for all of eternity as we use to imagine hell when we were children would be a paradise in comparison. I had no idea that an absence of something, an absence of truth(call it what you want) could be that dark. A black hold where you rather be burn to death for eternity in that regular imaginary hell over entering that black hole even for a short nanosecond (But no such pleasurable thing as time exist there, neither that hole itself, so the metaphor is broken, but you see what I'm saying) I know from my own experiences that God is infinite love and peace(although illusions). That's good of course, because God is really infinite, nothing less then that. It's just that hell is infinite raised to the power of infinity, infinite number of times. I would have prefer it was the other way around..
  15. Right! To say that truth doesn't exist is to give it too much credit! It's beyond nonexistence in a SCARY way, and I guess it's better left unsaid. Truth is like infinite nonexistent, an infinite contradiction. To simply say truth doesn't exist gives it some sort of neutral quality. Truth is hell in its nonexistent way. Like an infinite inversion of itself.
  16. Well, this come to me during a trip where I wasn't reasoning at all. It was even more horrific then what I can express in a thread, in fact, it was infinite horrific. It was very real.. that if we lose every life line(illusions that is) even for a short millisecond we will be locked up in hell for eternity, an infinite hell for eternity. Man, I will never go near psychedelics again. I have had beautiful experiences as well, precisely those you mention, that everything is true, that truth is everything that is, that was so beautiful, so much love and peace to it. But! That VERY positive experience of resting with God in total bliss wasn't ANYWHERE near the horrific experience I had, that triumph the good experience by infinity. Being God was infinite love, it was too much of positive emotion, yet it can't even be measured compare to the horrific one. If God was infinite, hell was infinite raised to the power of infinity, infinite number of times(to use your metaphor) You see what I'm saying?
  17. Yeah, exactly! 'The truth is, there is no truth' I guess you can call that statement true. (even though it's a semantic play/game)
  18. Look at my edited post above where I mentioned the 'eye'
  19. Can an eye see itself? If absolute truth is nothing but one big eye(metaphor for non duality), you must cease to see in order to 'see' the truth, because there is nothing outside the eye to see, the eye is everything that is, hence a contradiction if you like to 'see' the truth. Silly metaphor because you can't compare experiencing with seeing, seeing is just a subset within the range of experience. But it gives you a clue that you must cease to experience in order to experience truth. Truth is a black hole, that doesn't exist. All there is, are derivatives of the truth(illusion/lies that is). And you can't even say that all there is, are derivatives of truth since truth actually doesn't exist, is nothing.
  20. Haha, thanks man!
  21. I will miss you! Take care beautiful girl! You will have a great future. Hope to see you here again someday! Take care.
  22. Hear hear. I guess Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all dualistic religions. And since truth is non-dualistic one might consider to skip even the good parts. Eastern religions such as buddhism and hinduism are more aline with the absolut truth. They don't recall any thing as 'little self' aka ego. So if one has to choose, you better go with eastern religions as you indicate in OP. Having said that, I like kabbala and sufism(islam) which are the spiritual traditions of those religions..